Junko Konno (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Something's Missing

After finishing a solo concert, Junko meets with Ai, and the two end up eavesdropping on some fans talking about the performance. She finds that the fans prefer other members of the group, which causes her some distress. The next day, Alk and co. decide to take Junko out to see some other worlds to get her mind off things.

Junko: I am very grateful for your help, everyone. Let's make this concert a great one.

Alk: No need to be so formal, Junko. We're assistants, that's what we're here to do!

Junko: I'm not being particularly formal.

Junko: I'm just expressing gratitude for your help in setting up the concert. Without you, it simply couldn't have been done.

Light: You really are quite mature for your age, aren't you!

Venue Staff: Number 4! Rehearsal is starting soon, if you don't mind!

Junko: Ah, yes. Coming!

Alk: If I could just see your ticket, please. Yes, you're good to go!

Alk: Ticket please... Wait, Ai?

Ai: U-uh, I don't know what you're talking about! Maybe you've got the wrong person!

Stella: It's definitely, Ai

Alk: What's the matter? Are you also going to feature in the concert?

Ai: Actually... I came to watch Junko perform.

Ai: I still have a lot to learn when it comes to being an idol... Also, I wanted to see the show from a fan's perspective.

Alk: I see. I guess we should keep this a secret from Junko?

Junko: Hello, everyone!

Audience: Hi, Number 4

Junko: Thank you so much for coming to my solo performance today!

Junko: Tell me, have some of you been to a concert before?

Junko: I see! I'm thrilled that you chose my concert as your first one.

Junko: I hope you enjoy yourselves!

Alk: Wow, this is totally different from her usual vibe.

Stella: She's very cool.

Ai: Even when performing alone, she doesn't fail to impress. I always see her from up close, but this is quite different.

Junko: Ai-san, you could have told me that you planned on coming to my concert.

Ai: I was worried that if I told you, you'd put on a different performance than you normally would. I wanted to see the real you.

Ai: You're definitely a tough one, Junko. That much was obvious just watching you perform!

Alk: I felt like I was watching an entirely different person!

Light: Yes, you were much more imposing and grand than usual.

Stella: You were dazzling. And really cool.

Junko: Thank you very much for saying that.

Chubby Fan: What'd you think of Number 4's concert today?

Dedicated Fan: Yeah, she's a pro. No weak spots in her performance whatsoever.

Ai: Curios what the fans are talking about? Why don't we have a seat over there.

Ai: If we sit far enough away, nobody will think twice about what we're doing.

Junko: Isn't this eavesdropping?

Ai: Technically speaking yes, but...

Flamboyant Fan: Yeah, Number 4's voice is pretty sweet. The cuteness factor really adds to her voice. Real groovy.

Dedicated Fan: And the fact that she never runs out of breath is unbelievable. The lungs on that girl! I just wish that she was a bit more exciting, you know?

Chubby Fan: I see what you mean, if you compare her to Number 2's rough-and-tumble style, or Number 6's crowd-pleasing antics... I suppose she's a but lacking in impact?

Flamboyant Fan: I definitely like Number 6 the most!

Chubby Fan: Nah, I think Number 5 is where it's at. She's got a spontaneity to her... Plus she's way more mature!

Dedicated Fan: Oh you guys are definitely idol amateurs. There's no doubt that Number 1 is the greatest of them all! Number 3 is pretty good too, all things considered.

Ai: Everyone has their own opinion! Don't pay them any attention!

Alk: Yeah, it really does all come down to personal preference...

Junko: That's... right. Personal preference.

Junko: Please excuse me.

Junko: (What am I missing?)

Junko: (Perhaps I need to relax a bit...)

Junko: (If I shut myself in, I might start growing mushrooms again...)

Shroombo: Sweey!

Junko: I must be tired if I'm hallucinating talking mushrooms now. I better go for a walk...

Junko: Alk, Stella? What are you two doing here?

Stella: We came to see you, Junko.

Alk: Stella insisted that we come. Felt it would be a good change of pace.

Junko: I see... Well...

Junko: Um, I was wondering if you would be able to take me to another world? I feel that would make for a good refresher right about now.

Stella: Yes, let's do that.

Junko: Thank you so much. I'll just need to get a few things in order. Please wait for me.

Junko: I am Junko Konno, the Showa Idol. There's nothing that worries me. Not a thing.

Episode 2
From the Heart

Despite travelling to a new world, Junko still can't get her mind off her worries. With some encouragement from Stella, however, Junko starts to feel better and decides to hold a slightly different convert than usual. Mid-performance, she has a surprise chat with the audience and speaks from the heart. which leads to a positive reaction from the fans.

Junko: Incredible. We really are in a totally different world.

Alk: There are tons of other worlds out there, but I felt this one was the best choice for a refresher like you wanted.

Alk: If you'd prefer another world, we can always-

Junko: No, this place will do just fine. The view is incredible. Thank you.

Junko: (This place really is beautiful. This should be what I need to fix up my mood.)

Junko: (But I just can't stop thinking about the things those fans said...)

Junko: Thank you very much for today! I really do feel a lot better, we can go back now-

Stella: Are you really sure?

Junko: I suppose there's no use pretending. Could I speak with you two for a moment?

Junko: I just can't forget the things those fans said the other day.

Junko: I'm in a different time and world now. The personalities that used to be popular are no longer in demand...

Alk: Hmm... I mean...

Junko: Tatsumi-san told me as much a long time ago. I thought I had understood then, but...

Junko: I figured there was nothing I could do about it other than try to continue improving myself, to become a better idol.

Stella: Are you unsatisfied with yourself?

Junko: Not necessarily... But, the things those men said about me...

Stella: I like you. And the way you sing. And your dancing.

Alk: You might think you're still imperfect, and that you've got a long way yo go, but...

Alk: You still have loyal fans who come out to see you preform!

Alk: Oh, and, for what's worth. I think you're doing a great job too.

Junko: It's such a simple thing, but for all my overthinking I failed to realize it.

Junko: Thank you. For reminding me of it once again.

Ai: Don't get too worked up about today's performance, Junko.

Ai: I'll do my best to get the fans pumped up!

Junko: Thank you. But there's no need to worry.

Junko: I'd like for you to have a good time today as well, Ai-san

Ai: Huh? What do you mean?

Junko: I'm planning for today's concert to have a slightly different format than usual.

Ai: All right! Everyone seems to be having a great time!

Ai: But why stop there? Let's get those energy levels even higher!

Junko: Actually, there's something I wanted to say to everyone here, right now.

Ai: Junko? What are you doing?

Junko: It's okay. Just give me a moment.

Junko: Everyone! Do you have something in your lives... that you could never give up?

Junko: I do/ And because of that, I've often been told by people that I'm stubborn.

Audience: Whaat? Really?

Junko: Hehe. A girl is allowed to have her secrets isn't she? It's only natural.

Audience: What secrets? Tell us!

Junko: Then they won't be secrets anymore! Having soem things that I don't reveal is part of my charm as an idol.

Junko: And now here I am, standing on this wonderful stage. Please don't forget us, or our performances for you!

Junko: Keep us in your hearts and minds!

Ai: Everyone was so nervous when you suddenly mentioned having something to talk to them about...

Junko: I'm sorry. I just felt that I wanted to talk to the fans directly a little longer.

Ai: Well, it's certainly on brand for you, Number 4! I think you got across what you wanted to say.

Ai: Well, the concert must go on! Time for the next song!

Stella: Great job. That was a wonderful concert.

Junko: Hehe, thank you very much.

Ai: That little speech was well done, Junko. I think they liked it!

Alk: Looks like it was quite successful!

Chubby Fan: Wow, I was wrong about Number 4. I thought she was stubborn and stuck-up, but no!

Flamboyant Fan: Oh my god I was SHAKING when she started talking. It was so unexpected coming from her, but in a good way!

Dedicated Fan: Now I HAVE to stan her. Her and Number 1.

Ai: Well, you definitely managed to capture their hearts this time around! Of course, this means I'll be picking up my game from here on as well.

Junko: We're both members of Franchouchou. We don't need to compete against each other!

Junko: Let's work together to make Franchouchou even better!

Episode 3
A Peaceful Day Off

Junko and Ai head out on the town wearing disguises while getting a tour of the area from Light. Very satisfied with her day off, Junko decides to commemorate the occasion by getting a photo taken of the group doing special poses. She vows to use the newfound energy she got from her friends to work even harder in her role as an idol.

Junko: Hello, Alk. Are you out for a walk?

Alk: Oh, hi, Junko. And Ai? I... didn't recognize you right away.

Ai: Looks like our disguises are working spectacularly.

Junko: Both of us are off today, so we decided to head out into town wearing disguises.

Junko: But we're not quite sure exactly where to go.

Junko: Would you two mind joining us for the day?

Junko: We don't know much about this area, so we'd love to get some recommendations from you, if possible.

Alk: Oh, but we wouldn't want to bother you-

Light: We don't have anything particular on our agenda today, so if it's what you wish we'll gladly accompany you.

Junko: Really? Thank you so much.

Light: In this area, I suppose I would have to recommend-

Light: How about here? You could go on a sightseeing tour around Saga while relaxing on a boat.

Junko: Now that you mention it, we really haven't had much of an opportunity to take in the sights in this new Saga

Ai: Sounds like a good idea to me. Let's go!

Light: There are larger-sized boats as well, so all of us can ride-

Alk: No, I think we should ride in separate boats, two people per boat. That way they can go at their own pace.

Light: Hmm? What's the matter, Alk? The larger boa would no doubt be more cost-efficient for us all-

Alk: Nope, don't worry about it! Let's just go!

Light: What exactly was the point of going out of our way to ride separately, I wonder?

Alk: Don't you worry about that. Row, row, row your boat, Light!

Junko: It's been quite a while since we've been able to relax like this.

Junko: We've been in a constant rush since we ended up in this new Saga, with no time to rest.

Ai: Yep. And even when we were alive, we were also busy with idol work.

Ai: And after we became zombies, there was certainly no way we could wonder around outside for a leisurely stroll.

Junko: If you think about it like that, then perhaps coming to this Saga was a blessing after all.

Ai: Oh? That's a surprisingly optimistic outlook, despite rather difficult situation.

Junko: Being part of Fanchouchou is what gives me that optimism, I think.

Ai: Well then. Let's ask Alk to show us around to a whole bunch of places!

Ai: And let's make up for all that time we spent working by having a blast today!

Junko: Yeah, let's do that.

Junko: Wow. To think that such a place existed so close to where we usually are...

Junko: This is the perfect place for a walk to clear your mind.

Alk: If you go that way, there's actually an obstacle course too!

Ai: Ooh, that sounds cool. I kind of want to go try it out!

Light: Hmm, then why not make a competition out of it? Alk and I versus-

Alk: Light! Let's just relax and watch from a distance.

Junko: Um, what exactly does this Pore flavored ice cream taste like?

Alk: Ah, it's hard to describe... It's got kind of an elastic texture?

Ai: I know vanilla, but I've never even heard of half of these other flavors!

Junko: Let's be adventurous and try a flavor we've never had before.

Junko: New experiences like this should help make us more interesting as people-and idols.

Ai: Not everything we do needs to be for our brand... But, hey, why not! Let's do it.

Ai: Well, that was a fun day! Thanks for coming out, everyone.

Junko: We had a great day off thanks to you two.

Alk: Well, if it helped you get your minds off work, I'm happy to have been of help!

Light: Now that I think about it, we haven't really had much chance to all go out together, have we?

Junko: If you don't mind, could we take a photo together? As a memento.

Junko: I can't remember the last time I took a picture that wasn't for work. I'd like to have one with everyone here.

Alk: If it's a souvenir of your trip, maybe it should just be you two in the picture!

Junko: No, let's take it with everyone.

Alk: Really? Well, if you insist. Excuse me, could we get our picture taken?

Cameraman: Of course, come on over!

Ai: Let's do a pose or something!

Junko: Hmm... How about this? It's a bit embarrassing, but why not!

Cameraman: Okay, here we go! Say cheese!

Ai: Oh, that turned out well. Everyone's smiling!

Junko: I had a great time today, not as an idol, but as myself.

Junko: I feel reinvigorated and ready to preform again.

Junko: The next time I stand on the stage, I'll channel all of the positive energy you gave me today, and be an even better idol!