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Episode 1
A Friendly Curse

On a trip to the Kaleidoscope, Alk meets a cordial fiend blending in with a crowd of monsters. Her pointed questions leave him wondering how to tell friend from foe.

Alk: Out of my way!

Alk: Gr...

Alk: Don't you know when to give up?!

???: Hehehe.

???: Whoopsie, you found me!

Alk: A girl?

???: Aw... Are ya angry I tricked ya? But I was just having some fun! Now, buh-bye!

Alk: ...What are you?

Folus: I'm Folus the Clown! One might call me a bon viveur.

Folus: I was trying to follow those monsters out of the Kaleidoscope, but—ah-HAH —you looked more fun!

Folus: So I started making bets with myself. Will he cut me, or will he not? Will he mourn me, or will he not?

Alk: You could've gotten hurt!

Folus: Ya wanna bet on that? Teehee.

Folus: Anyhoodle, what I wanna know is why DIDN'T ya cut me? What was stopping ya, buster?

Alk: Huh? I mean...

Folus: Is it 'cause I'm people-shaped? Ah-HAH! But so are gingerbread men, and neither of us are human!

Folus: Is it 'cause I look like a giiiirl?

Alk: NO!

Folus: Whoopsie! I see. You're the type that takes offense to that kinda stuff, huh?

Folus: Well, my money says it's 'cause I laughed. Teeheehee! 'Cause that probably means I can talk and think and cry and sigh...

Folus: But what if I hadn't? What if I'd stayed silent the whooole time. Maybe even bared my fangs a little?

Folus: Would you have cut me then? Before even finding out if we could be friends?

Folus: Wow, mister! You sure have a heart of gold!

Alk: What?

Folus: I mean, my questions turned you so dark and gloomy, you looked like a regular ol' storm cloud! Hehe. I like YOU!

Folus: Let's be pals, okay? Compadres! Bosom buddies!

Alk: Huh? Uh, hold on. Give me some time to think...

Alk: Wha— Hey! Wait!

Folus: I just put a little curse on you. Ah-HAH! But don't worry. It works both ways!

Folus: You get bewitched by me—hee-hee. And I go crazy over you!

Folus: Thaaat's friendship!

Alk: I've never felt more scared in my life...

Episode 2
Clowns Have Feelings Too

When Light asks Folus about the future she envisions for mortals and fiends, the riddling clown, for the first time, is at a loss for an answer.

Folus: AHAHA! That sure was fun!

Alk: I think you mispronounced "exhausting."

Folus: What? All we did was buy ourselves some groceries.

Alk: That was NOT all! Why would you set up a magic show in the middle of the street?!

Alk: And you just HAD to make people vanish! I thought that one lady was gonna cry after you made her husband disappear for THIRTY MINUTES.

Folus: Hey, hey! Wasn't it funny when you pretended not to know me, but then I called out your name?

Folus: Gee. Touchy today, aren't ya? Not getting enough sleep?

Alk: That's 'cause YOU keep sneaking into my room every night.

Alk: Then you leave after chanting some weird riddle that keeps me awake FOR HOURS ON END. Why?! Why would you do that to me?!

Alk: *sigh* Also, aren't you a girl?

Folus: So? THAT doesn't bother me. Though it DOES bother me that it bothers you.

Light: Alk. I don't mean to interrupt your siblings' quarrel, but people are hungry.

Alk: Oh, right! Also... Siblings?! *shudder* Imagine being related to a clown that mysteriously makes people vanish.

Folus: Aren't ya scared?

Light: Why do you ask?

Folus: I mean, I've sure been hanging around Alk a lot. We're like fork and spoon, peas and carrots, knight and armor! You okay with that, Mr. Champion?

Light: It's true that champions and fiends are old enemies. But any friend of Alk's is a friend of mine.

Light: ...Though, I warn you now, betray our trust, and you shall pay dearly.

Folus: Ooh. Scary monster mask, pal! Wait, no. That's your real face!

Light: You toy with people too much.

Folus: Oh phooey. I'm real sorry about that. But it's only 'cause I'm so fond of you all, Mr. Champion!

Light: ...I see.

Folus: Hey! That sunset's really something, isn't it?

Light: Come down. You'll fall!

Folus: I've got a riddle for ya. Why would a sky with no sun or moon burn red?

Folus: Teeheehee! Didjya know we've got no luminaries in the skies back home? Didjya, didjya?

Folus: Not even an itsy-witsy baby twinkle. Needless to say, stargazing's not really anyone's hobby.

Folus: That's Pandemonium for ya!

Light: Pandemonium... Is that the name of your world?

Light: Folus. Why did the fiends invade my land? Why wage a war on humans?

Folus: III dunno. I'm Folus. I'm not like those other hawks.

Folus: If I were, I wouldn't be here, silly. I'd be off, sounding in the bugle in your world!

Folus: Hey! I got another question for ya!

Folus: What're you gonna do about the fiends, now that ya know we can be friendly? Ya gonna keep trying to wipe out our armies?

Light: I...

Folus: Ah-HAH! It's that gloomy face again! Boy oh boy, do I like YOU, Mr. Champion!

Light: What would you do?

Folus: Huh?

Light: It's as you say. Perhaps we can end the war, and shape a new future for mortals and fiends. What would you have that future look like?

Folus: Gee whiz. That's a big question coming out of a small rabbit.

Light: Our battle is not over yet.

Light: I hope we both find our answers before the end.

Folus: What kind of future I want, huh? Heeheehee! I'd never even thought about that!

Folus: Well! Things are getting intriguing!