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Episode 1
Help Wanted

In search of new adventurers to help conquer the Kaleidoscope with, Ellya asks to join Alk's party. However, an old partner named Ash becomes jealous of her new allies and challenges her to a duel, which she wins with ease.

Adventurer in White: *siiigh*

Guild Staff: Uh-oh. Let me guess. Your last partner wasn't quite up to scratch either?

Ellya: I mean... They weren't BAD or anything, you know? We just didn't click, that's all.

Guild Staff: I feel I must inform you, Ellya... This is the ninth person you've gone through this month.

Guild Staff: You may be the Starlight Sharpshooter, but perhaps it's about time you loosened up your requirements.

Ellya: Okay, well... Being strong is a must, obviously. I'll need someone who can come back with me in one piece.

Ellya: And intelligence is just as important, right? Someone who can see eye-to- eye with me and my vision.

Ellya: Not to mention age. I've got pretty big ambitions for myself, so I need to know if I can build a future with them.

Ellya: A person who knows how to chill, you know? Like, not some hothead obsessed with conquering the Kaleidoscope.

Ellya: Oh, and they should be someone who inspires me!

Ellya: Someone like that can't be THAT hard to find, right? I mean, as long as they're around my level, that's good enough for me!

Guild Staff: Well, according to the criteria you just listed, there are zero people in the guild I can introduce to you.

Ellya: Seriously?!

Guild Staff: Would you consider a veteran adventurer? You have quite the reputation among those operating in the midways.

Ellya: I mean, that's flattering and all, but I'm tryin' to shake things up with some new blood, you know?

Ellya: Hey. What about those guys over there?

Guild Staff: Ah, you mean the ones Lilie introduced recently? We don't have too much information on them, so I can't—

Ellya: Yes... they might be the inspiration I've been looking for!

Ellya: Hi there! You guys adventurers, by any chance?

Ellya: I'm Ellya, by the way. Pleased to meetcha! Cool if I join you for a bit?

Alk: Oh, uh, hello. S-sure?

Ellya: I'll keep it short. I'm looking for someone to conquer the Kaleidoscope with me. How about it?

Nimbus: The hell are you goin' on about? We just met. You have too much to drink or something?

Ellya: Not at all! I'm not just some nobody, I'll have you know. Surely you're familiar with... the Starlight Sharpshooter?

Alk: Wait, I've heard of you! You hold the record for reaching the Midways faster than anyone on record!

Alk: And not only that, you almost always choose to work alone rather than form a party!

Ellya: You've got that part twisted. See, it's not that I WANT to work alone or anything. But nobody's been able to keep up with me so far.

Light: Then why choose my—er, why choose our crew?

Ellya: About that. You see—

Adventurer: What the hell, Ellya? Is this some kind of joke?

Ellya: ...Ash?

Ash: Not only did you turn me down... Now I see you tryin' to party up with these newbies!

Ellya: Listen, Ash. I hate to break it to you, but you're just not ready for the Depths—

Ash: I don't wanna hear it! If you think you're such hot stuff, how about we go right now?

Ellya: Sorry, you guys. Mind if I take care of something real quick?

Ellya: I'm going to fire a light orb at you. You can choose to try and dodge it or take it head-on. Your call.

Ellya: If you're still able to fight, I'll reconsider your skills. Ready?

Ash: Ready? Pfft... I was BORN ready! Don't think for a second that I'm the same Ash from before—

Ellya: Soul of luster, locked and loaded!

Ellya: Luminous Splash!

Ellya: Sorry, Ash. Truth is, if you think this hurts, the monsters in the depths can and will do a lot worse.

Nimbus: Heh... Hopefully, that knocked some sense into him.

Ellya: So! Have you given my invitation any more thought?

Alk: Sure, but why us?

Ellya: Let's just say I've got an eye for these things. The moment I saw you, I knew you were special!

Ellya: Just by looking at your faces, I can tell... You guys have SEEN some things.

Alk: I dunno about that... What do you think, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Eh, why not? Never hurts to have some more muscle in our ranks.

Nimbus: But this is a two-way street. If you wanna join us, you'll have to do things our way too. You still good with that?

Ellya: Yup! Sounds like we have ourselves a deal, uh... Sorry, what's your name?

Alk: I'm Alk. Nice to have you with us, Ellya.

Ellya: Likewise! Now let's go kick that Kaleidoscope's ass!

Episode 2
Boundless Ambition

After having one too many drinks, Ellya zealously tells Alk and the others her dreams of conquering the Kaleidoscope and replacing the guild with an organization of her own. A guild officer reveals to the others afterward that her father went missing in the Kaleidoscope long ago.

Ellya: Good work, team! That was one of our best pushes yet. We'll conquer that Kaleidoscope yet!

Ellya: I KNEW it was the right call to join you guys! You're all the best!

Alk: Eh, I didn't do anything special. It was thanks to your knowledge that we got as far as we did.

Ellya: Don't sell yourself short, Alk! You oughta be proud of your contributions!

Ellya: I saw you supporting all of us back in there like a boss. You're a vital part of the team!

Stella: I must agree with Ellya.

Alk: Heh... I'm glad you guys think so.

Ash: Feh. Let's get outta here.

Alk: Are you okay with just leaving things like that?

Ellya: You mean with Ash? He's probably not too happy with how things ended up, but it's for the best.

Ellya: And in any case, I was the one who turned him down. Apologizing to him now wouldn't do any good.

Nimbus: Yeah... He's probably embarrassed enough as it is.

Alk: Is there a reason you won't work with someone like him?

Ellya: Beyond the Midways is when things get super deadly, right? It's too dicey for someone like him.

Alk: Yeah, but to be fair, the Midways and Depths are dicey for anyone. Right?

Ellya: Exactly right. The difference is that YOU guys recognize that.

Ellya: A lot of adventurers get cocky and bite off more than they can chew. Like Ash.

Ellya: I... can't work with people like that.

Ellya: You can call it selfish or whatever, but I want to conquer the Kaleidoscope ONLY if everyone's survival is guaranteed.

Stella: I have the utmost faith that you'll succeed, Ellya.

Ellya: Hehe... I knew you'd get it, Stella. Thanks, girl!

Ellya: Anywho! Back to business—let's talk about our next big step.

Light: Uh-oh.

Ellya: Once the Kaleidoscope's been squared off, I wanna set up a new organization to run things around here—really give the Guild a run for its money, you know?

Nimbus: Hoo, boy... here we go again.

Ellya: Alllllk, are you listeniiing to meee?

Alk: Huh? Oh, yes, yes. Of course I'm—Wait, who gave Ellya something to drink?!

Stella: I suppose I shouldn't have done that.

Ellya: SERIOUSLY, I don't get the Guild sometimes. Like, how you gonna throw a bunch of kids into the Kaleidoscope without at least training them, right?

Nimbus: H-hey, that's mine...

Ellya: *gulp* Ahh! I'm telling ya, the guild's days are numbered! I'll show 'em how to REALLY run... things...

Ellya: ...Around... here...

Guild Staff: *sigh* The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

Guild Staff: Ellya's father was an adventurer just like her—the guy couldn't hold his liquor either.

Guild Staff: But one day... he never came back from the Kaleidoscope. He was a fearless one, that's for sure.

Light: It all makes sense now.

Guild Staff: Ellya... She was just a kid. I know she can be a lot sometimes, but please do look after her.

Ellya: Pa... pa...

Ellya: Urgh... my head is pounding. What the hell happened yesterday?

Nimbus: You feelin' all right?

Alk: I'll put on some shellfish soup. It'll do wonders for your hangover.

Ellya: Me? Hungover?

Nimbus: After you feel a little better, come and join us for some training.

Ellya: Training?

Alk: I mean... that Kaleidoscope isn't gonna conquer itself, right?

Nimbus: But we're in no hurry to dig ourselves an early grave either.

Ellya: U-uh, okay? What are you guys going on about all of a sudden?

Alk: Come on, we're going to Starview!

Ellya: I'm glad you're all gung ho about this suddenly, but...

Ellya: My head's killing me...

Episode 3
The Light Within

Ash ventures deep into the Kaleidoscope's depths, but finds himself in a life-threatening situation. Fortunately, Alk and the others arrive just in time to save him and his party. However, when Ellya's magic proves to be ineffective against a monster, other adventurers she once rejected step up to help.

Ellya: Okay! Today's the day we finally tackle a new floor. You guys ready to go?

Light: Word's been going around about a dragon of sorts, right?

Ellya: Yup! Impervious to magic, apparently. I wouldn't be able to do much myself, but that's what you're all here for!

Ellya: We're mostly on the offensive today, so Stella, you can—

Ellya: Hey... Aren't you one of Ash's lackeys?

Fleshy Flunky: Ellya... You've gotta help... They're in trouble...

Ellya: Wh-whoa! What happened in there?!

Fleshy Flunky: I was in the Kaleidoscope with Ash... He wanted to go deeper than you, so we kept going...

Fleshy Flunky: We... we didn't stand a chance against those monsters...

Ellya: You guys went into the depths alone?! What the hell was he thinking?!

Fleshy Flunky: Thanks to him, I made it out alive... But he's still in there. Please... save them...

Ellya: All right, listen up! Change of plans.

Ellya: I'm going in there to save them... Can I count on you guys to help?

Nimbus: Do you even need to ask? We're with you all the way.

Ellya: Thanks, guys.

Ellya: Alk. Stella. Make sure this guy gets to a safe place, okay?

Stella: Understood.

Alk: Got it! I'll contact the guild and catch up with you later.

Ellya: All right. Light, Nimbus, I'm going in. Make sure you guys stick with me!

Light & Nimbus: Right!

Lanky Lackey: Hey... Hang in there, boss...

Ash: Just leave me... Save yourself... If you stay here, you'll...

Lanky Lackey: I can't just leave you here, boss!

Ellya: Ash! You're alive!

Lanky Lackey: S-see, look! Help came after all!

Ash: D-damn... It had to be you, huh, Ellya?

Ellya: Hmph. You must've made a deal with the devil to get this far.

Ash: Heh... D-did you come here to laugh at me?

Ellya: It looks like you have enough energy to talk smack, at least. Can you stand? Let's get you outta here.

Lanky Lackey: Here, boss... Lean on my shoulder.

Light: Quiet! ...Something's coming.

???: Grrr...

Nimbus: Damn... Talk about bad timing.

Light: That must be the dragon. Ellya, I don't like these odds.

Ellya: Me neither. Looks like my Dragon Slayer title will have to wait for another day.

Ellya: Assuming we make it out of here alive, that is.

Ellya: Nimbus, get Ash and the others out of here!

Nimbus: Okay!

Ellya: Soul of luster, locked and loaded! Luminous Splash!

Ellya: The rumors were true... It IS impervious to magic!

Light: Ellya, watch out for its breath!

Ellya: You okay, Light?

Light: Yeah, you?

Ellya: I'm fine, but at this rate...

Ellya: No. Not like this. I have an idea. Snuff out your torches!

Light: How are we going to see the dragon if—

Ellya: I know, I know! You're just gonna have to trust me! Close your eyes until I give the signal, okay?

Light: ...Okay. I trust you.

Nimbus: Whatever you're tryin' here... It'd better work!

Ellya: That's right... come at me... juuust like that.

Dragon: Grrr...

Ellya: Gotcha! Hwaaah!

Dragon: Groooar?!

Ellya: Now, everyone! Let's make a run for it!

Light: Hang in there, Ellya! We've almost made it!

Ellya: Y-yeah... I know... but I used up... all my power back there...

Light: This doesn't look good.

Ellya: I'm sorry, Light. Just leave me... and get out while you can...

Light: You know I can't do that—

Alk: Ellya! Light!

Stella: We're here to help!

Light: Alk! Stella!

Guild Staff: Ellya! Are you hurt?!

Ellya: Is that... the Taskmaster?

Thickset Adventurer: We're here to save you!

Svelte Adventurer: Hang in there, Ellya!

Conventional Adventurer: See? We can pull our weight when it counts!

Ellya: You... guys...

Alk: Once word got out that you went in to save Ash, all of them demanded to join in and help.

Alk: They're all people you've turned down in the past, right?

Ellya: Yeah... A whole bunch of familiar faces.

Guild Staff: Most of them here to redeem themselves before you, no doubt.

Ellya: I was blown away, to be honest. They're all so much more capable than I ever thought they were.

Ellya: I guess I might've been a little too quick to judge them, huh?

Alk: Hmm... I don't think it was wrong of you to turn them down though.

Guild Staff: It's a well-known fact that many lose their lives every year venturing into the Kaleidoscope unprepared.

Guild Staff: But that seems to be on the downturn with our latest recruits. I'm sure you had something to do with that.

Ellya: You think so?

Guild Staff: Ash said he never wanted to see you in a state like that again.

Guild Staff: You've become something of a role model to the new blood.

Alk: So... When's our next shot at the next level gonna be? You haven't given up yet, have you?

Ellya: Of course not!

Ellya: You're talking to the future record holder for the fastest Kaleidoscope run, and don't you forget it!