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Episode 1
Sushi's Fine... I Guess

Hanabi's got better things to do than waste time and energy cooking, but Alk intervenes after tasting her nasty ninja rations. The party agree to help make makizushi, a type of sushi Hanabi used to eat back at home.

Light: Hanabi! Have I made myself clear?!

Hanabi: Mm-hm.

Light: Your lack of cooperation is appalling! What do you have to say for yourself?!

Hanabi: M'kay.

Light: Don't you "m'kay" me! Answer me properly!

Hanabi: Okay.

Alk: Light's at it again? ...Should we stop him?

Stella: Last time, Hanabi blew up in a puff of smoke, leaving behind only a log. Maybe she'll explode again.

Alk: I'd prefer NOT to deal with any explosions today...

Light: Nghh... Alk! YOU do something about her!

Alk: Ack, he noticed us... Alright, you two, what did Hanabi do?

Hanabi: Nothing... Just didn't eat for a bit...

Light: THREE WHOLE DAYS! Three whole days is NOT just a bit!

Alk: You went for three days without eating?! I'm with Light, that is pretty concerning.

Hanabi: I did eat. Just not meals. Had these.

Alk: ...What are those? They look a little like dango, but smaller.

Hanabi: Ninja rations. One's enough energy for a day's travel. Packed with nutrients, protein, and medicinal herbs. Also gives you good luck.

Alk: ...R-really? Do you mind if I try one?

Hanabi: Hm? Sure... But—

Alk: Thanks, Hanabi! ...NMMPH?!

Alk: Gulp—Bleh... Th-they certainly taste, um, unique? But not—urp—not bad!

Hanabi: Nah... They're gross, huh?

Alk: Then say so beforehand! Wait, if you know they're gross, then why do you still eat them?

Hanabi: Dunno... Guess 'cause it's less hassle than normal food?

Alk: Okay, but that thing was barely edible... I'll cook you something GOOD, okay?

Hanabi: Nnn... I'll pass... I'm busy working on stuff. I guess something like makizushi would be fine, though.

Alk: What's mocky sushi? ...Did I say that right?

Stella: I've read about it before. Makizushi is prepared by cutting raw fish into small slices, then wrapping it in rice and seaweed.

Alk: ...That sounds gross.

Hanabi: It's not. Back home, you'd be lucky to get some.

Alk: Really? I guess I'll try making some for you then. We'll need some fish, right?

Hanabi: Nnn, shouldn't have baited him... Don't bother. It's a big pain to make from scratch...

Light: There is value in trying new things. Is that not so?

Hanabi: Wooow. How noble. Ugh...

Stella: I would also like to try makizushi.

Hanabi: Huh? ...Even you, Stella? ...Really? ...Fine. Guess we can make some...

Light: Glad that's settled. What do you say we all meet at dawn tomorrow to cast our rods?

Hanabi: Sigh... That escalated quickly...

Episode 2
The Ninja Art of Angling

The party embark to the Endless Blue to fish, but nothing's biting. Exasperated, Hanabi shows them how pros do it—with a bang! Armed with fresh fish aplenty, Alk whips up sushi for all.

Alk: Alright, guys, looks like we're here! Who's ready to catch some fish?!

Nimbus: Ugh... I'll NEVER get used to the ocean...

Light: Oh no... This rod wasn't made with paws in mind.

Stella: I'm ready.

Hanabi: How come Alk's so fired up? Nobody else is...

Nimbus: He's ruled by his stomach. Once he sets his mind on a cooking project, there's no stoppin' him.

Alk: There's makizushi on the line! We have to reel in a showstopper! Right, Hanabi?

Stella: Alk, you're speaking to a log.

Alk: A log? We haven't even started yet! Where'd she go?!

Alk: Anything biting?

Nimbus: Nothing but a boot.

Light: I can't get a good grip on the rod...

Stella: I obtained a Water Element.

Alk: I haven't caught anything yet, either... But, hey! We just started. Chins up, everyone—we've got fish to catch!

Alk: Any luck?

Nimbus: Nope. Just a can.

Light: I can't hold the rod...

Stella: I obtained a Deluge Element.

Alk: Oh no... We have to catch SOMETHING...

Hanabi: ...Toldja this'd be a pain. We'll be here all year at this rate.

Hanabi: Brace yourselves. This is gonna make a BIG splash.

Alk: What are yo—WHOA?! L-look at them all!

Hanabi: Heh. THAT'S how you fish.

Nimbus: So THIS is makizushi, huh? Doesn't look half bad!

Light: Agreed. Color me surprised.

Stella: Wait.

Alk: Hm? What's wrong, Stella?

Stella: I'm sorry. I forgot an important component of makizushi—soy sauce.

Alk: Soy? What kind of sauce is that?

Stella: It's a watery black sauce made from fermented beans.

Alk: ...That sounds gross.

Hanabi: It's not... It's okay, Stella. I have some.

Hanabi: Here. Use mine. ...The rest of you can have some too.

Light: Hanabi... is being helpful? A team player?! I'm glad you finally see the power of teamwork!

Hanabi: Power of...? Eww, who says stuff like that... It took long enough to make, so I wanna do the makizushi justice. That's all.

Nimbus: Well, you sure DID do it justice! These are really good!

Alk: I can't get over this soy sauce stuff... We got off on the wrong foot, but I think we've got a long future ahead of us!

Stella: I also enjoyed the makizushi. Thank you, Hanabi.

Hanabi: ...That so? Well... Guess it doesn't hurt to eat something fancy every now and then.

Episode 3
Firework Forecast

Hanabi's exhausted from the hustle and bustle of life in Starview, but Stella's glad to see the once empty village so lively. Hanabi teaches her about fireworks, called "hanabi" in Yamato, and promises to hold a dazzling show someday.

Hanabi: Ahh, peace and quiet... Can't keep up with those guys. Where do they get all that energy?

Stella: Hello, Hanabi.

Hanabi: Oh, hi. Heh, you're not bad, though, Stella. Nice and relaxed.

Stella: ...Am I? I enjoy a little hustle and bustle.

Hanabi: Really? ...Who'da thunk.

Stella: Yes. I was the only person in Starview Village for a long time. It's nice to see it bright and lively.

Hanabi: ...Fair 'nuff.

Hanabi: Hey, Stella. Dunno what you'd call it here, but have you seen hanabi before?

Stella: Hanabi? Like your name?

Hanabi: Yeah. Guess it'd be easier to show you... Watch. It'll light up and sparkle.

Stella: ...It's beautiful. Is this a type of magic?

Hanabi: Nah, it's a nin—actually, guess it's not a ninja thing either. They're a type of explosive. I made this one.

Hanabi: This is just a small hanabi, though. There are really, REALLY big flashy ones too.

Stella: How large is "really, REALLY big?" Are they as big as us?

Hanabi: Waaay bigger! When you launch 'em into the sky, they make all the worlds out there look tiny.

Stella: That certainly sounds impressive.

Hanabi: Heh, you'd love them. ...You said you like seeing Starview all "bright and lively," right?

Hanabi: Someday, I'll give you the hanabi show of a lifetime.

Stella: A hanabi show? I'll look forward to it.

Hanabi: Yeah, you've got my word.

Hanabi: Not like me to make promises, but... Guess it's fine every now and then, huh?