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Episode 1
The Bodyguard

Elise, the armed escort for a troupe of performers, helps Sonia escape into the ruins and away from a lifetime of dancing. However, the two have hardly said goodbye when the ancient walls come crashing down. When Elise comes to, she finds herself in the care of the party at Starview Village.

Dancer: So, Elise. I guess this is goodbye.

Elise: Yeah...

Dancer: You sure about this? We could always—

Elise: I'm not going. This was your decision.

Elise: I protect the dancers. If you're leaving the troupe, you're no longer my client.

Dancer: Fine. But... we'll see each other again, right?

Elise: Sure. If we're alive.

Dancer: Then stay safe, Elise!

Elise: You too, Sonia.

???: Sonia's up ahead, isn't she?

Elise: ...Manager.

Troupe Manager: Elise... You two should know by now not to disappear on me. Or did you forget the last time, long ago as it was?

Troupe Manager: You came crawling back to me, with your precious money-maker all scratched up.

Troupe Manager: But now, it's not enough to just DAMAGE my goods, eh? You want to ROB me.

Elise: Sonia's danced plenty of money into your pockets. She's earned her freedom.

Troupe Manager: I'LL say when—

Elise: Not another step. Don't make me shoot you.

Troupe Manager: You...

Troupe Manager: I always thought it'd be cheaper to throw you away. But I kept you. Fed you. And this is how you repay me?!

Elise: My loyalty's to the dancers. You aren't getting near her!

Troupe Manager: What's happening?!

Elise: Sonia!

Troupe Manager: Elise, wait! You'll both be crushed!

Elise: Ugh...

Stella: Please wake up.

Elise: Am I dead?

Stella: No. You are alive.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Elise: Starview... You sure you're not an angel?

Stella: Positive.

Alk: Hey! I saw the World Flipper start glowing and— Oh. A visitor?

Elise: *sigh* Looks like I've escaped death again...

Elise: Listen. I don't have anything on me right now.

Elise: But, as thanks for saving my life, I can protect yours. How's that sound?

Light: There's no need for any gifts. I know this land is strange to you, but I promise that you are among friends.

Alk: Yeah, don't worry about it. Not like we did anything. You kind of just plopped into our village.

Light: Alk, was there no other way you could've phrased that?

Elise: Why are you helping me? You don't know me.

Stella: "Run." You kept repeating that word in your sleep.

Stella: You were fearing for the safety of another. That means there is some good in you.

Elise: I see...

Elise: My name's Elise. Elise Ruster. I work as a bodyguard.

Elise: Mind telling me what's going on here?

Stella: Not at all. Let us start with a tour of the village.

Elise: I'm still alive, Sonia...

Episode 2
Some Scars Never Fade

While on a search for missing children, Elise recalls a time when she herself was just a frightened girl, running from the world. But after losing almost everything, she realized that she needs to stand and fight for what she cares about. With Alk's help, she busts a gang of kidnappers and brings the children back to safety.

Guild Staff: We need you to search for missing children. Two of them.

Guild Staff: Be discreet about it. These kids are linked to one of the Guildmasters. This quest is both top-secret and top- priority.

Guild Staff: Our sources say they were last seen in the Kaleidoscope. Bring them back in one piece, and you'll be rich.

Alk: How'd those kids even get into the Kaleidoscope? There's supposed to be gatekeepers.

Elise: They might've been hiding in something...

Adventurer: You're blockin' traffic, runt!

Alk: Oh... M-my bad.

Elise: You okay, Alk?

Adventurer: A woman?

Adventurer: *whistle* Look at that scar. That why you out here adventurin' with the big boys?

Adventurer: S a real shame. In my opinion, the fairer sex 'snot worth nothin' if they ain't fair.

Alk: What?! Why I oughta—

Elise: Alk! Drop it.

Elise: And you. Leave. I don't want to draw my gun on Guild grounds.

Adventurer: All right, all right. Can't this crowd take a joke?

Alk: If Nimbus were here, he'd have already kicked that guy's butt into the next world...

Elise: If Nimbus were here, I'd have stopped him too. Now, let's go.

Elise: There's footprints. Child-sized, two sets. Looks like they were running from something.

Alk: You can tell that from footprints?

Elise: Look at the spacing. They were scared and moving fast. I would know. There was a time all I could do was run.

Elise: This scar's a reminder of that time. Proof of my cowardice.

Alk: You're not a coward.

Elise: I understood, even at that young age... If I was "damaged goods," I wouldn't have to dance anymore.

Elise: So I jumped in front of her. I wasn't protecting anybody but myself.

Elise: You hear that? Voices, from over there. Come on!

Alk: I see them! Hey! Are you okay?

Little Girl: Stay away!

Alk: What's wrong? We're here to help you.

Little Girl: I said, STAY AWAY!

Elise: If you don't trust us, you're free to run.

Elise: But if that girl's life means anything to you, DON'T run blindly.

Little Girl: You're not with them?

???: Unfortunately, no.

Little Girl: AHHH—mmph!

Adventurer: Stay right where you are. Or you'll be findin' it hard to bring the kids back in one piece.

Alk: Hey. You're that guy from before!

Elise: So it really was a kidnapping.

Adventurer: Man. Between the kids escapin' and the Guild bein' hot on my trail, things were not goin' my way.

Adventurer: But here's my chance to set everything right again. Think I'll start by crushing two nosy rats.

Elise: Nothing good ever comes of running away.

Adventurer: Huh?

Elise: Just regret. Burnt bridges... But when you run towards something, that's a different story.

Elise: That's why I swore on this scar that I was gonna grow strong—so strong I'd never lose a damn thing again.

Elise: Alk. Watch my back.

Alk: You got it!

Adventurer: What are you—

Alk: Eat this!

Alk: Oh, and just to let you know, Elise is a million times the person you'll ever be!

Elise: You're safe now.

Elise: Let's get you two home.