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Episode 1
Sleeping Cutie

Alk and the gang decide to hitch a ride with a caravan and meet a young beastfolk girl named Feanie, who can put monsters to sleep with magic. They soon discover she is related to Albert and that her parents have seemingly drifted to another world. Alk and the others invite her to Starview Village, hoping to help her find her parents.

Nimbus: Y'know, traveling by caravan ain't so bad.

Alk: Yeah, usually if we do take them, we're working security, so it's not exactly relaxing.

Light: Speaking of security... Are we certain this is safe? It doesn't seem like this caravan has anyone guarding it.

Light: Were we to be attacked by monsters, we would surely be-

Watchdog: Boss, monsters approaching! They'll be here any minute!

Nimbus: Ha! I knew our joyride wouldn't last forever.

Caravan Leader: Ah, worry not, dear customers. Our security escort will handle this! Isn't that right, Feanie?

Feanie: You betacha! Leave this to Feanie, the goodest girl!

Feanie: Nighty-night, monsters!

Light: Wh-what in the- what is this power...

Feanie: *yawn* Are they all in dreamland now?

Caravan Leader: That they are. Thank you, Feanie.

Feanie: Ehehe, no problem. Now... time for my nap too...

Caravan Leader: Thanks to you, we had another journey incident-free. Here's your reward.

Feanie: Wowie! Thank you sooo much!

Alk: We want to say thank you as well. We were able to relax with you around.

Feanie: Ehehe, aren't I a good girl? I can make all the scary monsters go to sleep!

Albert: Nimbus! Everyone!

Albert: I'm glad to see you arrived safely. Apologies for calling you out here so suddenly.

Alk: It's not a problem at all. More importantly, I heard you have a job for us?

Albert: That I do. There's someone I'd like you to meet, but... I haven't been able to get in contact with her for-

Feanie: Oh, hello, Uncle Bertie!

Albert: Feanie?! Why are you with the caravan?! Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you?!

Alk: Wait, so you two are related?!

Albert: Distantly, yes... But I also only learned of this recently...

Albert: Feanie... Being a bodyguard is a dangerous job. I believe I already told you not to purse such work...

Feanie: I-I'm sorry... But if I don't save up money, I won't be able to go searching for Papa...

Feanie: Without me, Papa is helpless...

Feanie: I wanna see Mama too... I don't remember her, but... I still wanna meet her...

Light: Er... Albert... Can we assume that Feanie here is... all alone?

Albert: Several years ago now... Feanie's mother suddenly disappeared... It was like she was spirited away.

Feanie: Me and Papa were searching all over for her, but...

Feanie: One day... Papa started getting all wobbly right before my eyes...

Feanie: And then... he was gone...

Alk: Wait, could that mean he drifted?!

Light: Hm... Now I see why you contacted us.

Albert: Well, that's not the only reason. There are certain unsavory groups who would no doubt like to use Feanie's bloodline to further their own agendas.

Alk: Oh... Right. If she's related to you, that means she's also related to the last king.

Feanie: Do you guys know where my mama and papa went?

Alk: Sorry... We're in the dark there, just like you.

Alk: But we should be able to help you look for them at the very least.

Stella: Would you like to come with us, Feanie?

Albert: Don't worry. You can trust them.

Feanie: Then... I'll go.

Feanie: U-um, you can have all this money if you take me with you.

Nimbus: Ha. Look at the brat trying to be all considerate.

Stella: You should use that money on something YOU want, Feanie.

Stella: We will help you find your mother and father. Until then, you are welcome to stay in Starview Village.

Feanie: ...Okay!

Albert: Thank you... We are in your debt.

Feanie: I'll be sure to be a good girl and help out lots and lots to pay you all back!

Episode 2
In Dreamland

Feanie accepts a request from an adventurer unable to sleep due to trauma. She eventually succeeds in helping him sleep by using her powers to allow the adventurer to meet his mother in his dream. However, Feanie reveals that she is unable to see her mother in her dreams and wonders why. Alk and the others do their best to cheer her up, reassuring her that her dreams don't necessarily reflect anything bad in reality.

Alk: Okay, Feanie. Ready?

Feanie: Ready! Nap time, kiddos!

Pur Lilie: Great work today, you guys! Especially you, Feanie! The childcare industry is going nuts for you!

Feanie: Ehehe, so I was the goodest girl, right? Yippee!

Exhausted Adventurer: W-wait, are you the Feanie I've heard so much about?!

Exhausted Adventurer: P-please, I beg of you! H-help...

Exhausted Adventurer: Help me fall asleep!

Light: So your own trauma is preventing you from sleeping...

Exhausted Adventurer: Sadly, yes... Ever since I almost lost my life in the Kaleidoscope, I can't sleep without reliving that horrible day...

Alk: Feanie, think you can help him out?

Feanie: Maybe... But we won't know until we try...

Feanie: Good boy, big boy... Time to go to bed...

Feanie: Warm and fluffy, soft and fuzzy... Lay down your weary head...

Exhausted Adventurer: Ah... It's... working...

Exhausted Adventurer: Argh! Get back! Stay away from meee!

Exhausted Adventurer: *pant* J-just a dream...

Light: This is quite the conundrum... We'll have to try something else.

Feanie: Hmmm... He just needs a better dream, right?

Alk: Yeah, but that's easier said than done.

Feanie: Um, what kind of dream would you like to see instead?

Exhausted Adventurer: I-I mean, anything's better than the nightmares...

Exhausted Adventurer: But if I had to pick, I'd say... it'd be nice to have one where I could see my mom...

Exhausted Adventurer: She didn't want me to become an adventurer, and we had a big fight before I left. That was the last time I saw her.

Light: ...Feanie?

Feanie: I'm... okay.

Feanie: Let's make that dream come true! Now... time to go to bed!

Feanie: Warm and fluffy, soft and fuzzy... A touching reunion ahead...

Alk: What the- Feanie?!

Feanie: Mm... No more... I couldn't eat another bite...

Alk: She's asleep...

Light: Th-then what shall we... Hm?

Light: This drowsiness... I can't... fight it... Urgh...

Pur Lilie: Hey, guys! Just checking in since it's been a while-

Pur Lilie: What the heck?! Why's everyone asleep?!

Alk: Urgh... H-huh? When did we...

Feanie: *yawn* Good morning...

Exhausted Adventurer: Oh, Mom... Mom!

Feanie: Looks like you got to meet your mama... That's good.

Exhausted Adventurer: It's okay. You're allowed to. There's always room for dessert.

Feanie: I'm just glad you got to see someone you miss so much. There, there.

Pur Lilie: Now this is a surprise. I had no idea you could do something like that!

Light: Can you really allow others to dream of whatever it is they desire?

Feanie: Well... They hafta fall asleep with me, but...

Feanie: If someone really, REALLY wants to see someone, they'll appear in their dreams.

Light: I see... That's really quite amazing.

Feanie: No... It's not amazing at all...

Feanie: Everyone else gets to see the person they miss, but...

Feanie: I've... ever met my mama in any of those dreams...

Light: Feanie...

Feanie: Maybe somewhere deep, deep down... I don't want to meet her.

Feanie: What if... I don't actually love her as much as I think I do?

Alk: I don't think that's the case, Feanie. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure out why you can't see her.

Alk: Besides, how you feel is up to you. No dreams or lack thereof can tell you otherwise.

Light: Precisely. Everyone expresses their feelings of yearning in different ways.

Feanie: Yeah... Yeah, you're right!

Feanie: Thanks, you two!

Light: Hnngh?!

Feanie: Hehe... I love you all very, very much!

Episode 3
The Forms of Love

After news of Feanie's powers spread, people line up in order to get a dream with their loved ones. After granting them their dreams, Feanie relays that she no longer begrudges not being able to see her mother in her dreams, instead desiring to meet her in person. Lilie relays the news that those Feanie helped will be assisting in the search for Feanie's parents, causing her to smile.

Feanie: Wowie! Look at that line! What's going on?

Pur Lilie: Well... it seems word has gotten around about your powers...

Light: Everyone here wants to ask you for a dream.

Feanie: Whoa... So all these people have someone they really, REALLY wanna meet, huh?

Pur Lilie: A lot of folks in Palpebra are working away from home, and... Many have also lost someone precious to them in the Kaleidoscope...

Light: You could say Palpebra has a surplus of lonely individuals.

Pur Lilie: I'll prepare an extra large reward, so please, Feanie, take the job! Just this once!

Feanie: O-okay! I'll do my best, just like any good girl should!

Feanie: Hehe... It's kinda like we're all having a sleepover.

Pur Lilie: Well, doing this one at a time would take forever... Will you be okay managing everyone at once?

Feanie: Hmm... Probably!

Light: All right, then Lilie and I shall be waiting outside. Let us know if you need-

Feanie: Nooo, Light, you should stay here! I wanna take a nap with you!

Light: W-well, I...

Feanie: ...You don't want to?

Light: ...Fine. I shall stay here with you.

Feanie: Hehehe... Thanks, Light!

Feanie: Okay, everybody! Lay down, close your eyes, and think of the person you want to see again. Time to go to bed!

Feanie: Warm and fluffy, soft and fuzzy... A touching reunion ahead...

Light: Uh... Hm?

Bulky Adventurer: Urgh... Oh, Grandmaaa!

Plump Woman: *sniff* I never thought I'd see them again! Waaah!

Feanie: Good, good... Looks like everyone got to see their loved ones...

Light: Feanie, are you okay?!

Feanie: Hehe... I'm fine. I just went a teensy bit overboard.

Light: Perhaps we should not do such large groups in the future...

Feanie: Aww... But having naptime with this many people was kinda nice...

Feanie: When I see them smiling after reuniting with someone they miss, I can't help but smile too.

Light: That's true...

Feanie: Mmm, yummy! Now I've got plenty of energy.

Pur Lilie: Thanks again for today, Feanie! All the participants today were super grateful.

Feanie: Hehe, yaay! I was the goodest girl!

Feanie: What about you, Light? Did you see the person you wanted to?

Light: Hm... Well...

Light: No... I didn't have a dream of any kind.

Feanie: Huh? Really? Oh... I guess I didn't do as good a job as I thought...

Light: No, I don't think it was your doing.

Light: I simply have no one I wish to see in my dreams.

Light: ...Although there are plenty I wish I could have saved...

Feanie: I see... So that's what you want...

Feanie: You know, Light...

Feanie: I think... I might be the same way... but different...

Feanie: I wanna see my mama... But I wanna see her in real life, not a dream...

Feanie: Maybe that's why I've never dreamed about her before...

Light: Yes... I think that might be it.

Pur Lilie: You know... The people you helped today really are grateful. They know about your situation, so I'm sure if any of them happen upon your parents, they'll let us know.

Pur Lilie: The Guild now knows to keep an eye out too. If your parents show up here, you'll be reunited in no time.

Feanie: Wowie! Thanks, Lilie!

Light: You helped a lot of people here. It's only fair that they return the favor.

Feanie: Gotcha... Hehehe... That's great!

Feanie: Never seeing her in my dreams made thinking about my mama sad, but now... I'm excited for the day I get to meet her!

Feanie: In fact, I think I have even more energy than before!

Feanie: I'm gonna help out lots and lots to show my parents what a good girl I am!