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Episode 1
A Palepebran Adventurer

Alk and company show Evan, a Palpebran native, whole new worlds (using the World Flipper). Evan decides to become Starview Village's newest inhabitant, hoping to unravel the mysteries of interdimensional travel and the Kaleidoscope's shifts.

Alk: This place is lively as always.

Stella: Let us sell off these materials at once. We are in need of funds.

Stella: If I have to eat plain curry and rice one more time, the probability of me losing my mind... is 99.9%

Alk: Ooh. Okay... That'd be bad... But what sort of place would even take this stuff?

Adventurer: Hey, missy. Lookin' for a place to off- load those goods, huh?

Adventurer: Well, look no further. 'Cause I can make you an offer too delicious to refuse.

Stella: How fortunate. Then would you mind—

Spear Wielder: All right, break it up. If the Guild gets wind of these back-alley deals, you're going to get caught up in a storm, mister.

Adventurer: O-oh yeah. Guess it just slipped my mind! Heh. Be seein' ya!

Spear Wielder: Are you kids new to this? Everybody and their donkey knows that buying or selling without Guild sanction is against the law.

Alk: O-oh. Uh... Guess we're not everybody or their donkey...

Stella: Thank you for the information.

Spear Wielder: Anytime. Oh, and while I'm giving you advice... Try not to look too lost. Lots of swindlers around here, looking to earn an extra coin off of greenhorns.

Spear Wielder: Hey... What ARE these materials? This isn't the kind of stuff you find lying around in the shallows...

Evan: The name's Evan, by the way. I earn my bread and butter trawling the Kaleidoscope.

Evan: Now... who in the mazes are you?

Alk: We made a killing today! Who would've thought that weird bracelet would be worth so much?

Stella: I can taste the pumpkins in my curry already. Thank you, Evan.

Evan: Around here, there's two ways to sell. At authorized shops, or to interested parties who've put out a request through the Guild. It's the latter that'll dole out the gold though.

Evan: ...But I think you already knew that. Alk, Stella. How long are you two going to keep acting like you're new to this game?

Alk: We're not acting. We ARE new.

Evan: How'd a couple of tenderfoots get all those mats, then? You were carrying goods even I couldn't recognize, and I've done my fair share of traveling.

Stella: Those came from the World of Evergreen.

Evan: So you're world-hoppers. Did a shift bring you here, then?

Alk: A shift?

Evan: Yeah, the Kaleidoscope always shifting. You could be following tunnels deep underground, and suddenly find yourself making snow angels on top of a mountain.

Evan: No one knows what causes these shifts, but you don't need to understand something to make money off it. Kaleidoscope-trawling is what turned Palpebra's rags to riches.

Alk: So you're saying the Kaleidoscope could be jumping between worlds. What do you think, Stella?

Stella: Movement of that scale should be impossible without a World Flipper.

Stella: But these shifts may be worth looking into.

Evan: ...So a shift ISN'T what brought you here? What did then? An enchanted school bus?

Alk: Mm... I could TELL you. But it'd be more fun just to SHOW you.

Evan: Huh?

Evan: What? What in the... Am I dreaming?!

Evan: Alk. What the heck was that mushroom?! It looked at me with those big eyeballs... and TALKED!

Evan: Wait... Is this village FLOATING?! And what's that stuff in the sky? Magic marbles?

Stella: They are worlds, Evan.

Alk: Yep. Palpebra's up there too, you know.

Evan: I can't believe it. That means everyone swallowed by the Kaleidoscope...

Evan: Hey. Alk, Stella... Mind letting me travel with you for a while?

Evan: I'll make it worth your while too. I've made a name for myself in Palpebra. I can get you anything you want in town... or out of the Kaleidoscope.

Evan: All I'm asking in return is any information you can glean on the shifts. Please...

Alk: We'd be happy to have you, Evan. We still owe you one, anyways.

Stella: You are welcome in Starview Village.

Evan: Thanks.

Evan: ...To tell the truth, the Guild needs to sign off on any new hires or alliances, but...

Evan: Heh. I have a feeling we're not in Palpebra anymore.

Episode 2
Into the Labyrinth

Evan brings Alk and Light to the Kaleidoscope so they can experience its shifts firsthand. Inspired by Alk's willingness to explore the midways despite crushing danger, Evan resolves to once again seek in the labyrinth something he lost long ago.

Alk: *phew* That was enough walking to last me a week. We managed to find some good materials, right?

Evan: Sure did. That crystal you picked up? Worth a small fortune.

Light: What of this shard, Evan? It's quite beautiful...

Evan: Sorry, champ. Not all that glitters is gold.

Light: N-no... Of course not...

Alk: For a champion, you're not very useful...

Light: Champions are warriors! We are no maze-scavengers.

Evan: Whoa... He's up in arms. If being a champion means facing fighters like him, I think I'll stick to scavenging.

Light: ...

Evan: You came all the way here, Light. Might as well enjoy the treasure hunt. Oh, but...

Evan: Watch out for tremors.

Alk: Whoa! Uh... Evan?! What do we do?!

Evan: You'll be fine if you just stay near me.

Evan: And don't blink.

Alk: We're somewhere new.

Light: No, Alk... This place isn't new... It's—

Alk: Oh! This looks like where Nimbus used to live!

Evan: You've been here before?

Alk: Well, I don't know about HERE here, but we've been somewhere similar. These should be ruins in the Kingdom of Sand...

Evan: A whole different world, huh?

Evan: What you just felt, by the way, was a tremor. Happens every time the Kaleidoscope shifts.

Light: Can you sense when tremors are coming?

Evan: Technically speaking, I've got them memorized. You see, shifts in the shallows follow a schedule. They come at a set time and take you to a set place.

Evan: As long as you stay calm and stay put, nothing bad will happen to you. That's why I brought you here. To ride out a tremor firsthand.

Alk: Wait. You said shifts "in the shallows." What about deeper in?

Evan: Your guess is as good as mine. Not many have experienced tremors in the depths and come back to tell the tale.

Alk: ...Are you serious?

Evan: The midways and beyond is no- man's-land. We know next to nothing about the shifts there... or the monsters.

Alk: Have you ever been?

Evan: Yeah... A long time ago. Wasn't easy, making it back.

Alk: Well, wouldn't be an adventure with no danger, I guess... Wonder if there's an end to the Kaleidoscope. I kind of want to see it.

Evan: Can't fault you for that... Brace yourselves. Another tremor's coming.

Alk: Whoa... We're back.

Evan: Think that's enough exploring for today. Next time, I'll bring you when the Kaleidoscope's a little more stable.

Alk: Sounds good to me. Maybe we can give the midways a try.

Light: Evan. Do you think there's hope now? Of finding what you lost.

Evan: Maybe. All I know is I've regained the strength to try.

Evan: And that's thanks to you guys... I'll never forget it.