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Episode 1
Dangerous Nurse

After getting acquainted with her new place, Elza joins Alk and Stella on a shopping trip in Palpebra. When Stella is pickpocketed, Elza brings the pain.

Alk: Okay... This should do it.

Alk: How's that look, Elza?

Elza: My, you've spruced up the place, Alk. Thanks!

Elza: I never thought I'd see a treatment room without a single bloodstain!

Alk: Uh, just what kind of hospital were you working at?

Elza: Oh, it was a lovely place! Peril around every corner, titillating thrills, teeming with clashes!

Elza: *sigh* I'm sure it won't be long until I recreate the same environment here. How exciting.

Stella: Thank you for helping us set up the treatment room.

Elza: Oh, you don't have to thank me, Stella! I'm doing this because I WANT to.

Elza: After all, I get antsy if I don't swab or inject anyone in a while... Hee hee!

Stella: Do you need supplies? Medicine should be available in Palpebra.

Alk: What if they have different kinds of medicine here? Using the wrong stuff could mean trouble.

Elza: All the better, if you ask me! Nothing to stimulate the senses like medicine from another world!

Elza: I'll need to study them first, of course. And if I still don't understand, that's what test subjects are for!

Alk: Whoa, that's a lotta medicine!

Alk: Okay. Bandages, disinfectants, potions, herbs...

Alk: Monster livers, tongues, slimy mushrooms... corrosive acid? What do you need THESE for?!

Elza: Hehe. Are you suuure you wanna know?

Alk: F-for my own sake, yes...

Elza: Most of it's for anesthetic use. The rest of it's for... postmortem treatment.

Alk: Postmortem? What good is medicine gonna do after someone dies?!

Elza: You'd be surprised! I can usually make something happen around the seventh time.

Alk: Wow. Seventh time's the charm, I guess.

Elza: Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head. I can jump-start a heart anytime, now that I have the stuff for it.

Elza: This town's not so bad. It doesn't have that ocean breeze, but it reminds me a little of home.

Stella: This place was established to serve adventurers hoping to explore the Kaleidoscope.

Elza: That explains all those rowdy fighter- types. As well as the—

Stella: ...

Adventurer: Oops. 'Scuse me there, li'l miss.

Adventurer: Ugh!

Elza: As well as the people with wandering hands!

Alk: Wh-what are you doing, Elza?!

Elza: Stella, where's your money?

Stella: Oh... It's gone!

Elza: See? Looks like someone needs to learn their lesson!

Adventurer: W-wait, I'm sorry! Here... Take the money! Ngh, my shoulder...

Adventurer: YEEEOUCH!

Elza: Yep! That's a fracture, all right.

Elza: Don't worry, I'll fix you right up!

Adventurer: Ow, ow, ow! Wait, don't pull there—OUCH!

Elza: Someone like this would make an excellent test subject, don't you think?

Alk: We'd... best stay on her good side.

Episode 2
A Nurse's Battlefield

Stella reports a monster attack in Palpebra that has caused people in town to seemingly lose consciousness. Elza and Stella work in tandem to bring them back.

Alk: I don't see what the big deal is... It's just a small cut.

Elza: You don't know that—neglect it now and it may take a turn for the worse!

Elza: What if a curse snuck in somehow? It could grow into a face! Who would cure it for you then?

Alk: A face?! You're scaring me...

Elza: This is why we take preventative measures!

Alk: Either way, I think you've got some more critical patients waiting...

Lean Pirate: Elza! My heart... It burns whenever I think of you! Relieve me of this pain!

Burly Pirate: Me too! If I'm unable to see your smile even for a day, I feel like death!

Elza: Hehe... Those boys can wait.

Alk: Wait... Crimson Blades? Why are you here?

Lean Pirate: We heard Elza started up a new clinic!

Burly Pirate: Now's our big chance while that quack is gone!

Elza: Hmm... I wonder what your captain would have to say about that?

Lean Pirate: Oh, n-no... Please... have mercy...

Elza: If you're not actually injured, please leave—

Stella: Elza!

Stella: It's an emergency—all the adventurers in Palpebra have fallen asleep!

Elza: Calm down, Stella. Breath in and out... Okay. Now, from the beginning.

Stella: It was a monster attack. There were minimal injuries, but everyone suddenly collapsed.

Elza: Hmm... Knockout gas? Or maybe they're all in shock?

Elza: Understood. I'll bring what I can find here. I could use some assistance, however.

Lean Pirate: Of course! Anything for you!

Elza: Alk, you stay here. I'll let you know if we need more people.

Alk: Okay!

Elza: Tee-hee... It'll be good to finally get my hands dirty again.

Elza: Lunatic Injection!

Adventurer: Whoa!

Elza: Welcome back, honey.

Elza: I'll let the monk handle this one. Next!

Stella: Quickly, Elza! This one isn't breathing!

Elza: Tee-hee... You're not dying on my watch!

Elza: Good work, you two! Looks like it all worked out.

Alk: All I did was carry a bunch of medicine. What about you, Stella?

Stella: I'm... feeling a bit faint after that.

Stella: But are you all right, Elza?

Elza: It's been a while since I've had any real action, so I might be a little bit worse for wear.

Elza: But the important thing is that nobody died today! They fought and survived, each and every one of them... and that's a victory for me.

Elza: I haven't had a rush like this in so long! I could just bask in this enervation for days...

Stella: They... fought? Was I fighting as well?

Elza: But of course! This is your victory too!

Elza: Tee-hee... I'll be counting on you next time, sister-in-arms!

Stella: I look forward to serving with you, Elza.