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Episode 1
Raider of Ruins

Haaj leads Alk and co. to a World Flipper hidden deep in the ruins. The Starview villagers go home, but not before getting their young guide to join them.

Light: Haaj. How much longer?

Haaj: Not much. ...There, it's open.

Alk: Whoa... Awesome.

Haaj: I'm a hunter. It's part of my job to pick locks.

Alk: What's a hunter?

Nimbus: Someone who makes money off raiding ruins.

Nimbus: You find 'em out here in the borderlands—out of sight of the royals, living how they want.

Haaj: It's not that simple.

Haaj: Let's go. The target's close.

Alk: A World Flipper! Wow. There really was another one.

Haaj: I found it when I searched these ruins long ago... But I never could've guessed it linked to other worlds.

Stella: Activating World Flipper.

Stella: I have established our coordinates. Transport to Starview Village is now possible.

Light: So we no longer need the World Flipper that was beneath the palace.

Alk: You sure it was a good idea to just leave it in the basement?

Stella: I shut it down. Its power can no longer be abused.

Stella: Though the masked woman might be able to override the system.

Nimbus: But it's safe from the royals, right? That's good enough.

Alk: Yep. Now we're finally ready to leave this world behind.

Alk: Let's go home, guys!

Haaj: I'm from this world. Technically, this IS my home.

Alk: Oh, right. Then, uh... Let's head out, Haaj!

Light: We would not have gotten this far without you. You know much about this world, and we will likely need your help again.

Haaj: I never said I was staying here.

Light: Good. Now, it's time we left.

Nimbus: Hey. Why didn't you tell anyone about this place? The information would've been worth a lot of money.

Nimbus: Maybe enough to overthrow the royals. That's what you borderland folks want, right?

Haaj: You know... I think I understand how Rolan felt.

Haaj: The World Flipper could've brought him money and power... But he kept it hidden, even from his own family.

Haaj: It was probably because he had things that were more important to him.

Haaj: ...I don't want to start a war. As long as my mom's safe, that's enough for me.

Nimbus: Makes sense. Sorry I asked such a stupid question.

Nimbus: You're all right, Haaj.

Haaj: So are you, Nimbus.

Episode 2
Hunting Memories

Haaj takes the boys hunting. Light is used as bait, and Alk tries a local specialty for the first time.

Alk: Think any new quests came in?

Light: Alk... All we've done of late is raise money.

Alk: You hate it, but you can't live without it. Hey. That guy looks familiar...

Alk: Haaj! What are you doing here?

Haaj: Looking for a quest.

Alk: But you're from the desert.

Haaj: You might be too, for all you know.

Alk: Touche...

Haaj: Lately, the royals have been sending people out into the borderlands. It's tough work just getting near any ruins.

Haaj: That's when I work Kaleidoscope jobs.

Light: Alone? You're only a child.

Haaj: I'm not much younger than Alk.

Haaj: Either way, age doesn't matter to a hunter. Once you've done your first raid, you're an adult. I don't need—

Alk: You find something?

Haaj: "Looking for liver... Rare delicacy..." I could take this quest...

Haaj: Light, does your offer still stand? Help me with this quest, and we can split the bounty.

Light: All right. What exactly are we doing?

Haaj: Going hunting. And the quarry's in my territory.

Light: Is this a jest?

Haaj: Quiet! They get spooked easily. Keep talking, and they won't come.

Light: You really are using me as bait!

Alk: You, uh... know what you're doing, right?

Haaj: Sandworm hunting... Sandworms were the first kind of quarry my dad introduced me to.

Haaj: He was also a hunter... one of the best in the business.

Light: Is now the best time to be speaking of the past? They're here!

Haaj: We didn't have Light back then, so we lured them out with rats.

Light: I'm being used in place of a rat?!

Haaj: Good. They're being drawn to the noise.

Light: You said noise drove them away!

Haaj: You'll be fine... Sometimes, when we couldn't get rats, I'd play bait. But I never got hurt.

Haaj: Because my dad never missed!

Haaj: Disengaging limiters!

Light: Never do that to me again.

Haaj: I said you'd be fine. And I was right. I killed it in one shot.

Light: You're a talented marksman, I'll give you that...

Haaj: You get it now, right? I'm a hunter. I can take care of myself.

Haaj: So don't treat me like a kid a— Alk, what are you doing?

Alk: Oh. Uh, I was just wondering what part of this thing tasted good.

Haaj: The liver. You won't be able to see it until the sandworm's skinned and prepped. Want to give it a shot?

Alk: That sounds kind of gross...

Haaj: You haven't done anything today. Help out a little.

Haaj: Do a good job, and you'll get a share. Sandworms LOOK gross, but they TASTE delicious.

Alk: All right then! Let's get to skinning!

Haaj: NOW you're excited...

Light: *sigh* All's well that ends well...