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Episode 1
A Parting for the Ages

Rustamov reminisces about the day he and Estariel met, and how the little princess prolonged his life in exchange for his companionship and watching over his eventual passing. When he opens his eyes, he tells Estariel that although his time has come, with her help, he was able to fulfill his destiny. Before departing, Estariel swears to be worthy of the gifts and knowledge he bas bestowed upon her.

???: My first memory is of light, surrounded by voices.

???: A hand caressed my cheek as notes of sorrow filled my ears...

???: The high elves chanted, begging for hope to rescue them from despair.

???: What cowards.

Rustamov: A visitor... How rare...

Rustamov: A high elf born in this very forest... Yes, I had heard of this- but I do not recall when.

Rustamov: What do you seek from me?

Estariel: You shall soon reach the end of your life.

Estariel: Out of all the beings in this forest, it is you who most reeks of death.

Estariel: I have come to witness your passing and learn from it.

Rustamov: *chuckle* You are a curious one.

Rustamov: Little princess, why do you wish to learn of death?

Estariel: To shatter the illusion of eternity.

Rustamov: Oh?

Estariel: The high elves fear the loss of eternity.

Estariel: More and more elves are starless, afflicted with mortality. The high elves view this as an ill omen, but they are cowards.

Estariel: I believe differently. Mortality is what allows for living beings to change and grow.

Rustamov: Yet you are a high elf yourself, immortal...

Estariel: That is why I have come to learn of death. From you.

Rustamov: Haha... Very well. Do what you wish.

Rustamov: Watch over my final moments, if that is what you truly desire.

Estariel: Do you not fear the coming end?

Estariel: Dragons are offered as sacrifices to the Purger, though I've heard not all are content to accept this fate.

Estariel: Are you different? Or are you another coward of the forest, deluding yourself inside a dream?

Rustamov: ...Make no mistake.

Rustamov: Even if I am no longer a youthful dragon, roaring with rage and fire... I do still fear death.

Rustamov: But there is something I fear even more.

Estariel: And what could that possibly be?

Rustamov: Seeing all that I love fade away...

Rustamov: Alas, I have a duty to remain here. I can do nothing but wait.

Estariel: Then I will lend you my power, so that you may live to see your duty through.

Estariel: But if destiny doesn't smile upon you, then I will receive your Mark.

Rustamov: It that... possible? The Mark is meant for the Purger's sword.

Estariel: If we use the forest's energy to extend your life and combine our powers, it should be.

Estariel: ...I also have one more condition.

Rustamov: You certainly are insatiable. Very well. Speak it.

Estariel: I wish to converse with you more often, from this day forward.

Estariel: I need to learn all I can about death, and what it is like to face it.

Estariel: To shatter the illusion of eternity. I must.

Rustamov: That is agreeable. Witness my end, as you require.

Rustamov: Little Princess...

Estariel: Rustamov... Rustamov!

Estariel: Dreaming again, are we?

Rustamov: Yes... Of the day we met. It was very nostalgic...

Estariel: Nostalgic, hm? Surely a few years is but a blink of an eye to you.

Rustamov: Not at all... But even if it were, I would struggle to forget that memory...

Rustamov: ...Estariel, my time has come.

Rustamov: The flame of my life grows dim... But it is tanks to you that I was able to fulfill my duty.

Rustamov: I am forever in your debt, little princess.

Estariel: ...So, it is time.

Estariel: I shall go do my duty, as I swore.

Estariel: We will see if I am worth to carry on your legacy.

Estariel: The high elves are lost in grief, lamenting the ever-continuing birth of mortal elves.

Estariel: I don't intend to join them in their mourning.

Rustamov: Would it not be easier to lose yourself in a dream as well?

Estariel: I am Estariel.

Estariel: I am the Paragon of Hope. Come death or destruction, I will keep my promise to you.

Estariel: You have my word.

Rustamov: Perhaps I should not wish for this... But nonetheless, I pray...

Rustamov: For this world I love to endure... And that the princess may live to see tomorrow...

Episode 2
Eternity Ender

Adjudicus catches Estariel visiting Rustamov's grave and thanks her for saving his troops, remarking that she and Lilith make a good pair. After he leaves, Estariel muses that, while remaining by Lilith's side would be interesting, her place is at the origin of the stars. She goes to Starview Village to have a conversation with Stella.

Estariel: It's all over... is what I wish I could have come to report.

Estariel: We've gone from dealing with the Lord of Shadow to begin akin to gods. In other words... much remains to do before your wish can be granted.

???: Strange. Shouldn't you be excited at the prospect? It provides ample opportunity for change.

Estariel: A shell is broken from within. Not force from the outside.

Adjudicus: I didn't think the other elves desire either method.

Estariel: True enough. But it is the duty of a ruler to do what's best, despite protest.

Estariel: Did you need me for something? Or was idle conversation your only goal?

Adjudicus: Something like that. I wanted to thank you.

Estariel: For?

Adjudicus: Saving my soldiers. They told me an elven unit pulled them out of trouble.

Adjudicus: It wasn't required of you... But none of them died because of your help. I am grateful

Estariel: You should thank Lilith. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been able to.

Adjudicus: What do you mean?

The Warrior Elf: ...You intend to aid the fiends?

Estariel: Focus on leading your troops out of the Silver Woods, and keeping watch for enemies approaching Excelion.

Estariel: I will cause chaos among the enemy ranks. These rebels do not boast the military that we anticipated, at least not at the moment.

The Warrior Elf: But, you Highness... We agreed only to a pact of non-intervention. Our alliance is not public...

The Warrior Elf: If we're found to be aiding them, those opposed will come forth-

Estariel: That is why I have come to only the few of you. Speak of this matter to no one, and cover my movements.

The Warrior Elf: B-but...

???: Got room for a few more helping hands?

Estariel: You are...

The Warrior Elf: Remnants of the Resistance. We made the decision to allow them into the Silver Woods.

Estariel: You permitted this?

The Warrior Elf: I realize we stepped out of line, but...

Beastfolk Warrior: Hey, you were with Princess Lilith, yeah?

Beastfolk Warrior: Thanks to her, my family was able to get to safety and find a place to stay. I owe her one...

Beastfolk Warrior: And I'll pay that debt back by helping you!

Elven Soldier: Allow me to assist as well, your Highness!

Elven Soldier: There was once a great warrior in my family known as the Starflame.

Elven Soldier: She took up her sword and left the Woods, never to return again. My family and I could do nothing but helplessly grieve...

Elven Soldier: I refuse to left another noble soul fall, when I can yet offer my aid. Please, take me with you!

Elven Soldier: M-me too!

Elven Soldier: I offer my blade as well!

Estariel: *giggle* Haha... Hahaha!

Estariel: Well, well.. What a turn of events.

Estariel: I accept your offer, my noble warriors! Let's charge in together!

Estariel: I leave the division of troops to you. Is this acceptable?

The Warrior Elf: O-of course!

Adjudicus: ...This is the second time her kindness has worked in our favor.

Estariel: Not very fit to be a politician, is she?

Adjudicus: So long as you're by her side, she will be fine.

Adjudicus: I will repay this debt one day. To you, and to her.

Adjudicus: Till we meet again.

Estariel: ...It certainly would be amusing to stay by Lilith's side.

Estariel: But that is not my path to take.

Estariel: My path is here... to the origin of the stars, where countless roads converge.

Estariel: Though perhaps all of our paths will find their way here eventually-

Estariel: Hello, Stella. We have much to discuss, don't we?

Stella: Hello...

Estariel: Even if that means the world shall fall to ruin...

Estariel: Then that is the way it must be.

Episode 3
Everlasting Bonds

Taking Lilith, Alk, and Stella with her, Estariel has Dia guide her to where androids decide their future. She wonders about using the android's technology in order to create her own race of people and study their evolution, but is stopped by everyone around her. Stella instead suggests eating spicy pancakes that were advertised to "help you see a new side to yourself", which Estariel partakes in through eyes full of tears.

Estariel: Get up, Lilith. Come with me!

Lilith: What is it this time, Estariel? I'm in the middle of work-

Estariel: How many times have I told you? Call me Estel. Now come. I take precedence over silly slips of paper, don't I?

Estariel: These slips of paper are quite important, thank you very much! And I have a lot to catch up on every day-

Lilith: You aren't suited for this type of work. Stop wasting your time, and leave it to someone else.

Estariel: Come.

Lilith: Why is she like this...

Lilith: Wh-what are we doing here? Where even are we?

Estariel: Show us the way, Dia.

Lilith: Are you ignoring me?!

Dia: A-are you sure you don't want to...

Estariel: I am.

Estariel: To nexus, the birthplace of androids!

Estariel: Fascinating. It is a beautiful structure.

Lilith: The technology of another world... It is quite remarkable.

Dia: This is Nexus- the place where android go to decide their future.

Alk: Are you not allowed to come in here?

Dia: It's not that, it's just kind of embarrassing...

Dia: This is usually a place where people come to propose to their significant other, and such...

Alk: Oh. I had no idea.

Lilith: If that's the case, then why did you want to come here so badly, Estel?

Estariel: Androids and elves are alike, are they not?

Estariel: Born from a fervent wish- us, to celebrate love and light for eternity...

Dia: ...And us to befriend humanity.

Estariel: I can appreciate the impulse behind our creation, even if we're trying to evolve past our original purpose.

Stella: ...Right.

Lilith: Is this why you came here? To learn more about yourself...

Estariel: No. Not at all.

Estariel: The techniques that created us elves are lost. Bit the technology that created androids still remains.

Estariel: Using that technology, I could create a new race of people, couldn't I?

Estariel: ...Excuse me?

Estariel: Doesn't the possibility excite you? I'm eager to try my hand at it.

Estariel: Shall I?

Dia & Lilith: Absolutely not!

Estariel: Why not? I don't intend to sacrifice other lives in the process. If worse comes to worse, then I will be the only one to suffer the consequences.

Lilith: Are you listening to yourself right now?

Dia: Alk, this person is as crazy as Regis!

Estariel: How boring... And here I thought this would be the best way to facilitate evolution...

Stella: Do you wish for change that badly?

Stella: If so, then I know of a method.

Stella: Blood-red pancakes topped with liquid acid and tapioca pearls.

Alk: Is this what passes for street food in Palpebra nowadays?!

Stella: Anyone who finishes a plate is awarded prize money.

Estariel: Should this... truly ingested through the mouth?

Stella: The sign for the pancakes claimed that you would discover a new side to yourself by eating this.

Estariel: I see, in that case, I must see this through.

Estariel: No hesitation.

Estariel: Guh...

Estariel: ...

Estariel: That was... child's play... Nothing to fear...

Lilith: Estel, there are tears in your eyes.

Stella: Haha... *giggle*

Stella: Hahaha.

Estariel: Amusing, it it? Let's see if you're still laughing after you have a bite. Dig in!

Lilith: I'm afraid I'll pass-

Estariel: Don't be shy. Enjoy the meal and stay for some conversation, my friends!