Emilia (ReZERO Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
My Duty

As Emilia searches for a way home in the Kaleidoscope, she is cornered by monsters. After being saved by Alk's party, Emilia realizes that her fixation on finding a way home has worried her friends, so she promises Subaru she will rely on her companions more in the future.

Subaru: Sorry to bug you like this out of nowhere. I just really need to ask you something.

Alk: I'm guessing it's something you don't want others knowing about, seeing as you came all the way to Starview.

Subaru: Ah, yeah, well, you got me there...

Subaru: I just... I want you guys to help Mili. She seems to have a lot on her mind lately.

Subaru: Whenever Rem, Ram, or I ask her what's up, she just gives us the same answer- that she's fine.

Alk: Well... She is in a different world. There's bound to be a lot on her mind.

Alk: Some things are harder to talk about with people you're close to, right? That's where we come in.

Subaru: So you'll help? Thanks, Alk! I owe you, man!

Light: Now, where might Emilia be at this hour?

Subaru: Knowing Mili, my guess is...

Emilia: ...It's no use. I can't find that room from last time. Where could it be...

Emilia: (Should I continue forward? Or would it be better to exit and start again from the beginning...)

Emilia: (For now, let's press onward. Our predicament is affecting everyone, not just me. I need more information.)

Emilia: (Perhaps the spirits could tell me something.)

Emilia: Can you hear me? I have something to ask you all.

Nimbus: Hey, why're we always everyone's errand boys? I say we let that Subaru kid deal with his own problems...

Alk: Come on, if you can't count on friends when you're in trouble, who can you count on? Besides, it seems like Subaru's been through a lot.

Nimbus: *sigh* You just love stickin' your nose in everyone's business, don't you... Whatever. Let's just hurry up and find her.

Emilia: *cough* *gasp*

Nimbus: Raaah!

Emilia: What are you all doing here?

Alk: Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?

Emilia: No, I'm fine... That monster just knocked me down, that's all.

Light: Regardless, you should rest! Leave the rest to Alk and-

Emilia: No, I can still fight!

Nimbus: Now THAT'S what I call power!

Emilia: Um, thank you for coming to my rescue. I would have been in trouble on my own.

Light: ...Why were you so far down in the Kaleidoscope alone to begin with?

Light: While I certainly recognize your combat skills, I cannot condone such rash behavior...

Emilia: I apologize... I merely wished to find a clue as to how we can return to our world.

Emilia: But I didn't want to burden Subaru and the others either...

Alk: Well, all that did was make him worry more...

Emilia: Huh? Subaru's worried?

Nimbus: This ain't the place for chatting. We should head back to the surface.

Alk: Wait, you were looking for a way to return to your world through the Kaleidoscope?!

Emilia: A book I found mentioned that several individuals have sought a way home through the exact method...

Alk: W-well, uhhh... If that's true, it's gotta be one of the more risky options....

Light: I can only assume you went in knowing the dangers of such an approach. But what would compel you to take such a risk?

Emilia: Back home, there's something I want- no, something I NEED to do.

Emilia: Something very, very important that could alter the fates of countless people.

Light: And you see this thing as your duty, I suppose?

Emilia: ...I simply worried that I will not be able to undo anything that happens in my absence...

Emilia: I apologize. It seems I have caused you all trouble.

Light: Actually, we may be able to assist you with your problem.

Light: The World Flipper can be used to traverse worlds. At the very least, it should be more reliable than the Kaleidoscope.

Light: I too am searching for my home world. Perhaps we could work together to achieve our shared goal.

Emilia: But... why would you help me?

Light: What? Should we not help our fellow adventurers?

Alk: Besides, Subaru asked us for our help.

Emilia: He did?

Alk: Like I said, he's been worried about you. It seems like you've been taking on more than you should.

Alk: Maybe he wouldn't worry so much if you relied on him and the others once in a while. Isn't that right, Subaru?

Subaru: Come on, your detection skills are way too OP!

Emilia: Subaru... Is that ture?

Subaru: Yeah, all of it.

Subaru: Please, Mili... let me help you!

Nimbus: I think you mean, "let US help you."

Emilia: I'm sorry. I should have noticed you were worrying, Subaru.

Emilia: I was so focused on what I was trying to do that I was completely oblivious to what was going on around me.

Light: You need not rush yourself. You have your friends to help you.

Light: And we will also be here to assist you. Have faith in us, Emilia.

Emilia: You are all such interesting individuals...

Emilia: Thank you... From now on, I will be sure to ask you for help when I need it.

Emilia: After all, I don't want to worry Subaru.

Episode 2
Her Lonesome Past

When Subaru invites Emilia out to relax after a trip to the ruins, she declines, explaining that her presence would only cause problems. The next day, Stella drags Emilia out for food, and after seeing Nimbus and Light, Emilia recognizes that they are trying to reassure her, which she appreciates. She smiles and asks Stella to tall her more about the area.

Emilia: Not here, either. I was really hoping we'd find some information, but no luck.

Stella: At least now we know there is nothing here.

Subaru: Yeah, what Stella said. Don't worry, Mili, as long as we keep collecting info little by little, we'll eventually figure things out.

Emilia: I suppose that's true... I'm glad I asked you all to accompany me on this expedition.

Emilia: If it was just me here, I doubt I would have been able to cover all the ruins.

Subaru: See? This is why you should rely on me more often!

Subaru: Gaah!

Alk: You know, self-confidence is great and all, but it's not gonna stop you from hurting yourself...

Emilia: Subaru, please be more careful.

Subaru: Aw come on, don't be like that! This was all part of my plan! Yeah, I was just trying to get you to smile! That's it!

Emilia: Yes, yes. For your sake, we'll just leave it at that.

Subaru: Hey, Mili, why don't we go out for a bit? You seem like you could use a break.

Subaru: Actually, Alk was telling me about this great place for sweets, so-

Emilia: Umm... Sorry, but there's something I need to do when we get back.

Subaru: But you already finished your plans for today. Come on, a little break can't hurt.

Emilia: No, I really shouldn't. Besides, having me around would cause trouble. I'll just head home.

Stella: Her presence would not cause trouble.

Subaru: Ah... Don't tell me...

Alk: Do you know what's going on?

Subaru: Well, I dunno if I'm the one you should be hearing this from, but...

Subaru: In her world, half elves like Mili are said to bring misfortune, so others tend to avoid her.

Light: But that is on her world, correct? What relation does that have to Palpe-

Nimbus: I mean, being called a drifter all the time probably feels pretty similar.

Subaru: Sorry, guys, but I guess we're gonna have to call off the outing after all.

Subaru: I'm gonna go cheer her up! Wait up, Mili!

Stella: Alk, why don't we pay them a visit tomorrow?

Emilia: A guest? Who could it be?

Emilia: Huh? What are you two doing here?

Stella: Come, Emilia. Let's go out and play.

Emilia: Huh? Umm... What are you talking about?

Stella: Let's go.

Emilia: What? Wait-

Emilia: ...Is it really okay for me to be here?

Stella: It is okay for you to be anywhere.

Alk: Sorry for the wait.

Alk: Now that was a long line. This place is pretty popular.

Emilia: Five whole orders... I see your love of food doesn't stop at just cooking.

Alk: No way I could ever eat this much. I just grabbed some for Light and everyone el-

Nimbus: Graaah! Let me go already! I ain't your plaything!

Children: Nimbutt! Nimbutt! You're a shaggy, hairy Nimbutt!

Nimbus: Quit callin' me that!

Alk: Looks like somebody had fun. Where's Light?

Light: Urgh...

Little Girl: Here! You can have Light for a bit!

Emilia: U-um... Thank you?

Emilia: A-are you all right?

Light: P-pay me... no mind... I'm just a little toy... Heh... Ehehe...

Alk: Popular as always, I see.

Nimbus: Hmph, they're just excited 'cause we're not exactly a common sight here. That's why I hate comin' into town.

Emilia: Thank you...

Emilia: You're trying to cheer my up by showing me that it's okay to be different in this town, correct?

Nimbus: Wait... Is that why you invited me and Light here?

Alk: Ahaha. Yeah, sorry. Especially to you, Light...

Alk: That being said, Stella really did just want to eat together with everyone. Isn't that right, Stella.

Stella: Yes. Let's all eat together, Emilia.

Emilia: This is delicious!

Emilia: Ah, but... It's so fizzy!

Emilia: Could you tell me more about this place? I'd like to bring Subaru here next time.

Stella: Of course. Ask as many questions as you like.

Emilia: Thank you, Stella!

Episode 3
Another's Sake

After learning about the struggles of other drifters, Emilia puts together a proposal with the help of Alk and the others, which the Guild accepts. After relaying the news to Subaru, he remarks that she seems more at ease, and she smiles as she admits that she now understands that it's okay to ask for help.

Emilia: Thank you for speaking to me today. Is there anything else bothering you?

Emilia: I see. Thank you. I hope we run into each other again sometime.

Alk: Emilia, what are you doing here?

Stella: It seems she is talking to strangers.

Emilia: It was just a short chat. I'm researching problems experienced by drifters.

Emilia: My friends and I were lucky enough to run into all of you, but not everyone is so fortunate, correct?

Emilia: I have heard some drifters are even children, so I want to help them if I can...

Light: That's very kind of you.

Emilia: I'm not doing anything special. I just can't bear to see anyone in need suffering.

Emilia: This is the information I've gathered so far. Based on this, I think I'll be creating a proposal for the Guild.

Alk: Yeah, from what's written here, it sounds like the drifters are really struggling. We had no idea...

Emilia: That reminds me, could I also ask for your help?

Emilia: Hearing your own stories and having an outside opinion will surely help me write a good proposal.

Light: Of course. You have our full cooperation.

Emilia: W-well, what do you think? If you notice any issues, please tell me.

Alk: Whoa, this looks great! Couldn't you submit this as is?

Light: I agree! You've already complied the support strategies you wish to implement and their merits into a very easy-to-read format.

Emilia: Are you sure this is good enough? I feel like it's missing something.

Stella: So if you were to receive a report like this, you would not be satisfied, correct?

Emilia: Correct... Perhaps I should add information on how the surrounding allied counties are handling this situation.

Emilia: Just because something would work for Palpebra doesn't mean it works for them, after all.

Emilia: Especially since there are a few places that think ill of drifters and Palpebra.

Alk: Oh... Politics, huh? You're right. That could be an issue...

Emilia: Ah, in that case, how about wording it like this?

Emilia: ...In order to help solve the issues I've just mentioned, we would like to submit this proposal to aid the drifters.

Pur Lilie: Gotcha! I was wondering why you wanted to talk so bad. Who knew it'd be about business.

Emilia: I think it would be best for the Guild to collect and manage information on the drifters' skills.

Pur Lilie: True. That might lead us to meeting more people like Alk and the others!

Emilia: All that knowledge would serve to educate the Guild members as well, leading to more skilled personnel.

Emilia: With their newly acquired skills and knowledge, the range of jobs the Guild could accept would expand and-

Pur Lilie: That's all I need to hear! You've got yourselves a deal!

Emilia: Huh?! B-but I haven't finished my presentation.

Pur Lilie: No biggie! I got the gist of it from that explanation of yours.

Pur Lilie: I was already aware that some drifters were struggling, so I'm really glad you brought this proposal to me.

Stella: Isn't that great, Emilia?

Emilia: Y-yes, it is... I'm just surprised negotiations finished so quickly.

Light: This is just another result of your hard work. Stand tall and proud of what you've accomplished, Emilia.

Emilia: Thank you! I couldn't have done this without all your help.

Pur Lilie: Ah, just to be clear, we're not gonna do everything listed here right away. We'll start with the easiest to implement.

Pur Lilie: If everything goes well, then we'll start expanding the program!

Alk: Think we could lend a hand? I don't remember any rules saying you couldn't have outside help.

Pur Lilie: Of course you can! I was actually hoping you'd say something. Can't start a new project without our workhorses.

Light: We're happy to help, but I'm not sure I like that phrasing...

Emilia: Thank you again. I'm so glad I asked you all for help.

Alk: Don't thank us yet. We still have a lot of work to do going forward, especially if we want all your plans to be put into action.

Light: May I ask what sparked this sudden desire to help the drifters? All this has little to do with returning you to your original world.

Emilia: I just want to do everything I can to achieve my goals.

Emilia: I've been focused on finding a way home, but actually, there's a lot I can learn here in Palpebra.

Light: I see. So you're simply learning new skills that could prove useful upon your return to your own world.

Emilia: Exactly. I'm trying to focus on doing what I can and worrying less about what I can't.

Subaru: Oh, if it isn't Mili. About to head out with Alk and everyone?

Emilia: No, we just got back. Thanks to our friends, everything went off without a hitch.

Subaru: You know, Mili, it's nice to see you happy again.

Emilia: Huh? Did I seem sad before?

Stella: Yes, but now we always see you smiling.

Subaru: Yeah, giving yourself a bit of a slack has really paid off!

Emilia: Well, if that's the case, then it is no doubt thanks to you and our friends.

Emilia: ...I finally understand that I don't need to shoulder everything alone. Thank you.

Emilia: I'll work even harder to make my dreams a reality!