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Episode 1
An Unlikely Bodyguard

After a narrow escape from Guild authorities, Kate encounters Stella in an alleyway and attempts to extort her. However, some local thugs take her instead. Unable to clear her conscience, she resolves to save Stella instead. As thanks for the rescue, Stella introduces Kate to Starview Village.

Girl on the Run: Phew... Did I finally lose 'em?

Kate: Heh. Guild pigs. That's what you get for underestimating Kate the great! Sorry, but you losers are gonna have to hold that!

Kate: But man... Am I really gonna have to keep this up forever? Life on the run ain't as cracked up like I thought it'd be.

Kate: In this world, there ain't nobody I can trust. 'Cept me and my trusty knife.

Kate: If only there was a way outta this rut...

Kate: Hey! Whaddaya think you're doin' here?

Stella: I was just taking a moment to observe the sky.

Kate: What.

Stella: The rain. It's about to stop.

Stella: There... The sun.

Kate: ...?

Kate: Wh-what's your deal, girl? Does that quirky act of yours actually work on people?

Stella: Quirky? I'm not sure I follow.

Kate: Forget it. Say, you got any cash on you?

Stella: I do. Why?

Kate: Cool. Hand it over.

Kate: This street here ain't safe. So pay up for protection, if you know what's good for ya.

Kate: Listen—you get what's happening here, right?

Kate: Aw, crap. I forgot this ain't my turf anymore...

Shady Punk: Kate? That you, girl? You should've told us you'd be in the neighborhood!

Kate: Shut up. I'm only here because those Guild pigs were chasin' me. I'll be out of your hair in a minute.

Shady Punk: You'd like that, huh? Don't think I haven't forgotten about your little debt from your last screw-up.

Kate: Look, I don't have your money.

Shady Punk: Then give us the girl.

Kate: The hell are you sayin'? This girl ain't with me, she's just—

Shady Punk: Then you won't mind if I take her for myself, now do you?

Kate: I mean, I guess that's fine. I could think of a few worse groups to get taken in by, so she should be okay... right?

Kate: Her damn fault anyway, spacing out in a place like that.

Kate: ...Ah, damn it!

Kate: Get back here!

Kate: Pant... wheeze...

Stella: Are you okay?

Kate: Wait, why are you—er, back off! I'm fine!

Stella: I'm quite accustomed to escaping from danger.

Stella: Why have you come here?

Kate: Didn't I tell you? Passage comes with protection.

Stella: I see. It seems payment is in order. But I cannot do that here.

Kate: What the... What the what? Am I dreaming?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village, Miss Kate.

Kate: Like I said... What the what? Where the hell have you brought me to?

Stella: This is a village that oversees the world, acting as a nexus between countless of other worlds. And we are currently on a journey in search of Light's home world.

Kate: Uh-huh... I hear what you're sayin', but yeah. This doesn't make a lick of sense.

Stella: I hope this is an acceptable form of payment.

Kate: Payment? How am I supposed to—actually, never mind.

Kate: I think I need to sit down...

Episode 2
This Time For Real

Kate requests Alk and Stella's help in registering as an official adventurer with the Guild. Thanks to the newly introduced rehabilitation program, she's successfully registered on a probationary basis.

Kate: Okay... Well now what am I supposed to do?

Kate: I mean, it's probably too late for me to... Oh!

Kate: Stella! Just the girl I wanted to see.

Kate: Oh, the chef's here too?

Alk: Uh... is that a problem?

Kate: Don't think you're hot stuff just because you met Stella before I did.

Alk: I... I don't think I was?

Kate: Yeah? Then why're you hoggin' her all the damn time, anyway? Just what are you two—

Stella: Kate.

Kate: Ah... No fighting during meals, right? Tch. Yeah, I know.

Kate: Sorry. I guess it's cool if you join us this time, Chef.

Kate: Actually, could I ask you guys about something?

Alk: You want to register with the guild?

Kate: You guys have some sorta connection with that Lilie character, right? Mind putting in a good word for me?

Alk: You mean you haven't done so yourself already?

Kate: I don't got a clean slate like you, Mister Unlikely Protagonist. They'd probably take me in for questioning instead, I bet.

Stella: I see. So is that why you prefer to remain in the Kaleidoscope so often?

Kate: Yeah... Somethin' like that. I mean, it's pretty hard to earn a livin' out there nowadays without goin' through the damn Guild.

Kate: So I'm askin' a real favor here. Could you do somethin' about this for me? If it's money you need, I'll come up with it somehow!

Alk: Don't worry about payment or anything—we'd be glad to introduce you.

Pur Lilie: Yays! It'd be my pleasure to sign you up!

Kate: Wait, really?

Pur Lilie: Are you familiar with our rehabilitation program? Even if you have a sketchy past, the Guild would be more than happy to get you sorted out—under our supervision of course.

Pur Lilie: Once we've determined that you're willing to reform, we'll take you off probation and you'll be able to take on jobs like any other member.

Pur Lilie: All former miscreants looking for a fresh start are welcome! Evil outlaws and villains excluded.

Kate: Huh... I never knew about that.

Pur Lilie: It's actually a new program—started by yours truly! Hehe.

Kate: So you're sayin'... that I can sign up to be a Guild adventurer?

Pur Lilie: You sure can! Welcome to the Guild!

Kate: Awesome! I... I can't believe it!

Kate: Let's gooooo! Bring it on, baby!

Nimbus: Heh, she's pretty fired up. But we ain't no slouches either!

Alk: You've got that right!

Kate: Whoa!

Kate: Sorry, Stella! You're still supposed to be under my protection, aren'tcha?

Stella: I'm fine. Thank you, Kate.

Kate: No... Thank you, Stella.

Stella: What do you mean?

Kate: It was thanks to you that I was able to turn things around...

Kate: The world's much easier to change than you think, isn't it?

Stella: Yes, indeed.

Kate: Heh. Well, what are we waitin' for? There's worlds to explore... and money to be made!

Kate: And more of Alk's cookin' to eat, on top of that!