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Episode 1
Show of Spectacles

Alk and Light come across a magic show as they pass through a village. Monsters suddenly attack after the audience demands an encore, but the illusionist Illumine makes quick work of them with a colorful display of light magic. Impressed by her skills, Light invites Illumine to perform back in Starview Village.

Light: Shall we rest here for the day?

Alk: Huh, is it just me, or is something going on?

Illumine: Welcome to the show, ladies and gents!

Illumine: Magic's about to happen, so sit back, relax, and keep your eyes on me!

Light: Does she plan on performing HERE of all places?

Alk: Huh... Let's stay and watch.

Illumine: And that's all, folks!

Alk: Wow... I've never seen anything like that!

Light: It was certainly impressive!

Light: Was she manipulating light to make those effects?

Illumine: Did you have a good time, everyone?

Audience: Encore! Encore!

Illumine: Weeell, if you insist, I've got one more trick up my sleeve!

Audience: M-monsters! Ruuun!

Light: Alk!

Alk: R-right, we gotta help her out!

Illumine: What do we have here? More folks for the show?

Illumine: Looks like I'll have to kick this show up a notch for you all!

Illumine: In the name of the light and all the rainbows of the world, I'll punish you!

Alk: Wait, wha... Huh?!

Illumine: Buh-bye!

Alk: She yeeted those monsters out of here like it was nothing.

Illumine: I'm doing just peachy!

Illumine: Appreciate ya trying to help me back there though!

Light: You're a magician of exceptional ability. Why not cull the monsters quickly yourself?

Alk: Wait, she is?

Light: Cutting them down would have been easy for someone with her level of power and finesse.

Illumine: Heehee, you'll make a girl blush with a compliment like that!

Illumine: As for your question, well... An illusionist should always put on a good show!

Light: I see. Respectable enough, I suppose.

Illumine: A fellow fun appreciator, I see! Well have I got an offer for you...

Illumine: ...A once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel alongside the lovely and foxy Illumine!

Illumine: Act now, and we can have a blast all the way to Palpebra for free!

Alk: In other words... You wanna travel with us to Palpebra?

Illumine: You betcha!

Illumine: My audience ran away for some reason, so now I'm completely broke!

Alk: Kind of amazing you can say that with a smile on your face...

Light: Perhaps you could join us in Starview?

Alk: Oh, there's an idea!

Light: I was surprised to see someone use light magic in such a manner...

Light: Which leads me to believe everyone else might enjoy seeing the show too.

Illumine: So what you're telling me is, I've got a new audience waiting! Count me in!

Alk: That's right. Welcome aboard, Illumine!

Illumine: Leave the flashy stuff to me! I've still got a lot more razzle-dazzle up my sleeves!

Episode 2
Right Round, Light Round

After a show, an angry priest accuses Illumine of using her power to deceive others—a sentiment that Illumine's teacher once shared as well. A group of shady people then approach Illumine and bring her back to their base. Worried, Stella and Nimbus follow them, only to discover that the group are fans of Illumine and wish to study under her. Their adoration is enough to return Illumine back to her cheerful self.

Audience: Bravoooo!

Illumine: Thank you, thank you! I love you guys!

Stella: Place your tips here.

Illumine: Come again anytime!

Priest: Why do you insist on wielding the light for deception?

Priest: It is a power meant to cleave through the darkness—to counteract calamity and misfortune.

Priest: Yet you continue to use it to serve lies.

Illumine: You've got it totally wrong!

Illumine: I'm an illusionist, and I show people the dreams they want to see! Simple as that!

Priest: You are guiding people to ruin... Don't think the Guild won't hear about this!

Stella: He didn't tip.

Illumine: Oh well. That's too bad.

Illumine: He was saying the same stuff my teacher used to...

Illumine: Lies, huh...

???: Heh-heh... Finally found ya.

Loutish Man: I need it... and only you can provide for us!

Illumine: Something only I... can provide?

Stella: Illumine?

Nimbus: Something's fishy. Let's follow 'em.

Nimbus: Quiet. A lookout's coming by.

Loutish Man: Come on! Show me the magic!

Sharp-Eyed Woman: Me too! I've been searching for that power all this time!

Nimbus: Not sure what kinda crazy they're on, but I can handle these small fries—

Stella: Nimbus, wait.

Nimbus: Huh?

Illumine: All righty. I'll do it.

Illumine: Here comes Illumine's Show of Spectacles!

All: Yaaaaay!

Charmed Man: Woohoo! You're the best, Illumine!

Speechless Woman: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

Impatient Man: I can't hold back... Must... dance!

Nimbus: Someone mind explainin' what the heck is going on?

Illumine: Stella? Nimbus? You here for the show too?

Nimbus: No, just... Who are these people?

Illumine: Guess you can call them my fans. They've been to a whole bunch of my shows before!

Charmed Man: That's right!

Charmed Man: When we saw her show back in the boonies for the first time... we just knew we'd have to make our own debut in the city!

Speechless Woman: But things didn't turn out so well for us...

Charmed Man: We ended up homeless and living in caves... which is why we've got a favor to ask!

Impatient Man: Please... be our teacher!

Nimbus: I'm telling you, these guys reek of trouble. The nose doesn't lie.

Illumine: Hehe, don't you worry about a thing! I've got this!

Illumine: Appreciate the concern though!

Illumine: All right, folks. Your training begins today, and it won't be easy! Get your game faces on!

Episode 3
Rainbow Night Show

After being reported to the guild, Illumine isn't allowed to perform in her usual space anymore, but Alk comes up with an idea to host a festival. That evening, the town is covered in Illumine's magic as her Rainbow Night Show begins. The priest swings by again, this time with his assistant, to accuse her of peddling more lies, but Illumine stands up for herself and proves that her magic brightens up the souls of her audience.

Illumine: Can't you do something about it?

Guild Staff: I'm sorry, but I'm only the messenger...

Illumine: So it's a no, and that's it?

Guild Staff: Y-you can pout all you want, but I-I won't be persuaded!

Guild Staff: I have, er, other matters to attend to—if you'll excuse me!

Alk: Wow... Now that guy was redder than a tomato.

Stella: Negotiations fell through.

Illumine: Ugh! The guild's so stubborn!

Alk: So you can't perform in that public area anymore?

Illumine: Looks like it... I'll never get my own theater at this rate!

Stella: She's had a complaint filed against her. Something about violating the use of divine light.

Alk: Well I think that's a load of—

Nimbus: Hah! When the guild doesn't like something, they get rid of it. Not much else to it.

Illumine: They've even been driving away my audience lately...

Illumine: It's starting to be a real pain in the—

Nimbus: Hmph! So they're trying to kick you off your own turf, huh?

Alk: How about finding another venue? There's no shortage of foot traffic by the shops, right?

Stella: Leaving no room for a show, unfortunately.

Alk: That idea's out then...

Alk: What about during after-hours?

Alk: Like... a summer festival or something!

Illumine: Ladies and gentlemen!

Illumine: Thanks for coming! Here's the moment you've all been waiting for!

Illumine: Raise the curtains for this festival of color and dreams!

Illumine: Let's go, Rainbow Night Show!

Audience: Bravooo!

Light: Impressive. Her skills are even more polished than before.

Alk: Sure took a bit to get the entire town decorated with her magic though.

Stella: We had the help of the Guild and town shopkeepers.

Nimbus: They move fast when there's money to be made.

Alk: Money makes the world go round, and Palpebra's about as round as they get.

???: What is all this racket?

Priest: Stop this tomfoolery at once! What is the guild thinking, allowing this sacrilege?!

Nimbus: You wanna say that again?

Illumine: No fisticuffs, please!

Illumine: Everyone's here to have fun, so you gotta play nice!

Priest: Insolent whelp! Wielding the light in the name of deception!

Illumine: I'm not deceiving nobody!

Illumine: It's CALLED putting a little joy in everyone's day! Ever heard of it?

Illumine: And isn't that what the light's power is all about?

Priest: F-foolishness...

Stella: Tips go here.

Priest: I refuse to acknowledge this farce!

Priest's Disciple: Please, accept this on behalf of our leader...

Priest's Disciple: P-please excuse us!

Stella: I'd say this was a partial success.

Light: As good of a victory we can hope for. He'll come around eventually.

Light: More importantly, we should turn our attention back to the show before Illumine bursts into tears.

Illumine: You guys... You guys are the best!