Falsche (Halloween)/Stories

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Episode 1
Don't Fear the Reaper

Falsche gets lost while trying to deliver a fallen person's belongings, but luckily Alk and co. are there to help. The local people are somewhat fearful of her, so Stella suggests Falsche "rebrand" herself—as a cat. So Falsche dons a cat outfit for Halloween and suddenly—but not surprisingly—gains a lot of popularity with the local townspeople.

Stella: Hello, Falsche.

Falsche: Oh. Stella... And Alk.

Alk: What's up? Something the matter?

Falsche: Kind of. I want to deliver an item. That belonged to someone who's passed on. But I don't know the way.

Alk: Oh. Well, I'm actually pretty familiar with this area. Want me to guide you around?

Falsche: Could you? I would appreciate it.

Falsche: Asking other people was no use. I'm glad you two came along. Thank you.

Falsche: And we made it in time, too. For lunch.

Stella: The other people you asked didn't know the way?

Falsche: No. I couldn't ask anyone. They all avoided me. Because of the unpleasant nature of my work.

Alk: That's just not right...

Falsche: It's okay. It doesn't bother me. Really.

Stella: Recovering the lost belongings of those who perish in the Kaleidoscope is a very important job.

Falsche: It can't be helped. Many adventurers are like that. Very superstitious.

Falsche: People think dealing with the dead is a bad omen. Creepy. I never thought so, though.

Alk: Hmm. Superstition, huh? That's a tough one. Maybe it's more a matter of... perspective. Branding, you know?

Stella: Branding...

Stella: I know. We need to rebrand Falsche.

Falsche: Wh-what?

Stella: You need a new outfit.

Falsche: A new... outfit?

Stella: All ready.

Falsche: Um, Stella? Is this okay?

Stella: Yes. You look very cute.

Falsche: This type of outfit. Doesn't really suit me.

Stella: It does. You are very cute.

Stella: Alk, say something.

Alk: Um. Y-yes! Ditto on what Stella said. Very cute. Especially the cat ears—

Alk: You know what? Forget I said that last part. You look great, Falsche!

Falsche: This is so embarrassing. I could die.

Falsche: See. People hate me. They're disgusted.

Alk: Um, no, I think that reaction just now was the exact opposite of disgust!

Falsche: Father, mother. I'm sorry. I cannot live with myself—

Alk: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Put that thing down! No need to get carried away.

Stella: Don't worry. You look wonderful.

Alk: That's right! That outfit was practically made for you! The ears and the tail are a perfect match!

Falsche: Um... Do you really think so?

Children: Oooh, a kitty cat!

Falsche: Wh-what?

Stella: Falsche. You have to do it now. Please meow.

Falsche: Uh... Meow?

Children: YAY! Good kitty!

Adventurer: Is that... the salvager girl? Is she a cat now?!

Townsperson: ... I'll allow it.

Merchant: I could probably make a fortune selling photos of her... People love catgirls...

Alk: Well. I think this has been an overall positive for your public image. Maybe.

Stella: The rebranding was a huge success.

Falsche: Um. How long do I have to wear this?

Alk: I mean... probably at least until Halloween ends, right?

Falsche: That's...

Alk: There's no need to wear it if you hate it. But I'm telling you, you look great!

Falsche: Okay. I suppose I will wear it. Even if it is extremely. Extremely. Embarrassing.

Children: Hey, Miss Kitty! Do the thing again!

Falsche: ... Meow.

Episode 2
Echoes of the Dead

Falsche, Corinna, and Stella are having tea while discussing Falsche's supernatural ability to read the thoughts of items. A wandering adventurer approaches them and asks Falsche to read the thoughts of his fallen comrade's sword. She does so, successfully hearing the last words of the owner and conveying them to his friend. Corinna and Stella praise Falsche's incredible skills, touting the importance of her work.

Falsche: He wanted this to go to his child. The eldest daughter.

Family Member: I see... Thank you very much. This is the last item we had of his, and... It wasn't in the will, you see.

Falsche: Yes. Please treasure it.

Stella: Good work, Falsche.

Corinna: How about a break? I've whipped up some tea—let's drink it while it's hot!

Falsche: Oh. Thank you so much.

Falsche: Ah. This smell. It's wonderful.

Falsche: Corinna. Please don't look at me. It's embarrassing.

Corinna: Hehe, sorry. It's hard not to stare! That outfit just looks so perfect on you.

Stella: It definitely does.

Falsche: P-please. Enough about the clothes. I need to focus on work.

Corinna: So these voices you hear, Falsche... They're not the ghosts exactly, are they?

Falsche: No. The best way to describe them. Would be as lingering echoes.

Falsche: If I listen closely, I can hear them. Here and there. Whispering. Faintly.

Falsche: All I do is lend an ear to them. To their last words. And then I pass them on. To those they left behind.

Stella: So it isn't a conversation?

Falsche: No. I can't talk to them. They talk to me. And I listen.

Falsche: I'm sorry. I can't explain it any better. I don't know how it works.

Corinna: I think I more or less got it! No worries. Right, Stella?

Stella: Yes. I understand. More or less.

Falsche: Oh. Okay. Haha. That's good.

Adventurer: Hey, you. Are you the salvager?

Falsche: Yes. Can I help you?

Adventurer: ...Huh. Sorry, it's just you don't look how I thought you would.

Falsche: I-I'm currently rebranding myself. Trying out something new.

Adventurer: I see. Sorry if I was rude there.

Adventurer: Anyway. Was wondering if you could look at this. It's my old pal's sword.

Corinna: Oh, perhaps it would be best if the two of us stepped away for a moment.

Adventurer: No, I don't mind. I'm the one who barged in suddenly.

Falsche: Okay. Let me hear. What this sword has to say.

Dying Man: ...Can't even hold a sword anymore. Can't speak, can't stand.

Dying Man: Before the end... Before I go, I just...

Dying Man: I want to go on another crazy, ridiculous adventure with him. Sword in hand, off to who knows where...

Falsche: The owner of this sword. Until the very moment he died. He wanted to go on an adventure with you.

Falsche: You should have this sword. And you should take it with you. When you travel.

Falsche: Go somewhere far. Do something crazy and ridiculous. That was his final wish.

Adventurer: Is that so... Well, I'm grateful to have it, if that's what he wanted.

Adventurer: Never hurts to have a spare sword, I suppose... Could come in handy on an adventure.

Falsche: That's right. It could.

Adventurer: Right, uh, thanks. For everything.

Stella: You are incredible, Falsche.

Falsche: What? Why the sudden praise?

Corinna: Stella's right. You are amazing! Watching you work is a treat.

Falsche: Why do you say that?

Corinna: You helped that man so much, just by talking to him! It was like you exorcized a spirit that was haunting him!

Corinna: All because you told him what he needed to hear.

Falsche: That...

Falsche: Might be true.

Corinna: Hehe! My, my. What a triumphant look on your face! Glad to see you admit it.

Stella: Great work as usual, Falsche.

Falsche: Hehe.

Episode 3
Undying Determination

Once again on a mission to deliver lost items, Falsche visits the orphanage where Corinna works. The recipient is a young boy who runs away from Falsche, not wanting to believe that his father is actually dead. Knowing something like this might happen, Falsche prepares a letter for the boy and gives it to Corinna. On the way home, Falsche reaffirms her commitment to her job to Nimbus.

Nimbus: So you couldn't find a recipient for all of these items just by listening to their voices, huh?

Falsche: Not for all of them. Only the ones on this table.

Pur Lilie: Gosh... I'm ashamed to say this, but we don't exactly have a log of ALL adventurer equipment...

Nimbus: It'd be crazy if you did. Anyway, let's take the ones we managed to identify to their new owners.

Nimbus: This one's bound for... the orphanage?

Pur Lilie: Yes. It's to be delivered to a child that's staying there.

Pur Lilie: It was his father's, but he... Well, you know.

Nimbus: Damn. It's a tough world out there.

Falsche: Yes. This item wants to go there. To the orphanage.

Falsche: I'll go deliver it. Please continue searching for the owners. Of the other items.

Pur Lilie: Will do! Have a safe trip, you two!

Corinna: Oh, Falsche! Hello there.

Corinna: Are you on the clock right now? Do you have time to pop on in for some tea?

Falsche: I came to deliver items. And a message.

Corinna: Oh, I see. Who should I call on today, then?

Falsche: Someone named Kerry.

Falsche: I have a whole set of tools for him. This knife in particular is special. It contains the words of the previous owner.

Falsche: ...Will you hear them?

Kerry: ...NO!

Corinna: Kerry, be a good boy and listen... What Falsche is about to say is very important for you to hear.

Kerry: I don't WANT TO!

Kerry: Dad... is still alive! He's out there, and he'll come back for me! Soon!

Corinna: I'm sorry, Falsche...

Falsche: It's okay. Not everyone can accept what I have to tell them.

Falsche: Take this. I wrote it down. What his father said.

Falsche: If he isn't ready to hear it. Then...

Falsche: When the day comes. Please give him this letter.

Corinna: I will.

Corinna: ...Falsche. Thank you for everything.

Corinna: It's hard on these kids... Staying here, waiting for someone who won't ever come back.

Corinna: I know it's not easy for you, either, delivering these messages directly. I'm sure you feel the pain too.

Corinna: But it's meaningful work. Please keep it up.

Falsche: Yes. I will. Until next time, then.

Falsche: I can handle this.

Nimbus: What? I didn't even say anything.

Falsche: I knew there would be times like this. But I chose to keep going. To deliver lost belongings.

Nimbus: You take pride in your work, huh?

Falsche: Yes. I do. It is very, very important to me.

Nimbus: Hmph. I guess I didn't need to worry about you after all.

Nimbus: If that's the case, then just keep doing what you have been. You're good at it. Well, later.

Falsche: Yes. Thank you, Nimbus.

Pur Lilie: F-Falsche!

Falsche: What's the matter? Your breathing is heavy.

Pur Lilie: Well, you see...

Falsche: I understand. I can be of use here. Allow me to help.

Pur Lilie: Oh that's wonderful! You really are a lifesaver! The Guild REALLY isn't cut out for dealing with ghosts and spirits and the like...

Falsche: Yes. It's okay. Leave it all to me.

Pur Lilie: Done! Thank you, Falsche! You're the best.