Hanabi (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
Preparing a Dress

Hanabi browses through a catalog, trying to decide on clothes for the upcoming anniversary festivities. Celtie suggests seeing the clothes in person, so they head to the store, where Celtie and Stella convince Hanabi to buy a cute dress, much to her embarrassment. After a brief encounter with a strange man, Hanabi departs after making a vague excuse.

Light: Absolutely not! That outfit is far too garish!

Alk: You think so? All the dresses are like this though. See? Look.

Stella: How cute.

Hanabi: Mhm, let's go with that.

Light: But the chest is so sheer! Hanabi is far too young for that! If we're going for formal, would this not be the best choice?

Hanabi: All right, then it's settled.

Alk: Come on, that looks like something you wear to a funeral...

Hanabi: Ugh... This sucks. Can't I just wear what I always do?

Alk: You're the one who said you needed something formal! Now, what about these?

Hanabi: Ew, no way. You can't sneak around with all these sparkles...

Celtie: Ahem. Aren't you two a little close?

Alk: H-hey there, Celtie.

Hanabi: Hey... Ah, aren't you suppose to be good at this junk?

Hanabi: Which one looks good to you?

Celtie: Are you attending the anniversary festivities as well?

Hanabi: Yeah, but in a more behind-the-scenes way... Anyway, they said if I don't get a new outfit people might mistaken me for an enemy spy or something. I dunno.

Celtie: I see... Well, if you truly want something formal...

Celtie: I say you start by getting rid of that catalog!

Hanabi: Huh? Wait, does that mean we're going... shopping? In person?

Celtie: Exactly! Judging a dress bass on pictures alone is impossible. Besides, you need to make sure it fits you!

Celtie: You have nothing to fear, I Celtie, shall accompany you.

Hanabi: Well... If that means this ends faster, I'll go...

Stella: It's cute!

Celtie: Right? Right? I think we have your outfit.

Hanabi: Uh... I dunno...

Hanabi: This just feels wrong.

Celtie: What are you saying?

Stella: It's cute. Very cute. I see nothing wrong with it.

Hanabi: Are you just gonna keep repeating yourself?

Hanabi: I dunno... Isn't it a little... weird?

Celtie: Not at all.

Stella: I do not understand your assessment.

Hanabi: Gimme a break...

Hanabi: It's just so... frilly and wavey.

Stella: It's cute.

Hanabi: Bit isn't it TOO cute?

Stella: That just means it's cute.

Hanabi: All right, I give... Seriously though...

Hanabi: You sure about this?

Stella and Celtie: Yes!

Hanabi: *sigh* This isn't really my style...

Hanabi: What're you two laughing at?

Suspicious Man: Whoa! Talk about exquisite!

Suspicious Man: Hello, lovely ladies!

Suspicious Man: Snow White, Obsidian Black, and Platinum Gold! What a trio!

Suspicious Man: What wonderful talents you all possess! Tell me, would you like to achieve your wildest dreams with me?

Hanabi: ...What?

Celtie: There's been quite a few of these men around lately. You do NOT want to get involved with them.

Hanabi: Gotcha... So he's in THAT kind of business.

Suspicious Man: How rude! My group merely provides entertainment to-

Hanabi: Hey, gramps. Whatcha say to a little hide 'n seek?

Hanabi: I'll hear you out if you can catch me. Deal?

Hanabi: Hehehe.

Suspicious Man: You can even do magic tricks! Now that's talent! I'll get you for sure!

Celtie: So you can still perform you ninja arts in that dress... Impressive.

Hanabi: Right?

Hanabi: Now, I need to head over to visit my maste-I mean, my friend.

Hanabi: ...Thanks for today, Shirley.

Celite: Not at all, it was my pleasu-

Celtie: I thought I told you not to call me that!

Hanabi: Hey, Stella. Do I look cool?

Stella: Yes. Cute and cool.

Hanabi: Gotcha... Well, see you 'round. Look forward to the festival, okay?

Hanabi: Bye-bye.

Stella: Okay? Of course I'm looking forward to the festival...

Episode 2
A Booming Haul

Alk and Nimbus accompany Hanabi to her village, none the wiser to her plan. They're attacked en route by her fellow ninjas, but Hanabi fires back before Alk and Nimbus even have time to react. After retrieving ninja rotations and gunpowder from the fallen shinobi, Hanabi asks for help moving all her newfound treasures, and Alk and Nimbus reluctantly agree.

Hanabi: Hmmm, this area should work.

Hanabi: Come on, guys, relax a little.

Nimbus: How can we relax when we don't even know why we're here? Something tells me this ain't just a trip to see your folks.

Hanabi: Hehe, true.

Alk: Now that I think about it... I don't even remember when you moved to Starview.

Alk: One day you just popped out of nowhere and started eating with us... Did something happened before that?

Hanabi: Not really. Just a little mortal combat with my fellow ninjas.

Alk: M-mortal combat?

Hanabi: My hometown is so boring. All they do is order you around. And if you step outta line, they'll try to kill you. It's a pain.

Hanabi: So I left. And I may or may not have left a few craters on my way out.

Alk: Is that really something you should say so casually?

Hanabi: Meh. Long story short, the village has a pretty mean grudge against me. Speaking of which-

???: It's been a long time, Hanabi! You've got guts to show your face around here!

Ninjas: Don't you dare think there's a place in the village for you now!

Hanabi: Like I'd care about something like that.

Ninjas: Prepare yourself for the Ninja Art of the Dancing Blaze! No one has ever escaped its fury!

Ninjas: When we're done with you, not even a speck of ash will remain!

Nimbus: Ha! So you came back to settle some old scores, huh?

Nimbus: Fine, I guess we could help a buddy out. Bring it on!

Hanabi: Uh, yeah, that is why I'm here, and I really appreciate the offer, but...

Hanabi: Sorry, guys. Things might get a bit smoky for a bit, so watch your step.

Nimbus: Huh?

Hanabi: I mean... I'm pretty sure I can take them all down myself.

Hanabi: Ninja Art! Blast from Below!

Nimbus: "A bit smoky," my ass! What the hell?!

Hanabi: Hahaha, my bad.

Hanabi: What was that again? Something about no one ever escaping your little trick?

Hanabi: Big talk for a buncha losers who never beat me.

Head Ninja: You... YOOOUUU!

Hanabi: You like that? Took this trick from the diviners. Hard to move when your shadow's locked in place, ain't it?

Head Ninja: Graaah! Nngh! Aaah!

Hanabi: Hehe, wanna see another trick? Get ready...

Hanabi: Pretty, right?

Hanabi: This is who I am now. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you.

Hanabi: ...And don't lay a finger on my friends, or you'll regret it.

Fireworks Maker: Ahahaha! Now that was a hanabi show! Whaddaya think?

Hanabi: It really was something else. Did you do that?

Fireworks Maker: Hm? What's this? A fellow fireworks enthusi-

Fireworks Maker: Wait... Are you a ninja?

Hanabi: Yeah, I'm here on a mission. But enough about that...

Hanabi: You called that a hanabi show, right? Mind teaching me a thing or two about them?

Fireworks Maker: Of course not! I'll teach you everything I know!

Nimbus: This girl is something else...

Alk: Yeah... Did you even need us here?

Hanabi: Hehe, you bet. I could use your help with something.

Hanabi: Ah, here it is...

Hanabi: Ninja rations and... my village's special gunpowder!

Hanabi: Now THIS is a good hual.

Nimbus: Wait... Was that what we came here for?

Alk: Doesn't this make us CRIMINALS?

Hanabi: Nah. Think of it like... we're charging them for the trouble they caused us.

Hanabi: Just help me out, will you? I'll make it up to you later.

Nimbus: You better.

Hanabi: Yeah, yeah...

Episode 3
The Promised Show

As Stella reads her book, Hanabi appears at her window and invites her out. To avoid the crowded streets, they take to the rooftops and head for a tall tower. There, Hanabi fulfills her promise to show Stella a hanabi show. Afterwards, the two head to the cafe where all their friends are gathered, and the party begins.

???: *knock-knock*

???: Open up, It's me.

Stella: Hanabi

Hanabi: Good evening, Stella

Hanabi: I've come to steal your heart.

Stella: What?

Hanabi: Sorry. That was lame. Can I get a do-over?

Stella: Sure.

Hanabi: Hey, Stella, wanna come with me?

Stella: Of course.

Stella: Look at all the people...

Hanabi: Ah, jeez, I screwed up. What a crowd...

Hanabi: I guess no matter where you go, people like festivals.

Stella: We can't get through...

Hanabi: Welp, there's only one thing to do.

Hanabi: Going up.

Stella: Huh?

Hanabi: See? Plenty of room up here.

Stella: We're like cats now.

Hanabi: Oh yeah, this is the route they'd take, huh?

Hanabi: Hehe. Wanna head to our spot like cats do?

Stella: Moving around like a cat sounds quite difficult.

Stella: But also fun.

Stella: Is this our destination?

Hanabi: Yup. Special seats reserved for a very important person.

Hanabi: Look, it's starting

Hanabi: I heard this was going be a big party, so I talked to my master to get this prepared.

Hanabi: I promised you a proper hanabi show, didn't it?

Hanabi: Whaddaya think?

Stella: It's beautiful... So beautiful.

Stella: May I continue to watch it?

Hanabi: Sure.

Alk: Ah, there they are!

Celtie: You two are late!

Stella: What are you all doing here?

Hanabi: Jeez, just how many people do you need for a party?

Light: Why are you surprised? This is your doing.

Light: You advised that we reserve a spot since you were preparing an especially large hanabi show.

Light: That being said, that display defied all expectation. I am thoroughly impressed, Hanabi!

Alk: Yeah, what a show! It was a huge hit!

Hanabi: Well... My master did most of the work...

Light: There is no need for modesty. Alk told me all the various preparations you've made for today.

Light: You even strove to save many people as possible during the raid of your hometown the other day. I knew you had a kind heart in y-

Hanabi: Yeah, yeah. I get it. Cut it out.

Light: B-but what about what I heard from Pur Lilie?

Light: You went with Regis to the event committee to convince them to use your fireworks-

Light: Wait... That must have been what the dress was for!

Celtie: Jeez, Light... You're spoiling the whole night...

Light: D-did I say something wrong?

Hanabi: You said you enjoy a little hustle and bustle, right?

Stella: Yes!

Alk: I've cooked a bunch of food for tonight. We even made makizushi.

Hanabi: Atta boy.

Hanabi: But, you know... I might be in the mood to try all the other food you made too.