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This page details how the HP of bosses can be calculated from relevant variables in the code.


We focus exclusively on how a boss's hit points (HP) is calculated. There are two applicable formulas, the first of which is relevant at least for bosses,

 HP = floor(375 * lv_mult * (lv_mult_2) * co-op_mult * (co-op_mult_2) * hp_correction_value * (hp_correction_value_self) * hp_base_mult), 

and the latter of which is of unknown relevance for now,

 HP = floor(lv_mult * co-op_mult * (co-op_mult_2) * (hp_correction_value_self) * hp_base_mult). 

Several of these variables depend only on the boss' level, and are given as follows.

level (n) lv_mult
1-10 n/10
11-80 1 + (n-10)/14
81-100 6 + 3(n-80)/100
level lv_mult_2
0-9 0.9
10-100 1
co-op? co-op_mult
no 1
yes (boss) 2.7
yes (funnel) 1.8
co-op? co-op_mult_2
solo 0.55
co-op 1
level hp_correction_value (boss) hp_correction_value (normal?) hp_correction_value (funnel)
0-9 1.1 1.1 1.1
10-19 1.3552 1.3552 1.155
20-29 1.5318 1.5318 1.221
30-39 1.8816 1.8816 1.344
40-49 2.962575 2.69325 1.7556
50-59 8.243889885 6.1065851 4.175797725
60-69 9.669571065 6.906836475 4.982664225
70-79 17.24699977 11.8944826 6.47213952
80-89 52.3908 21.07215 7.441632
90-99 67.70176875 25.67998125 9.0269025
100 78.271875 31.656625 12.808125

Finally, hp_base_mult is boss-specific, and hp_correction_value_self is generally 1. Combining this information, we find

Boss (co-op) Diff Lv hp_base_mult HP
Regitare Godly 80 155 49,332,487
Golem Godly 80 180 57,289,339
Crab Godly 80 165 52,515,228
Whitetail Godly 80 115 36,601,522
Whitetail's Cup** Godly - - 400 (1/hit)
Arch Accursed Godly 80 145 46,149,745
Administrator Godly 80 100 31,827,411
Mini-Admin* Godly 80 140 4,219,405

*Minimin is considered a funnel object.
**Breakable objects (yakumono) generally have fixed HP and take a fixed amount of damage (1) per hit. Whitetail's cup is the only notable object of this type.

Godly bosses generally have a level of 80, whereas Adv+ bosses generally have a level of 70. Bosses of other difficulties are of generally variable level.