Ellya (New Year)/Quotes

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"The name's Ellya—master of light and kimono mage extraordinaire! I'll show you my brand-new strength!"

"Yamato's culture is fascinating! And there are so many other unexplored worlds too. But I'll find them all! Just you wait and see!"

"Happy New Year! Have you thought up some good resolutions? Of course mine is to completely conquer the Kaleidoscope!"

"Hey, if you're free, how about a game of badminton? Heh-heh. I'll warn you, though. I'm pretty good!"

"Other worlds are incredible! I wanna learn about all their customs! I bet I'll end up learning more about myself too!"

"*munch, munch* Mmm, this rice cake is great! I wonder if this would catch on in Palpebra, too."

"Victory isn't something you get by beating others down. Real victory is something you share! Don't you think?"