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Episode 1
Lockpicking 100

Alk and co. head to the shop of Keyana, a lockpick, to open a box they found in some ruins. Keyana rings her magical bell to remove the lock, triggering a trap that suddenly summons monsters. When the party dispatches them, the box transforms into a huge treasure chest. Extremely well compensated for her work, Keyana is thrilled at Alk and co. and asks to work for them full-time.

Nimbus: Wouldn't it be faster to just bust this thing open?

Light: We need to be cautious. A chest from the ruins like this could hold all matter of dangers within it...

Alk: Yeah, that's actually why I plan to have a professional lockpick look at it.

Alk: I think the shop is over this way!

Alk: Hi there. Are you Keyana, by any chance? We have a lock we'd like you to pick for us.

Keyana: Oh, you must be Alk! I heard all about you from Lilie!

Keyana: All right, where's the little fella that needs opening?

Alk: This one right here... What do you think? Can you do it?

Keyana: Hmm, now this is a real peculiar one you've found here... Where'd you pick this up from exactly? The lock is pretty odd.

Keyana: I'm tempted to say it's defective... but hey, that's the Kaleidoscope for you! Never know what you're gonna get!

Light: So, do you think you can open it?

Keyana: Why, of course I can! Leave it to me.

Nimbus: Why exactly do we need to be in the woods to open a little box?

Keyana: Hehe... Just stand back and watch!

Keyana: Ring, ring, ring By the sound of my bell I bid you open up, little lock!

Keyana: Aaand it's unlocked!

Alk: You mean you unlocked it by just ringing a bell?!

Keyana: Hehe, pretty cool, isn't it? With this bell, I can open up any lock I find!

Nimbus: That doesn't seem fair. Can you really call it 'lockpicking' at that point?

Alk: I can't believe it was that easy!

Keyana: Huh? No, no you can't open it yet!

Alk: What?

Keyana: That's why I said to WAIT! I unlocked it, but that doesn't mean I disarmed the traps!

Nimbus: Let's take 'em out, Alk!

Alk: The box transformed into a massive treasure chest?!

Keyana: Wow, you guys are strong!

Light: I see. You brought us outside the town because you foresaw the possibility of danger lurking within the box.

Keyana: Exactly! It's not uncommon for stuff I open to explode, or release deadly gas or something!

Alk: AT that point, I'd rethink my line of work...

Keyana: Haha, it's a tad on the dangerous side, perhaps!

Keyana: Also, when you've got a bell that opens any lock, people tend to be suspicious of you. That's why I try not to use it in Palpebra...

Keyana: I had a guy run into my shop the other day, claiming I had tried to open his strongbox!

Keyana: The nerve of some people...

Alk: That really doesn't sound easy... I don't know how you do it!

Alk: Right, we haven't paid you for your trouble. Would this be enough?

Keyana: Wh-what? That's a LOT of money. Are you sure?

Alk: Yep, Lilie told us that it's best if we give a cut of the treasure we find. This one was a huge haul- you deserve to be compensated!

Nimbus: If it hadn't been for you, we mighta just smashed this thing open. Just take the money!

Keyana: Wow!

Keyana: I can't believe it, I've never gotten this much from a client before... Thank you!

Keyana: All I did was ring my bell, though! Seriously, it was super simple!

Keyana: You guys are THE BEST customers ever!

Keyana: Say, would you guys be willing to hire me?

Alk: You want to work for us full-time?

Keyana: Yes, exactly! If I'm by your side, you'll be able to open any chests you find right on the spot!

Light: We would really appreciate your aid. That being said, ours is a dangerous journey.

Keyana: You don't need to tell me, I was right here when you fought those monsters! I'm no stranger to danger!

Keyana: But forget all that, I just REALLY want to come along with you guys all of a sudden!

Alk: You make decisions very fast, don't you? Hmm, that being said, I don't see any problem with it!

Stella: Me neither. Welcome to the group, Keyana.

Alk: Looking forward to working with you!

Keyana: Thank you!

Keyana: I promise you WON'T regret hiring me!

Episode 2
The Things We Lock Away

Keyana is asked to open some boxes found during a deep-sea salvage mission. When it comes time to open the last box, she hesitates, unable to articulate why she doesn't want to open it. It turns out that the box contains items from an old woman's wedding anniversary 30 years past. Keyana muses to the party about how people also have locks on their own thoughts and feelings.

Keyana: Wow, so this town is really made up entirely of ships?!

Nimbus: So what? It's hardly somethin' to get all riled up about.

Keyana: Yes it is! I've never even SEEN the ocean before, you know! It's massive... This really is a totally different world!

Keyana: I want to explore, but I guess we've got work to do, huh?

Alk: Of course. We're here to open some treasure! This one is for a huge batch I pulled up from the bottom of the sea.

Keyana: Really?

Keyana: These are all from thirty years ago, you say?

Merchant: That's right. The vessel that sank was one of ours- our chairman at the time was actually on board as well.

Merchant: We incurred massive losses from that disaster... But 30 years later, we seem to have found some of the wreckage.

Keyana: The keyhole on this one is completely covered with rust!

Merchant: We thought about forcing them open, but we don't want to damage whatever was inside. Do you think you can open them safely?

Keyana: Of course I can! Just leave it to me!

Keyana: Here we go!

Merchant: Is she using... magic?

Alk: It's so satisfying when they all just pop open on their own like that!

Keyana: Okay, that only leaves this one! The final box.

Keyana: Hmm... I'm sorry, I don't think I can open this one.

Light: What's wrong? Does it have a trap concealed inside it?

Keyana: No, it's not that... How do I put this... I just don't want to open this one.

Merchant: What are you talking about? It's your job to open these!

Keyana: It is, but... I don't know how to put this. It's just... not clicking for me right now!

Merchant: What does that even mean?! Fine, if you won't do it, we'll just break it open.

Merchant: This is OUR property. You'd better not interfere.

Keyana: Of course, I understand that, but... Oh gosh, I don't know how to explain!

Elderly Woman: Oh dear, what seems to be the problem here?

Merchant: Grandmother! Don't worry, it's nothing-

Elderly Woman: That box... Could you show it to me?

Elderly Woman: This...

Keyana: Oh, there it is- something clicked!

Keyana: I'm sorry! I think I can open it now!

Keyana: Ring, ring, ring By the sound of my bell I bid you open up, little lock!

Alk: A necklace... and a letter?

Elderly Woman: Ah... you didn't forget our wedding anniversary after all...

Elderly Woman: But darling, I've gone and become an old woman now... so much time has passed.

Light: A present... from 30 years ago. I'd like to think that she found closure in reading her husband's words.

Alk: Keyana, how did you know there was something special about that box?

Keyana: To tell you the truth, I didn't actually know it was special...

Keyana: I just felt it from the lock, you know? It was telling me that it did NOT want to be opened.

Keyana: It's just like the locks people put on their own hearts, you know?

Stella: People also put locks on themselves?

Keyana: Yeah... You see them from time to time... People who act mean and intimidating... They've locked away their real feelings.

Alk: And can you open those locks too?

Keyana: Hmm... I managed to. Once. A long time ago. But that was terrifying, so I haven't done it since!

Keyana: This power I have... I don't quite get it. I'm pretty sure it's not magic.

Light: It's not?

Keyana: That's right. Someone from the Academy told me. They also warned me to stay away from students, because my power would just cause confusion!

Stella: I think it's a very nice power.

Stella: You made that old lady very happy.

Keyana: Yeah. You might be right... Thank you, Stella!

Keyana: All right, let's get going, everyone! I've got more locks to pick!

Episode 3
The Key to the Heart

Keyana visits the Android Planet and interprets security encryptions to be locked, causing her to be overwhelmed by stimuli and faint. Later, Regis takes her to bypass the security of a specific android. The android lashes out and Regis is about to use force to dispatch him, but Keyana manages to pacify the rampaging droid with words, opening the lock to this heart.

Keyana: Huh?!

Keyana: Wh-where is this place? There's nothing but locks! Locks, locks, locks everywhere!

Light: Are you all right, Keyana?! I don't see a single lock anywhere!

Keyana: B-but, they're right there! There's sparkly ones and chattering ones and-

Keyana: Oh gosh, it's no use, I can't!

Keyana: Wh-where am I?

Alk: Oh thank goodness! You were out cold there...

Regis: No doubt her sensory system overheated. She must have perceived the security encryptions as individual locks, leading to a stimulus overload.

Regis: Sorry about that, missus. The thought didn't occur to me that you might not be compatible with this world.

Keyana: No, it's okay! It just caught me off guard, is all!

Keyana: My head IS still spinning a bit, though...

Keyana: But it doesn't matter! If there are locks there, you bet I'm gonna pick 'em all!

Regis: Excellent, excellent! I like to see that type of passion for the job. Droid or no droid, I respect that.

Regis: So, let's get down to business, why don't we?

Keyana: You'd like me to break though a certain android's security protocol?

Regis: Yes... Unfortunately, some droids still haven't recovered from the bug. We hoped Dia's singing would do the trick, but it doesn't seem to have worked for everyone.

Regis: Very rarely you get some droids that... aren't exactly cooperative. Such as the one you'll be going after.

Alk: Did he consent to being brought back?

Regis: Beats me! I'd love to ask him, but I doubt he'd reply.

Alk: Hmm. Are you sure you're not scheming something up again?

Regis: Haha! What, still don't trust me, Alkie-boy?

Alk: If this weren't a rescue mission, I doubt I'd have agreed to go along.

Regis: Oof, day by day you're getting colder and colder, Alk! Starting to remind me of a certain someone.

Keyana: If it's against this android's wishes, we might not be able to "unlock" him forcefully...

Regis: Perhaps. We're almost here. Get ready.

Regis: That would be him. Can I leave the rest to you, Miss Keyana?

Keyana: Y-yes.

Keyana: If I don't do this right now, he...

Keyana: Ring, ring, ring By the sound of my bell I bid you open up, little lock!

Bug: I am... SoRRY.

Keyana: What?

Bug: For runnING AWAY. For beTRAYING YOU. For leaVING YOU.


Keyana: Do not forgive...?

Stella: Keyana!

Nimbus: The hell is this all about, Regis?

Regis: He's resonating with her? I have to say, this is entirely unexpected...

Regis: Buster Arm, OPEN!

Light: Regis, what are you trying to do?

Regis: There's no other way. I need to take responsibility for this.

Keyana: N-no, you can't do that!

Keyana: I'll do it. I'll open this android's lock!

Keyana: You ran away, right? You were unable to fight?

Keyana: You left your friends behind and couldn't help them?

Bug: Ah... Ah... Ah... Do... not... FORGIVE ME-

Keyana: Things are different now. You don't have to blame yourself anymore.

Keyana: You can hear the song now, right?

Keyana: That means you can forgive yourself. Then... you can choose to fight again. One last time.

Keyana: Ring, ring, ring By the sound of my bell I bid you open up, little lock!

Regis: I am deeply sorry for all of this- I swear to one day repay you for all the help you've done.

Keyana: Don't worry!! It's okay, there's nothing to repay! I'm fine as is.

Keyana: Besides, I didn't do it alone. Dia's song was able to reach the android, after all. Make sure to thank her for me mater on, you hear?

Nimbus: If that's over with, let's get going. If we stay any longer Regis is likely to get us wrapped up in another crazy scheme of his.

Keyana: Roger that! Let's go!

Keyana: Now that I think about it... After we heard that song, your lock got a little bit looser, you know.

Regis: What...?

Keyana: It might be better... to lock yourself a little bit tighter from now on.

Keyana: Well, see you!

Regis: Hmm. She doesn't seem like the type to go along with my schemes after all.