Ellya (Valentine)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Sweet Lesson

With Valentine's Fest quickly approaching, Ellya asks Alk to help her friend out with a love-related matter. This leads to Alk teaching a cooking lesson on making handmade chocolates to a group of female adventurers. During the lesson, word gets out that Ellya has never been in love, which causes quite the hubbub. Ellya eventually asks for Alk's help in the event that she actually does catch feelings for someone.

Ellya: Hmm... What should I do?

Ellya: Oh, Alk! You came at just the right time!

Alk: Hey there Ellya. What's up? On your way back from the Kaleidoscope? Or are you heading there now?

Ellya: Neither! There's actually something I wanted to ask you!

Ellya: How do you tell someone how you really feel about them?

Alk: Wh-what?

Alk: Oh, I see. Your friend asked you for relationship advice.

Ellya: Yep. I've already told her I think she should just be honest with him, but she's too shy to say it!

Ellya's Friend: No way! I told you I'm too much of a wimp to do that! That's why I'm here asking for advice.

Alk: Hmm... Well, how about giving them chocolates? Valentine's Fest IS coming up soon, after all.

Ellya: Huh? What does giving chocolate have to do with confessing your love? I don't get it.

Alk: Am I misremembering or something? I could have sworn that's what people did during Valentine's Fest...

Alk: Well, anyway, just think of it like you're giving someone a present to show them your true feelings.

Ellya: I suppose that might make it easier to confess! The atmosphere of the festival is a plus too!

Ellya's Friend: Y-yeah... I might be able to give that a try! ...Maybe

Ellya: All right! That settles it, then!

Ellya: Welcome to Alk's special lesson on how to make your own Valentine's chocolate! Here we go! How about we show our teacher here some gratitude?

Adventurers: Thank you, Alk!

Alk: Is it just me or are there way more people than before? Also, what's with the outfit change, Ellya?

Ellya: Hehe. I figured I might as well make a big event out of this! The outfit is for advertising purposes- doesn't it look great on me?

Alk: I mean, I won't deny that it suits you, but... Why did you go and turn this into a whole event?

Ellya: When you suggested making chocolates, I got all these ideas in my head, that's all! This could make everyone way more hyped for the festival!

Alk: I guess so... Thankfully, I think we have enough ingredients to make chocolates for a group this size.

Alk: Ahem. Okay, let's get started. First, chop up your chocolates into fine pieces- store-brought is fine, of course. To do that, you'll want to first-

Gossipy Adventurer: Hey... Don't you think Ellya and Alk are standing a little close to each other? You think they might be dating?

Nosey Adventurer: Nah... You're way off there. That's just how Ellya is- a real airhead... Plus, she doesn't get the concept of personal space.

Romance-Loving Adventurer: Yep. Tons of guys fall for her 'cause of that. I wonder if the same will happen to Alk.

Alk: Why is everyone so interested in my love life...

Ellya: Okay, enough talking, more chocolate-making!

Loose-Lipped Adventurer: You know, I'm super curious now too.

Ellya's Friend: Hey, Ellya, you and Alk definitely aren't dating, right? If that's the case, what kind of guys are you into? We wanna know!

Ellya: H-huh? I never really thought about it...

Ellya: I guess... I'd like someone who has the same vision as me- someone who's got their eyes on the same destination!

Ellya: Then, they need to be tough. Super tough. Like, enough to go into the Depths with me.

Ellya: Finally, I guess we have to be on the same page? We need to be in sync mentally, you know? I have to know what they're gonna do next!

Ellya's Friend: Wait a minute. Aren't you just describing your ideal party member?! This is LOVE, Ellya, not the Kaleidoscope!

Ellya: What's the difference? Either way, you're putting your life in someone else's hands!

Ellya's Friend: Huh? It doesn't have to be that intense, you know! We're talking about love here!

Gossipy Adventurer: Yeah! Love is more like... when you get a big stupid grin on your face thing about someone! Or when you're sad when they're not around!

Ellya: ...?

Nosey Adventurer: It's no use, she's not getting it at all! Haven't you ever been in love?

Ellya: N-no? I haven't...

Adventurers: What?!

Ellya: I mean... What IS love? I don't even really understand it...

Ellya: What's with the reaction? Did I say something weird?

Romance-Loving Adventurer: Not exactly weird... It's just... Love isn't something you have to understand. It just happens!

Ellya's Friend: All I know is, I definitely picked the wrong person to ask for love advice.

Ellya: E-excuse me?!

Loose-Lipped Adventurer: It's okay, forget about Ellya- she's hopeless when it comes to this stuff. I wanna know more about YOU, Cathy. What's this I hear about a love triangle?

Ellya: Hey! What do you mean, I'm hopeless?

Alk: So, uh... How about that cooking lesson?

Alk: And we're done! Of course, you don't even have to pour the chocolate into a mold- you can feel free to mix it into a cake as well!

Adventurers: Thank you, Alk!

Loose-Lipped Adventurer: Doesn't mine look awesome? With a delicious-looking chocolate like this, he's sure to fall head over heels for me!

Ellya's Friend: I think I can finally confess with this!

Ellya: Awesome! You go, girls!

Romance-Loving Adventurer: Don't think you're getting off the hook that easily, Ellya! You need to give chocolate to someone too!

Ellya: R-right. I'm sure I'll find someone I like at some point... Eventually.

Ellya's Friend: Hey, Alk. If Ellya does end up getting a crush on someone, make sure to help her out, okay?

Alk: I-I'll do my best...

Ellya: Ditto on that request. I think I'll need all the help I can get!

Episode 2
A Bitter Truth

As a result of Alk's lesson, chocolate-giving becomes a big fad in Palpebra. However, Nimbus overhears a group of men complaining about this custom in a pub. After investigating, Ellya and the gang find out that the men were not criminals but merely lonely singles holding a "pity party" for themselves. Ellya gives them a pep talk, and the gang exchanges some important promises.

Chocolate Shop Owner: The line to buy chocolates starts here! Please queue up in an orderly fashion!

Pur Lilie: I can't believe this caught on! What a weird idea- giving chocolate to someone and confessing your love to them? You guys came up with this, right?

Alk: I mean... I'd say Ellya did most of the work, really...

Ellya: I had no idea it would get this popular, though! I guess that's the power of love for you!

Light: I, for one, welcome this custom. The festival is livelier for it- plus, it's not likely to cause any trouble.

Nimbus: I don't know about that. I think there are some people who aren't big fans of this whole thing.

Nimbus: I overheard some people talking about it in the pub the other day. Saying Valentine's Fest was a sham or something.

Nimbus: They were talking about "blowing up," or some nonsense. I don't know. I didn't hear anything.

Pur Lilie: They what now?!

Ellya: Do you think it's possible they're planning some sort of attack during the festival?

Nimbus: Uh, I didn't say that-

Pur Lilie: Nine times out of then, remarks like that made in the public are nothing but jokes... But if there's even the slightest chance it could be true...

Ellya: We have to stay vigilant. Just in case. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for suspicious characters.

Suspicious Man: Damn it...

Ellya: What did you think about that guy back there?

Light: Now that you mention it, there was something off-putting about the look in his eyes. Could he be planning something nefarious?!

Ellya: Let's follow him and see for ourselves.

Suspicious Man: I've had it up to here with this festival! All those people enjoying themselves, being all... happy and stuff!

Gruff Man: I can't stand to watch it anymore! Makes me sick, it does! So... Did you bring the goods?

Suspicious Man: You bet. It wasn't easy to get, either. Look at this-

Ellya: Light be my beacon! Illuminate the way!

Ellya: I've seen enough! I'll be confiscating these items as evidence-

Ellya: Wait. Is this... chocolate?

Gruff Man: Ellya? No way... It's you! The wicked witch of Valentine's herself! Get off of him!

Suspicious Man: H-help! Let me go! Oh, the humanity!

Ellya: Am I really that scary to you?!

Gruff Man: How dense can you be?!

Gruff Man: You're LITERALLY on top of him! If you don't back away, he might start to... like you or something!

Suspicious Man: S-she's touching me! Aaaah!

Ellya: Seriously?

Ellya: A "pity party for the maidenless"? What is that even supposed to mean?!

Gruff Man: Sh-shut your mouth! You're the reason why we even had to do this!

Suspicious Man: All those lovey-dovey couples walking around town... It's all YOUR fault, Ellya! Do you have any idea how lonely we feel?!

Gruff Man: That's why we came up with this great idea- we were gonna buy out ALL the chocolates in Palpebra, so no one could have them!

Gruff Man: I wanted to stuff my face full of chocolates right in front of a girl crying her eyes out 'cause she can't buy any! Man, how good that would feel...

Ellya: Ever think THAT might be why you guys are unpopular?

Men: *shook*

Alk: I'm not sure they were ready to hear that, Ellya.

Ellya: If you want to find a partner, then why don't you try giving out chocolates yourselves?

Ellya: It wasn't my intention to have only girls do the chocolate-giving and confessing!

Gruff Man: That's easier said than done! What if they say no? Then our friendship will be ruin...

Ellya: Don't give up before you've even started!

Ellya: If you want to win, you need to have confidence- fake it till you make it, as they say!

Ellya: Well. Actually, there's no guarantee you'll ever make it- but it's better than NOT trying, isn't it?

Ellya: There's nothing cooler than someone who never gives up and keeps chasing his dreams!

Suspicious Man: I don't want to be like those cool guys, though...

Gruff Man: Damn... With a pep talk like that, I feel like I just might be able to get my act together! We can do this, guys! We can be better!

Men: Hell yeah!

Ellya: That's more like it! Keep up that attitude!

Ellya: At this rate, you guys could even become first-class adventurers in no time!

Ellya: Heck, if you do a full clear of the Kaleidoscope, you'll probably get even more popular!

Men: No way!

Ellya: Huh? Why not?

Light: At least we've finally settled this matter. We'd best report back to Lilie.

Alk: Ellya? Something the matter?

Ellya: Oh, it's nothing... I was just surprised to see that people actually got upset at my whole chocolate idea.

Ellya: If I ever intend on really reforming and improving the Guild, I need to be able to catch stuff like that before it happens.

Ellya: A-are you laughing at me? What's the deal?

Nimbus: It's just that you really sweat the small stuff. You take everything so seriously.

Ellya: What, do you have a problem with that?

Alk: No, no. I think he's saying the exact opposite, Ellya. You're reliable and always vigilant. I'm sure you'll be able to reform the Guild the way you want to.

Ellya: Really? I hope so... At any rate, when that time comes, I'll definitely need all your help!

Alk: Will you now...

Ellya: That's right! I'm counting on you, Alk!

Episode 3
The Rules of Love

After a young adventurer confesses to her, Ellya agrees to go on a date with him. Unfortunately, the two end up breaking up rather quickly. Alk and co. scold Ellya, and she decides to give the adventurer some chocolate as a thank-you gift for confessing to her. However, she also gives chocolate to everyone else in the room, embarrassing the young adventurer. As he runs out of the room, Ellya struggles to understand what she did wrong.

Pur Lilie: Cocoa, milk, sugar... That's everything! Without your help, we might not have had enough ingredients to keep up wit this sudden influx of orders!

Alk: It's no problem. I'm just glad we made it in time for the festival.

Pur Lilie: Yep. With how popular this chocolate-giving confession fad has gotten, I figured it'd be good to replenish out stock before the festival started!

Pur Lilie: As a representative of the Guild though, I'm thrilled about how excited everyone is! Oh, and I'm looking forward to being a judge again this year!

Ellya: It seems to have spread to nearby villages too! This is all thanks to you, Alk-

Delicate Adventurer: E-excuse me! Ellya? Do you have a moment?

Ellya: Oh, it's you! You just started adventuring recently, didn't you? What's up?

Delicate Adventurer: I... I just...

Delicate Adventurer: I like you, Ellya! Will you go out with me?

Ellya: You... want to go out... with me?

Ellya: Okay! Sure!

Everyone: WHAAAT?

Delicate Adventurer: Sh-she said yes! Oh my gosh! Thank you, Ellya!

Ellya: ...And we broke up.

Alk: Already?! It's only been a single day!

Pur Lilie: Ellya... Just what did you do to the poor boy?

Ellya: Huh? Why are you assuming it was my fault?! We just went on a date, that's all!

Ellya: But before we even reached the Midways, he started apologizing... and then ran off crying.

Pur Lilie: You went to the Kaleidoscope?! On a date?!

Ellya: Was... that bad? What are normal couples supposed to do? I don't know the rules!

Ellya: Plus, I figured there's no better way to get to know someone than to see how they act when their life is on the line! Right?

Alk: No, Ellya. Just... no.

Ellya: B-but... If we're thinking of a full commitment, I have to make extra sure that...

Ellya: Oof... I really messed up this time, didn't I?

Burly Adventurer: Listen man, I get how you must be feeling... but you really can't go around sulking like that. It's been days!

Kind Adventurer: Yeah! There are plenty of other fish in the sea, man! Give up on Ellya already!

Light: Well. It certainly wasn't a trouble-free affair, but it looks like the festival was an overall success.

Stella: Yes. The chocolate were delicious.

Nimbus: Well, if it isn't Ellya. You down to get a few drinks?

Ellya: Oh, hi, everyone. I'm sorry, there's something I need to take care of first...

Ellya: Hey, do you have a minute?

Ellya: I've been thinking... Ever since... well, you know.

Ellya: I'm really pretty clueless when it comes to love... But you know what? I was honestly, genuinely happy when you said you liked me.

Ellya: Which is why...

Ellya: I made you some chocolate. I don't think I can go out with you again, but... I wanted to say thank you for sharing your feelings with me.

Ellya: I'd like you to have it. If you want it, that is.

Delicate Adventurer: E-Ellya!

Delicate Adventurer: Of course! I'll take it! Thank you! And... I promise I'm going to do my best to become the type of guy who can be your equal!

Ellya: Hehe. I'm looking forward to seeing that!

Light: Ah... To be young again...

Ellya: Okay! And now...

Ellya: For the rest of you! Please have these chocolates!

Alk: Huh? Everyone gets chocolates? What?

Ellya: Hehe, that's right! I had another idea.

Ellya: What if I started a new trend and made it okay to give chocolates to ANYONE- not just people you're romantically interested in!

Ellya: I got the idea reading about similar gift-giving customs in Yamato!

Ellya: This way, everyone can get chocolate, and nobody will feel left out!

Alk: So... You're just obligated to give everyone chocolates?

Ellya: Yeah! That's a good word- obligated! Nice one, Alk!

Ellya: Of course, I have chocolate for all of you as well! Here you go.

Stella: Thank you very much.

Nimbus: Is it me or does Alk's chocolate look different from ours?

Ellya: That's right! He helped me out a lot the other day, so his chocolate is extra special!

Ellya: Hmm, we should also have a system like that! The more helpful a person's been to you, the nicer the chocolate you get them!

Alk: Haha... I don't know about this whole "system" thing. Seems like a pretty big chore...

Delicate Adventurer: G-gah!

Ellya: Huh? What happened to him?

Burly Adventurer: Ellya! Are you really THAT dense?! How could you do that to the poor guy?

Ellya: Wh-what? Why is everyone turning on me all of the sudden?

Nimbus: Why to build a man up just to tear him down in front of everyone. That was savage.

Ellya: Not you too, Nimbus! What is even going on?

Ellya: Aghhh, why is this "love" thing so damn complicated?! I don't get it!