Floretta (Valentine)/Stories

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Episode 1
Taste of Home

After learning about a festival in Palpebra similar to one in her hometown, Floretta attempts to make sweets with Stella, but fails miserably. She then tries to make a sweet from her hometown, and they're a big hit with Alk and the gang. Happy to see others enjoying her treats, she decides to make more to gift to others as thanks for always helping her.

Floretta: Wow, look at all the pretty decorations! What's the occasion?

Alk: The Valentine's Fest is coming up. It's a festival where we all eat sweets together.

Floretta: Ohh, I get it! Sweets do taste extra yummy this time of year... That kinda reminds me of Fioletovy Den.

Floretta: Ah, that's a festival in my hometown where you give homemade sweets to people you're close to.

Alk: Really? Small world.

Floretta: Um, Alk, Stella... Could I also celebrate the Valentine's Fest?

Alk: Of course! It's a festival, after all. They're meant to be enjoyed by everyone.

Floretta: Yay! In that case, I'm going to make something for everyone, just like I used tp do for Fioletovy Den!

Stella: Are you all right, Floretta?

Floretta: Urgh, sorry... I screwed up...

Nimbus: Hey, why is everyone in this town a terrible cook expect for you, Alk?

Floretta: Well, this is why I brought extra ingredients! Once I clean up this mess, we'll try again.

Stella: And I will be here to help.

Alk: ...H-hey, by the way, what exactly are you making?

Floretta: Just something I found while exploring the shops in Palpebra. What was the name again...

Floretta: It's a type of biscuit cookie. Boh? Boo? I'm not sure how to pronounce it.

Alk: C-could you show me the recipe?

Alk: Um... The only thing written here is the name and what I can only guess is a drawing of the dessert...

Floretta: I-I'm sorry! They said the recipe is a secret, so I figured I would just wing it...

Alk: Floretta... Baking is a science. Nothing good will come of going in blind.

Floretta: I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again!

Nimbus: You don't need to go all out for this festival. Why not just make something you already know how to cook?

Floretta: Um, well... To be honest, I'm not the most skilled person in the kitchen, so there's not much I CAN make.

Floretta: Ah, but I think even I could handle baranki.

Alk: Baranki?! I've never heard of those. Are they a type of sweet?

Floretta: Yes, they're well-known in my hometown.

Floretta: Ahaha... I used to make them all the time with my friend as a kid. They're a little plain, though.

Stella: Floretta... I would like to try baranki.

Floretta: Oh, okay... I'll do my best.

Floretta: Um, here you go... How do they taste?

Alk: Mmm! These are delicious! It's like a chocolate bagel.

Stella: I knew you could do it, Floretta.

Floretta: Huh? Ahaha... Aww, come on, I didn't do anything fancy...

Nimbus: Seriously, these are good. Just accept the compliment and be happy about it.

Floretta: I am happy! I just... I'm not used to all this praise, so I'm not sure how to react!

Stella: Floretta, you should have one too.

Floretta: Ah, right. Everyone eats sweets together during the Valentine's Fest, don't they?

Floretta: ...Now this brings back memories of my hometown.

Nimbus: You're from a volcanic island in the northern seas, right? Ever gone back?

Floretta: Nope. I haven't returned since I left the island as a pup.

Floretta: ...My friend was really good at making baranki. They're the one who taught me how to make them.

Nimbus: Gotcha... What about paying them a visit?

Floretta: I suppose I do want to see them again. They were the only person who wanted to be my friend back then.

Floretta: They're not the only person I miss, though... I wonder how the captain and my former crewmates are doing...

Floretta: Ahaha, my bad! I shouldn't be so mopey during the festival!

Nimbus: Why not go see them then? It's not like they're impossible to reach.

Stella: After all, it's Fioletovy Den, isn't it?

Floretta: Oh yeah... We could all eat sweets together...

Floretta: Um... You know, I think I WOULD like to share these baranki with everyone who's helped me so far.

Stella: That is an excellent idea.

Alk: Sounds good to me. I'll even help out with the baking.

Floretta: Hehe... Thanks. In that case...

Floretta: Operation: Happy Valentine's Fest is a go!

Episode 2
Crew Reunion

As Floretta struggles with a rush order of baranki, Marina comes to the rescue, and she receives a gift of baranki as thanks. That night, Floretta apologizes for her past mistakes and confides to Marina that she may have ruined a childhood friend's dream. Marina encourages her to go visit that friend to see how they feel about their shared past.

Stella: Floretta, we just got another order from the orphanage.

Floretta: Wh-what?! Another one?! I can't keep up!

Stella: They said it's for the children.

Floretta: D-don't say that... How can I say no to orphans?!

Alk: Geez... You only gave baranki out to a few people. Who would've guessed they'd get so popular.

Nimbus: The people here are always on the lookout for new treats. I'm sure there'll be copycat shops popping up in no time.

Floretta: I sure hope so! It's not like I invented them anyway.

Light: You're not making any money off of these, correct? If it's too much work, why not just say no?

Floretta: I-it's not that I mind doing it! I'm actually thrilled to know people like something I made...

Floretta: Ah, but I don't have enough time to complete this order! What am I gonna dooo?!

Marina: Arriving in the knick of time! Captain Marina, at your service!

Floretta: Huh?! C-Captain?!

Marina: Mm-mm! Your baranku are so good! I've tried to make them myself, but I can never get them right.

Floretta: Ahaha... Sorry I roped you into helping me. Especially when you're visiting after so long...

Marina: No worries! I can't NOT help my adorable little Floretta.

Alk: You really did show up at the perfect time though. Was it just dumb luck?

Lean Pirate: No way. Floretta contacted us sayin' she wanted to meet the cap'n. We were originally goin' to meet up, but...

Marina: She didn't show up. Knowing her, I thought she might be in trouble, so I figured checking on her wouldn't hurt.

Floretta: You're as amazing as ever, Captain. You always see right through me.

Lean Pirate: You wanted to give some baranku to the cap'n right? Then this is the perfect time.

Floretta: They aren't just for her. I want you guys to have some too. Although, admittedly, they're a bit simple for Fioletovy Den presents.

Burly Pirate: Floretta... You're a good kid.

Floretta: Captain? What are you doing up?

Marina: Hm, I'm feeling a bit lonely all by myself. The boys are down for the count, so come join me!

Floretta: I-I'm not drinking, okay? And you haven't been trying to get Alk and the others drunk, have you?

Marina: Of course not. I've got better things in store for them.

Marina: You seem to be getting along with them though. Looks like someone's coming out of her shell.

Floretta: A-am I? I can't really tell.

Floretta: Um, Captain, I didn't get to say it earlier, but...

Floretta: I'm... sorry I sunk your ship back then, I didn't mean-

Marina: Floretta, if you're gonna apologize, that's not what I want you to apologize for.

Marina: Do you know how worried I was when you just... disappeared?

Floretta: ...You're right. I'm sorry for leaving like that.

Marina: Well... Okay, you're forgiven.

Marina: Hey, tell me a bit more about your hometown. I hear you've got a friend back there too.

Floretta: Ahaha... Lemme guess, Stella told you?

Marina: Maybe. She mentioned you want to see them again. What's your buddy like?

Floretta: Alaimi... was always so kind, so warm, and so cheerful... I guess you could say I wanted to be like her.

Marina: Gotcha. is she where you get that spunk of yours?

Floretta: I suppose so... When I left our island, I might have tried to be more like Alaimi.

Floretta: I was actually a really quiet person as a kid. I might have gone a bit overboard pretending to be something I'm not.

Marina: I see. So then why did you-

Marina: Ah, you know what? Forget it. I don't wanna pry too much. I'm just glad I got my Fioletovy Den present. Thanks again.

Floretta: Um... Captain

Floretta: Ahaha, um, you see... Uhh, how do I put this...

Marina: Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Take your time and figure out what you want to say. Hehe, some things never change, do they?

Floretta: You see... There's something I should have apologized to Alaimi for.

Floretta: But instead, I ran away. And then... I did the same thing to you.

Floretta: I screwed up, and because of that... Alaimi had to give up on her dream. Things got weird between us, so I-

Marina: You idiot. How can you know it's your fault if you've never even asked?

Marina: You're friends, right? Just go visit her.

Marina: As a former member of the Crimson Blades, you need to steady your resolve and fight!

Floretta: Thanks, Captain.

Floretta: I already told myself I won't run, so... I guess I have no choice but to move forward.

Marina: Aw, come on, no need to look so serious. Your smile is your greatest weapon, you know.

Marina: Also, think you could make some more baranki? Enough to impress this friend of yours.

Floretta: Ahaha, that might be a good idea... Then I'll have a chance to teach you how to make them as well.

Episode 3
No Apology Needed

Alk and the others travel to Floretta's hometown with her and encounter her friend Alaimi, who has grown up to be a teacher at an orphanage. While making baranki for the orphans, the two begin to recall the past and their feelings about it. Afterward, Floretta promises to see Alaimi again before leaving the island once more.

Black-Haired Child: And once you're riding those waves, you just go south! Keep going and going, and you'll run into these things called Floats!

Floretta: S-so you're really gonna become an adventurer? You're gonna leave?

Alaimi: Ahaha! Not right away! My super secret boat isn't finished yet. But once it is, I'm outta here!

Alaimi: And when that time comes, Floretta, I want you to come with me...

Floretta: Even the benches are the same.

Floretta: I wonder if Alaimi ever became an adventurer...

Stella: A blanket of snow and white-capped mountains... It's just as you described, Floretta. What a beautiful place.

Floretta: I'm just as surprised as you. This town really is the same as I left it.

Alk: Now, how are we going to find your friend? Her name was Alaimi, ri-

Energetic Kid: Ah! Look! A buncha strangers!

Lively Child: You must be bad guys, right? Are you pirates?!

Floretta: How did you- wait, I'm not a pirate anymore! A-and I wasn't a bad one to begin with!

Adult Voice: What are you kids doing?! Stop bothering those tourists and get back to the orphanage!

Black-Haired Beastfolk: Sorry about the kids. They didn't try anything funny, did they?

Floretta: Ahaha... No worries. We're fine.

Black-Haired Beastfolk: W-wait... Is that you, Floretta?!

Floretta: A-Alaimi?

Alk: Wow, so you're a teacher at the local orphanage. Were those kids some of your students?

Alaimi: Yeah, they can be a real handful, but I was the same way at their age. It's actually kinda cute.

Alaimi: I'm more surprised by Floretta here. I can't believe you became an adventurer!

Floretta: A-ahaha. W-well, I-I've still got a long ways to g-g-go before I'm as good as everyone else-

Alaimi: Ahaha! What's with that shaky voice? You're not nervous around me, are you?

Floretta: N-no waaay! Wh-what makes you think that?

Floretta: Um... Have you mostly stayed on the island then? When did you become a teacher?

Alaimi: I started working at the orphanage about two years ago. As for the island... I never left.

Floretta: I see...

Floretta: A-ahaha! You know, it's been a while, so I think I'll go for a little stroll around the ol' hometown!

Stella: Floretta.

Stella: Don't be scared.

Floretta: Um... I made some baranki for you.

Alaimi: Thank you, Floretta. Do you think I could share these with the children?

Alk: I don't now if there's enough for that, but why don't you two make some more together? You brought the ingredients, right, Floretta?

Alaimi: Phew, now we just wait for them to bake. We can't really splurge on treats in the winter time, so I'm sure the kids will love this.

Floretta: We used to make these a lot as kids, didn't we? We'd steal flour from the warehouse and get scolded.

Alaimi: It would've been around this time of year too. We also used to make them for each other on Fioletovy Den, right?

Floretta: You always dreamed of being an adventurer back then. You were even building a boat in secret.

Floretta: But then... I collapsed in the snow, and the villagers came for me... only to find your boat.

Floretta: I... I'm so sorry... You weren't able to become an adventurer because of-

Alaimi: Floretta, I'm the one who needs to apologize to you.

Floretta: H-huh? To me? Why?

Alaimi: I was pretty cold to you after that day, wasn't I?

Alaimi: I knew... You only collapsed outside because you went looking for me. I hadn't come home yet, despite the blizzard outside...

Alaimi: You risked your life to find me. That took real courage. But instead of being thankful, I was jealous of your strength...

Alaimi: You might think you're the reason I never became an adventurer, but... I don't think I ever had the courage needed to leave this island.

Alaimi: I was just trying to look cool in front of you... I'm sorry.

Floretta: Th-that's not true!

Floretta: You've always been my hero, Alaimi! I wanted to be just like you... Th-that's how I ended up where I am today.

Floretta: Even now, you're just as cool and kind... and warm as I remember you.

Alaimi: Really? Well... I'm happy to hear that.

Alaimi: Guess this is goodbye, right? Be careful out there. I'm really glad we could see each other again.

Floretta: Yeah, same...

Floretta: U-um, Alaimi, maybe I could stop by again next year for Fioletovy Den-

Floretta: No... I'll DEFINITELY stop by for Fioletovy Den. And some other days too.

Floretta: So this isn't goodbye. It's see you later!