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Episode 1
Leave it to ME!

Driven into a corner by a massive horde of monsters, Alk and Light come across Grieg, who uses his massive axe to blast away enemies. More monsters follow after him, however, and the group finds themselves surrounded again. Grieg comes up with a plan to bust open a hole and escape, but fails. However, the result of his attack cause the monsters to be momentarily stunned, letting the group find an opening to escape.

Light: There's no end to them! Alk, we should retreat for the time being!

Alk: We might have to do that... There's just too many!

???: Leave that to ME!

Grieg: Wah-haha! Monsters, you face the soon-to-be-famous adventurer GRIEG. Remember my name!

Alk: Holy smokes-

Alk: Hey, thank you so much for helping us out back there!

Grieg: Nah, don't sweat it, man! No biggie. I eat scrubs like those for lunch-

Grieg: Or was it breakfast? Brunch? Dinner? Or is it supper? You know I never could get those two straight-

Alk: I think most people just say "breakfast".

Grieg: Right! Yeah, exactly! Thanks man, you've got a good set of shoulders on your head!

Light: H-huh? Anyway, you assistance was much appreciated. Be careful around these parts, though. Monsters are out in unprecedented numbers.

Grieg: Oh, believe me, I know! Those guys are persistent as hell! before I knew it, I was up to my knees in them...

Alk: Wait, does that mean they're here 'cause they followed YOU?

Light: They're pouring in from the sides; it's no longer safe! We must retreat!

Grieg: Leave the rear guard to ME!

Light: It's no use. We're surrounded by monsters on all sides...

Grieg: Is that so...

Grieg: I suppose all that's left to do is... charge right on through them!

Alk: Are you crazy? We'd never make it out alive! Also, isn't that exactly how you got us into this mess in the first place?

Grieg: Hahaha! Wow, now that you mentioned it, that IS what happened...

Alk: Try thinking this through carefully for once! Okay?!

Grieg: Right, think, yeah. I can do that. That's when the brain goes BRRR, right? I'm familiar with that.

Grieg: Hmm... But then if... Carry the two... Cross the Ts... Gahhhhh...

Alk: Er, okay, I'm sorry, if it's too much for you, just forget-

Grieg: I'VE GOT IT!

Alk: You've GOT IT?!

Grieg: Yes! I... am going to SMASH THIS WITH MY AXE. That will open a hole so we can escape! It's a flawless plan.

Alk: Wait a minute, is that really-

Grieg: Yaaaaah! Don't worry. Just LEAVE IT TO ME!

Alk: Grieg? Are you okay?!

Grieg: S-sorry- I just really thought that would be a good idea...

Light: Don't apologize- your little plan might just have saved us!

Alk: The monsters are all scattered and confused... This might be our chance to break through!

Grieg: Hahaha! That was all totally according to plan!

Grieg: Watch out!

Alk: Grieg!

Grieg: Leave this one to ME! The two of you get out of here, pronto!

Grieg: ...I'm sorry, grandpa. I don't have what it takes to be the greatest adventurer in the world after all...

Alk: That doesn't mean you can just give up! We're not letting you die here on your own!

Grieg: Alk...

Alk: We fight together, Grieg. You're one of us- there's no way we're leaving here without you.

Light: We've got a clear path ahead! All we need to do is retreat slowly while dispatching the rest. We can do this!

Grieg: Okay! Leave... everything... to ME!

Alk: Phew... I was sure we were goners that time!

Grieg: That was amazing! We were about to die... but then we didn't! You guys are incredible!

Alk: We only made it out because of you, Grieg! You held off those monsters like a champ. Seriously, you're built like a tank!

Light: Indeed, your strength is commendable. If it weren't for you, we might have perished. You have my thanks, Grieg!

Grieg: Th-that... is the first time anyone's said that to me...

Alk: Listen, Grieg. I was thinking... Why don't you join our party permanently?

Alk: Exploring the Kaleidoscope on your own is really inefficient. You can team up with us whenever it's convenient for you!

Grieg: You... want me... to join...

Grieg: I understand! I see! That is an EXCELLENT idea! Starting today, I'm one of you guys!

Grieg: You can leave EVERYTHING to me!

Alk: Well, I don't know about EVERYTHING.

Grieg: Wh-why not?!

Episode 2
From Zero to Hero

Grieg and ALk come across a village where a man is looking for help for his son, who was bitten by a venomous snake. The group head out to find an herb in the antidote, but Grieg is bit by a snake in the process. He doesn't reveal this to the group, and collapses when they return to the village. When pressed by an angry Alk on why he hid the fact he got bitten, Grieg says it was because he didn't want to cause undue trouble for the group.

Grieg: Whoa! There's sand EVERYWHERE, as far as the eye can see! Now THIS is real adventuring.

Alk: I've never seen someone get so excited about sand...

Light: The desert is teeming with monsters, so be on guard at all times!

Grieg: Haha! Don't worry, you can leave EVERYTHING to me.

Alk: Yeah... That's the wrong way, though...

Grieg: All right, how about we make a stop here?

Worried Man: Please help my son, doctor! He's terribly ill...

Doctor: I'm sorry, I want to help him, but we've completely run out of medicine here... There's nothing I can do.

Alk: What seems to be the matter here?

Townsfolk: This man's son was bitten by a venomous snake... Unfortunately, we're out of the medicine needed to treat it.

Doctor: What we're missing is the herb used for the antivenom. Going out to gather it is no use either, as we'll just be attacked...

Grieg: If you had this herb, you save the boy?

Doctor: Of course. Without a doubt.

Grieg: In that case, leave it to me!

Grieg: Sorry, Alk. We'll be going out separate ways here. If I make it back to this town alive-

Alk: What are you thinking about, Grieg. We're obviously going with you.

Grieg: B-but... I couldn't possibly force you to do something like that...

Light: Nobody's being forced. We're going of our own volition. We want to help this boy as well.

Grieg: Okay, that's great! Thank you guys so much!

Grieg: You can leave EVERYTHING to us, all right? We'll get you those herbs!

Alk: And he's gone... Without asking where we need to go.

Light: This seems like the right spot.

Grieg: Over there! There's no doubt about it, we've found it!

Grieg: Look what we have here too! Too bad you guys are no match for us!

Grieg: Hahaha! Cleaned them up real good, didn't we?

Grieg: Agh!

Alk: Grieg, are you okay?!

Grieg: No problem, we've defeated every last one of them! Let's grab the herbs and get going.

Alk: Okay...

Burly Adventurer: I can't possibly thank you enough for doing this... You've saved my boy!

Grieg: Haha... It was no big deal, really! This is just-

Grieg: What we... world class... adventurers...

Alk: He fainted?!

Grieg: Wh-where am I?

Light: Glad to see you're awake. You've been out for nearly a whole day.

Light: Still, I can't believe you didn't tell us you were bitten! You were moving around all that time with venom in your system...

Alk: Just a moment longer and you could have died, Grieg! Why didn't you tell us?!

Grieg: I'm sorry, guys. I didn't want to be a burden... I figured we didn't have enough medicine for me, either...

Alk: You aren't a burden, Grieg.

Light: We have more than enough herbs in stock now. We had the means to treat you- if we had only known you were bit to begin with!

Grieg: Oh... I didn't think of that...

Grieg: *sigh*... I haven't changed much after all. I'm the same as I was back then, getting yelled at by the other villagers.

Grieg: I'm from a village out in the boonies, you see. One with next to no other young people my age. I got stuck with having to help out all the elderly...

Grieg: They always used to scold me. You're so careless, you need to be more careful, you need to use your head more! Stuff like that.

Light: I... kind of see where they were coming from.

Grieg: The one thing I had going for me was my strength. So I decided to use it and become just like one of those heroes the elders always talked about.

Grieg: That way, I could repay the debt I owed them.

Alk: A hero, huh? If you ask me, you've already become one!

Boy: Mister, are you awake?

Boy: Thank you so much for helping me. I heard you brought the herbs we needed...

Grieg: Oh... Are you feeling better now?

Boy: Yep, loads!

Alk: Because he rested as soon as he found out he was bit. Unlike a certain someone...

Boy: You also beat up the snakes too, didn't you? You're so cool...

Boy: One day... do you think I can be as strong as you?

Grieg: Of course! Of course you can!

Grieg: But... you also have to learnt o rely on others! No matter how strong you get, you can't do everything alone!

Episode 3
A Heartfelt Request

Grieg realized that a particular request is actually from his old hometown. He asks Alk and co. for their help, and they agree. Once there, Nimbus organizes the local elderly population to help out with defenses. When the invaders arrive, Grieg defeats them handily. The village elder thanks Alk for taking care of Grieg before they depart.

Adventurer: Why do people even bother posting requests like these? The reward is awful!

Adventurer: Super out of the way, too. That's gonna be a pass from me!

Alk: Grieg, what's up? Request catch your eye?

Light: "Protect our village from bandits"...

Nimbus: Oof, the reward on this one is terrible. No wonder nobody's picked this up yet.

Grieg: Everyone, I beg of you. Please take on this request!

Alk: Oh, this must be the village you were talking about before...

Grieg: That's right. It's my hometown.

Village Head: Oh goodness, if it isn't Grieg! You've came back!

Grieg: Haha! It's been a long time, Elder! I'm glad to see everyone's doing well too.

Grieg: But... we don't have time to reminisce about the past. I'm here because of the request you put out.

Grieg: Could you update us on the situation so far?

Light: I see. The enemy is 30 men strong. I worry if we can handle that, given our numbers disadvantage.

Village Head: Grieg, what do you think we should do?

Grieg: Don't worry, Elder! You can leave it to ME!

Nimbus: That mean you cooked up a plan?

Grieg: Oh, no. No plan!

Grieg: But, I've got you guys, right?! I was planning on relying on you!

Nimbus: Seriously? This guy. All right, let's mobilize this old folks' home. Get movin', grandpas.

Nimbus: We'll have you build a barricade. Just something annoying enough to buy us a few minutes of time.

Nimbus: We'll be doing the actual fighting.

Grieg: Yeah!

Boy: They're here! The bandits are here!

Old Man: They're finally here... Well, that's that then. It's been a good 80-odd years.

Old Man: Tell grandma I love her. I'm going in!

Light: Hold on, hold on. Nobody said anything about you having to fight. Just hang back, throw some stones, and glare menacingly at them or something.

Light: Grieg will take care of the rest.

Grieg: HAH! Leave it to ME!

Light: Alk and Nimbus are taking care of the east and west gates. This one is on you, Grieg!

Grieg: I will protect EVERYONE!

Grieg: Here I come!

Grieg: We've gotta get going. We need to hand over every single one of these guys to the guild authorities!

Village Head: Ah, Grieg... You've becoming such a wonderful young man.

Village Head: Please hold on.

Village Head: Oh behalf of everyone, I'd like to offer our gratitude. Thank you so much for staying on Grieg's side.

Alk: There's nothing to thank us for, really!

Village Head: As you can plainly see, this village is must comprised of old men like me. Grieg never had any other friends to play with growing up...

Village Head: We were always worried about what we would do in the future, given his... reckless nature.

Village Head: But it seems that's a matter of the past. He's found new, trustworthy companions.

Grieg: Hey, everyone! What's the holdup? You're gonna get left behind!

Village Head: Please, protect that boy. We ask only this of you.

Alk: Of course! Though, to be fair, we're not the only ones doing the protecting. We rely on him a bunch too!

Grieg: What were you guys talking about? Oh gosh, I hope the elder didn't tell you about me when I was younger... I was so stupid back then!

Alk: Haha. It was something like that, I suppose.