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Episode 1
Looking for a Fight

Just when Albert has enough trouble to deal with, Helga threatens to create more. She storms Starview in hunt of Whitetail, belatedly explaining she's not after Nimbus' head—she's after a job in his party.

Albert: Yet another scuffle in the East? *sigh*

Albert: I already have my plate full dealing with the timber wolves' taxes, or lack thereof. I shan't stand for any more fudged documents.

Albert: Blast it all! What am I to tell Claudius?

Canid Guard: Lady Helga, with all due respect, you can't just— Lady Helga!

Helga: Albert! It's been too long. ...Remember me?

Albert: ...Helga Vanese.

Helga: Well old chap, I trust you know why I'm here! Let's get straight to business, shall we?

Albert: Do I at least get a chance to explain myself first?

Helga: Oh, certainly! Be my guest. I'll just be filing my claws, don't mind me. Happen to like them SHARP, you see!

Nimbus: ...Huh-whuh?

Helga: *sniff*

Helga: Ahh, blood and steel. Smells like the right place!

Alk: Nimbus! What was that noise?!

Nimbus: A canid? I didn't hear anythin' from the dogfolk 'bout a visitor.

Helga: Oh? Why, if it isn't Whitetail. You've saved me the trouble of hunting you down.

Helga: You owe me, and I'm here to collect.

Alk: Huh? ...Nimbus, what did you do?

Nimbus: Nothin'! I've never seen her in my life!

Helga: Allow me to introduce myself—Helga Vanese, charmed. I WAS a soldier, until your escapades in the canyon put me out of a job.

Helga: I've been itching for something to sink my teeth into... and I believe you can help with that!

Helga: Not bad! Doing the Whitetail name proud, I see.

Nimbus: Tch! The war's over! When're you guys gonna lay all those old grudges to rest?!

Helga: Oh? Whatever do you mean? This has nothing to do with cats and dogs.

Nimbus: ...Huh?

Helga: I believe you've misunderstood me; I harbor no ill-will towards our feline friends. I'm glad there's finally peace.

Helga: And Albert! Poor puppy's been working ever so hard—I'd hate to spoil things for him.

Alk: Th-then what are you doing here?

Helga: Well, I'm a soldier. A warrior. Not to toot my own horn, but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's hacking and whacking.

Helga: I'm a simple lady.

Nimbus: Hah! Well, I'm a simple guy. You want a fight, I'll give you a fight!

Helga: Oh, smells like the jig's up. Here he comes.

Nimbus: He? Who's coming?! Reinforcements?!

Albert: HELGA!

Helga: Why, hello again, Albert! Took you longer that I thought, really.

Albert: What do you think you're doing?! I was VERY clear that I would handle matters regarding your—

Helga: Now, now, I believe I've just about sorted that out myself! I'm joining Whitetail's forces. Sounds like a perfect compromise for all, wouldn't you say?

Nimbus: You're WHAT?

Helga: As I was just explaining, you put me out of a job, and I entirely expect you to put me back IN a job! Simple, right?

Helga: I heard from Albert you and the Champion have got your paws full trying to combat some Lord of Shadow fellow.

Helga: A bit over my head, to be quite frank, but it certainly sounds up my alley! You DO seem like quite a warrior yourself, I must say.

Albert: Nimbus, I am terribly sorry. I tried to stop her...

Helga: What do you say, Whitetail? Think you could pencil me in somewhere?

Nimbus: Stella, do the thing.

Stella: Of course. ...Helga, welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Nimbus: There, now it's official. Also, one rule: don't call me "Whitetail." My name's Nimbus.

Nimbus: ...Other than that, suit yourself I guess.

Helga: Nimbus, eh? Of course, kitten.

Helga: Looking forward to working with you!

Albert: Helga's among the dogfolk's best soldiers, but... Well, you saw how she is. She's not the type you can keep a tight leash on.

Albert: I am honestly, sincerely, TERRIBLY sorry in advance.

Nimbus: Hah! Hope she's got enough bite to back up her bark.

Episode 2
Fighting for Peace

The party worry about Helga, who always seems to be looking for fights. She explains that while she's a warrior, she's not a war-monger, and awaits the day her services will no longer be needed.

Helga: Oh? *sniff* Smells like danger.

Helga: I've got more where that came from!

Helga: There! That should be the last of them.

Nimbus: So much for scouting the place out. You've crushed every single monster in our path.

Helga: Whoops! Didn't mean to hog the fun, kitten. My nose got the better of me.

Helga: This Kaleidoscope of yours is full of surprises. An ever-changing dungeon, with secrets untold lurking in its unexplored depths.

Helga: Whenever you tidy up that Lord of Shadows business and put me out of a job, I might have to come back.

Helga: I'd be here till the day I die!

Helga: Oh, don't give me that look. A lady can dream of lifelong employment, can't she?

Light: Lifelong employment, huh?

Stella: I'm sorry, Nimbus. I underestimated the amount of time I'd take.

Nimbus: I shoulda known better than to take you in the book store. Thought we'd be in there all day!

Helga: Grrrrrr... Ruff ruff!

Nimbus: ...Helga?

Children: Oh no!

Helga: Grrrrr...

Helga: RUFF!

Children: Wah-ha-ha! We've got you now!

Nimbus: What are you doin'?

Helga: Why, we're ruff-housing, of course! Care to join the dogpile?

Stella: Yes, if I may.

Nimbus: Wouldn't have pegged you as the type who's good with kids. I thought you only cared about fighting.

Helga: Goodness, I'm a soldier, not a war- monger.

Nimbus: Hah. You're always lookin' for fights, though.

Helga: That doesn't mean I can't appreciate some peace and tranquility off the battlefield.

Helga: Children playing without a care in the world—that's how things SHOULD be. ...Even if it puts soldiers like me out of work.

Nimbus: What will you do when there are no more battles to be fought—anywhere? People'll figure out what's down in the Kaleidoscope's depths eventually.

Helga: When there are no more battles to be fought, eh? Optimistic, but certainly has a ring to it.

Helga: I'm sure I'll be long dead by then. You either die a hero—or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Stella: No! You, you can't...

Nimbus: What, you sure you wouldn't rather be the world's new supervillain?

Helga: Ahahaha! Tempting, but no, I'd rather fight for peace than against it.

Helga: Come now, Stella sweetie. It was just a what-if." I'm not going anywhere.

Helga: How about you, kitten? Need a little scratch behind the ears?

Nimbus: I'll pass.

Helga: I didn't mean to frighten you, Stella sweetie. I'll be all right.

Helga: I'm hardly new to the soldier business, and I knew what I was getting myself into from the start.

Helga: I'm fighting for a world that doesn't need people like me. ...And the sooner it comes, the better!

Nimbus: Fighting for a world that won't need you... Sounds pretty complex.

Helga: Perhaps, but I needn't worry about it for a while yet! I was right to come join you lot—never a dull day.

Helga: You have my deepest gratitude, Nimbus Whitetail.

Stella: Helga...

Helga: Now, we'd best be moving! I'm sure Alk is whipping up supper as we speak. Come along, now, children!

Nimbus: Who's she callin' children? Tch...

Episode 3
Glad You're Here

The party finds a child in the Kaleidoscope, who's trying to find his father. Helga's keen nose leads her to the missing adventurer, and she receives a hero's welcome upon her return.

Nimbus: Ready, Alk?

Alk: Yeah! Let's go!

Nimbus: That takes care of that.

Nimbus: What's with Helga? Not like her to be this quiet. Heeeey, you listenin'?

Helga: I am trying to, yes, now hush. Don't you hear something?

???: —elp! —addyyyyy!

Helga: Elp? ...Help! There's a child nearby!

Scared Child: Daddy, heeeelp! *sniffle* DADDYYYYY!

Scared Child: *sniffle* ...Huh? A big doggie? And a kitty?

Helga: Yes, sweetie. Now what are you doing here all on your lonesome?

Scared Child: Uwaaaah! Dad—*hic*—Daddyyyy! Where'sh Daddy!? I want my daddy!

Nimbus: Damn it, why'd you put ME in charge of watchin' the kid?!

Nimbus: YOU take him Helga! You're good with kids, right?

Helga: No! I-I don't know how to stop him crying either, but... Oh, all right, I'll try!

Scared Child: Daddy... *hic* Where'sh... *hic* Where'sh Daddy...

Helga: Um, a-AWOOOOO!

Helga: Arf! Arf arf! Look at the big funny doggie!

Helga: There, there, that's better. Doggie will help get you home to your daddy.

Helga: What's your name, sweetie?

Emil: *sniffle* ...Emil.

Helga: Emil! What a cool name, for a very brave boy! Now then, Emil sweetie, can you tell me why you're here in the Kaleidoscope?

Emil: I'm looking for my daddy. He... he went to work in the Kaleidoscope, but... *sniffle* He didn't come home.

Emil: He, he said he'd be home by dinner, but he never came... S-so I came to find him!

Light: Alone? What you did is very dangerous. It's a miracle you're unharmed.

Alk: I never really thought much of it, but Palpebra DOES have a lot of orphanages...

Alk: Hey, Emil. Can you tell me how long it's been since your daddy disappeared?

Emil: A-about two days? The day before yesterday.

Helga: I might still be able to track him. Come here, sweetie, let doggie give you a good sniff.

Helga: I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do.

Nimbus: I'll go with you. Alk, Light, get that kid outta here.

Alk: Yeah. You two be careful.

Light: Alk and I will retrace the path we cleared back to the entrance. Now, go! I trust your noses, and your unyielding strength!

Helga: I just said I can't make any promises! The scent is very faint.

Nimbus: Then quit your damn bellyachin' and get your ass in gear! Let's go! The trail's not getting any stronger standing around here, is it?

Helga: Quit my damn bellyaching, eh? Hmph, you're absolutely right, but you had better watch your language when addressing a lady.

Nimbus: I damn sure as hell won't.

Nimbus: Heh. C'mon, we won't know unless we try.

Helga: We "damn sure as hell won't," will we? Come—follow me!

Emil: Daddy? DADDY!

Emil's Father: Emil! Oh, Emil, Daddy's so sorry! I'm so glad you're safe.

Emil: Yup! There was a big talking doggie and a stripey kitty and they saved me! ...Huh? Where are they?

Emil: Oh! Here they come! Dooooggie!

Stella: Welcome back, Helga. Alk explained the situation. It's a good thing you were around.

Helga: A good thing I was around? ...Thank you, Stella.

Helga: I'm glad I could help.