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Episode 1
Bridge of the Resplendent Curve

After Fiora's fortunes tell her that she must seek out the Bridge of the Resplendent Curve, she recruits Nimbus to aid her in her quest. Hours of searching bear no fruit, but just as they give up, a passing rain sends a rainbow arching across the sky.

Nimbus: Fiora? What brings you out here?

Fiora: Good day, Nimbus. I was waiting for you.

Nimbus: Why?

Fiora: Do you know of the Bridge of the Resplendent Curve?

Nimbus: Bridge of the Resple... splendy-what?

Fiora: Resplendent Curve. It appeared in one of my divinations. I'm to seek it out, guided by a companion. And who knows this town better than you?

Nimbus: Mm... There are bridges here, but I don't remember their names. Pretty sure none are the fancy-pants curve you're looking for though.

Fiora: Aren't they?

Fiora: Won't you at least try to find it with me?

Nimbus: Sounds like a pain in my—

Fiora: So you think I'm not worth the trouble?

Nimbus: That's not what I— Ugh... You know, you've got those doe eyes, but you're fierce as a predator.

Fiora: I'll take that as a compliment.

Fiora: I guess it really ISN'T here...

Nimbus: Not a "Resplendent Curve" to be seen.

Fiora: *sigh* Well, at least I managed to tour the town. Thank you, Nimbus. I enjoyed myself.

Nimbus: These damned showers. I hate having wet fur.

Fiora: Look. All the streets and buildings have begun to shine... like polished glass... I've never seen anything like it.

Nimbus: Right... You also grew up in the desert.

Fiora: If only we had been blessed with rain... Then maybe, just maybe, our future would've been as bright as this.

Nimbus: I've got no interest in "ifs."

Fiora: Nimbus... What's that?

Fiora: Could it be the Bridge of the Resplendent Curve?

Nimbus: It's called a rainbow. ...I haven't seen one so clear in a long time.

Fiora: A rainbow...

Fiora: So that’s what I've been searching for!

Episode 2
Chasing Rainbows

After Fiora discovers a book about weather forecasting, she and Alk put its folk knowledge to the test. Their zany attempts eventually lead them onto a search for "geta," a mystical device said to be capable of manipulating weather.

Alk: You're always here after it rains, huh?

Fiora: Hello, Alk. I was expecting you.

Alk: Hoping for a rainbow?

Fiora: Yes, but I've been eluded again unfortunately... Not every storm comes with a rainbow, it seems.

Alk: What if you predicted the weather? Chase enough storms, and you HAVE to find what you're looking for, right?

Fiora: I've tried, but I'm quite hopeless at weather divination.

Alk: Oh...

Fiora: But recently I found a book, and it says that there are ways to forecast the weather that DON'T rely on prophecy.

Alk: Well, there you go. You tried any of them out yet?

Fiora: Actually, I was just about to. Would you like to come along?

Fiora: Here we are.

Alk: Huh? That's Light. Are you telling me HE can predict the weather? HEY, LI—

Fiora: Shh! He can't know we're here! The book says, "When woodland creatures wash and groom, showers on the horizon loom."

Alk: Woodland... creatures?

Fiora: Yes. ...There may be other species that are more suited for the job, but Light's the best we have.

Alk: So we're gonna stand here and wait for him to start grooming?

Fiora: Exactly. Remember to stay hidden!

Fiora: Why isn't he preening?

Alk: Uh, maybe 'cause he used to be human? ...Your book have any other bright ideas?

Fiora: Well... there IS another rhyme. "When the man in bed has an aching head, it's sure to be pouring in the morning."

Alk: What man in bed?

Fiora: I'm not too sure. Do you think I'd better go knocking door-to-door, asking if there are any gentlemen with headaches?

Alk: Please don't.

Fiora: Oh, all the methods listed in this book are so different from divination...

Fiora: It's fascinating.

Light: Alk, Fiora. What are you doing there?

Fiora: Alk! Come look at this!

Fiora: There's this contraption called the "geta," and it says here it can control the weather! Isn't that wonderful? I'll be able to summon not only rain, but rainbows as well!

Alk: What? No way!

Light: What's all this excitement about?

Alk: Come and see for yourself. Apparently, this "geta" thing can control the weather.

Light: This device is familiar... I think I saw it hanging on a wall somewhere...

Fiora: Really? I would love one of my own!

Light: Then let us make ready to travel.

Alk: See you in a bit, Fiora!

Fiora: There are so many mysteries in the universe that can't be unraveled by divination... Ohh, how thrilling!