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Episode 1
The Doctor is In

Alk and co. encounter an unlicensed doctor on the run from Gaean officials. Offering his services as a doctor and a priest, Jin asks to join the group on their travels.

Alk: Okay! I think that should do it.

Stella: Agreed. Let's head back.

Light: Watch out!

Jin: So sorry! Gotta go!

Alk: You okay there, Stella?

Stella: I'm fine. That person was in an awful hurry. I wonder what happened?

Gaean Soldier: Drat... He slipped away again! Excuse me, but have you seen a rather unkempt-looking man with crimson hair wearing a black coat by any chance?

Alk: Uh...

Gaean Soldier: Well, just be wary of any "doctor" that fits the description. He's unlicensed. If you happen to encounter him, please report him to the authorities as soon as possible.

Jin: Yeesh... FINALLY lost 'em. Don't those boots have anything better to do than stalk me all day?

Alk: Wait, you're the guy!

Jin: Sorry about earlier. I was kind of in a hurry back there, if you couldn't tell.

Jin: Looks like you got scratched up a bit. There. That should do ya.

Stella: Thank you. Is it true that you're an unlicensed doctor? Is that why they were chasing you?

Jin: They really gave you the rundown on me, huh? But to answer your question, yeah. I'm technically unlicensed.

Jin: The name's Jin. I'm a back-alley doctor of sorts. But I'm good at what I do—I don't need a license to prove that!

Light: ...The law requires you have one regardless.

Jin: Heh, you're a funny one. Got a thing for bureaucracy, huh? How many lives has bureaucracy ever saved?

Light: What?

Jin: And if I were to get a license now, I'd be a little TOO perfect, you know? What's the fun in that?

Jin: Not to mention I've already got a second profession lined up on the off chance anything were to go wrong... if you catch my drift.

Light: What's this?

Stella: An ordained member of the clergy... Are you a priest?

Alk: No way! You don't look like one at all! Or a doctor, for that matter.

Jin: Haha! Givin' it to me straight, huh? Fair enough.

Jin: But I'm not just a doctor or a priest. I've got a third title too.

Stella: A third title?

Jin: ...Yep. It's a secret though!

Light: Seriously?!

Jin: Spend some time with me, and you'll eventually figure it out. What do you say?

Jin: I was just starting to get bored of this town, actually.

Light: And you're sure local law enforcement coming down on you has nothing to do with it?

Jin: I wonder? But if you let me join you, you're getting a package deal—doctor AND priest, at your service.

Jin: And I don't offer my services to just anyone, you know?

Stella: That seems logical enough. We'd love to have you, Jin.

Alk: Y-you sure, Stella?

Jin: Woohoo! I knew you'd come around! You won't regret it.

Episode 2
Dr. Jin's Practice

Stella asks Jin why he hasn't procured a medical license despite having the skill and medical knowledge. He responds by saying that as long as he can continue to save lives, that's enough for him.

Alk: See? This is what happens when you keep washing yourself with a cold towel.

Light: That was merely *cough* *cough* a part of my training!

Stella: Your cough is getting worse. I think it's time we call a doctor.

Alk: Yeah. Have you seen Jin around?

Light: Jin?! That unlicensed sawbones?! Please, have mercy!

Stella: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Let's hurry.

Alk: There you are, Jin!

Jin: A patient for me? For the record, I'm not a licensed veterinarian either.

Light: I'm not a *cough* *hack* animal!

Jin: Calm down, little buddy. Let's have a listen to your heartbeat for now.

Jin: Hmm...

Jin: ...

Light: I-is something wrong?!

Jin: I'm sorry.

Light: No... It can't be. I still have so much to do!

Jin: Haha! Just pullin' your tail. It's just a cold.

Jin: For someone your size... I think this amount of medicine should do the trick.

Jin: Drink this for two days, drink plenty of fluids and rest easy. Got it?

Alk: There's a time and place for jokes, you know!

Stella: You're a good doctor, Jin.

Jin: Oh? Well, I guess you could say I'm a bit of a prodigy. You won't find a better physician anywhere else!

Stella: Impressive. If you have the talents, why is it that you haven't obtained a license yet?

Jin: Heh... Yeah, I'll get around to that when I feel like it.

Light: You must think us fools if you expect us to *cough* *hack* believe that.

Jin: Oops. You got me there. But I think I'll be just fine with the way things are.

Jin: The heavens have blessed us with this life—I'm merely helping others take care of themselves. I AM a priest, remember?

Jin: Oh, look at the time! Sorry, but I've got to get running. Don't forget to take your medicine, Light!

Alk: ...You guys ever get the feeling he's not telling us something?

Stella: ...?