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Episode 1
An Old Cat's Caprice

An odd, elderly feline named Jay invites Alk and Nimbus to lunch. The two are reluctant, but concede when Jay drops Nimbus' birthname, and discover he used to know Nimbus' father.

Alk: Now the war's over, things have started settling down in the canyon, huh?

Alk: You really made a difference, Nimbus!

Nimbus: Hmph. I just stood around while Claw and Albert did everything.

Jay: Oh, I don't know about that.

Nimbus: W-who're you?!

Jay: A better question would be who are YOU? Are you the hero who ended an age-old war?

Jay: Or are the rumors no more than rumors?

Alk: Huh? How'd he—

Jay: Behind you, sonny! You're rough around the edges, but I'm sure I could make something of you boys yet.

Alk: W-what is that supposed to mean?

Nimbus: We don't have time to play tag, gramps. Either spit out what you want or leave us alone.

Jay: Aren't WE in a hurry? My name's Jay. Jay Baird.

Jay: I know a good cafe nearby. Let's have a little chat over lunch, eh?

Jay: Humor me, Selenius. I haven't seen you in a long time, boy.

Alk: ...Let's hear him out, Nimbus.

Cafe Owner: Here's that extra plate of appetizers you ordered!

Jay: Fantastic! *pat* You can put it right here.

Alk: This is a great little spot. The food is amazing!

Cafe Owner: Aw, it's all thanks to you guys! Business is booming now the war's over. We've been getting a ton of dogfolk curious about cat cuisine! Enjoy your meal!

Jay: Whew, I'm stuffed! That sure hit the spot.

Nimbus: Now tell us what you want. We came to talk, not for lunch.

Jay: Oh, yes, yes, of course. Once you settle the check.

Nimbus: The check? ...We aren't treating you! Pay for what you ate your damn self!

Cafe Owner: Don't worry, Nimbus, sir! It's all on the house! I couldn't possibly accept coin from the heroes who saved the canyon.

Nimbus: Nuh-uh. Alk and I are payin'—and so's this geezer. He didn't do a damn thing!

Jay: Maybe I didn't, maybe I did. But either way, I'm not turning down this kind gentleman's hospitality! Let's have another plate!

Nimbus: Don't you DARE use our names to scam a meal.

Jay: Why such a sourpuss? You wouldn't REALLY threaten a feeble old man, would you?

Nimbus: Feeble my ass. If you don't have money to pay for yourself, I'm kickin' you out before you eat any more.

Jay: Kids these days! I can't believe you'd kick a starving old man out to the streets. Right, Alk?

Alk: Uh... um... Just be gentle, Nimbus, okay?

Nimbus: All right, up you—

Jay: Hah!

Nimbus: You! What did you just do?!

Alk: Nimbus! Are you okay?!

Jay: Hoooo boy, looks like the spirits are on my side. They make my fur static-y. Wouldn't touch it if I were you!

Jay: I'm impressed by your reflexes though. Seems like the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Nimbus: Who ARE you?

Jay: Just an old fart who knew your father, back in the day.

Nimbus: Dunno what you mean. I don't have a father.

Jay: You know perfectly well who I mean, but suit yourself.

Jay: Now then, as thanks for the free meal, I suppose I'll join you on your travels and aid you.

Alk: D-did you just invite yourself into our party?

Nimbus: We don't need a greedy old geezer!

Jay: Hoo-whee. We'll see about that, won't we? Kick me out if you can, whipper-snapper!

Episode 2
Self-proclaimed Sage

Jay gets a book on human evolution from the Endless Blue, and covertly pokes around Fang Canyon's World Flipper for clues about where people came from—and where they're going.

Grandpa: Here's the book, Jay. ...I trust you've got the goods.

Jay: Of course! With a fake dust jacket over the cover and everything. Take a peek inside.

Grandpa: Let's see... *flip* Ah, yes! The forbidden scripture, penned by men of yore—Bonkers Honkers!

Nimbus: ...That's it, I'm goin' home.

Jay: You're always in such a hurry, boy! Pay your elders some respect, hm?

Grandpa: Jay's right! We've been around long enough to refine our tastes. You'll find no better than Bonkers Honkers, sonny! Come have a peek.

Nimbus: If you say "Bonkers Honkers" one more time, I'm gonna lose it.

Grandpa: Hmph, Bonkers Honkers is a work of art, the prize gem of our generation! Why, I still remember the day forty years ago when I found a copy on a shipwrecked—

Nimbus: ENOUGH!

Nimbus: Ugh, I can't believe you dragged me out here to listen to two wrinkled geezers drool over "honkers."

Jay: Hah! Don't be such a grump—it was a necessary evil to get my paws on THIS.

Nimbus: "This" better not be another—

Jay: All right, calm down. It's a book on human anatomy, yes—but of the anthropological variety. Nothing untoward.

Nimbus: Anthro-what?

Jay: Hmm, to put it simply, it's an academic text exploring human and beastfolk's biological origins.

Jay: You see, humans and beastfolk may not be so different as we thought.

Jay: This book explores the hypothesis that humans are indeed a variety of beastfolk—monkeyfolk—and illustrates evolutionary similarities between humans and primates.

Nimbus: Uhh, okay?

Jay: Show a little more interest, boy! Aren't you curious? About humans? About us?

Nimbus: ...Not really? What difference would it make if I knew? It wouldn't change who I am.

Jay: Just as learning your lineage didn't inspire you to reclaim your throne? King Selenius Whitetail.

Nimbus: What, would you rather put ME in charge? Claw's clearly a better fit—I'd just be in the way.

Jay: To be entirely honest, Claudius IS a better fit, but...

Jay: No, I'll leave it there. I'm a curious man, always hungry for new knowledge. That's why they call me a sage!

Nimbus: Do people REALLY call you a sage, or did you just make it up yourself, old fart?

Jay: Of course I'm a real sage! My curiosity was so insatiable, the catfolk kicked me out of village—ask anyone old enough to remember!

Nimbus: Hah! They kicked you out?

Nimbus: Well, suit yourself. No one's gonna kick you outta Starview for reading about monkeys.

Jay: I wonder... was it chance or fate that led me to them?

Jay: Either way, I'm with those kids now, and I'll not let this opportunity escape me.

Jay: Hmm, now THAT'S interesting. I see, that would mean... No, what if it's— hmm...

Jay: To think I can walk straight into the Oracles' Hall... Times sure have changed. The godkings used to have this place sealed off to anyone but themselves.

Jay: It MUST be related to their divine wisdom. The Whitetails brought prosperity to the catfolk for generations with that knowledge.

Jay: The Whitetails were strong and wise, yes, but I don't believe they were divinity themselves.

Jay: Perhaps the ancient kings' knowledge came from other worlds—perceived by the common folk as heavenly realms amidst the Stars? But that's only one theory—

Stella: Jay?

Jay: Hwaah?!

Jay: Good golly, girl, you gave me a scare! What do you need?

Stella: Alk said dinner is almost ready. I came to inform you.

Jay: Is it already that late? I'll be there in a bit, I've still got things to check before Claudius catches me.

Stella: Your dinner will go cold.

Jay: Oh, all right, don't give me the kitten eyes, grampa's coming. I can sneak back in later.

Jay: Stella, child, tell me. Do you ever want to learn more about yourself and the worlds out there?

Stella: Yes. I am very curious.

Jay: Ooh, that's the spirit!

Stella: I am also very curious about you.

Jay: Who, me? Why?

Stella: I used to be alone. Then I met Alk, followed by Light and many others.

Stella: I learn new things every time I meet someone, so I would like to know more about them.

Stella: Marina taught me to search for treasures. I think for me, those treasures are all of you.

Jay: Oh, to be young! That sounds like the perfect goal for a bright-eyed bushy-tailed kid like you.

Jay: Enough chat. Wouldn't want YOUR dinner to go cold because of me. Let's hurry on back to Alk.

Stella: Yes, let's go!

Jay: *sigh* I let myself get too caught up in the past. Always have.

Jay: Almost said something sentimental there. *shake* All right, Jay, back on track!

Episode 3
Times Change Fast

While enjoying lunch in the dogfolk's town, the party hears shouts. Jay finds radical dogfolk fighting with guards, and offers himself in exchange for their hostage's release—only to give the unsuspecting radicals a good zap.

Alk: Wow, I can hardly believe this is the same city we saw before!

Nimbus: Yeah, it's a hell of a lot livelier.

Jay: Hoo boy, it's sure changed a lot since the last time I was here.

Jay: But first things first—It was a long walk over here, and I'm old and hungry. Time to explore the local cuisine!

Nimbus: He better not make a fuss like LAST time he dragged us to lunch.

Alk: Ahaha...ha...

Alk: Mm, this is really good! It's pretty different to how the catfolk make it.

Jay: I suppose they've stepped up their game a liiittle since the last time I was here, I'll give 'em that.

Nimbus: I could go for seconds!

Jay: You know what? Look at Alk's compared to mine. I think the cook's adjusted the seasoning for me!

Jay: It's nice seeing the dogfolk and catfolk getting along so well—all thanks to our dashing hero, King Whitetail.

Nimbus: Can it. Butter me up all you like, I'm not paying for you.

Jay: Tch. It was worth a sho—I mean, I don't know what you mean.

Jay: Well, even if things are going well on the surface, I'm sure we've still got work to re—


Jay: Right on cue.

Nimbus: Let's go!

Angry Canid: Drag that shill Albert out here, or this bloke gets it!

Canid Guard: W-what are you doing this for?!

Angry Canid: To set 'im straight! We're not 'aving any of this peace treaty tripe.

Hysteric Canid: Yeah! One second the king sends us off to fight, then the next it's "never mind, let's all be beeest fwiends with the kitty-witties!"

Alk: What are they doing?

Nimbus: Bein' big babies. Hmph. No matter where you go, there'll always be guys like this.

Jay: Times change faster than people. *sigh* Hey! You there!

Alk: Jay?!

Canid Guard: S-sir, please stay back! The guards will handle this!

Jay: Bah, I know what I'm doing.

Angry Canid: Who the 'ell are you? Eh?

Jay: Just an old cat who's seen enough.

Jay: Let that young man go. You can take me hostage instead—I'd make a better one anyhow.

Jay: What do you think'd make a bigger statement for your cause? Cutting down one of your own countrymen, or a helpless old feline?

Angry Canid: Hmph. Fine. You got off lucky, brat. Now git.

Alk: Jay!

Jay: I'll be fine. Better an old man like me than someone with so much more ahead of them.

Jay: Remember me, young Whitetail. Not for my sacrifice—but as a warning that peace never comes without a price—

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah, spare us the speech. If you're gonna zap 'em, get on with it.

Jay: Oh, phooey, let a geezer enjoy his heroic speech.

Angry Canid: GRAAAARF!

Nimbus: And I told you a billion times, the name's Nimbus! NIMBUS!

Nimbus: And world peace or whatever's over my head. If my friends need help, I'll save 'em. If I see someone causing trouble, I'll deck 'em.

Jay: Hah, kids. Only care about the here and now.

Nimbus: You better watch out!

Jay: Haha, look at 'em go!

Nimbus: I meant what I said back there, so don't you forget it.

Jay: Hmm?

Nimbus: I might've BEEN Selenius Whitetail, but now... Now I'm me. Just Nimbus. Not the guy you're lookin' for.

Jay: Oh, I don't know about that. I believe I'M the one who decides what I'm looking for.

Nimbus: Hmph.

Jay: "If my friends need help, I'll save 'em. If I see someone causing trouble, I'll deck 'em."

Jay: I'm curious to see how far that sentiment will carry you.

Jay: Stella was right!

Alk: Stella?

Jay: Never you mind. You do what you want, and I'll do what I want. Which at the moment, is helping you kids!

Jay: Hahaha!