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Episode 1
Law and Order

Alk and Light are mistakenly arrested in a failed sting operation by the Guild Knights and their commander Finn. Despite having their names cleared, Finn is still dubious of their activities. Light decides to clear their names for good, inviting Finn to see Starview for himself.

Alk: Hey, er, are you guys still open?

Bartender: Your order?

Alk: Um... I'll have today's special, I guess.

Alk: Is it just me, or is the vibe here kinda... heavy?

Light: We ought not to stay long. In fact, we should take our leave right now.

Alk: What? But I just ordered!

Knight: Hands where I can see them! The Guild Knights have you surrounded!

Knight: Don't try to resist— we've received intel that this place is a front for dealing in black market cursed gear!

Alk: Wait, what?!

Alk: H-hey, you've got the wrong guy! I'm just here to eat!

Knight: Save your excuses for the judge, criminal. We know all about your little misadventures!

Knight: You're the adventurer working under Pur Lilie, right? We've had our eyes on you for some time now.

Light: That's an entirely different matter, isn't it? Don't you think this is a bit unfair?

Knight: Unfair? That's enough out of you, fiend!

Alk: You'd better watch it, or—

Light: N-now, now! We'll cooperate, so let's take it easy, okay?

Knight: Enough outta you! It's time you punks learned a lesson—

Light: What the hell were you thinking? Is Nimbus rubbing off on you?

Alk: I'm sorry, Light... I kinda just snapped after seeing what they did to you. Anyway, we should probably get a move on.

???: Not so fast there, friends. Your would-be escape ends here.

Knight: Watch out, Commander Finn! These two are stronger than they look!

Finn: Of course. They broke through our defenses without a hitch, didn't they?

Alk: Let us go. We don't want any trouble!

Finn: You're rather skilled with that. But unfortunately for you, it appears you lack experience against other sabreurs.

Alk: We've gotten ourselves into a pickle this time, huh?

Light: You'll need to answer for wielding your blade against the authorities, but I'd advise against speaking of Starview.

Alk: Sorry, Light... We should be trying to get you back to your world. It's all my fault we're dealing with this instead...

Light: It's fine. No journey is complete without a few setbacks along the way.

Finn: You're free to go, so come on out. And... if it's all right, I wish to make amends.

Alk: Wait, why?

Pur Lilie: There they are! I was SO worried about you two!

Alk: Wait, so you bailed us out?

Pur Lilie: Hee-hee! Let's just say I've got some connections with some of the top brass in the guild...

Pur Lilie: And it just so happens that the guild oversees the force that locked you up! Just goes to show it's all about who you know in this world, right?

Finn: While that may be true in some cases, you had nothing to do with this.

Pur Lilie: Huh?

Finn: While it's true that you and your companions are currently persons of interest to the guild, your arrest was due to a clerical error on our end.

Finn: Not only that, but you were subjected to violent misconduct by members of our force during your confrontation. This should have never happened.

Finn: I would like to personally apologize for how the situation was handled, especially regarding our use of violence.

Alk: Oh, uh, it's fine! All's well that ends well, right?

Light: I'm glad an honorable man such as yourself is in charge.

Finn: However!

Finn: Pur Lilie. Understand that your connection to this incident has only heightened our suspicions.

Finn: Now, these are merely my own conjectures, but I'd wager you and the guild are taking advantage of the system somehow.

Finn: Do you understand the harm that would do for our organization? We have to uphold the public's trust.

Pur Lilie: Ngh... Indeed.

Finn: However, as a Guild Knight, I must set my own biases aside.

Finn: I just find it all to be very suspicious.

Light: Allow us to clear those suspicions for you.

Light: We'll show you the truth... but only if you promise to stay quiet about it.

Light: Does this clear everything up?

Finn: Y-yes... It's certainly unexpected, to say the least.

Finn: Your intentions have been made clear to me.

Finn: Of course, whether you're engaging in illegal activities with Pur Lilie is a different story.

Light: You're welcome to visit us whenever you like.

Finn: In a non-professional capacity, of course.

Alk: He really is a man of his word...

Finn: Farewell for now. I will look forward to my next time off.

Episode 2
Hot on the Trail

Using a tip from Mal Lelucia, Finn and Alk investigate a potential lead for black market cursed gear trades. However, they arrive at an empty site that seems to have been cleared out recently, with a substantial amount of evidence left behind.

Finn: I see. So you're saying you have no alibi.

Mal Lelucia: I'm tellin ya, it wasn't meeee! You've gotta believe meeee!

Finn: It's not that I don't, ma'am. But part of my job is to find answers.

Alk: Did you do something, Lelucia?

Mal Lelucia: NO! Say something, Alk! I need a witness on my side!

Alk: Whoa... I didn't know the Guild Knights were in charge of investigations too.

Finn: It's our duty to stop crime, and prevention plays a vital role. However, it's a burden that's becoming overladen, to say the least.

Mal Lelucia: I bet, with those suspicious characters popping up in the Kaleidoscope... Not to mention the marauding dragons and Farland stuff.

Finn: Personally, my biggest concern is the orphans left behind by adventurers.

Finn: However, the guild's current focus is ending the illegal trade of cursed gear.

Alk: Oh, you mean like that place where you arrested us?

Finn: Palpebra is a nation of commerce, so the exportation of goods from the Kaleidoscope isn't prohibited by law or anything.

Finn: However, we must ensure that these wares don't pose a threat to society at large, especially those of unknown origin.

Finn: However, it's been more difficult as of late to keep track of it all.

Alk: Contraband slipping under the Guild's watchful eye, huh? That explains why Lelucia's here.

Mal Lelucia: Hey... You're supposed to be on my side, remember?!

Finn: Yes, well, that and her frequent disappearances from Palpebra... although it all makes sense to me now.

Mal Lelucia: Yeah, like anyone was ever gonna believe I was traveling to other worlds!

Finn: This was merely to satisfy my own curiosity. I made a promise to Light here that I would not divulge this information to anyone else.

Finn: But we need to capture a suspect at once. So please, Mal Lelucia...

Mal Lelucia: Well, I diiiid hear through the grapevine about a fellow Sheephird involved in some shady biz...

Finn: Really? Please, do tell.

Finn: I appreciate you making the trip with me, Alk.

Alk: I felt like I had to, especially after hearing that you'd be going on your own.

Alk: I don't know if I'm Guild Knight material, but I'm glad to be of help, especially since you're short on people.

Finn: Yes, well... without inducting you as a Guild Knight, I can't have you accompanying me in an official capacity.

Finn: Regardless, it's faster this way if I grant you the title myself, seeing as your name, age, and origin are all unclear.

Alk: Yeah... Sorry about that.

Finn: Do not apologize. Too much humility can be self-destructive.

Finn: I may have mistaken you for a criminal at first, but one doesn't become second-in-command without developing an eye for character.

Finn: You're a talented swordsman, and more importantly, someone worth trusting in.

Finn: Let's get moving. We're almost at our destination.

Alk: R-right!

Finn: ...Deserted, huh?

Finn: This place appears to have been occupied until very recently—they must've known we were coming.

Alk: Whoa! Ngh... Wh-what... is this?!

Finn: Cursed gear... I should've known!

Alk: Why... here?! Uh-oh... My body... won't... move!

Finn: O mighty light, I beseech thee!

Finn: May your boundless wisdom shine upon us and illuminate our path!

Finn: Glistening Edge!

Alk: What the... I feel so... powerful!

Finn: Now, Alk!

Alk: Right!

Alk: Looks like our perp really was here.

Alk: I can't believe something like this could make its way out of the Kaleidoscope...

Finn: It appears we may be dealing with shadier characters than initially thought.

Finn: It's a good thing they left in a terrible hurry. There's a trove of evidence for us to dig through.

Finn: This may be one of our biggest leads yet. Thank you, Alk.

Finn: (That wasn't any ordinary cursed gear.)

Finn: (We may have only just scratched the surface today...)

Episode 3
Finn's Determination

Based on the evidence found in his last investigation, Finn deduces the culprits involved in the cursed gear trade must also have access to otherworldly technology. Despite the guild's upper management putting a stop to Finn's efforts officially, he resolves to get to the bottom of this with Alk and the others.

Light: So this is what you wanted to show us.

Finn: Alk and I found this inside a cursed contraption in the dunes.

Finn: The people at Voluntas said they'd never seen anything like it.

Stella: It appears to be quite similar to the technology from Dia's world.

Finn: If that's what you believe, Stella, then I have no doubt.

Finn: Whatever attacked us... it didn't seem native to the desert.

Finn: It seems our enemy is either well- versed with otherworldly technology or is able to travel between worlds.

Mal Lelucia: Heeey, don't look at me!

Finn: You're still a key witness, but I haven't named you as a suspect... yet.

Finn: In terms of possibility, anyone in this term could potentially be the perpetrator.

Finn: Stella... Is there any way someone could travel between worlds without the usage of a World Flipper?

Stella: Not that I know of.

Stella: However, my knowledge of the Kaleidoscope is limited, so anything is possible.

Finn: The Kaleidoscope first appeared in Palpebra long before you. I'd say a good fifty years ago.

Finn: Reports of cursed paraphernalia go all the way back to those days.

Finn: We can assume our culprit is aware of the Kaleidoscope's inner workings as well.

Alk: Gulp.

Finn: I'm sorry. Please understand that it isn't my intention to suspect any of you.

Finn: However, this issue reaches beyond Palpebra's borders, so I thought it best to share it with you.

Nimbus: Yeah, somethin' about this definitely reeks.

Finn: I'll continue to investigate. In the meantime, can I count on your cooperation?

Alk: Of course!

Finn: Thank you.

Finn: What do you mean you want me to stop the investigation?

Pur Lilie: Sorry... Guild orders. There's nothing I can do about it.

Finn: Dammit! Is this also your family's doing?!

Finn: ...I'm Sorry. That was out of line.

Pur Lilie: N-not at all! To be perfectly honest, I thought we were covering for ourselves too!

Pur Lilie: It seems like there was a bit of discord among the higher-ups too.

Finn: Yet... the council voted for this?

Pur Lilie: They understand the stakes here, but they want to prioritize costs in order to deal with Farland.

Pur Lilie: Right around when news about strengthening the military came along too...

Finn: Hmph... How convenient.

Pur Lilie: Finn... You're not giving up already, are you?

Finn: Of course not.

Pur Lilie: Right on! Atta boy, Finn!

Finn: Heh...

Finn: Sorry about earlier. And thank you.

Finn: How about you come out and face me already?

Finn: Haaah!

Finn: More cursed weaponry... Was this supposed to be a threat?

Finn: Hmph. You'll have to do much better than this to stop me!

Alk: F-Finn! Are you all right?

Finn: Alk. I have a favor to ask of you. Please... Allow me to join your ranks.

Alk: Huh? I mean, I kinda thought you already were.

Finn: Not exactly. I wish to form an official alliance with you as Finn of the Guild Knights. And this time I've received approval from the commander.

Finn: With this, I'm now openly able to collaborate with you, while still keeping your secret safe.

Alk: Whoa, neat.

Finn: Our enemy has already infiltrated the guild. I'll have to handle this one from the outside looking in, making Starview an ideal operating point.

Finn: All I need now is your blessing, Alk. I only hope that I've been able to earn your trust during our time together.

Alk: You've already earned that a long time ago! So yeah, go ahead and do what you need to do!

Finn: I see...

Finn: Commander... Alk... You guys... Only...

Finn: Thank... you...

Alk: Uh, Finn?

Light: He must've pulled an all-nighter putting this all together.

Light: *sigh* This man just doesn't know how to switch off, does he?