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Episode 1
The Deathrush Berserker

Gilasrad is a man constantly hunting for the next thrill. However, the guild bars him from taking a quest alone, and he's ordered to go along with Alk—to Alk's surprise.

Berserker: Ahaha... AHAHAHA! Finally, a REAL threat! I was startin' to think this place was for babies!

Berserker: Goin' for the kill? Sorry, but you're gonna have to try WAY harder than that!

Berserker: DAHAHAHA! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about, baby! Only one of us is makin' it out alive. Question is, who's it gonna be?

Berserker: Get ready to meet your maker, and tell 'em who sent ya!

Gilasrad: Gilasrad, Deathrush Berserker!

Guild Staff: Apologies, Gilasrad, but you have to understand—these policies are in place for your protection. We cannot offer such a treacherous quest to just a single person!

Gilasrad: *sigh* We really doing this same song and dance again? How many times have I put myself on the line for the guild now?

Guild Staff: I-I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my foot down this time—I can't handle the stress of waiting for you to come back every time!

Gilasrad: If I die, I die, right? That's the risk that we ALL take as adventurers. Let's not beat around the bush here.

Guild Staff: G-Guild orders! You are NOT to go on that quest on your own. Um... Alk here will accompany you!

Alk: ...Wait, me?

Guild Staff: Y-yes! Please. If another adventurer dies under my watch, I'll be demoted for sure!

Guild Staff: You won't let that happen to me—er, Gilasrad, now, would you? Please, oh, please! I swear... He's gonna give me an ulcer one of these days.

Gilasrad: Sorry about all the fuss, kid.

Alk: Oh, no. It's fine. What's your deal, anyway?

Gilasrad: Me? I'm nobody. Just a guy lookin' to have some fun!

Gilasrad: Looks like we've got company. Let's move!

Gilasrad: Ahaha! Here we go! This one's bloodthirsty!

Alk: H-hey, get down!

Alk: Are you crazy?! You could've gotten yourself killed there!

Gilasrad: Hahaha! Not bad, kid! That beast wasn't quite good enough, but a decent warm-up nonetheless!

Gilasrad: I just gotta FEEL the heat of battle to get my fix of adventure, you know? It ain't a real one without a thrill!

Gilasrad: I've lost count of how many near- death escapes I've had. That's why they call me the Deathrush Berserker!

Alk: Yeesh.

Gilasrad: Hey, sorry for the trouble. You can have the lion's share of the reward for finishing it off.

Alk: Nah, I'm fine with going halfsies.

Alk: And I don't think the fact that you've survived for so long isn't just a happy accident—you've got talent.

Gilasrad: Heh! Appreciate the recognition. What do you say we celebrate with an ice- cold—

Alk: ...! There's more of them!

Gilasrad: ...I'll handle our star attraction. You good with taking on the sideshows?

Alk: Let's see what you've got!

Gilasrad: Heh! I'll show you, all right.

Gilasrad: But this ain't just a game... One slipup could be fatal.

Gilasrad: Yet for some reason... I can't stop smilin'!

Gilasrad: Hahaha... AHAHAHA!

Alk: Geez, you actually took it down all on your own!

Gilasrad: I can't take all the credit. It was thanks to you I was able to focus on the big guy.

Gilasrad: I should probably lay low for a while, though. The guild's probably had it up to here with me, ya know?

Alk: About that, actually...

Gilasrad: HAHAHAHA! No way! You're tellin' me this is another world entirely?

Alk: You like it?

Gilasrad: Like it? It's the ultimate thrill-seeker's paradise!

Gilasrad: Better than hiding out in any cave, that's for sure!

Alk: I'll bet. Welcome aboard, Gilasrad!

Episode 2
Here Comes Another Daredevil

Gilasrad joins Stella on a hunt for medicinal herbs, he discovers that he isn't the only reckless one as Stella also seems to make her decisions on a whim. He explains that there are rules to being reckless.

Gilasrad: Ahaha... AHAHAHA! You guys ain't too bad, for a bunch of lizards!

Gilasrad: See, I don't got time to play with you small fries anymore... I've got buds are waitin' for me now!

Gilasrad: Ahaha! If you're even THINKIN' about gettin' past me, you'll have to answer to this blade first!

Gilasrad: Get ready to meet your maker, and tell 'em who sent ya!

Gilasrad: Gilasrad, Deathrush Berserker!

Gilasrad: Phew... That could've gotten ugly.

Gilasrad: Sup, Stella. Sorry about the face... It took a few licks too many out there.

Stella: I need to find medicine.

Stella: The forest should have some.

Gilasrad: Haha! Way to go with the flow, girl!

Gilasrad: Phew, I didn't think you'd go to an entirely different world. Just how good are these herbs?

Stella: They should be here. Somewhere.

Gilasrad: A scavenger hunt? Count me in!

Stella: I now understand why cats are afraid of heights.

Gilasrad: Ahaha! You know what they say about curiosity... But don't worry! I'll catch ya!

Stella: Thank you.

Gilasrad: No worries. I guess you're the type to act first and think later, huh?

Gilasrad: By the way, what are these herbs even supposed to look like? I don't even know what I'm supposed to be lookin' for.

Gilasrad: Ahahaha! That's okay, too. Lead the way!

Gilasrad: Fun fact—sitting with your back to a fire will actually keep you warm longer.

Stella: Fascinating. Where did you learn that?

Gilasrad: Back in the day before the church started helping us out, I had to look after my li'l bro at the orphanage. You pick up a thing or two.

Gilasrad: And I've gotta hand it to you, Stella. I thought I was reckless, but it looks like I've got competition.

Stella: ...I just follow what my heart tells me to do.

Gilasrad: Hah! I like that. Not a lot of people have the nerve to do that, ya know?

Gilasrad: Take me, for example. Some people might think I'm just a loose cannon, but even I have my own rules.

Gilasrad: Rule one! I NEVER involve any innocent bystanders. Rule two! I ALWAYS apologize for any mess that I make.

Gilasrad: These rules have served me well throughout the years. I bet you'd do well to remember 'em.

Stella: Is that why you're always so patient with me?

Gilasrad: Nothing like the thrill of survival to make you appreciate your next meal. But if someone were to bite the dust on my watch? Not so much.

Gilasrad: So when it comes to the risky stuff, just leave it to me. Got it?

Stella: Understood.

Gilasrad: Aha! That's the herb we've been looking for!

Stella: Indeed. Please use them on your face.

Gilasrad: Wait... These were for me? Aw, Stella, you shouldn't have! This wound right here ain't nothin' a little spit can't handle!

Stella: Please use these herbs instead.

Gilasrad: Not one for a lot of words, are ya? But if you insist, I'll save 'em for next time.

Gilasrad: They'll be perfect for when I find the ultimate foe in a REAL deathmatch for the ages! Uh... Ahem. I mean, are we done here?

Stella: Yes. Let's get going.