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Episode 1
Copperhead Kannon

Alk and co. are struggling with monsters in the Kaleidoscope when backup arrives in the form of a dual-wielding adventurer. After the dust settles, the adventurer introduces herself as Kannon and declares that she will join them as their newest traveling companion.

Nimbus: Tch! There's no end to these things! Where do they keep coming from?!

Light: Indeed, the situation does not bode well for us. We must find an opening and break through somehow.

Dual-Wielding Adventurer: Did someone call for a totally kick-ass hero?!

Dual-Wielding Adventurer: Here I go! Everything's locked and loaded!

Dual-Wielding Adventurer: Hahaha! Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy! You all right there?

Alk: Thanks for the save! Your technique was amazing!

Kannon: Heh-heh-heh. Dazzled? I don't blame you! After all, you're looking at Copperhead Kannon, gun-meister extraordinaire!

Light: Forgive me, but I can't say I've heard of you.

Kannon: Seriously?! That's weird. I've been pretty active 'round these parts...

Kannon: Well, whatever! My reputation can only grow from here! Soon everyone and their grandmas will know my name—

Nimbus: More monsters?!

Kannon: Oh, sorry. That's just my stomach. All my runnin' and gunnin's got me starved!

Alk: Really? Hmm, hang on. I think I've got something in here...

Alk: Do you like sandwiches? I know they're not much in the way of thanks, but—

Kannon: Ooh, yes! Gimme!

Alk: All right. Did everyone get one? Then let's dig in!

Kannon: Oh boy! Down the hatch you go!

Kannon: Man, that hit the spot!

Alk: Y-you're done already?

Kannon: It was so good I couldn't help myself! This is store-quality grub!

Kannon: Know what? You totally should open a shop! I bet you could make a fortune!

Nimbus: I know this is weird comin' from us, but you're awfully relaxed considering what we went through back there...

Light: You are an excellent markswoman, however.

Stella: I agree. It was especially impressive considering your weapons were in energy saver mode.

Kannon: Energy... what now?

Stella: From what I can see, your weapon has the potential to deal greater damage.

Kannon: R-really? Hold on, let me give it a try...

Stella: Try the release here on the left.

Kannon: Whoa! It's like a whole new gun!

Kannon: Ahaha... Come to think of it, I did wonder if my shots weren't getting weaker. I must've changed the settings by accident.

Nimbus: How do you not notice turning your gun into a peashooter?!

Stella: I'm glad I could help.

Kannon: You're amazing, you know that? You figured out what was broken at a glance!

Stella: Nothing was broken. The issue was the settings.

Kannon: Awesome! That decides things! Make room, 'cause you've got yourself a new traveling companion!

Kannon: You saw what I can do, right? If you need extra firepower, I'm your gal!

Alk: I don't mind, but are you sure you want to make a huge decision like that on the spot?

Kannon: It's fiiine! The more the merrier and all that, right?

Kannon: Sides, if my gun gets busted again, I'll know who to ask! And this is so much cooler than my old job.

Kannon: Not to mention the food you had was delicious! I'll go anywhere if it's for good grub!

Nimbus: Geez, how do we keep collecting these weirdos?

Episode 2
Scarlet-Faced Kannon

One sweltering day, Kannon discovers a pond and jumps right in. She invites the others to join her, but for some reason, her actions cause the group discomfort.

Kannon: Ugh, I'm sweating more than this hog! Why's it so hot out here?!

Kannon: Damn it! I missed again.

Light: The heat will come down all the more mercilessly if you keep working yourself up like that.

Kannon: Grr! Forget it! I can barely think in this heat! Alk, do something!

Alk: I'm not a miracle worker. I can't just summon a breeze with a snap of my fingers...

Kannon: Wait, I see something up ahead. Let's go take a look!

Kannon: A pond! We've hit the jackpot!

Kannon: Jump in, Alk! The water's great!

Alk: Wh-whoa! Hold on, Kannon! You're getting water all over me! And you're, um...

Kannon: Huh? Why're you so worried about a bit of water? C'mon! You'll thank me later!

Light: Ahem. Before we go any further, Kannon, you may want to look at your clothes.

Kannon: My clothes? They're easy to move around in and super cool to boot. What's wrong with them?

Light: There's nothing wrong with your garments, exactly, but you're not fit to be seen in public now.

Kannon: What are you, my pops now? He's always going on about how young ladies should do this or that. As if that matters for an adventurer!

Light: Er, no. That's not what I mean, either—

Kannon: Then what do you mean? Alk, do you get what he's saying?

Kannon: If you have something to say, spit it out!

Alk: Um... When you dove into the pond... your clothes became... uh... more form-fitting?

Kannon: Huh?

Kannon: E-excuse me?! Where were you LOOKING?!

Kannon: I had no idea you were that kind of person. You oughta be ashamed! Pervert!

Alk: Y-you were the one who jumped into the water!

Kannon: I don't wanna hear it! Keep your peepers on my face, buster, or else I'll whoop your butt!

Alk: I'm not looking at- at anything! I'm not even looking in your direction!

Kannon: But you totally were before! Don't deny it!

Light: Sigh... Is one peaceful day too much to ask for?

Episode 3
Seasoned Adventurer Kannon

Kannon discovers a pair of high-grade handguns in the Kaleidoscope, but finds she's unable to wield them properly. Light shares words of wisdom with the young adventurer—who cheerily agrees to stick to her guns with confidence.

Kannon: Whoa, score!

Kannon: Check out these guns! Don't they look awesome?

Nimbus: Definitely wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of 'em.

Kannon: Hehe. Get ready for a harder, better, faster Kannon!

Light: Is that gun really suited to your current needs, though?

Kannon: Well, yeah? The stronger, the better, right?

Kannon: Besides, my aim's all I got going for me.

Nimbus: Huh? You're gonna have to run that by me again.

Kannon: You see any muscles on these noodle arms, Nimbus? I was such a bad melee fighter, the only party requests I got were to be people's pack mule.

Kannon: But that all changed when I found my guns. Their strength is MY strength, so you bet I'm gonna use the best I can!

Light: But Kannon, you're—

Nimbus: Look alive! There's more incoming!

Kannon: All right, time to take these babies on a test run!

Kannon: W-what? Is that it...?

Nimbus: It better not be, or we're all in trouble!

Kannon: I know that! Ohh, why isn't this working?!

Kannon: What do I do? At this rate, we're toast...

Kannon: Come on! You're supposed to make smithereens outta these guys! Why aren't you working?!

Light: Cast aside those guns, Kannon!

Kannon: Ohh, I'll show you!

Light: Excellent! Now, everyone—to battle!

Kannon: Aww man. I really thought I hit it big with those guns, but I couldn't get them to work at all.

Light: They may be formidable weapons, but they're not what you need right now.

Light: Your strength is not defined by your armaments alone.

Light: The battles you've fought have given you hard-earned experience that nothing can take away from you.

Light: Believe in yourself, Kannon. You've grown, and will continue to become a better adventurer as time goes on.

Kannon: Yeah... I guess I have gotten stronger, huh...

Kannon: I thought I was only able to hold my own because of my weapons.

Kannon: But I've become a super top-tier adventurer without even noticing it!

Light: Wait. Let's not get carried away—

Kannon: Hehehe. Copperhead Kannon's legend has grown even more epic! You saw it here first!

Alk: I... guess she's grown? A little? Maybe?