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Episode 1
Ways of the woods

While lost in the Garden of Sprites, the party meet a human boy named Hao. After sharing a meal, Alk invites their new friend to visit Starview.

Alk: Hmmm. It looks like we're lost.

Alk: I was using the Spirit Tree as a landmark, but the woods are too thick to se it...

Alk: If we keep going straight, we SHOULD make it out... right?

Light: I wouldn't be so certain. While that could work in an ordinary forest...

Light: There's far more at play here than-

Light: Did you see that?! Something just moved!

Light: I don't know what it is, but let's proceed with caution.

Boy: Be one with the wind... let it be your guide.

Boy: Who are you?

Stella: Greetings. My name is Stella.

Hao: Hello, Stella. I'm Hao.

Stella: It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Hao: That makes two of us.

Light: A human?! I wasn't aware this world had human inhabitants...

Alk: M-me either, but, uh... Hi! I'm Alk, and this is Light. If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?

Hao: Speaking with the winds. They just took away my friend.

Alk: By "friend," you mean... that rabbit?

Hao: Yes. And now I will eat it.

Alk: What?!

Hao: Do you want to join?

Alk: J-join? I, uh...

Hao: What's wrong? Go ahead. Eat.

Light: Alk, you don't have to force yourself. Hao may have his own way of doing things, but the same goes for us.

Alk: I know, but...

Alk: Hey, Hao... Eating this rabbit is your way of saying goodbye to him, right?

Hao: Not exactly. This rabbit is not my friend. It was my friend's home, but now his spirit lives in the winds.

Alk: His... home?

Hao: Yes. So I don't want it to go to waste.

Alk: I see.

Hao: If we do not eat it, the forest will. It would help the trees grow strong enough to catch his spirit when the wind passes by.

Hao: Them, he will have a new home here when he returns. But if I eat the rabbit, he will also have a home with me.

Hao: ...I think.

Alk: I guess that makes sense. If that's the case-

Alk: I would be honored.

Alk: This is delicious! You're amazing, Hao!

Hao: Glad to hear that.

Regitare: Hoo... There WERE humans here, hiding right under me nose hole!

Light: From the sound of it, Hao is the only one. We're the first he's met.

Light: He's been tending a small graveyard with the occasional animal companion, but doesn't have any human family- at least that he knows of.

Regitare: I see... Then how do you know words, boy?

Hao: The wind taught me. Words are... interesting.

Regitare: Ah, must be the work of sprites then! Challua's got the whole lot of them chatting away.

Regitare: If only we'd noticed you soon... You must've been lonely out there.

Hao: It's fine. The wind have also taken away any loneliness I have.

Alk: Hey, Hao. How about tagging along with us?

Hao: Tag along? Where?

Alk: We live in a town called Starview Village. You're welcome to visit whenever you feel like it, so-

Alk: Let's be friends!

Hao: ...Would that be all right?

Stella: Of course. Welcome aboard, Hao.

Stella: Disclaimer: The furry friends in Starview are not edible.

Hao: ...Gotcha. We each have our own ways of doing things, right?

Alk: N-no one's dying anytime soon, okay?

Hao: Ideally, yes.

Hao: I will go, like the wind soars far from the forest.

Hao: I will be friends with Alk!

Episode 2
Sole Memento

Hao hunts down a kidnapper in Palpebra, saving a girl around his age. Her mother mistakes HIM for the culprit, though, and he spends the rest of the day trying to understand why he feels so conflicted.

Nimbus: Aaand that should do it, Hao. Let's get goi- Wait, Hao?

Nimbus: ...The heck are you doing?

Hao: Hey, Meow-Meow! What are those? They look cold and stiff...

Nimbus: Stop callin' me "Meow-Meow!" I have a name, and it's NIMBUS.

Nimbus: Besides, isn't that what you call the toy cat on your belt? We can't both be Meow-Meow.

Hao: Sure you can. You look exactly alike!

Nimbus: Riiight...

Hao: Anyways. Let's get back to Alk and-

Girl's Voice: Ahhhhh!

Nimbus: Stella?! What happened?!

Stella: A little girl was... was... Ngh! I have to-

Nimbus: To get some rest, idiot. Someone else, what's going on?!

Woman: A man just kidnapped a child! The girl there tried to stop him, but-

Stella: I,I WILL stop him!

Nimbus: Stella... Damn it! There's too many people here for me to pick up a scent-

Hao: The man... hurt Stella?

Nimbus: Hao?! HAO!

Hao: The winds will lead the hunt. And when I find him...

Nimbus: That idiot!

Kidnapper: *panting* Tch... I ain't lettin' it end like this!

Girl: S-stop... stop!

Kidnapper: Shut up! Can it, or I'll-

Hao: Let go of the girl.

Hao: I won't let you get away with this. ...Your spirit must rejoin the winds.

Nimbus: Hao, NO!

Hao: Meow-Meow?

Hao: Why did stop me?! I finally caught my prey, and-

Nimbus: We're not in your forest!

???: G-get away from my daughter!

Hao: Me? But I wasn't... I was just-

Girl: Mom! It's not what it looks like...

Mother: Thank the Stars! You're safe!

Mother: Stay away from her!

Alk: Stella's doing all right now.

Alk: Thankfully, the wounds were pretty shallow, but we've got her bandaged up and resting just to be safe.

Alk: If anything, she was more worried about you, Hao. You doing okay?

Hao: No... No need to worry about me.

Alk: If you say so...

Hao: Just... Do you think the woman who helped the little girl was her mother?

Nimbus: Probably, yeah.

Hao: She was afraid of me, but... she was a strong human.

Nimbus: Forget about it. Today was one hell of a day, and we're all beat.

Nimbus: Hey. Look, I don't know HOW many times I have to tell you, but I'm not your stuffed cat.

Hao: I know. I know you're not Meow-Meow, and Starview isn't the forest.

Hao: But it all feels... familiar. Like something long ago- something I can't remember.

Hao: Like the person who gave me... Meow-Meow...

Nimbus: Wait, did he just fall asleep?

Alk: Yep, out cold.

Alk: C'mon, it won't hurt you to humor him a little. Okay, "Meow-Meow?"

Nimbus: All right, all right, but don't YOU get started with all that Meow-Meow stuff.

Episode 3
Chasing Moonlight

Hao returns to Palpebra to practice acting like a city-goer, only to be reunited with the girl he saved, who adores him just the way he is.

Alk: Hao was begging to visit Palpebra all morning, but now we're actually here, he's just, uh...

Alk: What ARE you doing, Hao?


Nimbus: Great... Now, why are you "studying" people?

Hao: Humans are scared of me.

Hao: That's why I need to be...

Hao: Like them.

Nimbus: THAT'S what you've been moping around all week for?

Hao: I was thinking about what to do, and then it hit me-

Hao: I want to be like Alk.

Alk: NO! You don't have to... to...

Girl: Hey! You're the boy I met the other day, right?

Girl: I figured you were an adventurer, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to find you again. I'm so glad I did!

Nimbus: Is this the girl Hao saved?

Hao: It is. I remember her scent.

Girl: You remember me? O-oh wow, I uh... Heh...

Hao: You're not afraid of me?

Lisa: Of course not! I'm Lisa, by the way. I've been looking all over so I could apologize to you!

Lisa: I'm REALLY sorry my mom was so rude to you. I didn't even get to thank you, so... Thank you for saving me.

Hao: Y-you're welcome?

Lisa: *sigh* Mom's been suuuper strict since the kidnapping thing. She won't let me leave the house at all!

Alk: Wait, but then why are you- Did you sneak out?

Nimbus: Not bad. You've got guts, kid.

Lisa: Well, I had no choice! "Hao," right? I... I really want to be your friend! Is that okay?

Stella: You don't need to ask us, Hao.

Alk: Do what YOU feel is right.

Hao: Lisa. I, I would like to be your friend.

Lisa: REALLY?! Then let's go on a date! A date!

Hao: What's a "date?"

Lisa: You'll see! I'll take you around the best date spots in Palpebra!

Alk: Have fun! Just... he better be home by dinner, got it?

Nimbus: Oh, c'mon. You sound like Light.

Stella: That's not a bad thing.

Alk: I-I'm not THAT fussy... am I?

Light: Hao! Haooo! ...He has to be around somewhere.

Alk: Oh, I'm pretty sure he's out with Lisa.

Light: Again?! What time do they think it is? Did he say where they were going?

Alk: No, but they've gotta be in Palpebra somewhere... probably?

Lisa: This is sooooo cool!

Regitare: What in the blazes was that?!

Hao: Here we are.

Lisa: I feel kinda dizzy... haha. But that was AMAZING!

Hao: I'm glad you liked it.

Lisa: This is the place you were telling me about, right? Your favorite part of the forest?

Hao: Yes. I have a lot of memories with friends here. It's also where I met Alk and the others.

Hao: You remind me a lot of him.

Lisa: Who, Alk? But I'm your girlfri-

Lisa: Oh, never mind. He IS pretty cute, so I'll take that as a compliment. ...Y-you're way hotter than Alk though!

Hao: Hotter? I haven't learned that word yet, but if Alk is cute and "hotter," so are you.

Hao: I'll do my best to be "hotter" too.