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Episode 1
Good Help is Hard to Find

Alk and Light take on a new job as ranch hands. But soon they learn that Jester, the head cattleman, would rather be building traps over herding bovine any day.

Alk: Hey, anyone home? We're here on a quest from the Guild. Looking for someone named Jester!

Jester: Howdy. I've been waiting, gentlemen!

Jester: Much thanks for accepting the job. Allow me to show you home sweet ranch.

Light: Before we begin... The contract offered danger money. What risks will we be facing?

Jester: Oh, don't you worry about that. Just some insurance policy to make sure none of y'all would have a case against me in court! Haha.

Jester: And that concludes our tour of the ranch. Now, I was going to start you two off tending the cattle, but do you have any questions?

Alk: Nope. We got it. We're going to make these cows feel like royalty.

Jester: Heh. Sounds like an eager little mouse came scurrying into my trap.

Light: Trap? Then that explosion was your doing.

Jester: Sure was! I design and rig my own snares. Got to give even unwelcome guests a hearty welcome.

Jester: Come on. I'll show you!

Alk: Whoa... That's awesome!

Jester: Unless you can skin a monster with your eyes, I suggest you stop staring and pick up a knife. These pelts are mighty useful.

Light: So the snares not only protect the ranch, they are a way to harvest materials. A clever design.

Jester: Of course it is! I am a rancher by day and a world-class trapper, also by day.

Alk: All right! Let's get down to business then. Lemme just drop my bag over here...

Alk: Phew... Hey, Jester, what do you think? Did I get everything?

Jester: Yeah, looks good to me. You're pretty handy with a knife, eh? I wouldn't mind contracting you just to help me carve up animals.

Alk: Oh. Well, I mean, this is just like meal prep...

Jester: Heh-heh. Oh, you poor monster with no brain. It ain't possible to slip past MY nets.

Alk: Whoa...

Alk: Oh crap... My lunchboxes!

Jester: Lured them with food, did you? You don't only have deft fingers, you got a quick brain too.

Jester: I know! Why don't I take you in as permanent hands? Teach you all the finer points of trap-making!

Light: It seems we've gained an eccentric ally...

Alk: *sniff* My food...

Episode 2
Only Free Cheese is in the Trap

With Alk and Light tending cattle, Jester's become a full-time trapper. When he takes the boys out to see some of his prize creations, they find out that his biggest game is runaway criminals.

Alk: Hey, Jester. Same chores as always?

Jester: You got it. I'll be tinkering with my traps in the usual place. If you need anything, just holler.

Alk: You sure spend a lot of time on those traps.

Alk: Maybe if you spent half that time ranching, you wouldn't have needed to hire extra help.

Jester: Tsk tsk. Oh Alk, how could you be so blind? Don't you see—without the traps, the cattle are vulnerable to all sorts of danger! I am only doing my job!

Jester: Plus, with you two around, this ranch has been running as smooth as butter on a bald monkey.

Jester: Light looks after the cattle, you do the cleaning and carving, and I design the snares!

Jester: Heh-heh-heh. You couldn't find a more efficient party, not if you crawled all the dungeons in the world!

Light: From champion to cow herder...

Jester: All right! Now enough jaw-flapping! I think we'll take a little detour into the forest before work today. Got a trap there that needs maintaining.

Adventurer: Heeey! Let me down from here!

Jester: Well, look at that. One fool of a criminal, trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Alk: Oof... I feel kind of bad for him.

Light: I thought these traps were for monsters.

Jester: Well, truth is, I've got another contract going with the Guild.

Jester: Lots of criminals try to escape into these woods, after blowing it in Palpebra. And most of them get caught in my traps.

Jester: When I told the Guild, they looked about ready to break out in a jig. Showered me with money. Since then, we've had this give-and-take relationship.

Jester: I give them the wrongdoers, and take the bounty. It's how I've been funding my snare enterprise, by the way.

Alk: Well, that explains why you prefer trap-making to cow-sitting.

Jester: Heh. Oh yes, the money's good. But the mental exercise—that's the real prize. Designing those snares makes me feel alive!

Alk: Cool. So, we heading to the Guild now?

Jester: Why would we be?

Light: ...To turn in the criminal.

Jester: Oh. Well, there's no rush there, gentlemen.

Jester: It ain't every day you snag such a lively specimen. Got a few traps I'd like to try out on him.

Alk: No! What if he gets hurt? Save it for the monsters!

Jester: Come on, Alk. This fine man has broken the law! Surely we don't need to feel bad for giving him a few scrapes and bruises.

Alk: *sigh* Whatever. I'm going to the Guild, Jester, whether you like it or not!

Jester: I wouldn't go wandering alone in these woods if I were you. Not unless you're itching to be snapped up by my snares.

Alk: Gee... Sure would've been nice if you told us BEFORE leading us into the jaws of death.

Light: This pit goes deep...

Jester: Oh yeah. Wanted to take precautions. Had a few rats that managed to scrabble their way out of a previous design.

Light: Could innocent people get trapped down there?

Jester: ...Mm... Perhaps. I never gave it much thought. Hey, Alk. Think you could lower yourself in there and make sure it's empty?

Alk: Why don't you do it YOURSELF?!