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Episode 1
A Very Special Spell

Alk and co. find Karyl training on monsters in the woods. After a brief conversation, Karyl admits that she is having trouble getting her magic to work. Stella suggests that Karyl's magic might instead be effective in other worlds, introducing her to the World Flipper and inviting her to join their party.

Alk: I think I overdid it a bit on today's expedition... I'm beat. When we get back, I'm making dinner first thing.

Stella: I'll help out.

Alk: Hm, Light? What's wrong?

Light: I swear I heard a sound. A voice, and maybe a monster?

Karyl: Gah, it's no use. No matter how many times I try, it doesn't work!

Karyl: Why isn't it working?!

Karyl: And I have no idea how to get back to Landosol—what's going to happen to Her Majesty?

Alk: Is that... Karyl?

Light: Alk, we need to help her!

Karyl: What's the matter with you monsters? You're supposed to listen to me and do as I say!

Alk: Guess she didn't need any help.

Karyl: You guys—aren't you the ones from before?

Light: Indeed. I believe the last time we saw each other was in battle. I'm glad to see you are hale and hearty.

Alk: What brings you to a place like this? Are you on a quest from the guild?

Karyl: N-no. I was... actually just practicing my magic.

Alk: Oh, I see. Sorry to interrupt!

Light: We shall be going then. Until next time, Karyl.

Karyl: W-wait!

Stella: What is it?

Karyl: Well... well, you see...

Karyl: The thing is... I have a favor to ask you.

Karyl: Would you be able to escort me to Palpebra?

Alk: ...Huh?

Karyl: I uh... may or may not have gotten lost while training out here.

Karyl: Don't laugh! It's not funny!

Alk: Sorry! I just thought it was going to be something way more serious—you should have seen the look on your face.

Stella: In that case, let us head back together.

Light: It seems you've adjusted to life in Palpebra after all. I'm glad to see it.

Alk: I'm sure it hasn't been easy—aaand we're here!

Light: Being engrossed in your training is one thing, but make sure you do so in moderation, all right?

Alk: Have you thought about going to the Academy? It costs a bit to get in, but there's tons of useful facilities for magic users like you!

Karyl: I don't really want to be seen. By anyone. I'm working on a very... special type of magic right now.

Stella: This magic must be very important to you.

Karyl: I learned it from a person very dear to me. But I haven't been able to get it to work ever since coming to Palpebra...

Karyl: I mean, I wasn't particularly good at using it before either, but now I can't use it at all...

Stella: Perhaps there's something we can try.

Karyl: Wh-wh-what the heck was that?! And where are we now?!

Stella: Starview Village—a place at the intersection of multiple worlds.

Stella: Using the World Flipper, it's possible to travel back and forth to many different worlds.

Stella: Perhaps if you try your magic on different worlds, you may be successful in one of them.

Karyl: Forget about that spell—I can use this thing to get back to Landosol, can't I?!

Stella: It is possible. The World Flipper exists on all worlds.

Karyl: On all worlds?! I wonder if Her Majesty knew anything about this...

Light: As you can see, we might be able to help you. Assuming you're willing, of course.

Alk: Company makes everything better, right? Light here is trying to find his way home too.

Karyl: Huh? You're on an important quest like that, and you're wasting time helping me out?! What's wrong with you guys!

Light: It's no problem whatsoever. Besides, having a powerful mage like you on our side is to our advantage!

Karyl: You're certainly a generous and kind bunch, huh.

Karyl: Fine! If that's the case, then I suppose I'd be willing to lend you a hand.

Stella: We are happy to have you, Karyl. Welcome to the team.

Karyl: Glad to join. Oh, and...

Karyl: Um... thanks, I guess. For everything.

Alk: Haha, so you do have an affectionate side to you!

Karyl: What? No, I don't! Shut up! Keep saying weird stuff like that, and I'll shut you up permanently!

Episode 2
Kith and Kin

Karyl heads into the woods on her own, not knowing that Stella and Alk are close behind. They find her feeding a group of lost kittens—and are found out shortly after. Karyl keeps the kittens safe until the mother comes to reclaim her litter. She muses on the importance of familial bonds and offers to buy Stella and Alk dinner in exchange for their silence.

Stella: That is a lot of ground meat. I imagine we'll be having hamburgers for dinner.

Alk: Ooh, so close! I was actually thinking of making cabbage rolls today.

Stella: Those sound amazing too.

Alk: Hey, Karyl!

Karyl: AAAHH!

Karyl: Don't go surprising me like that, all right?!

Stella: Were you also shopping for dinner, Karyl?

Karyl: I guess you could say that, yeah.

Alk: But aren't you going in the wrong direction? That leads out of Palpebra.

Karyl: Sh-shut up! I know! Just leave me alone.

Karyl: And don't tell anybody about this, you hear?!

Alk: What was that about?

Stella: I want to know more.

Alk: Why so curious? Stella?

Alk: Huh. Well, this should be fun.

Alk: Is she practicing her magic again?

Karyl: Okay, guys, have you been behaving? Who's hungry?

Karyl: Come on, come on, don't be greedy—there's enough for everyone!

Stella: Kittens!

Alk: I don't think I've ever seen her with such a big grin on her face!

Karyl: Meow, meow, meow!

Stella: I also wish to play with the kittens.

Alk: Not sure that's a good idea—if Karyl finds us here we're basically as good as dead.

Alk: Plus, we don't want to interrupt her while she's having such a good time. Let's head home. You can play with the kittens later!

Stella: ...Okay.

Karyl: Gya! You two?! Why are you here? How long have you been watching me?!

Alk: Never mind that! I'll take care of these monsters. Karyl, you protect the kittens!

Monster: Grooooar!

Karyl: No! Wait!

Stella: Go after that kitten, Karyl!

Karyl: I will! Take care of the rest for me.

Karyl: Gah!

Karyl: How DARE you lay a hand on my precious kitties?! DIE!

Alk: Thankfully, you seem to be mostly uninjured. The kittens are all safe as well.

Stella: Are these... all your kittens, Karyl?

Karyl: No, they're not mine! I just... found them here a few days ago, while I was practicing.

Karyl: They were separated from their mom and were all frail and... I had to do SOMETHING!

Alk: But there was no reason to hide them like this! Didn't you tell anyone from the Gourmet Guild?

Karyl: No way, they're all working so hard to find a way back to Landosol—they don't have time to look after kittens!

Stella: Would they be opposed to it?

Karyl: Probably not... Which is why I can't ask them to do that!

Karyl: A-anyway! I'll take care of these kittens by myself, so don't go telling anyone else, okay?!

Alk: All right. We won't. We promise.

Karyl: Another monster?!

Karyl: Oh. You finally came to get them, huh.

Karyl: Don't look at me like that! Follow your mom closely, or you'll get lost just like last time!

Karyl: What? No need to worry about me, I'm all grown-up, I can take care of myself! Get going!

Alk: Are you all right?

Karyl: Why wouldn't I be?

Alk: Oh. You're... in a surprisingly good mood.

Karyl: Well, duh! What do you mean surprisingly?

Alk: I mean, the kittens you were looking after just left... I figured you might be sad about it!

Karyl: No way. If anything, I'm overjoyed.

Karyl: They looked really happy to be reunited with their mom. I'm sure she was worried sick about them too.

Karyl: Children love their parents, after all... And parents—no matter what they may say—love their children too.

Alk: Uh... Karyl?

Karyl: I'm in a great mood! You two, come with me!

Karyl: I'll buy your silence about today's events by treating you to a delicious meal! Consider yourselves lucky.

Stella: Cabbage rolls will have to be tomorrow, I suppose.

Alk: Looks like it!

Karyl: Enough chitchat, let's get going! Hehe.

Episode 3
Words We Couldn't Say

Karyl debates whether she should buy a brooch when the party comes across her. Stella takes a liking to the brooch and suggests the two girls buy themselves a matching pair. Over dinner, the group discusses Karyl's mission and why she was unable to tell her guild friends certain secrets. Embarrassed by having shown her vulnerable side, Karyl threatens the group with violence yet again.

Karyl: I want it! I want it so bad, ugh! What to do...

Karyl: If I buy it and get found out, I'll just be ridiculed in front of everyone again...

Stella: Good evening, Karyl.

Karyl: Gyaaaa!

Karyl: Wh-what on earth are you doing in a place like this?!

Nimbus: We're just passin' through on our way to get some grub.

Stella: What are you looking at?

Karyl: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I wasn't looking at anything!

Bartender: This young one has been staring at my wares for quite some time now, all but salivating!

Karyl: Isn't it illegal to give out information on customers like that or something?!

Alk: Oh, a cat-shaped brooch.

Stella: It's very lovely.

Karyl: So what? It's not like I want it or anything!

Stella: I would like to have it.

Karyl: Huh?

Stella: We should buy a matching pair.

Karyl: A... matching pair?

Stella: You don't like the idea?

Karyl: No, it's not that... it just wouldn't look good on me!

Stella: That's not true. Someone once told me that thinking like that was a waste.

Karyl: Who told you that?

Stella: Two of this brooch, please.

Bartender: Of course!

Karyl: Stella, wait!

Stella: Here—a matching pair.

Karyl: Wh-why did you... I can't believe you bought these...

Karyl: Thank you...

Alk: Hey, Karyl, how about joining us for dinner tonight? We haven't picked a place yet, though.

Karyl: I mean, if you insist, I guess I could go...

Karyl: Actually... I just thought of a good restaurant we can go to!

Alk: I didn't know this was here—I must have passed this place by without realizing it.

Nimbus: Food is food—it doesn't matter where it comes from. Let's get to eatin'!

Stella: Time to dig in.

Nimbus: Whoa, this is...

Karyl: Good, right? What'd I say?

Alk: This is just incredible! The flavor is perfect, and they really nailed the seasoning—all for this price?!

Light: I had no idea an eatery like this existed in Palpebra. You did well to find it.

Karyl: I've gotten very familiar with the local restaurants—mostly because Pecorine and the others drag me around the city on their little food tours!

Karyl: Though we really should be tending to more important matters than that...

Nimbus: She says that, but really she's glad to be chowin' down on this awesome meal.

Alk: Definitely.

Karyl: Did you guys say something?!

Alk: Nope!

Light: It's important to afford yourself some room to breathe—especially in the middle of a grand, unpredictable adventure!

Karyl: Hmph. I know that already.

Karyl: But I can't afford to slip up. I have a duty to fulfill.

Karyl: And to do so I desperately need that magic spell... but it just won't work!

Karyl: I'm... worthless.

Stella: You aren't worthless, Karyl. Magic or no magic.

Nimbus: I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like you're pouncin' to conclusions. It's not like you'll never be able to use this magic again.

Alk: You can still try travelling to different worlds and testing out your spells there.

Karyl: You're certainly optimistic—or maybe I should say naive. I'm worried I'll let my guard down if I'm around you for too long...

Karyl: Maybe I already have... I've told you things that I probably shouldn't have.

Karyl: Would you believe I haven't shared these worries with any of the others?

Stella: Your friends at the Gourmet Guild? You must really care for them, Karyl.

Karyl: Huh? What do you mean care for them?!

Alk: Well, I figure it's easier for you to open up to us since we're not as close.

Light: Indeed. Some things cannot be said precisely because you treasure the other party so dearly.

Karyl: No, that's not why I haven't told them... I have other much more personal circumstances.

Alk: Interesting that you didn't deny caring for them.

Karyl: H-huh?!

Alk: What a great meal. My plate's not even empty, and I'm already full!

Karyl: Shut up with the sentimental crap! If you keep saying stuff like that, I'm going to bury you in the ground!