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Episode 1
The Stylish Mage

Alk and co. help out some adventurers in the Kaleidoscope and end up meeting a water magic user named Façon. They go their separate ways, but the party shortly finds her collapsed, exhausted from using her magic. Façon is tired of leading life as a solo adventurer and asks Alk if she could join their group.

Alk: Take this!

Wounded Adventurer: I-I'm sorry we can't be of any more help to you!

Alk: Don't worry about it. Focus on getting your friend the healing he needs!

Light: There are so many of them... We mustn't let even a single one through, Alk!

Slender Mage: You there- the one still able to fight. Buy me some time, won't you?

Alk: Got it!

Slender Mage: Heed me, spirits of water... Unleash an endless torrent before me!

Slender Mage: There we go. That went well, I'd say.

Alk: Thank you! You really helped us out there.

Slender Mage: My pleasure. You did a pretty good job yourself too.

Wounded Adventurer: W-wait! Before you leave, at least tell us your name!

Slender Mage: I'm not sure I did anything that warrants announcing my name like that, but... all right.

Façon: I'm Façon. Later!

Alk: Man... That girl was pretty cool, huh?

Light: Indeed. She knew how to make a memorable entrance and exit. Perhaps she was actually a mage of some renown-

Stella: Someone's over there.

Alk: Are you okay?!

Façon: ...Yeah. I'm fine.

Light: Were you assailed by a monster? We'll get you treatment right away!

Façon: Er, no, no. That's not it. I just... ran out of steam from using all that magic back there.

Façon: Also, my magic tome is just super heavy... But I can't exactly cast spells without it, so I've got no choice but to lug it around.

Light: Have you thought about perhaps hiring a personal porter to carry it for you?

Façon: You mean have someone carry my stuff for me? No way. I have a reputation to keep up.

Façon: I'd rather rough it on my own than resort to doing something as embarrassing as that.

Façon: Though I guess napping on the floor of the Kaleidoscope isn't exactly "cool," huh.

Façon: ...And my massive book probably isn't helping much in that department either.

Alk: Let us escort you to the entrance! It's the least we can do, after you helped us out back there.

Façon: Did I, though? I feel like you would have taken care of things just fine even without me.

Alk: I don't know about that... Having you there was a really big help!

Façon: You're too nice, you know that?

Façon: I guess I can't embarrass myself any MORE today... I'll just have to take you up on that offer.

Façon: Oh, we shouldn't go that way.

Façon: I was fighting monsters over there and used a bunch of water magic- the whole place is covered in mud. We'll get our clothes dirty.

Alk: That's... a deal-breaker for you, huh?

Façon: Man... Adventuring really is a whole lot easier when you're not alone.

Alk: You helped us out too! That route you showed us got us out of there super fast.

Light: Agreed! And I must say, the magic you employ strikes me as quite different from that of other mages in the area.

Façon: Oh, yeah. That's 'cause I spent time enhancing it using all the latest advancements in magic research.

Alk: Enhancing? That sounds pretty fun!

Façon: I guess?

Façon: To tell you the truth, running around solo's gotten to be a bit of a chore for me.

Façon: If you guys would be willing to take me along. I'd be super grateful.

Façon: Plus, now that you've seen how uncool I really am, I need to monitor you carefully! Otherwise you might go spreading some terrible rumors about me.

Stella: Of course you can join us. We welcome you, Façon.

Façon: Th-that was a way faster response than I expected...

Alk: Well, we're pretty confident we can count on you!

Façon: Really? Even though I was lying there passed out on the floor of the Kaleidoscope?

Light: Only because you spent all your energy helping us and those other adventurers out!

Façon: I mean... I guess so.

Alk: Plus, if it would make you feel more at ease, we've got secrets of our own we can share with you!

Façon: What even IS this place?

Façon: Those are all different worlds?! That is so awesome!

Alk: It's to your liking, I take it?

Façon: Yep! Turns out your secret was pretty darn cool.

Façon: This seems like a great place to continue my research- both on magic AND fashion!

Episode 2
Tutor on the Beach

Façon travels to the Endless Blue with Alk and Stella. They talk about how she likes everything new- be it fashion or magic. However, she later meets a young girl who simply enjoys practicing magic, making Façon realize the value of both new and old techniques. Later, she suddenly gets inspired and decides to go on a shopping spree.

Façon: Ooh, that shop over there looks interesting too!

Stella: Let's go.

Alk: You guys sure brought a lot... Let me carry some of that for you!

Façon: Really? Thank you so much, Alk!

Façon: All right, on to the next one!

Stella: Okay.

Façon: Sorry, Alk... You purposely took the heavy things off our hands, right?

Alk: Hey, no problem. This much I can handle.

Façon: You're as strong as a horse! Hmm, how much more do you think you could carry? Just checking. How about double what we have now?

Alk: D-double?! I'm not ACTUALLY a horse, you know.

Façon: It's just that there are so many interesting things on this world! You say that most of it sank into the water?

Stella: Yes. Items that get salvaged from the water tend to go for a very high price.

Façon: So you have to pay a premium price for older items, huh? I get it, but I personally prefer new stuff.

Alk: I can definitely see that, judging by your outfit!

Façon: I'm glad you noticed! This is the latest outfit from Code Lilian! Striking, isn't it?

Façon: Oh, and it's not just my clothes. My magic is brand-new as well! Sometimes I even make up new spells from scratch.

Alk: You create new spells? Wow, that's seriously impressive.

Façon: Older magic tends to be very... inefficient. There's always room for improvement.

Façon: When I make enough progress in my magic research, I try to update my spells!

Stella: That's incredible.

Façon: Well, I guess I do give it my best?

Façon: That's the thing about being a mage though... You're always surrounded by old stuff.

Façon: Mostly old traditions that you have to respect. "That's how it's been done, so that's how we're gonna do it!" That type of thing.

Stella: Is that bad?

Façon: Not necessarily... But I think it's definitely lagging behind with the times.

Façon: I think we need a more modern approach to magic, you know?

Stella: Yes. The way you use magic is very cool, Façon.

Façon: To be fair, it's not like I do away with the old entirely.

Façon: Sorry, could you wait here a moment?

Young Girl: I did it! Hehe.

Façon: I've never seen magic like that. It has such an odd composition...

Façon: Oh, don't worry. I'm a mage as well!

Façon: Heed me, spirits of water. Manifest yourselves before me!

Young Girl: Wow! Y-you can use magic too, miss?

Façon: That's right. Say... Where did you even learn how to do this?

Young Girl: Learn? What do you mean?

Façon: You mean... You figured out how to do this all on your own?! That's incredible.

Façon: What's wrong?

Young Girl: Um, it's just... I can't get this one to work right!

Young Girl: Come out, orb of water!

Young Girl: I want to split this orb into two, but I don't know how...

Façon: An... incantation?

Façon: Er, you know what, never mind. Here, I'll show you how to do it!

Young Girl: Split before me, shapeless water!

Young Girl: W-wow! That was awesome! I actually did it!

Young Girl: Thanks, Miss... You're the greatest!

Façon: It's not like I came up with this spell! That's actually a super old one.

Young Girl: That's so cool...

Young Girl: Could you teach me more awesome magic again, Miss?

Façon: Sure. Just let me know when you need some help, and I'll pop on by.

Façon: To that girl, it didn't matter at all whether the magic was old or new... Huh.

Alk: Nice job, Façon. You looked like you had a fun time.

Façon: Say, Alk. Is there a place nearby where we can see all those salvaged items you were talking about?

Alk: Uh, yeah, I think so! There should be a few shops over in that direction.

Façon: I'm feeling curious all of a sudden, so I think I'll go make the rounds, if you don't mind.

Episode 3
A Chance Reunion

Traveling through the Kaleidoscope with Alk, Façon encounters some old classmates from her days at Voluntas. They start to tease her about the large tome she carries around, when a shift suddenly occurs. Façon and Alk handle the incident smoothly, much to the surprise of Façon's former classmates. Flustered, they take their leave. With a smile on her face, Façon tells Alk how she's looking forward to all the interesting discoveries that await her in the future.

Light: How about it, Façon? Are you almost ready?

Façon: Sorry, just give me a little longer!

Alk: I'll do my best!

Façon: Head me, spirits of water. Unleash a deluge upon my foes!

Façon: Multi-cast incoming!

Alk: Wow! That last attack was pretty nifty.

Façon: That it was... But it was all thanks to my handy-dandy tank! Having you around to distract enemies is great.

Stella: Someone is coming.

Short-haired Mage: Wait... Is that... Façon?!

Long-haired Mage: No way! It's been AGES! We haven't seen each other since... graduation, I think?

Façon: Oh... Hey. Long time no see.

Short-haired Mage: Oh? Who's that cutie next to you? Your boyfriend?

Façon: N-no! He's just a fellow adventurer, that's all.

Long-haired Mage: Really, now? What happened to all that talk about going solo forever? Hehe, I guess your massive book would make that harder, wouldn't it?

Alk: Who are these two, Façon?

Façon: Classmates from my time at the magic academy.

Alk: I see...

Short-haired Mage: Nice to meet you, Mr. Adventurer. I bet traveling with Façon is pretty tough, huh? Needs lots of looking after, haha.

Long-haired Mage: For real. I mean, look at how huge her book is! Must be hard to move around with a massive thing like that.

Alk: Uh... I mean, not really?

Light: A shift! Everyone, be on guard!

Alk: A monster from the desert!

Light: I can't see anything! Alk, this isn't good. You'll have to fight it purely by acting on instinct!

Alk: Easier said than done...

Light: This is getting out of hand! Now there are more of them!

Façon: Don't worry. I've got this.

Façon: Heed me, spirits of water. Spill forth, and drown my enemies!

Alk: That should do it...

Alk: Façon!

Façon: Got it!

Façon: Break before me!

Long-haired Mage: I-is it over? Did you get the monster?

Façon: Yep. The coast is clear. Are you unharmed?

Light: Quite the idea you had there- turning the sand into mud using water magic! Very innovative.

Façon: Yeah... But I went and got everyone's clothes all dirty.

Façon: I can't just leave everyone all filthy like this... Hold on a second.

Façon: Heed me, spirits of water! Grant us your cleansing powers and wash away our squalor!

Light: Wh-whoa!

Façon: What do you think? That was a brand-new spell I came up with. Made you all squeaky clean, didn't it?

Stella: Yes. I'm soaking wet now.

Alk: ...Just THINK of the implications this could have for the future of laundry!

Façon: Is that really the first thing you think of? Well, don't come running to me every time you need your linens washed. Doing that requires a LOT of energy

Façon: My book my be massive and heavy, but it certainly pulls through for me in a pinch, huh?

Short-haired Mage: Wh-when did you learn to do something like that?

Long-haired Mage: Er... Anyway, thanks for the help. Bye.

Façon: Hehe.

Alk: Façon?

Façon: Oh, sorry about that. You guys ready to go?

Alk: Huh? Wouldn't it be a better idea to rest a while first? You fired off a lot of magic back there.

Façon: Nah, I'm fine. I'll find time to rest while monsters are beating away at you, Alk.

Alk: I'm not just here to be your meat shield, you know!

Façon: Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. Let's go!

Alk: You're certainly an assertive one, you know that?

Façon: Yeah, I guess. It's just there's a huge world out there for me to learn about!

Façon: When I think of all of those new discoveries waiting for me, I can't help but get excited!