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Episode 1
Lady from the Rumors

After saving a newbie adventurer in the Kaleidoscope and being caught in a distortion, Alk meets the adventurer Firamelia. With the power to always tread the correct path, she manages to guide Alk back to Starview Village. She asks to live there, which Stella agrees to without batting an eye.

Alk: Sorry to keep you waiting. I got our next job.

Alk: What were you guys talking about?

Nimbus: Just a rumor. Apparently there's a woman who shows up outta nowhere and guides lost adventurers out of the Kaleidoscope.

Light: What, just like that? Such a feat doesn't sound possible.

Nimbus: Which is why I called it a rumor. No way it's true.

Nimbus: When you add in the supposed floating lamps that appear and lead you to her, it starts sounding like a complete fairy tale.

Light: Hmm... It would certainly be interesting if it were true though.

Alk: I'd rather we DIDN'T meet her, considering she only shows up when people are lost.

Alk: Ugh, think I'm reaching my limit here...

Light: Save the chatter, we need to hurry. The tremors are getting worse!

Scared Voice: Gaaaah!

Nimbus: Get up! We don't have much time before we're hit by a distortion!

Inexperienced Adventurer: Th-this is my first time in the midways! I wasn't ready for this!

Alk: Nimbus, grab him and go! I'll clear the way!

Nimbus: Alk, you need to get a move on!

Alk: They just keep coming!

Nimbus: ALK!

Alk: Eugh... Where...

Alk: Shoot, that's right. I was in the Kaleidoscope... and then I got swept up in the distortion!

Alk: Nimbus! Light! Anyone!

Alk: Can't see or hear a thing here. What is this place?

Alk: The heck? Am I supposed to follow after?

Alk: Been walking for a while now... Was this really such a good idea?

???: Yeah, it was! You're in good hands now.

???: You don't seem injured. Glad to see you didn't run into any trouble on the way.

Alk: Uhhhh... Who... are you?

Firamelia: I am Firamelia, adventurer and Kaleidoscope surveyor.

Firamelia: I also help guide lost adventurers to safety whenever I can. I hope you're ready for some more walking.

Alk: I guess I don't really have a choice, huh... I'm Alk. Nice to meet you.

Firamelia: Alk, hmm? That's a nice name. Anyway, let's get going.

Alk: Mind telling me exactly where we're headed? It's just pitch black darkness no matter where I look.

Firamelia: Why, outside, of course. Just follow after me, and everything will be fine.

Alk: I am so lost in more than one way right now...

Firamelia: So you helped out a fellow adventurer in trouble and got swept away...

Firamelia: While that kind of compassion is commendable, you shouldn't make a habit of endangering yourself.

Alk: Y-yeah, I know...

Alk: By the way, are you sure we're walking toward an exit? Everything still looks the same to me...

Firamelia: Don't you worry about a thing. I always know where the correct path is.

Alk: w-wait, is that the exit? Incredible, you actually found it!

Firamelia: Oh, that's not the exit. I've never seen this type of pathway before.

Alk: Excuse me?

Firamelia: Hmmm... It feels a little strange, but not dangerous.

Firamelia: It should be fine to go through. Let's try it.

Alk: Hold on a minute! That is the least reassuring thing you could've said!

Alk: Starview Village... I actually made it home!

Light: ALK!

Stella: Is it truly you? Are you hurt? Hungry? Actually alive and not a zombie?

Nimbus: Where the hell have you been?! How could you leave us hangin' for 3 whole days!

Alk: It's not like I wasn't trying to get back- Did... Did you just say 3 days?!

Alk: No way! What? It's only been like 2 hours for me, I swear!

Firamelia: ...Hmm, I think the path we took was a little more dangerous than I thought. I should probably avoid using it again.

Light: So you have the power to know the correct path forward... It is truly amazing you were able to find an exit at all.

Light: We are forever in your debt, Firamelia. Alk wouldn't have made it home without you.

Firamelia: I'm afraid it was more luck this time that guided us. I've never experienced a time warp before.

Firamelia: But I supposed in the end, I was able to partake in a fine meal and arrive in a wonderful town, so it all worked out.

Light: Nothing much affects you, does it?

Alk: Yeah, she's a force to be reckoned with...

Firamelia: There's something I've been meaning to ask. Is it true that this town is only accessible to people Stella allows in?

Alk: Uh, partially? Sometimes we get people who accidentally wanders in, kind of like we did.

Firamelia: ...Fate must have brought me here then. This works out perfectly.

Firamelia: Would you allow me to live in Starview? I'll pay rent, of course.

Alk: You're more than welcome to! Right, Stella?

Stella: Indeed. Our home is open to you, Firamelia.

Firamelia: Hehe, you guys seem like a fun bunch. Thanks for having me.

Episode 2
With Great Power

Firamelia escapes from religious recruiters who have been hounding her to join them for the longest time. Alk and Stella, who have heard about her religious fans, reach out to Firamelia in concern, but she reassures them that she is on the correct path forward.

Pur Lilie: By the way, thanks for taking Firamelia in! She could use good company like you!

Alk: Uh... I think you're giving us too much credit.

Pur Lilie: Not at all! You know, she didn't use to walk around aboveground until you guys came along.

Pur Lilie: Judging by your reactions though... Has she not told you about her situation?

Alk: Nope, she hasn't said anything. I figured she had a reason she wanted to stay in Starview, but I didn't pry.

Pur Lilie: She loves her secrets, that one...

Firamelia: Oh, I can't wait for dinner. Alk's cooking one of his amazing stews...

???: There you are, Lady Firamelia!

Firamelia: ...Did you need something from me, priest?

Haughty Priest: Our beloved guiding Star, you need not look upon me with such suspicion in your eyes!

Firamelia: I don't recall consenting to becoming such a thing. Now if you'll excuse me.

Firamelia: ...Being stubborn is one thing, but this is a little absurd, don't you think?

Haughty Priest: My apologies, but this is all for your own good.

Haughty Priest: Please follow us to our congregation. I swear you will be treated well, as befitting your status.

Haughty Priest: Yes, as out new leader... Granted to us from the heavens, blessed with the power of light and its guiding ways!

Firamelia: Are you quite done? I'm going to have to report you to the Guild if you keep this up.

Firamelia: I assume you know the consequences of being on the Guild's bad side.

Haughty Priest: Why do you insist on fraternizing with those adventurer hooligans? It is unbecoming of one wielding your sacred power!

Haughty Priest: If you won't come along of your own free will, then I am afraid we shall resort to force...

Firamelia: They've grown far too bold lately. Whatever am I to do with those fools...

Alk: Oh! Welcome back, Firamelia. I'll heat up some food for you right now.

Alk: Stella, time to get up. She's back.

Stella: Welcome home, Firamelia.

Firamelia: Did you stay up waiting for me?

Alk: Hmm, kinda? There's something we wanna apologize for...

Firamelia: I see, so you heard everything from Lilie.

Alk: *Gulp* Uh... Sorry for being nosy!

Firamelia: It's all right. I wasn't purposely trying to hide any of it.

Firamelia: But I'll have to give Lilie a stern talking-to later.

Alk: Never one to beat around the bush, huh?

Firamelia: Hehe, that's one perk of being an adventurer- having the freedom to speak your mind.

Firamelia: It's just too bad that some people won't listen, no matter how clearly you put it.

Alk: So you've got a religious stalker problem, huh?

Firamelia: Not how I would refer to them, but yes.

Firamelia: They seem to mistakenly believe I am some sort of holy figured.

Firamelia: Have you heard of the Church of Farlana? It's a faith that originated from the Farlands, as you might have guessed from the name.

Firamelia: They worship the light of the stars, you see. Apparently the religion first come about when a sage guided a group of travelers by starlight.

Alk: Ah, those people that run around saying, "May the Stars guide you."

Firamelia: Exactly. They REALLY love their stars, lights, and guides...

Firamelia: And I happen to be all about light magic and guiding.

Alk: Yeah... It's no surprise they keep hounding you.

Firamelia: For quite some time too. I can't get rid of them.

Stella: Does their attention bother you?

Firamelia: I'll admit, it's flattering to be so sought after. But I wish they'd understand that I have my own road to take.

Firamelia: It's like... If you saved a village, and the grateful villagers ask you to settle down there. Would you?

Firamelia: You'd be set for the rest of your life. No worries, all your needs taken care of.

Firamelia: But that would be the end of your journey. Could you do it?

Stella: No, I couldn't.

Alk: Me neither. I'd appreciate the offer, but we've got things we need to see through.

Firamelia: Right? I knew you'd understand.

Firamelia: I'm the same. There's a path ahead of me I have to walk, and I have to use my power to do it.

Firamelia: I could never sit still and be worshipped- my power coveted, but never used. The priests and I will never see eye to eye.

Stella: Does that make you sad?

Firamelia: Hehe... It's kind of you to be concerned.

Firamelia: But I walk this path proudly. To do otherwise would be wasting my potential.

Firamelia: Just like how you should keep your heads held high and stay your course.

Alk: Feels like we got comforted instead, huh?

Stella: Were you worried about her?

Alk: A bit, but I guess I never needed to... Man, she's got her stuff together.

Episode 3
The Light Through the Dark

Firamelia is asked to search for a priest and his followers, as they have gone missing in the Kaleidoscope. She finds them kidnapped by a dark mage, who brainwashes them into attacking her, but she brings them back to their senses. The head priest finally realizes that he should let Firamelia walk her own path.

Alk: They visited you again, huh? What's that, the fifth time this week?

Firamelia: Ever since they failed with their forceful tactics, they've taken to asking me daily.

Firamelia: They're not complete fools with bad intentions, which is why I'm not entirely sure how to deal with them.

Firamelia: ...If they were just a bunch of thugs, I could've given them a good beating and sent them on their way.

Haughty Priest: Another failure! This is taking far too much time and effort...

Meek Follower: Uh... Sir, don't you think we're being a little too pushy about this?

Haughty Priest: I'm doing my best here, okay?!

Meek Follower: Is this lady even worth it? I get that she's something else, but is she THAT amazing?

Haughty Priest: Hold your tongue. Words of dissent are one things, but this is another.

Haughty Priest: I will not tolerate any slander against the one who is blessed by the Stars and their light. She is, without a doubt, meant to be our leader.

Meek Follower: ...Apologies, sir. Was just blowing off some steam and went too far.

Haughty Priest: She truly belongs somewhere far better than the treacherous halls of the Kaleidoscope.

???: I agree. She's made a fine mess of my Kaleidoscope...

Dark Mage: It's been highly amusing watching you assign such significance to her meager powers.

Dark Mage: But even fools like you can be of use to me.

Pur Lilie: Firamelia, thank goodness you're here! We could really use your help!

Pur Lilie: Got a report about those folks from the Church of Farlana entering the Kaleidoscope, but they've been there for hours and still haven't come out!

Pur Lilie: We sent search parties in, of course, but there's been no hide or hair of them! I bet you a distortion swallowed 'em up!

Firamelia: How many search parties did you send it?

Pur Lilie: Uh, should be 6 of them... Why?

Firamelia: Stars above, flames in hard, heed my will and bestow upon us your guidance.

Light: This should go smoothly with your powers at our side!

Firamelia: Take some time to prepare yourselves while I scout ahead. We're headed pretty deep!

Dark Mage: Slipped past all those defenses, did you? You really do know how to get on my nerves.

Firamelia: Took the words right out of my mouth. You've really outdone yourself this time.

Firamelia: This is as far as your efforts go. Step away from those folks if you know what's good for you.

Dark Mage: Or else what?

Dark Mage: Do you truly believe I wasn't prepared to receive you?

Dark Mage: Darkness dwelling within all creation, reveal the secrets of this mighty labyrinth!

Firamelia: Again with this magic? You do remember it doesn't work on me, don't you?

Dark Mage: But of course, as much as it irritates me.

Dark Mage: Yes, your unbending will in the face of darkness serves you well, boorish though it may be.

Dark Mage: Which is exactly why you shouldn't understand how effective it is on ordinary mortals.

Firamelia: So this was your aim from the beginning!

Dark Mage: Get up, worm. Be a good slave! Let out all your doubt, you discontent... Every bit of malice within!

Firamelia: Not one step closer!

Dark Mage: Tch, so uncivilized... How unlike you, flame bearer!

Dark Mage: To leave even your rear unguarded! Slaves, attack!

Firamelia: I guide the lost, and watch over those who stay their course.

Firamelia: Even though our roads were never aligned, I never once bore you ill will you for it.

Dark Mage: What are you doing? Move! Cut his woman down!

Firamelia: I mean this to you as well, priest. Now rise.

Firamelia: I know you still have the strength to walk! Or has a little bit of darkness shaken your conviction?

Dark Mage: Cease your blathering!

Firamelia: Believe in your path!

Haughty Priest: O sacred light... O Stars above, who light my way!

Dark Mage: No!

Haughty Priest: How is this possible?!

Haughty Priest: I am terrible sorry, Firamelia... I have failed you!

Firamelia: You have not. But now isn't the time for this!

Dark Mage: Oh, don't worry about me. I've grown bored of this charade. You will face your demise one day soon, and I will be there to savor it!

Dark Mage: Mark my words, flame bearer! Step no further into my domain!

Firamelia: ...What a sad man. I would have helped him if he had only asked.

Haughty Priest: You said you watch over those who stay their course. Will you not consider joining us then?

Firamelia: I a sorry, but I decide my own path forward... and I know you wouldn't allow for it.

Firamelia: Besides, I have certain companions I'd like to keep watching over for the time being.

Alk: Firamelia, are you okay?! We heard tons of fighting and made our way down as fast as we could!

Firamelia: I'm just peachy! I appreciate the concern though.

Haughty Priest: It's all clear to me now. Stars meant to shine, freely and for all.

Firamelia: It's about time we headed home, don't you think? I'll lead the way.