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Episode 1
Deep-Sea Espionage

While out on a quest on behalf of the mermaids, Alk and co. comes across a scholar who calls himself Eduardo. Since his ship was destroyed by the kraken, the gang help him back to shore with the help of some mermaids. There, Eduardo explains more about himself and the mysterious curse that he bears. Enticed by the unknown powers Alk and his friends possess, Eduardo asks to join up with them.

Man with Covered Eyes: An air pocket? No need for an oxygen tank this time- I suppose I should consider myself lucky.

Man with Covered Eyes: It's quiet. Too quiet. According to intel, the survey team went off the grid somewhere around here, yet...

Alk: These should be the ruins the mermaids were talking about, right?

Light: Monsters may be lurking nearby. We'd best be cautious.

Man with Covered Eyes: They're definitely not part of the survey team... but they also don't strike me as looters. Who could they be?

Light: Whoever you are, we know you're there. Show yourself! We do not mean you any harm.

Man with Covered Eyes: Lower your weapons. I am merely a nautical archeologist charged with investigating this area.

Eduardo: My name is Eduardo. Who might you be?

Eduardo: I only ask because these ruins are off-limits to the general populace- at least, without a permit from the government.

Light: He seems to be suspicious of us... What should we do?

Alk: Can't we just tell him the truth? Ah, never mind, that wouldn't work...

Light: Exactly. "The mermaids asked us to defeat a monster here" sounds like something you'd make up on the spot. He'll never believe us.

Eduardo: You there, get down!

Eduardo: A military dog tag? So this creature was responsible for the disappearances...

Eduardo: It's stronger than I anticipated!

Light: Strike now, Alk!

Alk: Was that not enough?

Eduardo: No, it was exactly what I needed!

Eduardo: Wait... My ship!

Light: Alk! There's no need to pursue it further- our mission was just to drive it away from the ruins.

Light: Now that it knows this area is not safe, the creature is not likely to return here.

Light: Thank you for your assistance. Are you unharmed?

Eduardo: Yes, but I'm afraid I can't say the same for my ship. Now I won't be able to return to the surface.

Alk: Well, in that case, why not come with us?

Eduardo: Your ship was not damaged?

Alk: Er, we didn't exactly come on a... You know what? It's easier to show you- but promise not to be too surprised, okay?

Alk: Thank you! Have a safe trip back.

Alk: A-anyway, I guess this is where we say goodbye!

Eduardo: Not so fast. What is the meaning of all this? You can communicate with mermaids?! Just what kind of power do you wield?

Eduardo: Actually, you remind me of the Crimson Blades. I heard they've begun to show their faces again for the first time since their sudden disappearance... The government is still after them- with little success.

Eduardo: Their leader was said to be a drifter... Perhaps not unlike all of you.

Eduardo: Just who are you, exactly?

Eduardo: ...My apologies. Considering you just saved me, I ought to be showing you more respect.

Light: We might just as well ask the same of you. You aren't really a mere scholar, are you?

Eduardo: You would be right. I'm a special operative working on behalf of the Gaean government. I mainly handle... highly classified missions.

Light: I see... From that look on your face, I get the sense that part of your mission is personal.

Eduardo: I suppose it's my turn to surprise you.

Light: A curse from the depths?

Eduardo: I merely call it that as a matter of convenience. The truth is, I know next to nothing about the phenomenon.

Eduardo: I've found no explanation, whether magical or alchemical, for its cause.

Eduardo: Please, allow me to accompany you. These powers you bear... I feel they could aid me in my quest to unravel the mysteries of this curse.

Eduardo: I will, of course, endeavor to make this a quid pro quo arrangement. I am an expert when it comes to information, after all.

Eduardo: If you help me with my objective, I will aid you on your journey.

Alk: Which means... you won't rat us out to the Gaean government.

Eduardo: As I said, information is my specialty- both procuring and concealing it. But if that's not enough, I can always offer more.

Eduardo: You mean to say every light up there is its own world?

Eduardo: Then that which bestowed these powers upon me at the bottom of the sea... It, too, must be somewhere up there.

Eduardo: So this is your world... The wind doesn't bear on it the scent of the tide- how novel.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village, Eduardo.

Episode 2
The Boundless Sands

Eduardo notices that every time he uses his power, he sees the image of a particular crest in his mind. Following a lead Nimbus has regarding the mark, the group head to the desert world. Just as they discover a similar, but different mark, Eduardo collapses from exhaustion. When he awakes, he and Nimbus have an interesting conversation that sparks a nostalgic memory for Nimbus.

Alk: Good morning, Eduardo. You're up early. Doing some studying?

Light: The curse of the depths? I see. It's a shame your research hasn't yielded any results thus far.

Eduardo: Indeed. I've pored over every history book I could find, but there was no incidents similar to mine.

Alk: Is that so... Hmm.

Alk: Eduardo, do you mind me asking when you got that power?

Eduardo: Long ago, as I was drowning at the bottom of the sea.

- Eduardo: The vessel I was on was destroyed, and I was sent to a watery grave, sinking ever downwards.

Eduardo: Just then, in the deepest, darkest depths of the sea, I encountered it. Something utterly indescribable...

- Eduardo: When I next woke, I was lying in an infirmary.

Eduardo: By that point, the curse had already overtaken my body.

Alk: What was this... thing you encountered?

Eduardo: I can't remember. Even before I lost consciousness, my vision was blurry at best.

Eduardo: All I know is that every time I use my power, I get visions of this particular mark here.

Nimbus: What are you all doing in the library at the crack of dawn? Huh, that...

Nimbus: I've seen that mark before.

Eduardo: You have?!

Nimbus: Yeah, I have. Someone I once knew had something with a similar mark.

Nimbus: But that was a long time ago. And I can't even say for sure that they're the same.

Eduardo: I don't care. Please tell me where you saw it!

Eduardo: ...There's no end in sight. How far do these sands stretch on?

Eduardo: So this is a desert... I'd read about them, but to see one for yourself is something else.

Nimbus: What're you just standing around for? Did you forget why you came here?

Nimbus: The one Rolan had was a relic from an ancient civilization.

Nimbus: There's a merchant who sells stolen artifacts up this way. I'm thinking that's our best chance at finding it.

Eduardo: I understand. Can you guide me there?

Alk: I hope it's the one you're looking for, Eduardo.

Light: There is a mark engraved in this one. What do you think, Eduardo? Does this match the one you saw?

Eduardo: It bears a resemblance... This geometric pattern... It means "gate."

Eduardo: So the mark exists on different worlds... This has quite the fascinating implications.

Eduardo: Still, though similar, it is undoubtedly a different mark entirely. Sorry to make you go through all this trouble.

Nimbus: Meh. You win some, you lose some. Don't sweat it.

Eduardo: ...Thank you. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting.

Alk: Eduardo?

Eduardo: Nimbus? What happened to me?

Nimbus: You suddenly passed out, that's what. Probably from exhaustion. Have you been sleeping at all?

Eduardo: Ah, I see... I'm sorry to worry you like that.

Nimbus: Alk and the rest went off to buy some stuff in town.

Eduardo: And you didn't go with them? I thought this was your home.

Nimbus: Eh, there's not much to see. Mostly sand. It's also not even really my home.

Nimbus: I ended up in this world when I was a kid. Got stranded in the desert.

Eduardo: I suppose that makes you a drifter, then.

Eduardo: Interesting to see that the phenomenon exists in other worlds as well...

Eduardo: If that's the case, then the possibility that my powers came from another world is quite high...

Eduardo: Pardon me. I have a lot on my mind.

Nimbus: No problem. I'm used to dealing with people who think too much.

Eduardo: I just... I can't stand the idea that I'm being manipulated or controlled by something I don't understand...

Eduardo: I have to find out what it is. To do so, I need to amass more knowledge- no matter what it takes. Do you disapprove of my methods?

Nimbus: I never said that. I mean, do I think you're kind of weird? Sure.

Nimbus: Still, I can understand that. Not knowing pisses you off, so that drives you forward. Reminds me of someone I know.

Nimbus: Those guys are running late. Maybe I should go meet up with 'em.

Nimbus: What are you gonna do? Wait here patiently till we go home?

Eduardo: No. I'll go with you. Investigating is what I do best, after all.

Episode 3
Dead Men Die Twice

Eduardo, alongside Alk and co., is ordered to report back to his captain, the man who raised him. The captain, however, decides that Alk's group knows too much and captures them for questioning. The captain tells Eduardo o return home, but Eduardo refuses the order. Suddenly, the kraken from before attacks, knocking out the captain. Before making his escape, Eduardo bids farewell to the captain, and reaffirms his desire to join Alk and co. on their journey.

Eduardo: That was the last of the luggage we needed to carry in, I believe.

Light: What shall we do now? We could return to Starview, or we could stay here a while longer.

Alk: Well, since we're in a port like this, I figured we might as well get some seafood!

Marine: Eduardo? Is that you? ...It is!

Marine: You're alive! Where have you been all this time?

Marine: You know what? Forget that- the captain is waiting for you!

Alk: Eduardo, who is this captain they're talking about?

Eduardo: That would be my direct superior- a commissioned officer working for the Gaean Navy.

Marine: Come with us.

Alk: This is a military ship, right? Are you sure it's okay for us to board as well?

Marine: We have instructions to allow Eduardo's companions in as well.

Nimbus: Guess it really is all about who you know. Wonder what kind of reception we'll be getting.

Light: I'd like to know that myself...

Gaean Navy Captain: I see. So you were stranded after your research vessel was destroyed...

Gaean Navy Captain: Then, these civilians from the Float rescued you? Is that right?

Eduardo: Yes, sir. That's correct.

Gaean Navy Captain: Well, it seems I've gotten all the information I needed.

Eduardo: Captain, what are you doing?!

Gaean Navy Captain: Bring them all in for interrogation. They may have come in contact with highly confidential government information.

Nimbus: What, we don't get a say in any of this?

Gaean Navy Captain: Don't move, Eduardo.

Gaean Navy Captain: You saw nothing, understand? Go back to the Float and await your next assignment.

Gaean Navy Captain: What's with that glare? Show some gratitude! Who do you think it was that took care of you after your family died in that accident?

Gaean Navy Captain: Go back, Eduardo.

Eduardo: You're right. I do owe a debt to you- and the Gaean government. However...

Eduardo: I'm afraid I can't comply with that order.

Gaean Navy Captain: Is that so?

Gaean Navy Captain: It's treason, then.

Gaean Navy Captain: You know too much, Eduardo. All that's left is for you to die.

Eduardo: Captain...

Gaean Navy Captain: Eduardo died all those years ago in that accident. You were living on borrowed time. It's time to pay it back.

Alk: The kraken from before?!

Eduardo: Why would a creature from the depths come all the way to the surface like this?!

Nimbus: You idiot! Why the hell'd you save him?!

Eduardo: I... can't abandon him like this.

Eduardo: No matter his wrongdoings, he is still the man who raised me.

Eduardo: Did the kraken come in pursuit of me?

Eduardo: Is it seeking revenge for what happened before?

Eduardo: Alk, Nimbus! Create an opening for me- it doesn't matter how short!

Eduardo: Goodbye.

Eduardo: I'm sorry to get you involved in all of this. Shall we return to Starview Village?

Light: Are you sure you're content to do so?

Eduardo: Yes. There's nothing left for me here anymore.

Eduardo: You heard the captain. The Eduardo of this world died a long time ago.

Nimbus: Uh-huh. Then who exactly is the guy standing in front of us right now?

Eduardo: I am merely... one Eduardo. A different one. Nothing more, nothing less.

Eduardo: And it seems I've just regained my freedom- which is to say I'm unemployed. Would you be hiring, by any chance?

Eduardo: I would like to accompany you on your journey. Will you have me?

Alk: Of course we will. Welcome aboard, Eduardo!