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Episode 1
Defying Gravity

In the middle of exploring an underwater ruin, Nimbus falls though unstable flooring. A salvager named Flana comes to the rescue, using her floating powers to pull him out. She joins Alk and co. in order to find a way to reverse the curse that gave her said powers.

Nimbus: You sure this is a good idea? We're surrounded by ocean in a place that looks like it's about to fall apart any second.

Nimbus: One good knock against the wall, and we'll be breathing sea water.

Alk: I know the outside's super sturdy.

Alk: Besides, the good salvage is always in dangerous spots.

Light: The people of this world never cease to amaze me- to think they can make a living by searching through underwater cities...

Light: Still, we shouldn't stay any longer than we have to.

Nimbus: Won't argue with you there. Let's get this job done quick and get-

Nimbus: Sheesh, that was close.

Nimbus: AAAAHHH!

Alk: Nimbus!

Light: Oh no, there's no telling how deep this stretches...

???: Don't worry, I can get him out!

Nimbmus: Damn, there's no way I can climb out of my own.

???: Woohoo!

Floaty Gal: There you are! Glad to see you're still in one piece.

Nimbus: Wh-who the heck ae you?

Flana: Name's Flana! You know, the lightest salvager in the world?

Nimbus: ...The who now?

Flana: Woohoo!

Alk: Nimbus, you're all right!

Nimbus: Sorry for the scare.

Flana: Hehehe, all's wet that ends well!

Nimbus: Thanks for the save. Seriously, I owe you one.

Nimbus: Gotta say though... I'm real confused how that power of yours works. All you did was tap me on the shoulder, and I started floatin' too.

Flana: I dunno how it works either! But I'm pretty sure it's some kinda curse, not a power!

Flana: No point thinking too hard about it though! More importantly...

Flana: Is anyone else here starving, or is it just me?

Flana: Thanks for paying for the meal!

Light: It's the least we could do. Please, eat as much as you like.

Nimbus: You sure eat a lot of someone so tiny...

Flana: Yeah, I have trouble putting on weight! Never had to worry about going on a diet my whole life.

Alk: So you're telling me... you can eat all this and not worry about calories?

Nimbus: That definitely ain't normal. No way.

Light: Did I hear you right? You mentioned a curse?

Flana: Some years back, I was exploring a few ruins when I touched this weird relic.

Flana: I've been like this ever since then!

Alk: Shouldn't you be more... I dunno... Upset about the whole thing?

Flana: Why would I be? I'm not dead, and I'm perfectly healthy- probably, anyway!

Nimbus: I guess you could say... nothing weighs you down, huh...

Flana: Oh, that was a clever one! C'mere, you!

Flana: Jokes aside, I have been searching for a way to get my body back to normal.

Flana: That's why I was exploring those ruins today. Not that I found anything though.

Flana: Ugh, coming back empty-handed is just the worst!

Flana: If you guys happen to find a method to fix me, be sure to let me know, okay?

Nimbus: We'll definitely do out part to research, but no promises.

Alk: Hmm, maybe we can find something in another world?

Flana: Another... world?

Flana: Not sure how you'd go about that, but it sounds like something I should tag along for!

Flana: Hope you don't mind if I join the team!

Episode 2
Underwater Shine

Alk and friends search through an underwater ruin and come upon a room filled with treasure. Flana recognizes a stone in the room as similar as the one that cursed her, but when she tries to take it, the entire room begins to collapse. She abandons it to save her friends, citing them to be more important than any treasure.

Flana: Here we are!

Light: ...We went down for quite a ways. Are we in the middle of the ocean?

Flana: Well, yeah, but it's not that deep. I have a feeling our luck's gonna turn around here!

Nimbus: Why do you figure that?

Flana: There's plenty of goodies lurking in the ruins of intact buildings.

Flana: Especially in spaces that lead further underground.

Alk: Back in the desert, a lot of the ruins had underground sections, right?

Nimbus: Yeah, all that sand makes it easy to hide things away, or at least that's what I've heard.

Flana: Not everything that's hidden away is necessarily treasure, though!

Flana: Still, wouldn't it be fun to find a secret passageway to an underwater city-

Flana: Hold on, I see something over there!

Nimbus: Never a dull day with her around...

Flana: Woohooooo!

Nimbus: Guess luck's on our side today. This has got to be worth a fortune.

Alk: Whoa... Now we'll never have to eat plain curry with nothing in it again!

Light: Flana?

Flana: Th-this...

Flana: This is the weird stone that cursed me back then! No doubt about it!

Alk: Y-you sure it's okay to touch it again?!

Flana: Oh. Uh, I dunno? Seems fine at least.

Flana: Hmm... My body's still the same though.

Alk: Maybe this stone just looks like the cursed one? Could be an entirely different thing.

Flana: Maybe. Now that I think about it, the one I touched was a lot more glowy.

Nimbus: Couldn't hurt to take this one back with us, though.

Flana: Yeah! Studying it could give us a hint-

Flana: Nnnghh!

Flana: Wait, I can't lift it?

Nimbus: What's wrong? It's not like it's THAT big-

Flana: Nimbus, don't touch it!

Nimbus: H-huh?

Flana: This sensation in the air... I think this place is about to fall apart!

Flana: That's what happened the last time!

Nimbus: You couldn't have given us a warning?!

Flana: Sorry, it slipped my mind! More importantly, we gotta get out of here!

Alk: But the stone...

Flana: Forget about it!

Light: Then please get us to safety!

Flana: Phew... Totally thought we were goners for a second there.

Light: Flana, you sure it was all right to give yup on the stone?

Flana: Psh, do you even need to ask? You guys are way more important! Besides, there's no guarantee it was gonna be helpful anyway.

Light: ...I see.

Flana: It's not like we floated out empty-handed either!

Nimbus: Haha, you sure are something else.

Alk: Looks like we can treat ourselves to a fancy dinner tonight!

Flana: Yeah, no skimping out!

Alk: Flana?

Flana: Sorry, I'll be right there!