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Episode 1
Innocent Fugitive

After Alk and Light help a lady named Giselle hide from adventurers pursuing her, she explains she's being framed for smuggling. They take her to the Guild Knights' Commander Finn, who declares her innocent. Until they find the true culprit, Alk suggests Giselle stay with them for her own protection.

Fleeing Woman: Sigh... You're not going to listen to me, are you?

Adventurer: Save your excuses for the jailhouse!

Fleeing Woman: No, I don't think I will.

Adventurer: Hey, did you see a woman run by here?

Light: Um... I cannot say for certain. I might have seen someone run off that way...

Alk: Hey, it's all clear now.

Fleeing Woman: Phew! Thank you very much. You saved me from a whole heap of trouble.

Light: Now... Would you mind telling us more about your predicament? I believe I've seen your face on a wanted poster.

Light: If I recall correctly, the name listed was... Giselle. You're wanted for suspected smuggling of those accursed weapons from the Kaleidoscope.

Giselle: You knew all that and still chose to help me?

Giselle: How kind of you.

Light: I merely thought we should hear your side before we decide whether to turn you in or not. Now, could you tell us your story?

Giselle: Of course!

Alk: So in other words, it's all a misunderstanding?

Giselle: I have no idea why anyone would accuse me of such a thing... Although I do have a guess.

Giselle: You see, I actually collect cryptic artifacts from the Kaleidoscope, including those "accursed weapons" you spoke of.

Giselle: But I would never smuggle then. It took a lot of work to get them, so why in the world would I give them away?

Light: ...Do you have any proof to support your claim?

Giselle: Unfortunately... No, I do not.

Alk: But there's also no proof that you've been smuggling, right?

Alk: In that case, why not just ask the Guild Knights for help?

Giselle: The Guild Knights are the ones who made those posters in the first place. Why would I go to the people who suspect me of-

Light: I understand your reservations, but if you spoke the truth, you have nothing to fear.

Light: And even if you don't, the Guild Knights cannot touch you without evidence.

Finn: I am Finn, commander of the Guild Knights' central task force here in Palpebra.

Finn: I'll cut straight to the point. You're free to go.

Giselle: R-really?

Finn: Nothing in your statement contradicted what we've collected on our end. We also haven't found any evidence that supports the accusations against you.

Finn: In other words, due to lack of evidence, we cannot detain you.

Giselle: Thank goodness... What a relief.

Finn: However...

Finn: I cannot dismiss the accusations against you either. Especially since it seems you've been neglecting to report your cryptic artifacts to the Guild.

Giselle: Urgh... I-I just forgot...

Finn: Considering how many times you have "forgotten," as well as the scope, it would be very easy to misinterpret your actions as illegal. Be sure to file the correct papers immediately.

Giselle: Y-yes, sir...

Finn: Now, this is merely my own speculations, but... If you are innocent, it may be best to avoid going home for a while.

Giselle: Do you think... the true culprit lives near me?

Finn: I do. Someone would have to know you very well to lure you into such a predicament.

Finn: I'd like to place you under surveillance, but...

Alk: In that case, why don't you stay with us, Giselle?

Giselle: You don't mind?

Alk: Not at all! We're got plenty of rooms available. You'd be surprised how big the place is. Heck, even we don't know!

Giselle: Oh my, it sounds like quite the estate! That should work quite nicely!

Giselle: Excellent! We managed to fit everything in three rooms!

Alk: Um... Are all of these cryptic artifacts?

Giselle: That they are!

Giselle: Just look at this beautiful form! You can tell this is from a culture for outside the lands of Palpebra, or even the Farlands for that matter!

Giselle: And this one! Despite its equally elegant form, the power it golds is middling at best. One can't help but wonder why such a thing was made-

Giselle: Ah, my apologies. I just get so excited when dealing with cryptic artifacts.

Nimbus: No wonder you were suspected of smuggling...

Light: But the true culprit remains at large. Your absence has no doubt shaken them...

Giselle: I'm sure it has. I will find the true smuggler and pay them back tenfold.

Giselle: Especially since they are the reason I now have so much paperwork to do!

Episode 2
Truth and Knowledge

Finn calls Giselle, Alk, and the others to inspect a cryptic artifact, and before long, Giselle discerns its true merits. Impressed Finn asks Giselle for her help with future artifact inspections.

Finn: Thank you for coming here today. I apologize for the wait.

Light: Pay it no mind. Considering you asked for Giselle, I assume there has been a development in her case?

Finn: Perhaps. Could I ask you to take a look at this?

Alk: What is it? An arrow?

Finn: Proceed with caution. Even a finger prick will cause the pierced flesh to rot away.

Giselle: Is this a cryptic artifact? That's quite the power...

Finn: It is, and an illegal one at that. It seems the adventurer who had it brought it from someone on the black market.

Alk: Wait... Could that seller be related to the accusations against Giselle?

Finn: It's likely. Do you have any recollections of this item or this sketch of the seller based on the adventurer's testimony?

Giselle: No, I don't recognize this person... or this arrow.

Finn: I see... I had thought there was a possibility you'd know them... It seems I've wasted your time.

Giselle: If I may... What will happen to that arrow?

Finn: The Arcane Academy's inspection has deemed it a highly dangerous item, so it will likely be sealed away.

Giselle: I see... Could I take one more look at it?

Finn: Just be careful not to hurt yourself.

Giselle: Hmm... This looks familiar... But why... Ah.

Giselle: I believe I have an idea. Could I ask you to accompany me somewhere?

Finn: This area should meet the conditions you specified. The land here is devoid of nutrients. Not even grass grows here.

Giselle: Thank you. Now then...

Giselle: ...Awaken.

Giselle: And with that, all we have to do now is wait.

Alk: So how long do we wait? A few days?

Giselle: No, I recommend a full year.

Light: Care to elaborate?

Giselle: I believe this arrow holds the power to revitalize elemental activity.

Giselle: When it pierces a living creature, that activity is overstimulated, causing the body to break down.

Giselle: However, if it is used on a desolate soil, it should act as a fertilizer of sorts.

Alk: Whoa, that's amazing. How did you know.

Giselle: I've never seen this artifact before, but I have seen something similar. It was about the size of a nail and used for potted plants.

Giselle: So I believe we can expect these lands to become more bountiful in the coming year.

Light: A weapon in one person's hand may be a tool in another's... I think you just proved that.

Giselle: It's true that many cryptic artifacts are considered cursed due to their dangerous powers, but that's not all there is to them.

Giselle: That's why I always try to picture the potential within each piece I find...

Giselle: What kind of person created this object? For what purpose? Just thinking about it gets my heart racing! Why, I'd-

Giselle: Ah, apologies. I was beginning to ramble, wasn't I?

Stella: Please don't apologize. I'd love to hear more.

Giselle: Is that so? Well, I have plenty more we can talk about.

Finn: I shall report this matter to the academy. And Giselle...

Finn: Would you be willing to help us out with other cryptic artifact inspections?

Finn: Your wits and knowledge of these items would prove very useful to our operations.

Finn: ...That is, if you are willing, of course.

Giselle: Hehe, I would love to accept your proposal.

Giselle: But are you sure? Wouldn't bringing someone like me in cause issues?

Finn: My colleagues and I understand that sometimes rules are meant to be broken.

Finn: As long as you file your paperwork, it should be fine.

Giselle: But I already finished reporting all my artifacts...

Finn: It appears we will be requesting further documents. You can't pull one over on us, Giselle.

Giselle: Oh dear... This paperwork is turning out to be a bigger hassle than the accusations against me...

Episode 3
A Writhing Shadow

Upon discovering the true culprit framing her was a former party member, Giselle helps the Guild Knights capture him. Disappointed but glad the ordeal is over, she celebrates with Alk and the others, only to be interrupted by the news that her former friend has been killed. Suspecting foul play, Giselle swears to make the killer pay.

Adventurer: An ambush?! How'd you pin me down?

Giselle: So it was you... You're the one who framed me for your crimes.

Adventurer: Giselle?! Wh-what are you doing here?!

Giselle: I should be asking you the same question. Why would you sell cryptic artifacts on the black market?!

Giselle: The only people who know about my interests are a few acquaintances and my old party members.

Giselle: But... I didn't want to believe any of you would hurt me un such a way...

Adventurer: D-damn you! I refuse to be caught like this!

Giselle: How disappointing...

Guild Knight: You're under arrest for the illegal smuggling of cryptic artifacts!

Light: Well, Giselle, it seems you can finally put those smuggling accusations behind you.

Giselle: Yes... At long last.

Light: I'm sure this journey has been an arduous one. You did well.

Nimbus: Yeah, and now it's time to celebrate with drinks and grub.

Giselle: Thank you. None of this would have been possible if you hadn't believed in me and offered your support...

Nimbus: By the way... Did you know him for long?

Giselle: Yes... Indeed I did. I would say we knew each other from the time we both started out as adventurers.

Giselle: Ah, but our relationship was strictly that of colleagues. Nothing more, nothing less.

Giselle: Although it seemed to me that he would have liked it to be more than that...

Nimbus: I getcha...

Giselle: My party eventually disbanded, but I had no reason to question the trust I had in them...

Giselle: But today... I saw a darkness in his eyes that I'd never seen before...

Giselle: Did smuggling do that, or did it start when he first learned about the value of these dangerous items...

Nimbus: Knowing their worth might've got him scheming, but he's the one who acted on those thoughts in the end.

Nimbus: Or are you thinking you coulda stopped him if you'd just done something differently?

Giselle: Of course not. I doubt I had THAT much sway over his life.

Giselle: It does make me a tad bit sad though.

Guild Knight: Giselle, thank goodness I found you!

Light: What do you mean, the seller you arrested is dead?!

Guild Knight: W-we're just as shocked as you! We were in the middle of our interrogation when suddenly he started acting strange!

Alk: Wait, was someone trying to silence him?!

Giselle: It's... possible. Perhaps they used some sort of cryptic artifact as a fail-safe.

Giselle: How dare they... How DARE they!

Alk: Giselle...

Giselle: It seems my journey is not over after all. Could I stay in Starview a little longer.

Stella: Of course. Stay as long as you like.

Giselle: Thank you, Stella...

Giselle: I will also continue to help with your inspections of cryptic artifacts. Now, could I ask for permission to use a specific one?

Giselle: If the culprit used a cryptic artifact, we may be able to trace it back to the source...

???: Permission granted.

Guild Knight: Vice Commander Keira!

Keira: As long as we file the proper paperwork afterward, it'll be fine. For now, do what you must.

Giselle: Thank you... Guild Knights.

Keira: The enemy has had their fun. It's about time we pay them back, don't you agree?

Giselle: Indeed. I will make them regret the day they decided to make me their scapegoat.

Giselle: It's time to fight cryptic artifacts... with cryptic artifacts!