Gerard (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Knight on the Sea

Alk and co. invite Gerard to join them on their vacation getaway. The knight initially refuses, on account of not being able to swim, but is eventually persuaded into going. On the beach, Gerard gets delegated to helping out with the fishing, but doesn't realize that he accidentally caught some monsters as well. Nimbus and Light try to stop him before the main meal of the night becomes monster meat.

Alk: Oh, Gerard! I was just looking for you.

Gerard: Well met, Alk! Have you urgent need of the one and only Gerard, of the House Martel? My lance is at the ready!

Alk: Oh, it's nothing that serious—no lances required, really!

Alk: Actually, we were talking about going on a vacation to the beach as a group. We were wondering if you wanted to come along?

Gerard: A holiday on the beach! I know many places that would be suitable in the vicinity of Palpebra!

Light: We were actually thinking about taking this vacation elsewhere—a change of scenery would be appreciated right about now.

Alk: That's right... So, we found this special tourist resort in the Endless Blue. Does that sound up your alley?

Gerard: In the Endless Blue... That is to say, of course, that you will be engaging in the act of swimming, no?

Alk: Well, yeah, probably! We're going to the beach, after all. But there are lots of other things to do there besides swimming!

Gerard: I see... Alas, I must pass on this invitation. I pray you and your compatriots enjoy your seaside sojourn.

Alk: Huh? What's the matter? There's nothing to be worried about. It's a tourist area so there won't be any monsters nearby or anything.

Gerard: You misunderstand me! The great Gerard of House Martel is not so lily-livered as to balk at the thought of fighting monsters!

Gerard: No, it's merely that... Such a place would... Abound in water, would it not?

Gerard: I... I cannot swim! I'm from a small village in the mountains, remember?!

Alk: Is THAT what you were hung up on?

Alk: Hmm. Don't you think you should learn to swim at some point, though? It's a useful skill.

Alk: You might need it to rescue someone—or what if YOU fall into the water? You could drown!

Gerard: Alk... You're right! How could I have been so mistaken?

Gerard: "A true knight never shies away from a challenge!" Allow me to accompany you! I must learn to swim!

Gerard: I must... I WILL! Yes, without a doubt. Well, perhaps. Maybe. If possible. Yes, a definite maybe.

Gerard: Gerard of House Martel has arrived! Steel yourself, sea, for I will conquer you!

Nimbus: That's some mighty big talk for someone who was shaking in his boots the whole way here.

Alk: Heh, well it looks like he got over that real quick.

Alk: Let's give the guy a break—he's almost too easy to make fun of.

Stella: Gerard, aren't you going to take off your helmet? It's very hot.

Gerard: T-take off my helmet, you say? That would be tantamount to forsaking my very knighthood!

Alk: Look at your outfit! I don't think there's anything "knightly" about it left!

Alk: Especially not that... inner tube. Is that how you intend to "conquer the sea"?

Gerard: I... I fear that without it, I would be powerless... against the raging sea...

Alk: Hmm, looks like more and more people are starting to come in.

Gerard: Forget the sea, it seems the greatest peril before us lies in the possibility of losing our way and getting separated! We should retreat.

Stella: That's a shame. I wanted to stay longer.

Nimbus: Let's just go to a different place on the beach, then.

Nimbus: This island's full of other beaches, though some of them might not be as... fancy as this one here.

Light: Are you referring to the yet undeveloped area? I thought no one was allowed to enter there.

Nimbus: Yep. Mostly 'cause there's monsters. No people though—I'd say that's perfect for us!

Nimbus: Plus, they say the fish you catch there are finger-lickin' good. You can't catch 'em anywhere else.

Alk: It's settled then!

Light: Gerard, isn't this where you drop some words of wisdom about the importance of not breaking the law?

Alk: Lots of great seafood here! Fish, clams... This calls for a barbeque! Gerard, do you think you can help with fishing?

Gerard: Of course! Leave it to me. So long as I have my trusty inner tube to hold me afloat, I am unstoppable!

Alk: Th-this is a LOT of fish, Gerard, wow! I didn't expect this much... Looks like we'll be having a huge feast tonight!

Gerard: Hah-hah! But of course. You entrusted this task to none other than Gerard of House Martel! Catching a few fish is but child's play!

Alk: Either way, it's a huge help! It's gonna be real satisfying preparing all these fish!

Gerard: It will no doubt be difficult to gut and scale some of those larger fish—please allow me to do it! It's the least I can do.

Light: I suppose Gerard didn't care to make a distinction between monsters and fish. Still, his skill is commendable.

Nimbus: Wait a minute. Is he... planning on cooking the monsters too?

Light: Don't be silly. That monster was probably just swallowed up by a large fish or something. That was probably the only one. Or... was it?

Light: Alk, Gerard! Stop what you're doing now!

Nimbus: Put the knife DOWN!

Alk: Hey, we were about to gut that one! What's the deal, you two?

Nimbus: There could be monsters inside those! We're not eatin' those! Gerard, we're talking to you too! Stop!

Gerard: Hmm? But Alk tells me he's had experience cooking monster meat before!

Light: That's not the problem here!

Episode 2
A Knight's Code

Nimbus and Light focus on extracting monsters from the hordes of fish Gerard is catching, eventually leading them to fight a monster themselves. Gerard is distraught that his deeds put his friends in danger and vows to change his ways. He dons his full armor and goes on patrol, helping people, but overheats and passes out. After he comes to, Nimbus drags him off to have a night of fun and relaxation.

Gerard: Hah-hah! As they say, "A true knight never fails to find his catch!"

Nimbus: You're just making those up at this point! And I thought we said NO MORE MONSTERS? Don't knock 'em into the main pile!

Gerard: My apologies! Hah-hah!

Alk: Someone's having a good time!

Gerard: Hah-hah-hah! Why do you struggle so, little fish? It is no use!

Gerard: See how my trident pierces the water effortlessly! With it—and my precious flotation device—I am UNSTOPPABLE!

Gerard: Yes, in a past life, I was no doubt an artisan fisherman! Such is my preternatural skill!

Gerard: Everyone! Look at this MASSIVE one I just fished up—

Alk: Welcome back, Gerard! You've got more fish for us, huh?

Alk: Holy—that thing is huge! I can't wait to get that on the grill! In small pieces, of course.

Alk: ...Gerard?

Gerard: You... were fighting monsters? By yourselves?

Alk: Huh? I mean, yeah, but they were just small fry! No big deal, really. You were so into fishing, we didn't want to interrupt you.

Gerard: "A true knight always comes to the aid of those in need." And yet... I... failed to.


Alk: What the? Er... Should we go after him?

Nimbus: Nah. I have a feeling he'll be right back.

Gerard: Let this mark the END of my vacation!

Alk: Wait, what?!

Gerard: I have seen the error of my ways! Never again shall I display such cowardice! This I swear here, to you all!

Gerard: My first duty shall be a patrol of the vicinity—rest at ease, I will ensure that your vacation is a safe one!

Alk: Gerard, wait!

Gerard: AWAY!

Alk: What can you do... That armor doesn't look comfortable in this weather though. Think he'll be okay?

Light: He really takes his duty seriously... Perhaps it's best to leave him be until he's satisfied.

Children: Thank you, mister knight!

Mother: Yes, we are forever grateful to you!

Gerard: Hah-hah! 'Twas really nothing! But young lass, I must caution you—be careful to never again stray far from your lady mother!

Alk: Well, the people sure seem to like him. He's doing good work. ... Even though we're supposed to be on vacation.

Nimbus: Like Light said, just leave him alone. Let the guy do what he wants.

Alk: Yeah, you're right. Still, though...

Alk: I think it'd be more interesting if we stuck with him for a bit longer, don't you?

Nimbus: Heh. Sure, why not.

Gerard: Hah! Excellent! I... helped out so many people today... Oh dear, I feel... dizzy...

Alk: Gerard! Are you okay— OUCH! Your armor is boiling hot!

Nimbus: Them's the breaks... Let's find him some shade.

Gerard: Is that... Alk? And Nimbus?

Nimbus: Nice to see you've come to.

Alk: Your armor seems to have cooled off. You should be fine now.

Gerard: I see... I must have collapsed due to the heat. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble...

Alk: Don't worry about it. First things first, you should really consider taking off that armor!

Gerard: B-but... This is the formal garb of a proper knight! I can't...

Nimbus: Oh for cryin' out loud... Take it off! You're gonna boil alive in there!

Gerard: With an outfit like this, I can no longer call myself a knight...

Alk: I don't see a problem—we're on vacation after all! You don't need to be a knight all the time.

Gerard: But... If my friends were to be exposed to danger, all while I was out making merry... That would be a disgrace to my station as a knight!

Alk: Where does it say that knights aren't allowed to "make merry"?

Gerard: Well... Um...

Alk: Knights need rest too, Gerard! I know I've definitely seen knights in Palpebra on their days off!

Alk: We're on vacation! Why not take a short break from being a knight?

Gerard: A... vacation... But... For me, being a knight is not merely a profession. It is more... a way of life! How can I stop being who—

Nimbus: All right, I've had enough of all this knight talk. Alk, I'm borrowing him for a while, okay?

Gerard: B-borrowing? Where are you taking me?!

Nimbus: Relax, it's nowhere bad. Just a place where you can loosen up, mellow out, you know.

Gerard: Wait a moment! I know what lies in this direction! Why would you be taking me THERE?!

Nimbus: Heh, so you know what's over here? That means... you did some research beforehand! Busted.

Gerard: N-no!

Gerard: Th-that is emphatically wrong! I merely, uh... read that such a place exists... in a guidebook, yes!

Nimbus: Heh. Let's go check it out for ourselves, just to make sure it's there. "A true knight's gotta know when to party hard," as they say.

Gerard: They don't say that! ...Do they? I've never heard that one!

Nimbus: Oh yeah, they definitely do. All the big city knights say that.

Alk: Now you're just confusing the poor guy.

Alk: Oh well—let's go!

Episode 3
A Knight's Tale

Alk and Gerard go on patrol around town together, when suddenly a bubbly young woman spots Gerard and strikes up conversation. Gerard reveals to Alk that he went out with Nimbus the previous night and had quite the exciting time. After, they hear the same woman's screams and rush to her aid, defeating some monsters. Being rescued by a knight only makes the woman more infatuated with Gerard, who is utterly unsure what to do.

Gerard: Another day, another patrol! Let's give it our all, Alk!

Alk: Sure... If that's what makes you happy, then why not.

Alk: Gave up on the armor, huh?

Gerard: I've heeded your advice... I don't feel like passing out from heat stroke today. Never again...

Alk: Glad to see you've come to your senses about that.

Gerard: Yes... And I also realized that it's not good to be too caught up on custom and how things were done in the past. I can be a new, modern knight.

Gerard: Well, let's go ahead and start our patrol for the day!

Mother: Oh, Sir Gerard! You're dressed much more casually today!

Gerard: Indeed. This is my summer style, if you please!

Alk: See, people will accept you no matter what you're wearing!

Gerard: Ah, I just remembered. That shop over there has some limited-time items for sale! The shaved ice and fruit were to die for.

Gerard: There's also a lively pub just around the corner here. Don't be fooled by its shabby exterior—the food was excellent!

Alk: Well, look at you! You've basically been to every place on the island, huh?

Gerard: Wh-what are you talking about? I've merely PATROLLED past these places, that's all!

Gerard: Though I suppose, by virtue of helping so many people, I have also received a few favors in return.

Gerard: Why, it would go against the knight's code of honor to refuse their warmth and hospitality! I had no choice!

Alk: Hey, I never said that was a bad thing! It's totally understandable—

Young Girl: Well, looky here! If it isn't my favorite knight wearing no armor! Hehe, same outfit today, huh?

Young Girl: Where's the tiger guy from yesterday? And who's this? Nice to meetcha, mister!

Alk: Y-yes, nice to meet you too! Are you a friend of Gerard's?

Gerard: L-let's be on our way, Alk! The patrol must go on!

Young Girl: Oh you are NOT going to ignore me! Not after the great time we had last night!

Gerard: Oh dear! Too close! My lady you are too close, please step back! This will not do!

Young Girl: Haha. That's the same thing you said yesterday! You've gotta do better than that!

Young Girl: Hmm. You know, I think I've taken a liking to you, mister knight!

Gerard: Y-you... You WHAT? I thought I made it clear I would have none of that!

Young Girl: I know. I guess I just like guys who play hard to get!

Gerard: H-hard to get? No, absolutely not! I am doing nothing of the sort!

Young Girl: Are too! Are you always this thickheaded, or is it just your helmet? Hehe.

Young Girl: All right then, mister knight! I'm off. Let's hang out again sometime soon!

Alk: ... Starting from the very beginning, tell me EXACTLY what happened last night.

Gerard: Nothing happened! Absolutely nothing!

Alk: Somehow I doubt that.

Gerard: I swear it! Nothing... of significance happened between that maiden and myself!

Alk: "Of significance?"

Gerard: Alas... I have failed. Beset by uncertainty and high expectations, I faltered.

Gerard: Before I even realized it, I had started dancing, and singing, and... making merry.

Alk: Oh. So, you just... had a good time?

Gerard: On my name, I swear this, Alk! Never again shall I engage in such uncouth behavior!

Young Girl: Aaaaah!

Young Girl: H-help! Somebody help me!

Gerard: Fair maiden! Are you hurt?!

Young Girl: Mister knight? Is that you?

Gerard: Leave the rest to me! Flee from this place at once! And... one more thing.

Gerard: I must apologize for my indiscretion—you see, I am as yet unversed when it comes to conversing with women. My behavior was unbecoming—

Young Girl: H-huh?! Is this really the time?

Gerard: Fear not, for I will protect you! On my honor as a knight!

Alk: Let's do this, Gerard!

Gerard: "A true knight stands firm, even before the very jaws of death!" Come at me, fiend!

Light: Alk, are you all right? I heard that a monster was on the loose around here...

Alk: I'm fine. Gerard was with me the whole time, so he took care of it.

Nimbus: What is that tinhead doin', exactly?

Young Girl: Say, mister knight... Are you seeing anyone right now?

Gerard: Seeing...? N-no! I am a knight first and foremost! I have no time for—

Young Girl: Right, so you're not. That means I've got a shot, huh?

Gerard: W-wait! Stop, please! It would be most prudent in this situation to STOP!

Nimbus: What the hell is this all about?

Alk: That's some girl that Gerard saved, apparently. It's like something out of a fairy tale.

Nimbus: Back to bein' all knightly, huh? You shoulda seen him yesterday.

Gerard: Nimbus! Pray help me. You are expertly versed in these sort of situations, are you not?

Nimbus: Huh? Why the hell would I know? Clean up your own mess.

Alk: You're on your own here!

Gerard: A true knight... A true knight... What does a true knight DO in such situations?!