Illumine (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Beach Fun for Everyone

Illumine arrives at the beach and is immediately distracted by thoughts of fitting the ocean's beauty into her next show. Alk and the others get her to relax with beach volleyball, before she comes across a lost girl. Illumine cheers the girl up with a show, attracting other captivated audience members, and soon after, the girl's grateful parents come collect her.

Illumine: Time for some fun in the sun!

Alk: That's right! Nothing like a nice beach day to kick back and relax!

Illumine: Ahaha! Water's sure salty, and the sand's kinda tickly!

Nimbus: She looks more ready to swim a race than relax...

Illumine: *inhale* It'd be awesome to have a beach-vibey show, wouldn't it? Wonder how I'd go about it though...

Illumine: Hmm, hmm... Hmm!

Alk: Illumine, your magic's showing.

Stella: We should enjoy the beach first while the sun is up.

Illumine: Oh! Yeah, we should, huh?

Illumine: How about some volleyball to kick things off?

Alk: Whoa! Where'd you get that ball?

Illumine: Magic, duh! I've been working on my illusions!

Stella: She loaned it from that shop over there earlier.

Illumine: Stella! A good assistant doesn't reveal the tricks of the trade!

Alk: Light, I'm setting it over there!

Light: Oh, dear!

Light: S-sorry...

Illumine: All right, my turn to serve!

Alk: Hey, totally not fair! That has to be against the rules!

Alk: Oops, my bad!

Illumine: It's fine, it's fine! I'll go get it!

Girl's Voice: WAAAH!

Little Girl: *hiccup* *sob* Daddy... Mommy... where are you?

Illumine: Uh-oh, looks like we've got ourselves a lost one.

Illumine: Hello there, little miss. Why don't we dry those tears?

Illumine: If you don't cheer up...

Illumine: The birdies will fly away!

Little Girl: Wooow! How'd you do that?

Illumine: Hehehe, that's a trade secret! But lucky for you, I've got more where that came from!

Fancy Gentleman: What's going on over there?

Excited Lady: Oooh, so pretty! We should get a closer look!

Illumine: Oopsie, I wasn't planning on attracting a crowd today, but...

Little Girl: I wanna see it again! Can you do it again?

Fancy Gentleman: Encore! Encore!

Illumine: A true entertainer never disappoints!

Illumine: Hey, everybody! The name's Illumine...

Illumine: And welcome to my Show of Spectacles—impromptu edition!

Illumine: ...That's all, folks!

Alk: Awesome as always, Illumine!

Illumine: Ah! I'm so sorry, I kept you waiting this whole time, didn't I?

Alk: Nah, don't worry about it—we're used to your shenanigans. But mind telling us what brought this on?

Illumine: Y'see... Ta-da! This here's Ellie, and I was trying to cheer her up!

Alk: Well, Ellie... How'd you like the show?

Light: A child separated from her family, I presume. We should bring her to the nearby visitor's center—

Burly Adventurer: Ellie! There you are!

Ellie: Daddy! Mommy!

Burly Adventurer: Thank you for looking after our little girl! Is there any way we can repay you?

Illumine: No payment needed! I had a fun time hanging out with Ellie!

Mother: B-but...

Illumine: If you really wanna thank me, come to one of my shows sometime! I'll give you front row seats!

Ellie: Really? Thank you, Illumine!

Illumine: Always happy to help a fan—especially one of my best!

Episode 2
Festival of Shows

Inside the island's casino, Illumine surprises her friends with shining cocktails, courtesy of her magic. She later plays around with a punching machine, then comes across a performance on the first floor. Unable to contain herself, she hops on stage as well to give the audience a spectacular show.

Alk: This place is wild... Is this what adults do for entertainment?

Stella: Everything is very colorful and flashy.

Light: Should we really have brought those two here?

Nimbus: Quit your worrying, old man. Nothing THAT bad goes down in here.

Alk: Yeah! It's not like you have to get ID'd to walk in!

Illumine: Guuuys!

Illumine: I bought us some cocktails!

Alk: Whoa, they sure are pretty!

Light: Entering a casino is one thing, but underage drinking?!

Illumine: Relax! It's all nonalcoholic!

Illumine: Take whichever one catches your fancy!

Alk: I'll have this glass then...

Illumine: Ta-da! A special garnish, courtesy of my illusion magic!

Stella: Pretty...

Light: How marvelous... Could I also have one?

Illumine: Of course!

Alk: That was magical. All the people nearby were super interested too.

Illumine: Oooh! What's that over there?

Clerk: Would you like to give it a go, miss?

Illumine: Yes, sirree! Let me at it!

Illumine: I'll show you what I'm made of...

Illumine: Magical Illusion Punch!

Alk: Oh?

Stella: 48 points.

Illumine: Gahhh, darn it.

Light: It was only an illusion, after all.

Nimbus: My turn.


Clerk: S-such power?!

Alk: Illumine... What'd you do to the machine?

Illumine: Teehee, I dunno what you're talking about!

Alk: Explaining to the employee what happened was pretty awkward...

Illumine: Sorry... I thought it'd be a fun surprise, so I couldn't help myself.

Light: The entertainer in you never rests, does she? I understand you're passionate, but we came here to take a break.

Illumine: Yeeeeah... That's true.

Alk: All right, Illumine. No more entertaining others—focus on entertaining yourself!

Announcer: Thanks for waiting, folks. It's about time for our Show of Spectacles to start! Gather around the stage on the first floor!

Illumine: Did I just hear Show of Spectacles?

MC: ...And that concludes our contortionist's show! Thanks for watching!

Stella: I have never seen a man's body twist like that before.

Alk: The fire-breather was amazing too! I thought for sure the flames were going to singe us!

Light: How did you find it, Illumine? Isn't it nice to sit back and be the audience sometimes?

Alk: Illumine?

Illumine: Hnnngh... Nghh...

Illumine: Nope, I can't hold back any longer!

Illumine: Ladies and gentlemen!

Illumine: Illumine, illusionist of light, is about to take the stage!

MC: What's this? Have we got ourselves a surprise performance?!

Illumine: It's show time!

Audience: Whoa, which one's the real one? Who is she?! She's amazing! I'm so glad I stopped by!

Nimbus: So much for taking a break, huh?

Alk: At least she's having fun!

Illumine: Thank you, thank you! I love you all!

Episode 3
Going Swimmingly

While Illumine is stuck on how to make her shows even more spectacular, Alk and friends suggest a change of pace and take her on a walk through the ocean depths. It works, and with new inspiration and mermaid friends to aid her, Illumine performs a beautiful summer show on the beach for her adoring audience.

Illumine: From now on, I wanna do bigger and better shows!

Light: In my humble opinion, that show you crashed the other day was already plenty spectacular.

Illumine: I mean it was fun, but I didn't have anything new to show off! It was missing an extra bit of OOMPH!

Illumine: But I can't figure out what exactly that oomph needed to be...

Alk: We'd help if we could, but I think we're out of our depth here...

Nimbus: How about a change of pace? We could check out whatever's happening over there.

Alk: Scuba diving? Didn't know they had it!

Stella: It seems fun.

Illumine: ...The line's real long though.

Alk: Hmm, well... It's not like WE need special equipment to take a trip under the sea.

Light: Oh, that's right!

Illumine: Ahhh, nothing like a blue ocean sparkling under the light! This is my kinda place!

Illumine: What's over there?

Alk: Didn't expect to see a building underwater around these parts. Wanna keep an eye out for salvage while we explore?

Light: That might be difficult in this darkness...

Illumine: Leave that part to me!

Alk: Whoa!

Illumine: Even gathered a crowd! Thanks for coming to watch!

Light: The light of your illusions glows differently in the water, doesn't it?

Illumine: Huh, now that you mention it...

Grandpa: Enjoying yourselves, I see.

Alk: Gramps! We owe the fun to you, of course!

Grandpa: You sure do! Nice of you to acknowledge it...

Grandpa: Yet you didn't invite me to join in...

Nimbus: If you wanna goof around, then just tell it to us straight.

Illumine: Were you lonely, gramps? Sorry we left you out...

Grandpa: No, no, you've got the wrong idea! I don't mind whatsoever! *cough*

Illumine: Hmm... Still, I feel bad!

Illumine: How about another performance? It's show time!

Grandpa: What a wonderful show it was... I'm so moved... I think my back is about to give out!

Illumine: Hehehe! Glad you liked it!

Illumine: Actually, I got something out of it too—I just had an epiphany while performing.

Illumine: Gramps, can I get you and the other mermaids to help me with something?

Spectator A: Hey, it's the lady from the other day!

Spectator B: Is she going to perform for us tonight? Oh, I can't wait to see what she's got in store!

Light: Honestly speaking, I'm surprised the mermaids agreed to this.

Alk: Yeah? Fans tend to do whatever their idols want, though.

Illumine: Ladies and gentlemen!

Illumine: We've got some special guests behind the scenes today. They're gonna help me put on a summer show with mermaid magic!

Grandpa: That's our cue! Let's go!

Illumine: Thanks, everyone!

Illumine: In the name of the light... and the twinkling stars above, I deliver this spectacle to all!

Spectator C: Bravooo! Illumine, you're amazing!

Stella: That was... incredible!

Alk: Yeah, you said it!

Light: ...Incredible, indeed.

Light: The power of light is meant to banish darkness and destroy evil, but the light of her heart is even more—

Nimbus: Stop thinking so hard and just enjoy the moment, Light.

Light: Ah, right you are! Bravo!

Illumine: I want to thank everyone for all your help with today's performance!

Illumine: From the wonderful people I met on this island...

Illumine: To the friends who helped me come up with the whole shebang!

Illumine: And let's not forget the most important crowd—every one of you who showed up to watch and cheer me on!

Illumine: Now, sit back and keep watching, because the show's not over yet!

Illumine: Love you all!