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Episode 1
An Oath before Rest

On their way to capture a band of thieves, Alk and the others reunite with Commander Haridal. After the Titan incident, Haridal has fallen under the scrutiny of the kingdom, so he asks the gang for help. After agreeing, Alk takes an overworked Haridal to the Endless Blue for a much-needed break.

Nimbus: We're getting closer to that band of thieves' hideout, right?

Light: Stay vigilant. From what we heard back at the village, they're not to be underestimated-

Apologetic Voice: N-nooo!

Haridal: So you thought a decoy would work, huh?

Haridal: Hmph, typical thieves... Hm?

Nimbus: It's you... Haridal!

Light: I see, so the kingdom is suffering as well.

Haridal: ...I owe you guys one. If you want, we can hand over the thieves to you for the bounty,

Nimbus: Ha, we don't need your charity.

Haridal: ...Hmph.

Alk: U-um, anyway, are you sure we're not bothering you? Maybe we should get going.

Nimbus: I don't know about you and Light, but I'm a wanted man in the kingdom.

Haridal: Heh, true... And you're likely to fetch a pretty bounty too.

Nimbus: What, you gonna turn me in? I'd like to see you try.

Alk: Come on you two, cut that out!

Blunt Soldier: Commander, sorry to interrupt, but we need you to confirm something.

Haridal: ...I'll be back.

Alk: He seems tired...

Light: Well, a lot has happened.

Cheerful Soldier: You guys don't need to worry about keeping a low profile around us. Everyone here holds the same dream as the commander.

Cheerful Soldier: We WILL free the borderlands one day! That is our mission.

Alk: So you really are trying to change the kingdom from the inside out...

Cheerful Soldier: That's right. Are you friends of the commander?

Cheerful Soldier: It's been a long time since I've seen him so happy.

Alk: H-happy? Him?

Cheerful Soldier: Well, you see... Lately, the commander's been...

Haridal: I've been acting strange?

Light: According to the soldiers, you've been throwing yourself into your work like a man possessed.

Alk: Your subordinates are worried. They say you won't listen to their concerns, so they asked us to speak to you for them.

Haridal: ...Must be bad if they'd go that far.

Light: Overtaxing your body will only harm it... And I presume this is not the time for you to be ruining your body.

Haridal: Yeah, I know, but... guess you could call it an escape.

Haridal: Even without my own issues, I've got a lot of work to do.

Haridal: And some of that work involves you lot.

Haridal: I'm talking about that Titan left to rot in the sun.

Haridal: Both the kingdom and borderlands are up in arms about it.

Nimbus: Why? It's just an empty shell after what we did to it.

Haridal: Even the shell has value to researchers.

Haridal: There are even whispers that the Hellcat of the Dunes had something to do with that monster.

Nimbus: Well, they're not totally wrong there.

Haridal: Both sides suspect I might be involved too.

Haridal: We've had our fair share of spies here lately. It's been rough.

Haridal: Especially since I've lied about my birthplace in order to infiltrate the kingdom's inner workings.

Light: I suppose we will also need to be more careful going forward...

Haridal: Actually... About that. I have a proposal.

Haridal: Want to work together?

Haridal: I'd like to use the Hellcat of the Dunes name to scare away pursuers.

Haridal: In return, I will report the kingdom's internal movements to you.

Haridal: When possible, I will also intercept and disrupt any information n your group.

Haridal: Well? Seems like we'd both benefit from this deal.

Light: Would such actions not place you in danger?

Haridal: I'll handle it. Above all else, this is for the future of the borderlands.

Light: All right... Then we accept your offer.

Haridal: Good... That should make my job a little easier.

Alk: Really? Well, if you've got some extra time to spare...

Alk: Why don't you come with us for a bit?

Haridal: This is incredible... Water without end!

Alk: In this world, it's LAND that's scarce.

Haridal: What a sight... It really changes your perspective, doesn't it?

Haridal: Even the smell of the wind is strange...

Haridal: ...I'm sure he would have loved to see this.

Alk: ...So, did the change of scenery help at all?

Haridal: Yeah, it did. More than you know...

Haridal: ...Thank you.

Episode 2
Taste of Prosperity

After getting a taste of the prosperity of Palpebra, Haridal helps capture a thief, who he turns in to the Guild Knights. Realizing the people of Palpebra are no different from the kingdom, Haridal begins to see a future where the Kingdom of Sand prospers too.

Haridal: What... is this place?

Alk: This is Palpebra. We come here a lot when we need to do some shopping.

Stall Owner: These bargains aren't gonna last forever! You there, miss! Why not stop by and take a gander?

Shopping Woman: Oh my gosh, look! Isn't that the accessory featured in the Oculus? It's sooo cute!

Irate Adventurer: Hey! I'm walkin' here! You tryin' to piss me off or what?!

Haridal: What a... lively place. It's almost making me dizzy.

Alk: Ah... True. You came out here to relax, so maybe Palpebra wasn't the best place to go. Should we head somewhere else?

Haridal: No, I'm fine. I'm the one who wanted to see this for myself.

Nimbus: But why? There are plenty of towns like this in the Kingdom of Sand. Especially towards the capitol.

Haridal: True, but...

Haridal: This feels different somehow.

Haridal: Everyone here feels so... positive. There's strength in their eyes.

Nimbus: I think I get it. Anyone living in a town made up of merchants and adventurers is bound to have a glint in their eyes.

Alk: Yeah, but that glint sometimes means trouble...

Donut Seller: Hey, you there! Feeling hungry? How abut some donuts?

Alk: Yeah, why not? We'll take five!

Haridal: ...Mm.

Alk: Ah, do you not like sweets?

Haridal: No, I love them.

Haridal: ...Mm... Mmm...

Nimbus: Yeah... Can't really tell what you're thinking with just "mm" ... How about using words?

Haridal: ...It's sweet. And delicious...

Haridal: I'll take another, but this time, give me that flavor.

Nimbus: Jeez, you really love this stuff, huh?

Haridal: Of course. Finding something this sweet is rare in my world.

Haridal: I can't believe you can just buy it off the street here...

Haridal: Palpebra certainly is prosperous.

Alk: Well... I wouldn't say that prosperity is evenly distributed though...

Haridal: I see... Guess nowhere's perfect.

Scream: Stop, thief! Somebody, stop that man!

Light: Alk!

Haridal: I'll give chase while you circle around! That way we can corner him!

Nimbus: Come on! You're supposed to be on vacation!

Haridal: ...You don't seem to be starving.

Haridal: So why steal? Answer me.

Thief: Shut up and get outta my face!

Guild Knight: Thank you for your help!

Haridal: ...No matter where we go or how much we prosper, people never change.

Nimbus: Disappointed?

Haridal: No... I'm even more determined now.

Haridal: This place was created by people just like me...

Haridal: That means someday my world can thrive like this as well.

Alk: You know, fifty years ago, none of this existed.

Haridal: I see... That doesn't mean my home will turn out the same way, but...

Haridal: A man can dream, I guess.

Haridal: ...Looks like I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

Alk: Need a hand?

Haridal: Heh... Probably.

Nimbus: There are a few people in Starview that are studying Palpebra's rise to success too.

Haridal: Interesting... Would it be possible to meet them?

Haridal: And Nimbus... I'd like to ask about your late friend as well.

Nimbus: ...This ain't the place for that kinda story.

Nimbus: But sure, why not? We can reminisce over drinks at the pub.

Haridal: Sorry, but I don't drink.

Nimbus: R-really? Uh...

Stella: Perhaps you could get something sweet instead.

Haridal: Heh... Now that's more like it.

Episode 3
Differing Answers

Alk and the others- as instructed by Haridal- evacuate a town set to be destroyed for rebelling against the kingdom. As the soldiers arrive, Haridal challenges Alk and Nimbus in order to buy the townspeople more time to escape. Two children interrupt their fight and proclaim their dreams of being like Rashid. Haridal knocks them unconscious before handing them over to Alk. along with some advice to pass on to them.

Village Head: So we're just supposed to abandon our home?!

Light: We know that it will be difficult, but this is the reality we live in.

Light: The kingdom's military will soon attack this village.

Light: Please understand. If you do not evacuate soon, you will lose far more than just your homes.

Nimbus: ...But if you insist on burning along with your village, we won't stop you.

Village Head: Y-you! You're... the Hellcat of the Dunes!

Nimbus: So what if I am?

Village Head: ...All right. We believe you. We'll tell the villagers to prepare to evacuate.

Light: You must hurry. We don't know how much time we have.

Nimbus: Take only what you need and get out! Your life is worth more than your damn stuff!

Alk: This area's almost completely evacuated! Even those that haven't left are on their way out!

Light: I see... It seems we made it just in time.

Alk: It's scary to think about what would have happened without Haridal's intel.

Alk: You need our help?

Haridal: Yes... In a few days, the military will attack a town in the borderlands.

Haridal: Evidently a rebel group has made the town its home base.

Light: In other words, you want us to evacuate the area before the military gets there...

Nimbus: That'll only work if the townspeople actually listen to us...

Haridal: It's a long shot, but it's better than doing nothing.

Alk: I'm glad the villagers believed us right away. I was expecting them to put up a bigger fight.

Light: Surely we have Nimbus' notoriety to thank for that. It seems your influence has grown.

Nimbus: That's... not something I'm happy to hear.

Townsfolk: Eek! Th-the soldiers are here!

Light: We'll handle it from here! Make a run for it!

Nimbus: So they finally showed up, huh? Then let's get this show on the-

Light: Nimbus!

Haridal: Good, you managed to stop it...

Nimbus: Haridal! Why are you-

Haridal: No one can know we're working together. Not even the townsfolk.

Haridal: We're gonna have to play pretend until everyone's made it out safely.

Nimbus: You call this playing pretend? The hell, man!

Haridal: Well, I never said I was a good actor.

Haridal: Now, bring it on!

Alk: B-but!

Alk: Hey! Can't you go a little easier on us?!

Haridal: Would you rather fight a commander not on your side?

Nimbus: Man, you're annoying!

Young Voice: Wretched dog of the kingdom! Prepare yourself!

Light: No, stop!

Fresh-Faced Swordsman: Gah! N-no...

Hot-Blooded Swordsman: Y-you- how are you hurt Umar!

Haridal: The village children, huh... Don't tell me you're the rebel group I've heard so much about.

Haridal: Regardless, you're weaker than I thought. Shouting about your hate isn't going to cut it if you want to destroy the kingdom.

Hot-Blooded Swordsman: Shut up! We... we may be weak now, but someday... we'll be just like Rashid!

Haridal: ...Foolish child!

Light: Stop, Haridal!

Light: Haridal... You scared me for a second there!

Haridal: ...I was going to kill him.

Haridal: If we want to keep our relationship secret, it would be best to silence the brats.

Haridal: But...

Haridal: For a moment there, I swear I heard Rashid scolding me.

Haridal: Besides, with allies like you by my side...

Haridal: Maybe it's okay to explore other options.

Light: ...I see.

Haridal: When the kids wake up, tell them...

Haridal: They won't get anywhere repeating Rashid's mistakes.

Soldier: Commander, the civilians have been successfully evacuated.

Haridal: Now it's your turn to get lost. We're going to burn this village to the ground.

Light: ...Understood.

Haridal: Oh, and don't let anyone know I spared those kids.

Nimbus: So what do you want us to do, pretend WE saved them?

Haridal: The Hellcat of the Dunes stopped the ruthless commander of the kingdom from killing two innocent children... Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Nimbus: Tch, gimme a break...