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Episode 1
Knight of Palpebra

A thief attempts to rob Stella when a Guild Knight named Keira comes to her rescue. She learns that the thief that tried to rob her grew up in a nearby orphanage. The two later visit the orphanage. When they need someone to play a convincing monster for the kids, Stella introduces Keira to a certain someone in Starview Village.

Stella: So is it money you want from me?

Redhead: Yeah, you heard me! So pay up—You'd better be glad that's all I'm askin' for!

Stella: But why do you need this money?

Redhead: Huh?

Stella: Money can be exchanged for goods and services. What do you plan to use it on?

Redhead: What the... You tryna get smart with me?!

???: Not so fast!

Redhead: Urk. Oh, no... Keira?!

Keira: This is Palpebra, the land of commerce. Coerced transactions are strictly forbidden under the Guild Knights' watch!

Keira: Hmph... It'll take more than that to slip away from a Guild Knight.

Keira: *sigh* It hasn't even been a week since she came crying to me about changing her ways.

Keira: I'm so sorry about all this. It's because I was so lenient on her last time that this happened to you.

Stella: Is she a friend of yours?

Keira: A friend? Not quite. She's committed a crime, and I'm enforcing the law.

Keira: But personally speaking... I am concerned about her, yes.

Stella: So you care about this person.

Keira: I-I suppose you could put it that way.

Keira: She was raised in an orphanage. Children like that, it's hard for them to reintegrate into society after stumbling.

Keira: People can only believe in order when it's built atop a stable society. And I'll do what I must to maintain it.

Stella: I see.

Keira: Well... As much as I can, anyway.

Keira: But if you're interested, I can give you a demonstration of what I mean. Walk with me.

Stella: Of course.

Keira: Okay, children. Listen up. If you see a monster in town, what do you do?

Scared Child: Run away!

Scared Child: Tell a grown-up!

Keira: Precisely. Okay, let's try it right now.

Stella: I'm a monster. Groooar.

Keira: L-louder, Stella!

Stella: G... Groooar!

Scared Child: Eeep!

Keira: The children seem well.

Teacher: Yes, thank you. Your visits are always appreciated, Keira.

Teacher: I just hope it's all right... especially now that you're working by you-know-who. I wouldn't want to cut into any time you could be spending—

Keira: O-of course not! Well, it seems everything's in order here, so I'll just be on my way! I-if you'll excuse me!

Keira: Thank you, Stella! It's time for us to go!

Stella: Was that also part of your duties as a Guild Knight?

Keira: It's just me, unfortunately. The Guildmasters don't see this as a valuable use of our resources.

Keira: The rising number of orphans left behind by adventurers is one of the biggest problems this city faces.

Keira: I just hope I can keep them on the straight and narrow.

Keira: That being said, your assistance today was a great help. Allow me to thank you once again.

Stella: If you're short on help, I may be able to do something about that.

Stella: And I know just the person to be your monster too.

Stella: I present Nimbus, your perfect monster.

Nimbus: Stella... Did you bring someone here without explaining the World Flipper again? Look at her.

Keira: (Wh... Where am I?! What is this?!)

Keira: (Could this be? The rumored group of adventurers of unknown origins that's been making waves...)

Keira: (I need to report this to the Guild... right?)

Stella: Keira?

Keira: No... My duty is to uphold the law, but not like this.

Keira: Ahem. Thank you for your gracious offer, Stella. However, you should be careful when revealing this place to people.

Keira: You all may be in good standing with me, but others might not be so open- minded.

Nimbus: I guess you're one of the good ones, huh?

Keira: Even with all our bureaucracy, we Guild Knights understand that not every situation is black and white.

Keira: However, I still am a member of the Guild Knights. If there's criminal activity at play here, I won't let it slide.

Nimbus: That right? Feel free to look around for yourself.

Keira: Anyway, I must thank you again for bringing me here, Stella.

Stella: Oh... of course. Please, make yourself at home.

Episode 2
Blade of Fury

Stella manages to find Addie again to continue the conversation from their first encounter. Keira later interrogates Addie about her life choices and learns that a local crime ring has been utilizing orphans to carry out their petty crimes. Keira locates their hideout and confronts the leader.

Stella: Woe is me.

Stella: What will I do with all this money?

Stella: I hope no one takes it from me, seeing as I'm completely defenseless.

Stella: ... Perhaps I went about this the wrong way.

Redhead: What kinda stunt are you tryin' to pull here?

Redhead: Weren't you the girl with Keira? What're you doin' in a place like this?

Stella: I came here to see you.

Redhead: Hah! What would the likes of you want with me? Were you seriously hoping to have your money taken?!

Stella: We never finished our conversation regarding your desire for money.

Redhead: Are you dumb? That's obvious.

Stella: I've brought money with me, so please do tell.

Stella: Why were you so eager to take this before?

Keira: *sigh* Stella... You really ought to be more careful.

Keira: And you, Addie— I hope you have a good reason for being in a place like this.

Addie: I, uh...

Keira: Why don't we have a little chat? Walk with me.

Keira: I don't think I've ever seen you stay quiet for this long.

Keira: At least eat something. The food here is not so terrible— quite good, even.

Keira: I see. I'll get straight to the point. Who are you handing your ill-gotten money to?

Addie: W-why do you know about that?

Keira: Well, it doesn't look like you're spending it on yourself—even your beautiful hair's going to pot.

Keira: Tell me, Addie. Who's making you do this?

Addie: It's not like you'd be able to do something about it...

Keira: Hey, now. I'd appreciate it if you gave me a little credit.

Keira: See this emblem? You have my word, Addie. I'll do whatever must be done to see justice served.

Addie: Ngh... Sniff... Waaaugh!

Ringleader: Damn bottle's empty! What's takin' that brat so long?!

Ringleader: Good-for-nothing freeloaders... Think it's about time I kick 'em to the curb and get a new—

Keira: Addie won't be coming back.

Keira: And this is the end of the line for you, as well.

Ringleader: A Guild Knight?! What happened to the muscle I posted outside?

Ringleader: D-don't tell me you took 'em all out on yer own! Aren't you s'posed to uphold the law or justice or somethin'?!

Keira: Well, you see... I didn't want my fellow Guild Knights to see me do this.

Keira: Taking helpless orphans, robbing them of their futures, and using them as your pawns... Absolutely despicable.

Keira: You'll get your justice right here and now!

Ringleader: N-noooo!

Nimbus: I didn't take you for the vigilante type, Keira.

Nimbus: I mean, I would've probably done the same thing, but still.

Keira: I appreciate the sentiment. But I can't let the other knights see you with me.

Nimbus: Still concerned about appearances?

Keira: I must. Without an example to follow, the Guild Knights would fall apart.

Keira: Fortunately, our commander has been an excellent role model for the force.

Keira: It's thanks to him that I can do what I do.

Nimbus: Even if they're stingy and don't let you do your job sometimes, huh?

Keira: Ouch. There's still plenty of room for improvement, of course.

Stella: We're here to help, Keira. Just give us the word.

Keira: I appreciate that, Stella.

Keira: Heh... I'm starting to lose track of things I can't tell others about.

Episode 3
Show Me the Way

Addie confesses her feelings to Keira, who rejects her as she already has someone else in her heart. Undeterred, Addie pledges to follow Keira's footsteps and become a Guild Knight.

Stella: A magic exhibition?

Keira: Yes. The Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy holds one every year.

Keira: It serves as a public demonstration of the school's talent as well as an exam for its students. The guild has a financial stake in it as well.

Keira: Which brings me to our job— to help get things ready while keeping the perimeter secure.

Keira: So these are the boulders that have blocked the path.

Keira: Hmm... It doesn't look like they'll budge.

Stella: I believe that was Addie, was it not?

Keira: Unbelievable. I thought she washed her hands of that business.

Keira: Dammit, Addie!

Lady of the Shop: Keira, Keira! I was hoping I could put up a booth for our shop at the exhibition!

Keira: Oh... right. In that case, just... fill out the proper... permits...

Stella: Are you okay, Keira?

Keira: Is it obvious? I'm sorry, but I need to do something about this.

Stella: Addie!

Keira: Hey!

Addie: K-Keira?!

Keira: I thought you'd left that life behind you! You don't have to do this anymore!

Aging Man: I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again!

Stella: Oh, are you a thief too?

Keira: Wait... Huh?!

Keira: What was your plan, Addie?

Addie: I thought it'd make you happy...

Keira: Addie... Don't be a fool. What I want for you is to stay as far away from crime as possible.

Keira: Keep your head up and keep moving forward. That's all I want.

Addie: Keira... I... I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad...

Keira: It's fine, Addie. I understand. There, there.

Addie: I just... I really do love you, Keira.

Keira: H-huh?! Wh-what are you going on about?!

Stella: Is that so strange?

Addie: No, it isn't!

Stella: Of course.

Keira: Me? But... why?

Addie: I always have, Keira! You've always been there... looking after me through thick and thin!

Keira: I'm... grateful you think of me this way. But I'm sorry. I already have someone in my life.

Addie: Yeah... I know you do. But I still want you to know!

Addie: Keira! Do you think... I could become like you one day?

Keira: Without a doubt.

Keira: Knowledge is your friend, for it will guide your way. Stay true to yourself, lest you be led astray.

Keira: If you can do that, I'm more than confident you would make a fine addition to the Guild Knights.

Keira: Was that as embarrassing for you to hear as it was for me to say?

Stella: Not at all.

Keira: You see, someone I look up to told me the very same thing once.

Stella: Are you referring to the commander you're so fond of?

Keira: ...I beg your pardon?

Stella: I first heard about him from the teacher at the orphanage. It's been going on for quite some time now, yes?

Keira: P-preposterous! I mean, how would—

Stella: Nimbus told me as well. It seems to be common knowledge among the Guild Knights.

Keira: C-common... knowledge?!

Keira: H-how does HE know what's supposedly common knowledge among the Guild Knights?!

Stella: Apparently, they frequent the same pubs.

Keira: Those idiots... Just what the hell do they take me for?!

Stella: Either way, I support your choice, Keira.

Keira: No, no, no, no, no... Nope. Absolutely not. Surely this isn't happening.

Keira: Someone... Anyone... PLEASE tell me I'm just having a bad dream!