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Episode 1
House of Healing

Stella and Alk make their way to Harlisha's clinic. Stella slumbers away while Alk accompanies Harlisha on a brief herb-gathering expedition. Frustrated that she was unable to provide Alk the proper treatment when he needed it most, Harlisha asks to join their party.

Alk: What's wrong, Stella?

Stella: I... smell something good.

Alk: Oh, huh, you're right… Hmm, it might be coming from that store over there?

Easygoing Shop Attendant: Hello there, would you happen to be customers?

Harlisha: I am Harlisha. Would you perhaps like to come inside my clinic for a moment's rest?

Alk: Erm, we're not really sick or injured or anything at the moment, so…

Harlisha: Hehe, worry not, my clinic accepts even the healthy! The medicine we practice is ...slightly different from what you might be used to!

Harlisha: According to our teachings, the seed of disease is thought to be borne of stress, exhaustion, and stagnation.

Harlisha: And so, the path to healing lies in rest, relaxation, and … well, just feeling good!

Alk: That's a novel approach if I've ever heard one!

Harlisha: Hehe, well if you wish to know more, why not stop by and have a rest?

Alk: Well, now I'm intrigued, so … why not! Plus, taking a short break couldn't hurt.

Harlisha: Excellent, excellent! In that case, please come this wa—Oww.

Harlisha: Ahh, I'm terribly sorry! I'm… I'm such a klutz sometimes…

Harlisha: Well, anyway, please come this way!

Alk: Ahh, that's a really pleasant aroma.

Harlisha: If you feel drowsy, don't hesitate to lie down and have a nap, like miss Stella is doing, hehe.

Alk: Hmm, I might just… go and do that.

Harlisha: Whaat?

Harlisha: Oh, I'm so sorry for yelling like that! It's just... I seem to have run out of the herbs I need to perform my treatments.

Harlisha: I'll head to the nearby ruins to pick some more. Please stay here and rest while I do so!

Alk: Ruins? But... what about monsters?

Harlisha: Nothing to worry about, just leave it to me--- oof.

Alk: That's hardly a sight that inspires confidence.

Alk: Harlisha!

Harlisha: Alk? Is that you? Why did you come all the way here?

Alk: I just didn't feel right leaving you all alone.

Harlisha: I see... It seems that you were the one most in need of my treatment after all!

Harlisha: Well, thanks for coming along, hehe. I'm really fine though, I promise. See?

Alk: The incense you burned... put them to sleep?

Harlisha: That's right. Even monsters need to rest sometimes!

Harlisha: Shall we head inside while they're still napping?

Harlisha: Hehe, well, how do you feel?

Stella: Good morning. Incredible, I feel completely refreshed.

Harlisha: Well that's wonderful!

Harlisha: Unfortunately there wasn't time for me to perform the full treatment on you, Alk.

Alk: You don't have to worry about me. I'm used to this kind of work.

Harlisha: You're all travelers, right? Please—allow me to accompany you on your journey.

Harlisha: That way I could properly finish off Alk's treatment!

Alk: I really appreciate the sentiment, but what about your clinic?

Harlisha: Actually, the contract for this clinic… expires today! So that's no problem.

Harlisha: I usually travel around by myself, looking for people to help with my healing arts.

Stella: Where are you planning to head next?

Harlisha: Rather than the destination, I prefer to focus on the journey. It's an important part of my training to become an even better healer.

Stella: Well, I think Starview Village will be an excellent place to continue your journey.

Harlisha: Starview Village…?

Stella: A place where many people congregate. It will no doubt be helpful for your training. And what's more is…

Stella: I greatly approve of your treatment.

Harlisha: Hehe, I'm very glad to hear that!

Episode 2
Doctor's Orders

Harlisha uses her healing magic to help Alk get some much-needed rest. She muses on the importance of knowing when to take a break every now and then instead of working yourself to the bone.

Alk: Hoo, boy... Here we go again.

Harlisha: Oh no! Is everything all right?

Alk: You don't have to do that—careful! You wouldn't want to cut yourself on the glass.

Harlisha: Don't you worry. This isn't my first time picking up broken pieces like this, and it won't be the last!

Harlisha: In my case, it's because I'm so awfully clumsy. But for you, Alk, it's different.

Harlisha: You're pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion!

Alk: That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?

Harlisha: Oh, and you don't even realize you're doing it! This is most troubling…

Harlisha: Alk, are you aware of how hard you're working yourself?

Alk: I mean, I don't do that much... I usually just explore the Kaleidoscope and cook.

Harlisha: You also clean, do laundry, do various errands, and perform item inspections too, right?

Harlisha: To put it bluntly, you're overworking yourself!

Alk: I don't think I'm doing THAT much work.

Harlisha: You're so kind, Alk—so dedicated to helping everyone else.

Harlisha: But it's important that you're dedicated to helping yourself too!

Alk: It's no big deal, really. Someone's gotta do it, right?

Harlisha: You're right. I'm not saying that you should stop everything that you're doing! Especially cooking—that seems to be very important to you!

Harlisha: But sometimes you need to know when to recharge. If you don't learn to say that's enough for now

Harlisha: So please, Alk... Slack off for once!

Harlisha: Just for a few days… or maybe even just today! Forget everything and just relax!

Alk: Fine. I suppose I could take it easy—just for today though, okay?

Harlisha: That's the spirit!

Harlisha: How about I also offer you some of my special healing treatment while we're at it?

Alk: Scented oils? They're so... fragrant... It's nice…

Harlisha: Hehe. One whiff and you already feel relaxed, right?

Harlisha: Okay, close your eyes and relax.

Harlisha: Don't worry... Just leave everything to me…

Alk: I don't think... I'm kind... Or anything like that…

Alk: But if I don't help, I feel... anxious…

Alk: Ngh... H-Harlisha?

Harlisha: Good morning! How are you feeling?

Alk: Whoa... It feels like a huge weight's been lifted from my mind. I must've been pretty tired after all.

Alk: Thanks, Harlisha.

Harlisha: Hehe. I'm just glad I was able to help!

Alk: Is everyone else… asleep?

Alk: I guess we all needed a little extra shut-eye, huh?

Harlisha: Everyone else said the exact same thing when they saw you sleeping.

Alk: Oh, really?

Harlisha: Knowing when not to work hard is often just as important as working hard. Wouldn't you agree?

Harlisha: Some people might scold you for being lazy. But honestly, who cares? Indulging yourself every once in a while is just the greatest!

Harlisha: My dream is to one day bring peace to the whole world with the power of relaxation! Wouldn't that be amazing?

Alk: Ahaha... I think I'd be on board with that, honestly.

Alk: *yawn* Harlisha, would you mind... if I took another nap?

Harlisha: Of course not! I'll make sure to add some more oil to the pot later on then.

Alk: Thank you. But, Harlisha, make sure you get some rest too, all right?

Harlisha: I most certainly will.

Alk: That's a promise... okay?

Harlisha: Good night, Alk.

Harlisha: You truly are a kind person, Alk. Of that I have no doubt.