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Episode 1
A Pirate's Landing

A red-haired man emerges from the World Flipper and reveals his history as a pirate to Alk and friends. When their shared affiliation with Marina comes to light, he offers to join the group—showing off his guns while he's at it.

Stella: Something is coming.

Light: What in the...

Alk: Are you okay?!

Red-Haired Man: BLISTERIN' BARNACLES! What's the big idea?!

Red-Haired Man: That hurt like a cutlass to the booty, I'll say!

Red-Haired Man: The heck did I do to deserve this?!

Alk: Well... You seem to be in one piece.

Red-Haired Man: Wait, where am I? And who are you guys?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Red-Haired Man: Mm, so good!

Red-Haired Man: Now this here's some good eatin'! You're an absolute genius in the galley!

Alk: Appreciate the compliment. Makes the hard work I put into cooking worth it!

Red-Haired Man: I've never had anything even remotely this good on the pirate ship! It's usually just moldy old bread...

Light: So you're a pirate after all.

Hayz: The name's Hayz! I'm with the Crimson Blades!

Light: Crimson Blades? You work for Marina then?

Hayz: Sink me sideways! You know Marina?!

Alk: Actually, we're also with the Crim—

Hayz: Marina's a total boss, ain't she? She's tough, beautiful, and well-rounded in all the right places—if y'know what I mean! I'm stickin' with her till the day I die!

Light: I don't believe I've ever seen you aboard Marina's ship.

Hayz: About that, you gotta hear me out! 'Cuz I've got one heck of a tearjerker for ya!

Nimbus: Keep it short.

Hayz: I went off lookin' for a present for Marina—something to put a huge smile on her face!

Hayz: And that's when the Gaean Navy caught me!

Hayz: I eventually found my way back, but the ship wasn't around anymore!

Nimbus: In other words, you got left behind. Am I right?

Hayz: Like, what was I supposed to do?! I had no idea where Marina and the rest of the Crimson Blades were!

Hayz: Anyhoo, I knew I had to get back to her. So I plunged into the sea!

Alk: Wha?

Hayz: And that's when I realized... that I don't actually know how to swim.

Light: Hold on—you're a pirate, but you can't swim?

Hayz: I could feel my body fallin'.

Hayz: But yo-ho-ho, as fate would have it, mermaids came to my rescue!

Hayz: Strange thing is though, they then tossed me onto some weird gizmo.

Hayz: And before I knew it, I ended up here with you landlubbers!

Nimbus: This guy's obviously not the sharpest cutlass on the ship.

Light: Okay, we understand your plight, but...

Alk: So what are your plans now? We can help you get back to the sea if—

Hayz: Ain't it obvious?! I'm comin' with you guys!

Hayz: Any friend of Marina is a friend of mine! We were destined to come together!

Hayz: I happen to be a pretty good shot, you know! Watch this!

Hayz: Hraah!

Light: Hm, not bad. Your accuracy is impressive.

Hayz: You can say that again! I bet you can't wait to bring me along!

Hayz: These twin pistols are my pride and joy! Marina gave 'em to me as congrats for pullin' off my first big job!

Alk: Are you sure about this? Shouldn't you be with the Crimson Blades inste—

Hayz: All righty! It's decided then!

Light: Watch it!

Hayz: Yeeeooowch!

Episode 2
Desert Flower

As punishment for trying to jump into a sacred spring, Hayz is sent to retrieve a golden cactus seed while Alk and friends are held hostage. Not wanting them to experience the pain of being left behind, he persists and manages to find the seed—along with a beautiful flower.

Hayz: Know what the finest present is to make a gal pay attention to ya?

Hayz: Answer's a flower! Nothing wins over the ladies like a flower!

Stella: Yes. Flowers are beautiful.

Nimbus: But who in their right mind actually travels to a different world just to pick a flower?

Hayz: The more effort it takes, the greater the payoff—believe me on that one!

Hayz: Aaahh! I can't wait to see the smile on her face as I hand her the flower!

Hayz: Geez, why's it so hot? Sure is different from when I'm out at sea.

Nimbus: What do you expect? We're in the desert.

Alk: You chugged down all the water too...

Light: As fortune would have it, Hayz, the oasis is straight ahead.

Hayz: Seriously? Which way?!

Hayz: Whoo-hoo! I'm in heaven!

Dignified Voice: Stop right there!

Hayz: Urk... Cough! Now I've got sand in my mouth!

Desert Dweller: How dare you even think of jumping into our sacred spring! It is an unforgivable insult!

Desert Dweller: You're coming with us, knaves!

Alk: Uh-oh... This can't be good...

Nimbus: What do we do now? Make a run for it?

Alk: That'd just make us look guilty...

Hayz: Th-the death penalty?!

Nimbus: And which one of you is gonna enforce that exactly?

Desert Dweller: Ch-chief... Surely you jest. Even we think that's going too far...

Tribal Chief: Fools, don't you see this was all part of my ploy?

Tribal Chief: A-anyway! Even if we forgive you, the spirits need something more to be placated! They require an offering!

Tribal Chief: Bring us a golden cactus seed by sundown and you'll be free to go.

Alk: That sounds like something we can manage—

Tribal Chief: No, only the red-haired one goes.

Hayz: Aaargh! You've gotta be kiddin' me! We'd get the job done in a flash if you let us all go!

Tribal Chief: Your friends will be our hostages. Besides, you were the only one who sullied our sacred spring. It's only right that you take responsibility!

Desert Dweller: The chief's very particular about these kinds of things...

Hayz: Me... alone?

Hayz: Cripes! Where the hell am I even supposed to find this golden cactus anyway?!

Hayz: Sigh... I oughta just give up.

Hayz: Not like the other guys are countin' on me to come back anyway.

Hayz: Woo-hoo! Hayz is back, baby!

Hayz: I bet they're worried sick about me! Can't wait to tell 'em all about my little adventure!

Hayz: Wait a sec... The ship's not here...

Hayz: Where'd everyone go?!

Hayz: I bet it's gonna play out just like that all over again...

Tribal Chief: Hm... He sure is taking his time.

Tribal Chief: Are the rest of you not concerned that he may have run off?

Nimbus: Not at all. See? Here he comes.

Hayz: I'm back with your stupid golden cactus seed! Take a good look!

Tribal Chief: Ahem... Well done. Your crime is forgiven.

Hayz: Just to be sure, you only needed the seed, right? Mind if I take the flower that was blooming on top of it?

Tribal Chief: If you wish—it's of no import to me.

Hayz: Whoo!

Nimbus: I'm surprised you came back at all. I figured you were gonna bail on us.

Hayz: Aw, cut me some slack! Anyway, is this flower a beaut or what? I needed someone to brag to about it!

Alk: THAT'S why you came back?

Hayz: It was all the reason I needed!

Alk: Well, fine by me.

Light: What strange company we keep here in Starview Village...

Hayz: Hey, don't leave me behind! I thought we were mates!

Episode 3
True Mates

Hayz bumps into old friends at a port in Endless Blue, where he realizes that a communication gaffe concerning his transmitter is what led to his current separation from the Crimson Blades. Despite this, he chooses to return to Starview Village with Alk and friends.

Hayz: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Now this is what I'm talkin' about!

Nimbus: Could you keep it down a bit?

Hayz: Whoops, sorry about that! Forgot you're not the biggest fan of the ocean breeze!

Hayz: But as a man of the sea, I can't help but let out a yo-ho-ho! You've got no idea how uplifting it feels for me to be here!

Light: That reminds me... Don't you plan on going back to your pirate friends someday?

Hayz: About that...

Lean Pirate: Hayz! You're Hayz, aren'tcha?!

Burly Pirate: Nice to see you guys too.

Nimbus: Hey there, didn't expect to see you two around these parts.

Lean Pirate: We try to come back every now and then. Anyhow, is that Hayz you've got with you?

Burly Pirate: That's definitely our favorite loudmouth, Hayz.

Hayz: Hayz, Hayz, Hayz, you keep repeatin' that name...

Hayz: As if he meant somethin' to you. I don't know any Hayz!

Alk: H-Hayz?!

Alk: What's wrong? Aren't those guys your friends from the Crimson Blades?

Hayz: Nope, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Hayz: I've got no mates...

Hayz: Not a single one, damn it!

Hayz: C'mon, say something already!

Alk: I mean, you're free to believe what you want. But are you sure you wanna give your Crimson Blade friends the cold shoulder?

Alk: I can say this much: WE definitely see you as a friend, Hayz. You came back for us in the desert—plus you help out with the dishes sometimes!

Hayz: A-Alk...

Lean Pirate: Sorry to butt in, guys...

Burly Pirate: That really bothered you, huh, Hayz...

Lean Pirate: I bet you thought we'd abandoned you.

Hayz: Ain't that the truth?! You wouldn't respond no matter how many times I called you—

Lean Pirate: Did you by any chance change your transmitter and not tell anyone?

Hayz: Huh?

Burly Pirate: We can't connect to unverified devices. Everyone knows that!

Lean Pirate: We had the same thing happen a while back too. Did you forget?!

Hayz: Wha? Wait a sec...

Lean Pirate: Well, what's it gonna be, Hayz? You comin' back with us?

Nimbus: You sure you made the right decision choosing to stick around?

Hayz: I sure did! After all, I'm the pirate vanguard of the Crimson Blades' Starview Branch!

Alk: I think you might also be the ONLY member of this Starview Branch.

Hayz: Anyhoo, us bein' mateys is already a done deal! We're friends forever now!

Nimbus: And to think, just a while ago you were whining about having no friends.

Hayz: You must've heard wrong, 'cuz I'm definitely not one to whine!

Nimbus: If you say so. Say, you hand over that flower yet?

Alk: You know, it almost feels like you've been planning things so that you don't accidentally bump into Marina.

Hayz: No way, that sounds like something a total loser would do! And I am NOT a loser!

Alk: Good luck with that!

Hayz: What are you laughing at?! Cut it out!