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Episode 1
First Day on the Job

Katyusha is sent in as backup in the dispute between AltMeme and DNA, but falls into a hole in the process. Injured, she passes out only to wake up in Starview Village, where Alk and Stella welcome her to the group.

Guard: What's the matter, Katyusha?

Katyusha: Sir... Something about this place doesn't seem right.

Guard: I know, I know... It's not a place to bring a rookie, but we had no other choice.

Guard: Don't you remember the briefing? AltMeme has launched an attack on DAN and they've asked for backup.

Katyusha: But do we really need all of 3MM out here? Sounds like a full-blown war...

Guard: It could get ugly... DAN isn't a company you want to mess around with...

Katyusha: Welp. We get hazard pay for this, right?

Guard: Yeah... As long as we don't come back in body bags, that is.

Katyusha: Wh-what happened here?!

Guard: *gulp* What sort of firepower is ALtMeme packing?!

Katyusha: I can't even see the bottom... Sir, what should we do?

Guard: Get back, rookie! Remember your training! We need to cordon-

Guard: ...How much training did you say she had?

Guard: She's still a newbie. Maybe we shouldn't have brought her to such a high-stakes operation...

Katyusha: Ouch... That was one hell of a fall...

Katyusha: I-I need to get back to them...

Katyusha: This is bad, I can barely move... Even my prosthetics are not responding... Is this where it all ends?

Katyusha: I graduate from a no-name school, join a security company, only to just die like this?

Katyusha: What a joke... I can just about laugh... If only it didn't hurt so much...

Katyusha: *sigh* I wonder how hard mom will take the news? Dad will probably survive... But still...

Katyusha: I hope that worker's compensation pays out...

Katyusha: Wh-what?! Please, dock my pay if you have to, but don't fire me!

Katyusha: Wait... Where am I?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. My name is Stella.

Katyusha: Starview? What's that?

Alk: Ahaha... That bump must have knocked you out for good. I'm Alk, nice to meet you!

Katyusha: Hi? My name is Katyusha. I work for a security company called 3MM...

Katyusha: Can you tell me where I am? This isn't one of AltMeme's resorts, is it? Oh no... Would my insurance even cover this?!

Alk: The first thing you think about after getting hurt is your insurance? It must be hard living in Qualia City...

Alk: But there's no need to worry about that. How about some food?

Katyusha: Is that all-natural?! There's no way I could afford that...

Stella: Don't worry, you're in Starview Village. Not Qualia City.

Alk: Unfortunately, we don't have any AdTaste, so I hope this will do! There's more where that comes from, so eat up!

Katyusha: Th-thank you!

Katyusha: So you're saying this is... another world? That sounds like a sci-fi story you'd read online...

Katyusha: Alk... Stella... Could I ask a favor?

Katyusha: Please... Let me stay!

Stella: Okay. I already welcomed you though.

Katyusha: Even if I went back, I'll probably get suspended... or worse- fired! And don't even get me started on having to eat plain SoyMate with no ads...

Katyusha: I feel like I'll never get a chance like this ever again. I'll do anything... Please...

Stella: I already... welcomed you?

Katyusha: What do you mean? There must be something you want in return...

Stella: Certainly, we will need your help in the near future.

Katyusha: My help?

Alk: Anyways! That sounds like a good place to leave off for today, so eat up and get some rest!

Katyusha: ...I hope I didn't just join a cult or something.

Episode 2
Other World Problems

Having been ruled officially dead in Qualia City, a now-free Katyusha returns to Starview Village. Later on, Nimbus invites her to the Kaleidoscope and they earn money for a tasty meal.

Stella: How did it go?

Katyusha: I-I'm dead!

Alk: You mean... The company declared you dead, right?

Katyusha: Yes... They took care of everything after the incident. It didn't even make the news...

Alk: I see. It must suck being dead...

Katyusha: B-but it looks like the company also have lots of money to my family... Like workers' compensation, insurance, hush money...

Katyusha: It all equaled out to about ten times the amount I got with my loan... Isn't that generous?

Alk: Sounds... great?

Katyusha: Yeah, I bet my parents are happy about it too- the money, not my death.

Katyusha: Now that 3MM's looked after my family, that means I'm free, right? I can finally start over...

Katyusha: So it's time to live life on my own terms!

Katyusha: *sigh* Oh how naive I was...

Katyusha: What is there even for me to do?

Nimbus: Got plenty of time to kill, huh.

Katyusha: Y-yes... I'm just standing around minding my own business. Marveling at this world's blue skies...

Katyusha: But I was just thinking, what can I even do while I'm here? The only thing I'm good for is doing chores.

Katyusha: *gasp* A m-mutant! ...Oh wait, no. You're... Nimbus, was it?

Nimbus: Hmph. I'm going to pretend that I didn't just hear that.

Nimbus: Anyways. You're getting bored with chores, was it?

Katyusha: Y-yes, I mean... I'm not complaining!

Katyusha: I'm just envious that all of you get to prove yourself in battle... When will I ever be ready?

Katyusha: I just want to see some action... I don't just want to be on the sidelines this whole time...

Katyusha: Is what I've been thinking...

Nimbus: Some "action", huh? Can't you just smack some of that cybernetic stuff on yourself and get battle-ready?

Katyusha: I'm not built for that sort of thing... Plus, it costs a lot of credits.

Katyusha: And I'm not talking about looks either, battle upgrades don't come cheap. Speaking of which, my right arm is still on loan...

Nimbus: If money's the issue, then how about earning some right now?

Nimbus: Come on, let's see what you're made of!

Nimbus: Stop slacking off! Focus on the next target!

Katyusha: I need to reload! G-give me five seconds!

Nimbus: You got it.

Katyusha: Th-that was a real workout...

Nimbus: Ahaha. better than standing around all day, right?

Katyusha: I think that was TOO much excitement for one day... Where do you even find the energy?

Nimbus: We all start somewhere, don't we? Anyhow, here's your half of the reward!

Katyusha: Wh-what? But you did most of the work... That wouldn't be fair to you.

Nimbus: Quit your whining! Just shut up and take the money.

Katyusha: Then tonight's meal is on me. You really helped me out back there.

Katyusha: Heh, now there's something we can agree on! There's this super fancy new place I've been dying to check out.

Katyusha: H-have mercy! You didn't give me THAT much!