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Episode 1
The Guild Mascot

A young dragon named Faf feels threatened by Light's presence and popularity at the guild, despite the champion's disinterest in taking up the mantle.

???: Haven't seen you around these parts. You new here?

Light: A-a dragon?! And you speak the language of humans?

Faf: Well, I ain't no lizard, I can tell you that! You can call me Faf. What's your name?

Light: I go by Light. I'm the champ—er, an adventurer, or more like a chaperone of sorts.

Faf: Huh. I don't really get it, but that means you're lookin' for quests and stuff to take on, right?

Light: That's correct. What do you know?

Faf: Heh, gotcha covered. This way!

Light: I must ask... Are you here alone? Do you not have any companions?

Faf: I guess I'm more of a free spirit. I can't restrict myself to just one party, you know?

Faf: Not to mention the people in the guild officers here feed me for free!

Faf: People probably think I'm supposed to be the guild mascot or something. I guess I'm just too cute for my own good, huh?

Light: So you've made this place a home of sorts.

Faf: Yep! I'll take living it up here over flyin' out in the cold outside any day!

Guild Staff: Well, aren't you just the CUTEST widdle adventurer I've seen! Are you wooking for a widdle quest to go on?

Doting Adventurer: He's so FWUFFY! You just have to join my party! I'll make sure you're well taken care of, too!

Faf: Uh-oh. Here, this way!

Light: ...That was a close one. I must thank you for helping me again —

Faf: What's the big idea? You tryin' to take my spot?

Faf: Listen up, buddy. You're in my house, so don't get cocky just because you have some fluffy bunny ears!

Faf: Don't underestimate me just 'cuz I'm cute! I'm still a dragon, you know!

Light: Ahaha... I assure you, that was not my intention.

Light: But perhaps I should've been more considerate toward you, seeing as you are an esteemed dragon. Please allow me to apologize.

Faf: Heh! I guess I got a little heated, but I'm glad SOMEONE around here knows how to show some respect!

Alk: There you are. Dinner's ready, so I thought I'd check up on you. Find any good quests?

Light: I've hit a small snag of sorts, now that you mention it.

Alk: ...! Aw, aren't you just a cute little thing! Do you live here?

Faf: Yup! I guess you could say I'm the mascot around here! Play your cards right, and I might even let you pet me!

Light: Well, now that my companion is here, I ought to be going. Thank you once again for earlier.

Alk: I think you're really gonna like tonight's dinner, Light. It might just be my magnum opus!

Light: Sounds like the perfect opportunity for us to work up an appetite with some questing!

Faf: What's with those two? They're awfully chummy.

Faf: Companions, huh?

Faf: H-hey! Wait up for me! Can you take me with you?

Light: ...? I thought you were happy playing the mascot.

Faf: Not ALL the time... Sometimes even I get in the mood to join a party now and then, you see?

Faf: And all this talk of a yummy dinner got me hungry!

Alk: Sure, uh...

Light: Faf. Faf the dragon. Just let me handle this one.

Faf: You won't regret this, I promise!

Episode 2
Humans and Dragons

As they both share small and adorable qualities, Light and Faf naturally become friends. Light finds Faf's interest in humans curious, given the bloodstained history of their relations in Palpebra.

Faf: The guild's pretty spiffy, but it's got nothing on a place like this!

Faf: There's so much room! Not to mention Alk's crazy good cooking! And on top of that, people here actually respect me as a dragon!

Light: I'm glad you've found this place to your liking.

Faf: Yup! You and your crew are set, now that you've got DRAGON power on your side!

Faf: Anyone who even THINKS about stepping up to us is toast!

Faf: I mean, who would even try to fight a dragon, right?

Faf: Just the mere mention is enough to send most people home!

Light: True. The history of dragons in Palpebra is one rooted in vast destruction.

Light: And yet, some defied the dragons, taking them down and claiming the title of Dragon Slayer.

Faf: Yeah, well... I bet they had some totally epic battles!

Light: I just found it to be curious that you had chosen to live with the guild as their "mascot" for so long.

Faf: I mean, isn't it obvious? Humans are fascinating!

Faf: They're supposed to be weak, right? Compared to dragons, at least.

Faf: But when they work together, they can overcome all sorts of adversity! I just think that's neat.

Faf: And there's no better way to learn about them than living among them, right?

Light: Are you not resentful of the actions of their ancestors?

Faf: You really think I'm that petty?

Faf: And besides, I've always been around them ever since I hatched.

Light: I see.

Light: You've learned the importance of having loyal comrades.

Faf: I guess you could say that. But sometimes I'm not so sure.

Faf: But didn't you used to be super powerful or something? Why do YOU need comrades?

Light: Oof... That wound's still a little fresh.

Light: The truth is, it was Alk and the others who taught me the importance of camaraderie.

Faf: I thought that might've been the case. I guess that's why you're training him, right?

Light: Training? Who, Alk?

Faf: You're training him to be your successor, right?

Light: N-no, that isn't my intention, but—

Light: The burden I carry is not for the faint- hearted. I don't think he's anywhere near ready to be something like—

Faf: But you want him to become stronger, don'tcha?

Light: Well, that is true, but...

Faf: That's a good enough reason if you ask me! Right?

Faf: And if you ask me, the title of Dragon Warrior is WAY cooler than Dragon Slayer!

Light: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to oversee his potential.

Faf: Yeah, we're comrades. And comrades stick together!