Inaho (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
Trends and Traditions

Alk finds Inaho reenacting a magazine's trendsetter tips to score herself a date and presents for the holidays. When they shockingly don't work, she decides to give presents to as many people as possible in hopes they'll reciprocate.

Alk: Man, it's freezing! Remind me why we came THIS early in the morning...

Stella: Because the forecast said it would snow.

Alk: Snow, huh? The clouds ARE looking a bit suspicious, now that you mention it. Let's hurry and—

Stella: Is that Inaho?

Inaho: Mmm...

Inaho: Ah, a beautiful young maiden, softly sipping a grande stardrop snowglobe frappuccino with one pump of caramel and two pumps of gingerbread spice...

Inaho: *bats eyelashes*

Inaho: Hey! Where are you going?! How could you ignore such a heart-throbbing scene?!

Alk: We didn't want to interrupt, uh... What... exactly DID we interrupt?

Inaho: Glad you asked! Gather round, and listen well!

Inaho: I, Inaho Tamamo, am being "trendy!"

Alk: Riiight. Dare I ask?

Inaho: NEED you ask? Have you not heard of being "trendy?" Here, read this!

Alk: The Oculus? Let's see... "10 Trendy Tricks to be His Holiday Heart-throb!"

Alk: ...What is this?

Inaho: A complete guide to the ancient Palpebran holiday tradition of exchanging gifts!

Inaho: If you follow all the steps to be trendy, boys have to give you presents!

Inaho: I am an ADORABLE girl in an oversized sweater, drinking a winter exclusive frappuccino at a cozy café! The boys will never know what hit them.

Alk: That explains... so much...

Inaho: Yup! What do you think of my outfit? I got Shirano to make it for me.

Stella: You look very cute.

Stella: I'm not familiar with Palpebran fashion, but I believe there is a fair likelihood you appear "trendy. Maybe.

Inaho: You do? You really do?! Thank you, Stella!

Inaho: All right! Now I know I am on the right track, I shall have myself a boyfriend in no time!

Inaho: EEP! Did I say that out loud?

Alk: Well, would you look at the time? It's been great talking to you, Inaho. Bye!

Stella: Good luck.

Inaho: Now then, back to being trendy! I shall be the most popular girl in all the land! Ehehe... Ahahaha!

Alk: She's still here?!

Stella: How did being trendy go?

Inaho: *sniffle* I did everything the magazine said, but... but... *hic* No boyfriend. No presents. Just a huge headache from all the coffee...

Alk: Well, you're welcome to come help us bake a cake. C'mon, it's about time you called it a day.

Inaho: Mm-hm... *sniffle* Okay...

Inaho: *sigh* NOW what am I to do? I was looking forward to the present-swapping ritual.

Nimbus: I dunno, just get yourself a present and call it done.

Nimbus: Wait, I know! That pretty boy of yours was saying he—

Nimbus: The hell was that for?!

Inaho: WHAT DO YOU THINK IT WAS FOR?! You KNOW Soushiro rejected me, you meanie!

Alk: All right, calm down. The holiday's about giving gifts to people you love, like family and friends. It doesn't have to be romantic.

Alk: And, if you're good, there's always Santa. He's this saint who's got a naughty and nice list, and every year...

Inaho: I had no idea. This Santa you speak of is a genius! He must get dozens—no, HUNDREDS of presents!

Alk: I just said he GIVES lots of presents.

Inaho: Exactly! People swap presents with people they like, right?

Alk: Right.

Inaho: So if he gives presents to as many people as possible, the ones who like him will give presents back! I should have thought of this sooner!

Alk: That's a PERFECT plan, Inaho. It can't POSSIBLY go wrong.

Inaho: But of course! Just you watch, Alk.

Inaho: I read in the Oculus that the best gift is something money cannot buy—your heartfelt smile! Here, Alk, a DAZZLING beam for you!

Alk: Wooow. Thanks, Inaho. How generous of you.

Inaho: You are very welcome! Now then, we must make haste! Awa, Mugi, Hie, call the yokai for a parade! We march tonight!

Fox Kit: Yaaay!

Inaho: We shall do Santa proud!

Inaho: Hmm, everything should be ready. The Terrible Tub-licker cleaned up an old cart for us, and the tengu let me borrow a fan to control the wind.

Inaho: The yokai sleigh is ready for take-off! All we need is a red-nosed reindeer!

Fox Kit: On it!

Inaho: Here goes nothing!



Alk: Well, it was great knowing them.

Alk: So... what are all of you doing in Starview? You didn't come just to watch the sleigh take off, did you?

Gramp Zigza: Hah! I'm here on business, sonny. Those little fox friends of yours asked me to bring as many copies of the Yokai Encyclopedia as possible.

Gramp Zigza: All the little tots and tykes get free copies of the first volume, and I get my return when they beg their mummies to buy 'em the next ones.

Shirano: As for the rest, word got out that Princess Inaho was giving away gifts.

Shirano: Goodness knows I've told that silly girl not to make big promises without thinking of the consequences! But does she? No, of course not.

Alk: Reeeally feeling the warm, fuzzy holiday spirit right now.

Shirano: I don't know what you expected, dearie. There's never a quiet day with Princess Inaho around.

Stella: Yes, Starview is always lively when she's here.

Alk: ...True enough.

Inaho: WHEEEEE! This is so FUN! Come on, faster, faster!

Episode 2
O' Unholy Night

A man begs for mercy as the yokai's blood-red sleigh approaches—and is given a present before they take off to spread more cheer, despite the shogun personally mobilizing the entire Diviners' Commission to cancel the holiday festivities.

Tipsy Man: Ngh. *hic* Were there alwaysh TWO moons?

Tipsy Man: Oof... Damn moons! Can'tcha see a guysh tryin' ta have himshelf a pity party down here? *hic* Shoo! Git!

Tipsy Man: The worsht of winter's comin' and I ain't got a single meashy *hic* meehsly coin ta my name! What'll I tell my wife?

Tipsy Man: M'boy's cold n' hungry... *hic* Daddy'll shteal if he hasta, boy... Daddy'll do what he hasta... *hic*

Tipsy Man: Wha-what's that music?!

Tipsy Man: Aaa—AAAAAH!

Tipsy Man: A-a-a yo-yokai parade?! I-I ain't ready ta go over ta that side yet!

Alk: Sorry, could you move to the side of the road? We need some space to land the sleigh.

Alk: We'll be done and gone in a minute, okay?

Tipsy Man: Wh-what?

Inaho: All right, you three, the road is clear! Land it right over... there!

Inaho: Happy holidays!


Inaho: Benevolent? Heh, you could tell? I suppose I could spare a present for you!

Tipsy Man: I-I got a wife and kid waitin' for me at home!

Shirano: Thank goodness, he's already married. I don't know what I would've done if THIS was the man to finally complete the present-swap.

Inaho: ...EW. I most certainly am not swapping presents with an ugly old man!

Inaho: But as the most MAGNANIMOUS yokai Santa, I shall bestow upon this smelly man a gift. I ask nothing in return.

Inaho: Here, happy holidays! Food for you and your family.

Inaho: Now then, we still have many presents to give out. Up, up, and away!

Tipsy Man: M-my prayers were answered by... by yokai?

Inaho: Ahaha, I make an excellent Santa, if I do say so myself!

Shirano: Indeed, this is your best yokai parade yet. Your mother will be ever so proud, dear!

Inaho: My SANTA parade! Tonight is about trends and presents, not Mother's moldy old tricks and pranks!

Alk: What about generosity and goodwill? ...No? No takers?

Stella: I like the trends and presents. This is very fun, Inaho.

Inaho: Right?! We have plenty of gifts, and I just KNOW a handsome sweet guy is out there waiting to fall head-over-heels in love with—

Inaho: MeEEEEP?!

Suizen: I'm afraid no one is falling tonight but you, fox.

Suizen: I knew you couldn't be up to any good when I received reports of yokai flying around in a blood-red cart.

Suizen: But for your sake, I do hope you have a better excuse for this nonsense than what I just overheard, Inaho Tamamo.

Alk: Inaho, are you okay? We—

Alk: Suizen? Ca-calm down. There's a good... Uh, okay, so there actually ISN'T a good reason for this, but we weren't trying to cause any trouble, I promise.

Suizen: Oh? Tell me more, Alk. I would be delighted to hear EXACTLY why the shogun had to mobilize my entire force of diviners in the middle of the night.

Alk: Uh... Uh, um, well...

Inaho: Nngh...

Inaho: WHO CARES?!

Suizen: You've done it now, Inaho...

Inaho: Who does the shogun think he is? I am Princess Inaho Tamamo, yokai Santa!

Inaho: I have places to be, thanks! BRING THE SLEIGH HERE!

Inaho: Catch me if you can, poopie-head! Later, loser!

Suizen: You'll regret this, fox!

Alk: INAHOOO! Don't leave me down here with him! H-HEEELP!

Suizen: Hmph. Who do they think has to clean up all their messes?

Suizen: ...Must be nice, running around without a care for consequences.

Inaho: Mwahaha! That was close, but we sure showed him! Did you see the look on his face? Ooh, you have no idea how long I have waited to do that!

Alk: ...Yep. And I really can't wait for when he finds us. THAT'S gonna be a blast.

Stella: Let's all go apologize to Suizen later.

Inaho: Yeah, we can deal with him later. Right now, we have presents to pass out!

Shirano: We do, but I'm afraid we've already seen everyone you wanted to visit, Princess dear.

Inaho: We have plenty of time until morning. Why not fly around and give gifts to whomever we see?

Inaho: We can show that bossy old scrooge of a shogun some holiday spirit!

Alk: He is SO gonna take it as a challenge...

Alk: Well, who needs sleep or a plan, anyways? Sounds fun, so I'm in!

Stella: I'll do my best to stay awake.

Fox Kits: We aren't sleepy at all! *yawn*

Shirano: Ooh, I can already imagine the trouble you'd cause if I went to bed now.

Inaho: Then it is settled!

Inaho: Onward! Tonight, we give people the happiest, merriest, trendiest holiday ever!

Episode 3
Wish Upon a Star

After her Santa adventure, Inaho realizes the only "presents" she received were shrine offerings—until Alk and Stella show up with gifts to swap. Re-energized, Inaho summons a shower of shooting stars to make everyone's wishes come true.

Inaho: Hnnnrgh...

Inaho: Hmm... *sigh* Why? WHY?

Alk: What's all the grumbling for, Inaho? Everything okay?

Inaho: NO! I-I was so trendy, so why am I not popular yet?

Inaho: I did everything the magazine said and more! So why did I not receive a single present?!

Inaho: ...Well, to be fair, I did find this stuff addressed to me, but...

Alk: Wait, you got ALL of this? And that isn't enough?

Inaho: Mmm... I dunno. I found them laid out near the entrance of our shrine, but they all had cards with prayers attached.

Alk: Prayers?

Inaho: Things like, "Benevolent nine-tailed fox, please bless our village with fruitful harvests."

Alk: Those, uh... sound like offerings.

Inaho: Exactly! And, and... someone had the GALL to ask for love and a happy marriage.

Inaho: If I could magically give people boyfriends then I. WOULD NOT. BE SINGLE!

Alk: W-well, there's always next year.

Inaho: *sigh*

Inaho: I suppose I knew all along...

Inaho: Somewhere in my heart, I understood Santa's popularity was not the kind I wanted, but I clung to it anyways.

Alk: Yeah... I mean, no one thinks about asking Santa out on a date... Probably.

Inaho: *sigh* I wanted to be popular...

Inaho: I wanted to be populaaar! *sniffle*

Alk: Me too, Inaho. Me too.

Inaho: You... you too?

Alk: It's embarrassing to admit, but I think deep-down, everyone wants to be the star of their story.

Inaho: Everyone wants to be... the star?

Stella: I don't understand.

Inaho: Forget about it, Stella. That is enough moping for one day! A-ahem. I, um, I...

Inaho: I have presents for both of you!

Inaho: Y-you know, friend presents! The, um, "like" like kind, not the "LIKE" like...

Stella: We "like" like you too, Inaho.

Inaho: Huh?

Alk: And we also have presents for you, which means... Drumroll please!

Inaho: I get to swap presents with you!

Inaho: Here, Stella. Peaches from a secret mythical spring!

Stella: Peaches! They're so soft...

Inaho: They are said to be so sweet, anyone who eats them becomes sweet and saintly too!

Inaho: Not that you need it. But I hope you like them!

Stella: I do. Thank you, Inaho. They look delicious.

Inaho: Next up is Alk! I made your present out of a branch from the top of an ancient, sacred tree in Mother's shrine.

Inaho: Ta-da! A rolling pin!

Alk: Oh!

Inaho: What do you think? Just imagine all the things you can make!

Alk: I-I think it's great! Way more practical than what I was afraid— I mean, ahem... Thanks, Inaho!

Alk: All right, my turn. Here you are! Happy holidays!

Inaho: Wow! Hair oil? It smells so goooood!

Alk: Yup, it's made with the forest sprites' favorite herbs and flowers. Perfect for both hair and fur!

Inaho: I cannot wait to try it! I can always trust you to be in the loop on girly girl stuff, Alk!

Inaho: Hm? What is this second bag?

Stella: That's from me. Open it up.

Inaho: WHOOOOA! These are the cutest earrings I have ever seen!

Stella: Do you like them?

Inaho: I love them, Stella! Forget the popular trends, THIS is my style!

Stella: I'm glad you love them. I hope they are trendy too, though.

Inaho: This is the best day ever! Thank you both so, so, so much!

Inaho: Stella, Alk, I actually have one more thing for you.

Inaho: Follow me.

Alk: Wow, the view up here is amazing!

Stella: It's beautiful...

Inaho: I read about winter illuminations in the Oculus.

Inaho: I waited until the big day so we could see the lights together under the stars!

Inaho: Happy memories are the best holiday present of all, right?

Stella: I agree. Thank you, Inaho.

Inaho: Nuh-uh, no thank yous yet! We are only just getting started!

Inaho: People wish upon shooting stars, do they not?

Inaho: What would you wish for?

Stella: I wish that we can stargaze together like this again some time.

Alk: Ooh, that's a good one! Me too!

Inaho: Easy peasy!

Inaho: A small feat for Princess Inaho Tamamo, yokai Santa!

Inaho: Stars above, heed our wishes and dance for us tonight!

Inaho: Behold the golden power of Nine Tails—Stardrop Snowglobe!

Pur Lilie: I've never seen snow that glows before... Hey, wait. Are these—

Children: STAAAAARS! Look at all the shooting stars!