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Episode 1
The Fire Shaman

Alk and Stella embark on a quest that takes them to a remote forest in search of a Shaman of Fire named Enni. However, the quest is merely a false excuse to give Enni a reason to leave her village.

Stella: It's getting quite dark, Alk.

Alk: *sigh* According to what the Shaman told us, her village SHOULD be nearby.

Alk: But yeah... I guess we'll call it a day here. Let's look for some firewood and set up camp—

Alk: ...! I'll handle this!

Stella: Do not fret. Everything is fine.

Alk: You're not hurt, are you? Actually, are you from around here? We're looking for the Shaman of Fire—

Fire Shaman: Thank you for coming to my rescue, brave travelers of Palpebra.

Enni: I am Enni, Shaman of Fire. May the flame's radiance guide your way.

Alk: Wait, YOU'RE the Shaman?!

Enni: Now then. Hold this orb aloft at nightfall, and light shall return to your city.

Alk: An orb of luminance... No wonder the guild said this job was important!

Stella: Are all the lights in Palpebra powered by fire sprites?

Enni: No, not quite. The people of Palpebra use oil lamps.

Enni: The sprites merely ensure that the flames remain alight for as long as they can.

Enni: It doesn't sound exciting, I know. However, the lights play a vital role in keeping citizens safe.

Enni: I am proud to serve as a link between people and the sprites. The warmth of fire can be found in the hearts of all.

Stella: That was beautiful.

Alk: Yeah... Plus, without fire, we wouldn't be able to cook much either. I don't know what I'd do without fire.

Enni: It brings me great joy to hear such praise. In fact...

Enni: Perhaps I can trust you two with my mission after all.

Villagers: Are you sure about trusting these outsiders so soon after meeting them?

Village Head: *sigh* The flame within your heart hasn't wavered, has it?

Enni: No. The sprites have entrusted me with this mission.

Village Head: Then it's settled. Listen close, strangers. She can be a tough nut to crack, but my daughter means the world to me. Please take good care of her.

Alk: Of course! I didn't think things would turn out this way, but as far as we're concerned, she's already one of us.

Village Head: Much obliged. Now listen carefully, Enni.

Village Head: There will be times where the flame grows dim. Seek its light regardless, for it shall guide you through darkness.

Enni: Thank you, father. I shall heed those words so my flames stay alight, as do the lights of our village.

Village Head: *sigh* They grow up so fast...

Enni: So this is Starview Village. Entire worlds—mere glints in the night sky from here. Do you think my village is among them?

Alk: For sure. It's good to have you with us, Ennie.

Alk: So, what's this mission you mentioned earlier about? We'll help however we can.

Enni: I must confess... There is no mission.

Enni: The sprites wouldn't ever impart such a task on me, but I needed a reason to leave.

Alk: Huh? But why?

Enni: A shaman must learn to be flexible and continue to adapt, like an ever- shifting fire.

Enni: Realizing that, I decided to change course and leave. It may be fate that my journey now transcends worlds.

Enni: All of which is to say, this is no vacation to me.

Alk: Haha, fair enough.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Enni: A pleasure to make your acquaintance. May my flames be a guiding light for you.

Episode 2
Guiding Lights

The lamps in Palpebra no longer burn as they used to. With Alk and Stella's help, Enni uses her knowledge to locate the problem and regain control of the fire sprites that keep the town alight.

Enni: Flames... Ignite!

Alk: You can do it!

Stella: Are you unable to control the sprites?

Enni: In the heat of battle, I have no problem.

Alk: Like it's no good here for some reason. I wonder why?

Merchant: Hey! You're that fire shaman, right? The lights around town have been real fickle lately.

Merchant: No matter what we do, we just can't seem to keep the lights on with these newfangled lamps—maybe your sprites are slackin'.

Enni: Oh. That... shouldn't be happening...

Merchant: Well, it is. Can't you do something about it? No one in town feels safe walkin' around in the dark!

Enni: I can't... light a single flame. It feels as if I've lost control of fire entirely.

Alk: Think you're just off your game today? Maybe you'll be back to normal with some food and rest.

Enni: Hopefully. If this persists, my ability to serve as shaman may be in jeopardy.

Enni: A shaman who can only handle flames of conflict is ill fit to serve as a link between humans and sprites.

Alk: Aw, don't say that.

Enni: Fire warms the hearth of a soul. However, someone who can only cast a hateful flame is unfit to be a shaman.

Stella: Are you certain the problem lies solely within you?

Alk: Yeah! There weren't any problems with the lights until they installed those new lamps... Why don't we look into that?

Enni: A brilliant idea. We'll find a way out of this darkness yet.

Alk: Hey, check this out! Here, there's an article in The Oculus Times!

Alk: "Work continues on replacing the lights... The Kaleidoscope is a boon, but fire still poses a risk." Huh.

Stella: It seems they were able to wield the power of the elements found in the Kaleidoscope.

Enni: Could the fire sprites have been drawing from the same power source as these lamps, causing these issues?

Stella: It's very plausible.

Enni: "There will be times where the flame grows dim. Seek its light regardless, for it shall guide you through darkness."

Enni: The ancient creed... I understand what I must do now. Thank you, father.

Enni: This should do it.

Enni: I've reduced the sprites' strength slightly. They should last longer and be less prone to causing fires.

Merchant: Not only did you fix the lights, you made them safer for the town! We should've never doubted you!

Merchant: You're a lifesaver, Miss Shaman! Now then... Would you mind adding the finishing touch?

Enni: Very well. May this flame guide one and all, far and wide!

Alk: Whoa... I've never seen fire dance like that before!

Enni: As people's uses for fire continue to evolve, so too, must a shaman's work.

Enni: I think I understand the meaning of that ancient creed a little better now.

Enni: And I have you both to thank for that. Truly, I am in your debt.

Stella: These flames are warm. Just like you, Enni.

Enni: Thank you. May they burn brightly forevermore.

Merchant: The whole town's in your debt. For now, I hope you'll accept this home cookin' as thanks!

Alk: There's no way we could possibly eat all this before it gets cold!

Alk: Wait... You think you'd be able to heat up any leftovers for us, Enni?

Enni: That's a rather frivolous use of my shaman abilities, Alk.

Enni: Although... I suppose I could make an exception every now and then.