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Episode 1
Art of the Desert Moon

Jalil gives Alk a chakram-throwing lesson and talks about his tribe, the Desert Moon.

Jalil: Fly... Qamar Sayf.

Alk: Whoa... Chakram are so cool!

Jalil: ...

Alk: Jalil?

Jalil: ...

Alk: Uh... Earth to Jalil?

Jalil: Oh. Sorry, Alk. I was thinking.

Alk: ...While, uh, throwing pointy things?

Jalil: Using chakram is like using your hands and feet. If you have to think about how to walk, you haven't mastered the art.

Jalil: Make your opponent lose track of the chakram too, and the battle is yours.

Alk: Words... cannot express... how awesome that is...

Jalil: Want to try?

Alk: Wait, really? Aren't your chakram super important to you?

Jalil: I'll make an exception for you.

Alk: Then heck yeah! Show me your ways, master.

Alk: So you twirl it around your finger and then... Whoosh!

Alk: Yeah, I figured. Guess I'm not as awesome as you, Jalil.

Jalil: No, that was good. Most don't manage to throw it on their first try.

Alk: Really?! Maybe I was born to shoot chakram.

Jalil: Let's find out. I don't think you'll lose any lim— Never mind.

Alk: Uh... I think I mind.

Jalil: You want to quit then?

Alk: No, no. I like a challenge.

Alk: I don't actually believe I'm going to become a chakram master, but maybe I could learn to hit one of those targets.

Jalil: I'll teach you. As thanks for the shelter.

Jalil: It's time I passed on the Art of the Desert Moon anyways. My ancestors wouldn't want it to die out with my generation.

Alk: The Desert Moon?

Jalil: It was the name of my village and the tribe that lived there. But I'm all that's left now.

Alk: I'm sorry...

Jalil: Don't be. Enough time has passed for the scars to fade.

Jalil: ...Here, take this. It's a practice chakram. The blades have been removed.

Jalil: You won't lose any limbs with that.

Alk: Maybe you should've given me this FROM THE START!

Jalil: Heh. We'll start off by fixing your form. I hope you're ready, because I'm a tough teacher.

Episode 2
Myth Half-Buried in Sand

Jalil seeks out information on an ancient relic in order to reclaim what's his.

Jalil: Nothing...

Jalil: If there aren't any records here, they probably don't exist...

Stella: Are you searching for a book, Jalil?

Jalil: Stella.

Jalil: Don't worry about it. I was just doing some research connected to my village.

Stella: May I be of assistance?

Jalil: Thanks for the offer, but I've already gone through every—

Jalil: No... Maybe the Keeper would know something.

Stella: About what?

Jalil: I was trying to find records of a myth that was passed down in my village. It told of a Titan who could crush the stars.

Stella: A Titan?

Jalil: Yeah. It's said the golems were once his servants.

Stella: Are you referring to the same golems we fought in the desert? But those were controlled by—

Jalil: The royal family, yeah.

Jalil: They're able to command golems. It's why they claim they're the descendants of an ancient priest who was blessed by the Titan.

Jalil: But there's rumors of a relic that contains all the Titan's powers. And I think whoever holds the relic also holds the keys to the kingdom.

Stella: Are you searching for the relic?

Jalil: Yeah. Well, right now, I'm just hunting for clues. Leads.

Stella: I've read almost every book in this library. None have been about your myth.

Jalil: I figured. I've been cooped in here for days.

Jalil: I'm asking you, as Keeper of Starview... Do you know anything?

Stella: ...No. I'm sorry.

Stella: I might have once, but not anymore...

Jalil: There's nothing you have to apologize for.

Jalil: It's a myth anyways. Might be completely made up.

Stella: Jalil.

Jalil: Yeah?

Stella: If you could meet the Titan, what would you ask of him?

Jalil: If I could meet the Titan, huh?

Jalil: I'd tell it to give back what was mine.

Stella: ...

Jalil: And if that wasn't possible, I'd just ask why good people have to suffer.

Jalil: ...I've talked for too long. Sorry for taking up your time, Stella.

Stella: Not at all. You're always welcome here, Jalil.