Estariel (Half Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
Endless Summer

While out in summer clothes, Estariel comes upon a painter named Gwynn who asks her to be his model. He paints her, but Estariel is disappointed by the result, so he begs her to give him another chance.

Estariel: Come, Lilith. Join me for an excursion!

Lilith: Again?!

Estariel: You do remember what I said before, do you not? No amount of work will change the inevitable.

Estariel: Your time would be better spent elsewhere. The Silver Woods will soon reach its end, and Pandemonium and the abyss are not far behind.

Lilith: You bring up a good point, but I'm not sure where we'll find new places to relocate to...

Estariel: Why, "elsewhere," of course. Even if we must defy the heavens above, this is a duty we vowed to see through.

Lilith: *sigh* So your excuse this time is that we'll be out "surveying." You truly have an excuse for everything, don't you?

Lilith: Well, what exactly is it that you need me to do?

Estariel: Aid me in selecting a summer-appropriate outfit.

Lilith: How does that relate to surveying in any way?! Besides, aren't there others more suited to such a task?

Estariel: I'm afraid not. You see, I seek an outfit befitting of a naive girl who knows little of the world.

Estariel: I shall be counting on you, Lilith.

Lilith: Excuse me? What did you mean by what you just said?!

Lilith: This is so strange...

Alk: Something up?

Lilith: The other day, I helped Estel select a new outfit, which ended up being a much-needed bit of stress relief...

Lilith: But ever since, she's been disappearing off to who-knows-where.

Alk: Hmm... Well, despite how she acts, she's still just a thirteen-year-old, right? Maybe she's out exploring the town.

Lilith: While it's true that she is curious about the world...

Lilith: Given that she is still searching for a way to efficiently increase the population of her people...

Alk: Uh...

Lilith: Ah, don't misunderstand! Her intent is to solve various societal and government issues...

Lilith: But she can be rather reckless in her pursuit of satisfying her curiosity.

Lilith: Someone should check up on her before we have a diplomatic issue on our hands!

???: So you've come again, Ariel.

Estariel: Hello, Gwynn.

Gwynn: Let's get started, then.

Estariel: Hahaha...

Alk: He seems like an interesting guy... Wonder how they know each other.

Alk: Okay, is that really necessary?!

Nimbus: I'll hold him still while you swing.

Alk: I really think you guys are jumping the gun here!

Estariel: What manner of tomfoolery are you lot up to?

Estariel: If you wish to join us, then come. I'm certain you won't be disappointed by what you find.

Lilith: Gwynn, you're an artist?

Gwynn: Oh, I wouldn't go so far as calling myself that. I'm just a person who enjoys painting.

Gwynn: Every summer, I hole up in this cabin trying to portray the theme of an endless summer- in the form of a young girl surrounded by sunflowers.

Gwynn: Imagine my surprise when this year an actual girl came tumbling out of the sky and into the field of sunflowers I was painting.

Estariel: My curiosity was piqued by these unique-looking flowers. They do not exist in our world.

Gwynn: Haha, she says things like that with such conviction that I could almost believe another world actually exists.

Gwynn: I must admit, I was captivated by Ariel the second I gazed upon her.

Gwynn: Something in her eyes spoke to me... Something that conveyed the "endless" part I've been searching for...

Estariel: Elves also paint pictures...

Estariel: But over the course of hundreds of years, like a drop of water slowly molding the form of a boulder.

Estariel: I wish to see how mortals differ from us when they create art, which is how I found myself agreeing to this distraction.

Gwynn: A distraction, huh? Haha, I suppose it's no surprise that's how you see this.

Light: So you've become a model, I am reminded of how I, too, once posed for court painters-

Light: Wait, the girl in this painting doesn't appear to be an elf.

Estariel: That is the original model. At least, that is what I presume. Am I correct, Gwynn?

Gwynn: Yeah... It's a little embarrassing to admit, but this girl was my first love.

Gwynn: She's no longer with us. This is the only way I can still see her- an image painted from what remains in my memories.

Nimbus: A girl preserved for eternity...

Gwynn: *cough* *hack*

Estariel: That did not sound pleasant. Is there something wrong with your lungs?

Gwynn: Haha, are you worried about me? There's no need. More importantly, I've finished!

Gwynn: My last work... It's yours, Ariel!

Estariel: I see. So is it finally finished.

Gwynn: Ariel?

Estariel: Hm.

Gwynn: What... do you think?

Estariel: Are you sure you wish to hear my opinion?

Gwynn: Wh-what does that mean... *cough* *wheeze*

Estariel: You should not push yourself any further. This was a unique experience, and I thank you for it.

Estariel: Goodbye.

Gwynn: W-wait! Ariel!

Gwynn: T-tell me... What do you think... of my art?

Estariel: Do you speak of these countless paintings of a girl surrounded by sunflowers?

Estariel: Or of the one you just painted? Though I must admit, I cannot tell the difference between them all.

Gwynn: *cough*

Estariel: I never expected this to be more dull than even the painting of elves. My apologies for expecting more than you were capable of giving.

Gwynn: No, hold on! Give me one more chance! Please, just one more!

Gwynn: My next painting will more than meet your expectations! I swear it!

Estariel: Is that so? Now this is interesting.

Estariel: Struggle with all you have, and show me the eternity you seek. I shall witness it all!

Episode 2
Everlasting Challenge

Estariel brings medicine to the Gwynn, who spends his remaining days painting nonstop. After he passes, he leaves behind his final piece, which perfectly depicts Estariel in a scene of endless summer.

Estariel: I'm seeking a medicine that can help one move their limbs despite the looming threat of death. Can I ask this of you, Lord of the Undead?

Regitare: If it's somethin' to ease the pain, I got plenty o' options... But as for curing the sickness itself...

Estariel: That will more than do. In fact, I could hope for no better.

Estariel: Apologies, but I'll send someone else over to collect it later. I need to make another visit and seek out other options as well.

Estariel: I am extremely grateful for your aid.

Regitare: Kind and strong, that lass...

Gwynn: Thanks, Ariel... I feel a bit better. Think the last medicine you brought is working pretty well.

Estariel: That is heartening to hear.

Estariel: However, are you well enough to paint?

Gwynn: You're certainly relentless...

Estariel: You chose this path. Or did you forget?

Lilith: Pardon me. Estel, I brought the medicine you requested-

Lilith: Incredible... How many paintings are in here? Did Gwynn do all this?

Gwynn: Half are portraits of Ariel. The other half are old paintings of mine.

Estariel: It's honestly impressive how you were able to paint the same thing over and over without tiring. You are much like the elves in that aspect.

Estariel: Hmm... Now that I have another look, your old paintings seem to utilize thinner brush strokes.

Estariel: Though it is not a notable difference, if I had to choose my preference among this monotonous sea of duplicates, this style is more to my taste.

Gwynn: Urk... Haha... Haha! You're truly... relentless...

Lilith: I'm not that well versed in art, but... this one is a painting of you, isn't it, Estel?

Estariel: Oh? What led you to that conclusion?

Lilith: Well... the girl in this one is making the scariest face!

Gwynn: Hahaha! Is that right?

Gwynn: But your deduction was spot on. That one does indeed depict Ariel.

Estariel: Hm. If you have the energy to laugh, then you have the energy to paint, do you not?

Gwynn: Yes, I believe... I do!

Estariel: The sprites here do not listen to my commands...

Gwynn: All right, I've finished.

Gwynn: But... this also isn't quite right... Another failure...

Gwynn: I think... after this... I've only got one or two more paintings left in me.

Gwynn: I'm out of time. I'll never be able to capture the endless summer I seek...

Estariel: Perhaps not. But you shall continue to paint regardless.

Estariel: Because that is what you wish to do, is it not?

Estariel: Paint with everything you have left. That is all I hope for from you.

Gwynn: Truly relentless to the end...

Gwynn: Then allow me one last request.

Gwynn: Could you bring that Lilith and your other friends over one more time?

Estariel: Oh?

Gwynn: I'd like to add a little more to my painting...

Estariel: Gwynn. Are you here?

Estariel: So you've already departed.

Estariel: I suppose I shall help myself.

Lilith: I see... His last painting is the one he made when we all visited.

Lilith: How saddening...

Estariel: Yes...

Estariel: To be honest, I did not find him to be an agreeable sort.

Estariel: But his parting still fills me with sorrow.

Lilith: Saying goodbye is never easy.

Estariel: Well, let us have a look at his final piece- the last one he poured his soul into.

Nimbus: Huh? He didn't paint the rest of us. Isn't this the same as all his other paintings?

Estariel: No... This one is different.

Lilith: I agree. Unlike the others, this Estel looks exactly like the one I know.

Stella: I like it.

Estariel: Hmm, I see what he meant now by adding to the painting...

Estariel: Gwynn, frail mortal that you were... You finally managed to capture the eternity you sought.

Estariel: Fare you well.

Episode 3
Eternal Parting

After facing the high elves who fear death and putting them to rest, Estariel reflects on the pain of loss. She resolves to move forward with her friends until the day she must also part with them.

The Warrior Elf: No one shall trespass into our home! This is as far as you go!

The Warrior Elf: You... shall not pass!

Alk: Meteor Break!

The Warrior Elf: Alk! Lady Lilith!

Lilith: What's going on here? Did something happen in the Silver Woods?

The Warrior Elf: The trees suddenly started attacking out of nowhere! They refuse to accept the energies of our sorcerers as well-

The Warrior Elf: But it is not only the trees that were affected!

Relic Watcher: Commencing... purge...

Alk: It can't be...

Estariel: It's been overtaken by a Purger!

Estariel: You forget your place, wooden puppet!

Alk: This is just like what happened before! Stella, can you do something about it?

Stella: I... can't! Something is blocking me!

Estariel: I see now what is going on!

Estariel: The high elves spoke of Overlord toys like you!

Estariel: In that case...

Estariel: I need only deal with you in a more permanent manner!

Light: Estariel, what is happening! Aren't the high elves supposed to be slumbering in this location?

Estariel: They were, though if they have awoken, it falls to me to do deal with them.

Estariel: Reveal yourselves, cravens!

???: Ariel...

???: Ariel... Estariel...

Estariel: Now that we have reached this point, you wish to play games? Enough.

???: Estariel.

Kind Voice: Why embroil yourself in such violent emotions, little princess?

Estariel: Rusta... mov?

Rustamov: We finally meet again.

Rustamov: Join me, Estariel.

Estariel: Why...

Rustamov: The Silver Woods existed alongside my very soul... The remnants of myself left behind will never vanish from here.

Rustamov: I have been waiting for you to return, Paragon of Hope.

Rustamov: The fiends are a threat no longer. Our haven is all but secured.

Rustamov: Seal the Silver Woods, and let us all slumber together-

Estariel: Why?

Estariel: Why is that the only course you high elves can think of?

Rustamov: Ariel?

Estariel: He never once called me by that name.

Estariel: Rustamov is dead. Once the end has come, it is irreversible.

Estariel: Those who have gone, and those who have lived on to become new people... They can never return to the same place at the same point in time.

Estariel: This is no different for elves. The inevitable is simply delayed for longer, but it is unavoidable.

Estariel: You could never accept that, could you?

???: Estariel, Paragon of Hope...

???: Do you not fear death- the eternal parting?

Estariel: Leave this place, ancestors. The haven you seek, devoid of death and parting, is for you alone...

Estariel: Frozen in time like a painting.

Estariel: Rest in peace...

Lilith: Estel?

Estariel: It is over. The high elves have gone.

Estariel: Their souls rest in this stone, where time does not move. It functions similarly to a dragon's Mark.

Lilith: I'm always here if you need a shoulder to lean on, Estel.

Estariel: You take such good care of me.

Lilith: And you, me.

Estariel: I have experienced the parting of death with someone I loved dearly... and someone less so.

Estariel: This pain and emptiness I feel... I'm certain you are no stranger to it as well.

Stella: I am afraid... I threw those memories away.

Stella: But I won't abandon the ones I have now. Not of the people buried in the snow, the one who disappeared into the flames...

Stella: Or the one who scattered in the morning sun.

Estariel: I shall endeavor to do the same.

Estariel: Let us move onward together, Stella.

Lilith: Forgetting someone? I may be a mortal, but I'll be with you every step of the way.

Estariel: But of course.

Estariel: I expect nothing less, at least until the day even we must bid each other farewell...