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Episode 1
Nature Calls

A sudden stomachache downs Alk, but a little help from pharmacist Hartlief gets him back up on his feet. Hearing she's being driven out of town by land sharks, Alk offers Hartlief a new home.

Alk: Ah... Suddenly, I... I don't feel so good...

Alk: Ungh...

???: Excuse me, are you okay?

???: He was clutching his stomach... Here, drink this.

Alk: Gulp—Blegh!

???: It's quite bitter, isn't it? You did a very good job. Good boy!

Alk: Cough— ...Huh?

Alk: My stomachache is gone! I feel better! I feel better than ever!

???: I'm glad that did the trick.

Alk: Wow, I'm just brimming with energy!

Alk: Thank you so much for the medicine! Are you a doctor?

???: Ahaha, slow down, now. You still need to get some rest.

Hartlief: My name's Hartlief. I'm a... or well, I WAS a pharmacist here in Palpebra.

Alk: Wow, a pharmacist? That's amazing! How can I repay you for—

Loud Thug: PEEEE-YEW, somethin' stinks! Oh, YOU'RE still here?

Whiny Thug: We don't need no stinky bumpkins here in the city! Why don't you crawl on back to your smelly old hovel?

Loud Thug: Oh, right! You ain't got no hovel no more cause us upstandin' citizens "cleaned up" that stinkin' garden a yours! Gwehahaha!

Hartlief: Th-those herbs were for m-medicinal purposes...

Whiny Thug: Boo hoo hoo, thowse herbs wewre fowr mwedicinal puwposes! Bahahaha!

Alk: Leave her alone!

Whiny Thug: Oh? What're you gonna do 'bout it Big Boy?

Alk: Just who do you think you are?!

Hartlief: Don't you dare...

Whiny Thug: Huh?


Loud Thug: Cough—Bleeegh! The hell did that quack put in my mouth?! Ughh...

Loud Thug: M-My mouff feelvs numm...

Hartlief: Medical-grade laxatives.

Loud Thug: Lax— Ungh, I, I gotta go!

Loud Thug: You, you'll pay for thisss!

Hartlief: No, YOU'LL pay for what you've done! How DARE you hit a patient—a poor, innocent patient!

Hartlief: ...I'm sorry you got dragged into this. The laxatives I gave those thugs should also put them to sleep, so you're safe now.

Alk: I, I see. Sure wouldn't wanna be them... I'm sorry I wasn't more help.

Hartlief: Don't you worry now. I'm glad you stuck up for me.

Hartlief: You should stay away from those thugs though. No thanks to them, I'll be moving out of town.

Alk: You're moving? I can't imagine what they must've done...

Hartlief: They're land sharks. They've been trying to drive me off so they can take my garden.

Hartlief: Or at least, what WAS my garden. And it was such a good plot, too...

Hartlief: But well, I'm glad I could help you before taking off. Nice to end on a high note. You take care now.

Alk: Oh, um, hold on! I might know a good place for a new herb garden!

Hartlief: What is this place?

Alk: Another world—one full of nature as far as the eye can see. I thought maybe you could find enough herbs here to start a new garden.

Hartlief: Well, I'll be! These are so rare I've only seen them in textbooks!

Hartlief: Yes... Yes, I should have everything I need to start a new garden—an even BETTER garden.

Hartlief: I'll be able to do so much more for my patien—Huh? Why are you laughing?

Alk: Ahaha, sorry. It's just... your smile is infectious. No pun intended.

Alk: We're in a whole different WORLD and you're happy as a clam just looking at herbs.

Hartlief: Oh! Oooh no, that's embarrassing…

Alk: It's fine. I'm glad I could help make you feel better. I guess we're even now?

Hartlief: Yes, I feel much better! This was just the cure I needed!

Episode 2
A Hearty Dose

Alk and the crew come down with a strange cold, which Hartlief concocts a cure for. In light of the incident, Hartlief resolves to combat the physical stresses of cross-world travel.

Alk: Dinner's ready!

Stella: A-Atchoo!

Nimbus: Hey, you okay there? You've been sneezin' all da-a-atchoo!

Light: Quiet, you two. My head is pounding...

Stella: You two appear to be unwell. —Cough, cough.

Alk: Even Stella's got a cold... That's pretty unusual.

Alk: Oh, I know!

Hartlief: Let's see... Cough syrup, pain relievers, antiemetics for nausea, poultices... I'm all done on my end, Alk!

Alk: I'm all done too! I've got egg drop soup and some pudding— with a hearty dollop of honey! This should be easy on the stomach.

Alk: You, uh, sure made a LOT of medicine. If this stuff doesn't do the trick, I don't know what will.

Hartlief: Better to have it and not need it. Thank you for letting me use your kitchen, by the way.

Alk: Don't worry about it! If anything, we should be thanking you for going to all this trouble for us.

Hartlief: It's no trouble! This is my job, after all.

Alk: It's weird that they all suddenly got sick at the same time. I wonder if they picked up a cold somewhere.

Hartlief: The symptoms are similar, but the medicine they took earlier would've taken care of a cold by now.

Hartlief: For now, all we can do is try to alleviate their symptoms while I work on a cure.

Alk: Okay. Guess that means I'll have to keep making light, healthy meals to tide them over.

Hartlief: What about you, Alk? How are you holding up?

Alk: To be honest, I've been feeling a little light-headed my... self...

Hartlief: Alk?!

Hartlief: (Populations develop different immunities, so international travelers risk catching and spreading otherwise benign diseases.)

Hartlief: (Now if we consider that Alk and the others regularly travel to other WORLDS, then...)

Hartlief: I think I've got it!

Hartlief: There!

Alk: Thank you so much, Hartlief. Everyone's looking a lot better.

Hartlief: For now, yes, but... As I explained to you earlier—

Alk: Travel across worlds has medical risks, right?

Alk: The example in the book was pretty scary, huh?

Hartlief: Yes. Luckily, we managed to nip whatever you had in the bud, but it got me thinking.

Hartlief: Naturally, the book doesn't account for travel across worlds, but it's a miracle you haven't experienced anything worse than a cold.

Hartlief: I'm sorry... I don't mean to sound pessimistic. I hope I'm just jumping to conclusions.

Alk: No, don't apologize! It's important research, and it definitely paid off— everyone's right as rain thanks to you.

Hartlief: Y-you're right. Thank you, Alk.

Alk: You've been working non-stop, so it's about time you got some rest. I'll go whip up some dinner.

Hartlief: (Stay positive, Hartlief. There's plenty I can do! For starters, I can write down a recipe for the medicine I made earlier.)

Hartlief: (I should also build up my stock of generic medications like pain relievers and antidotes.)

Hartlief: (Rather than mope about what COULD happen, I have to focus on making sure nothing DOES happen.)

Hartlief: (And cross-world travel has lots of GOOD potential too! With the World Flipper and experienced companions, I might finally find it—)

Hartlief: (Panaceum Kardifolia... The herb fabled to cure ANY ailment, and the "heart leaf" that inspired my name.)

Hartlief: (If I put my mind to it, I can cure anything too! I just know it!)