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Episode 1
The Warrior Elf

An elf named Eleanor is transported to Starview, a village she had only heard about in ancient songs. She joins forces with Light so both can find their way home and defeat the Lord of Shadow.

Eleanor: Melsele! Where are you? Answer me! Melsele!

Eleanor: The Resistance members are gone too... But how does a force that big just disappear?

Eleanor: ...

Monster: Grah?!

Eleanor: Looks like the fiends sent me a few playmates.

Eleanor: It's quiet... Far too quiet for a battlefield.

Eleanor: Where am I?

Eleanor: What?

Eleanor: How...

Eleanor: What did you do to me?! Are you working with the fiends?!

Light: Fiends?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Eleanor: Starview Village? I can't believe it...

Eleanor: That’s one of the Stars Immemorial... El Zand.

Eleanor: Just who are you?

Eleanor: My name is Eleanor. I'm an elf, one of the Beings who Wake Beneath the Stars. I'm sorry I pointed my sword at you.

Light: You were caught unawares in the heat of battle. Anyone would have done the same. ...But you're an elf, you say?

Stella: Do you know of them?

Light: Only what I have heard from myths and children's tales. I did not think them real.

Eleanor: My people have existed since ancient times. We are growers of trees, writers of songs, and when need calls for it, soldiers of war.

Eleanor: Currently, we and a group of humans are working together to bring down the fiends.

Light: What sort of creatures are these fiends?

Eleanor: They have blue skin, red wings, and curved horns. But most of the time we're stuck fighting their pets— sickening beasts called daemons.

Light: Then they are the same fiends I know.

Light: It's as I thought. Ours is not the only realm they have invaded.

Eleanor: ...So the Stars Immemorial are other worlds.

Eleanor: It's said that stars have gotten dimmer and smaller with time.

Eleanor: Only through the Stars Immemorial can we glimpse their formal glory. ...I've heard about El Zand in the songs of the high elves.

Eleanor: They also sang of Starview Village... But I never thought I'd find it on another world.

Light: Stella, what do you know of the elves?

Stella: ...?

Stella: I can't recollect anything...

Eleanor: ...

Light: Eleanor. We find ourselves in similar circumstances.

Light: I too seek a way home, so I may bring the Dark Throne to justice. Will you not join us?

Eleanor: Bring the Dark Throne to justice? ...But you're tiny.

Eleanor: ...Sorry. I was just surprised by your courage.

Eleanor: It would be an honor to join you.

Light: The honor is all ours.

Stella: We're glad to have you with us, Eleanor.

Eleanor: Stay safe, Melsele... I'll find my way back to you, I promise.

Episode 2
Strange Songs

Eleanor tries to get closer to Stella, but is hopelessly bad at conversation. The problem resolves itself when Stella asks Eleanor to teach her elvish songs.

Eleanor: Stella, mind if I ask you a few questions?

Stella: Of course not.

Eleanor: Our songs tell of a sage so wise they could bring peace to any city. Know anything about them?

Stella: I do not.

Eleanor: Never mind then.

Eleanor: ...How did you become Keeper of this village?

Stella: How?

Stella: I've been Keeper as long as I can remember.

Eleanor: I see.

Stella: I'm sorry. I don't know myself very well.

Eleanor: I see.

Alk: Yeesh... They're so awkward...

Alk: Hey. Sorry for dragging you along, Eleanor.

Eleanor: Not at all. Procuring food's an important task.

Alk: You can say that again. Now, let's see... Red mushrooms... Red mushrooms...

Eleanor: Is that all we're having for dinner?

Alk: Huh? I mean, I've got some other stuff lined up, but mushroom's kind of going to be the main ingredient. ...Do you not like mushrooms?

Eleanor: N-no! That's not what I was trying to say.

Eleanor: I have a friend who taught me about herbs and spices, and I was going to offer to bring back whatever you needed...

Eleanor: *sigh* That same friend also used to call me a terrible communicator...

Alk: ...Oh. Is that what all the awkwardness with Stella was about? You were just trying to have a conversation?

Eleanor: Are you... all-seeing?

Alk: That explains so much...

Eleanor: Think that tiny champion will have some good advice?

Alk: Huh?

Light: I've grasped the problem...

Light: But I see no solution.

Eleanor: Gosh... I'm so embarrassed...

Alk: Come on, Champion! You got to give her SOMETHING.

Light: You'd be a far better adviser!

Alk: Yeah, but she's asking YOU!

Eleanor: So Alk's proficient in the art of socializing?

Light: Yes. His cooking has earned the admiration of many.

Eleanor: Cooking? Is cooking the key? ...Then I'm doomed...

Alk: Listen, making friends and bribing people with food are two different things.

Stella: It sounds like you're having fun.

Eleanor: Stella, about what happened earlier—

Stella: Eleanor. I have a favor to ask you.

Eleanor: W-what is it?

Stella: I'd like to hear the songs passed down among your people.

Stella: It might teach me more about myself.

Eleanor: You want me to sing? But I...

Stella: ...Is that a no?

Eleanor: No! Um, I mean, it's a yes. I'd be happy to, Stella.

Stella: Thank you, Eleanor.

Light: All has been resolved.

Alk: No thanks to you. Tiny Champion.

Light: ...

Episode 3

During a battle with a golem, the ground beneath Eleanor collapses. She expresses regret that she is a warrior and not a poet like most of her people, but Stella helps her realize there is beauty in unexpected places.

Alk: ...I think we bit off more than we can chew.

Eleanor: I can take them.

Alk: Wait!

Alk: Awesome...

Alk: But you shouldn't have charged in a—

Alk: ...!


Alk: What's a golem doing here?!

Eleanor: WATCH OUT!

Alk: Whoa!

Eleanor: A mechanical puppet, huh? Hah. Think I'm too old to be playing with—

Eleanor: What?


Stella: I'm going after her.

Alk: Why don't you people WAAAAAIT?!

???: The sun trickles through the leaves...

???: The light of day the night unweaves...

???: Awake, sweet child of stars above...

???: Awake to sing about light and love… Awake, sweet child, awake.

Eleanor: Mm…

Eleanor: Mel?

Eleanor: ...Stella?

Stella: You're awake.

Eleanor: Where are we?

Stella: One of the Kaleidoscope's lower levels. We fell through the floor.

Eleanor: We have to find a way back!

Stella: I would advise against moving. We should wait here for Alk.

Eleanor: ...You're right. Sorry, Stella. I was reckless, and that put all of us in danger...

Eleanor: Earlier... you were singing an elf song.

Stella: Yes. One that you taught me.

Eleanor: You have a beautiful voice.

Stella: I was only imitating a friend. She's a far better singer.

Eleanor: But you were able to sing with feeling… You'd make a far better elf than me.

Stella: ...?

Eleanor: It was in the song. Elves live to sing about light and love.

Eleanor: But I chose the sword over the harp. So my people started calling me Starflame, after the lightning that I fight with.

Eleanor: Lightning splits apart trees and sets fire to forests. An unfortunate name for an elf, but a fitting one for me.

Stella: But lightning is beautiful.

Stella: A thunderstorm once came while we were staying at a Palpebran inn. Everyone was... agitated by the lightning.

Stella: But Alk said he had a lot of fun that night... I did too.

Stella: That's why I like lightning.

Eleanor: I see... Thank you, Stella.

Eleanor: Heh. You have quite a way with words.

Stella: That's sarcasm. Nimbus is also a heavy user.

Alk: Take THIS! ...'Kay, never mind. AHHHH!

Eleanor: Alk!

Alk: Eleanor?! Thank goodness you're safe!

Alk: Hey! Why don't you learn to GET LOST?!

Eleanor: I'm sorry, Alk. This time, we fight together.

Alk: Oh, okay. Cool!

Eleanor: I am the Starflame, Eleanor. It's over, puppet!